The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 06, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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Cfyt iUIUmrc Herald
JOWIN M. BURR Buelnpaa Mgr.
Official newapaper of tha Cltr of
lUUaoro; official newspaper of Box
liU county.
Owned and published by The Burr
II II flAnm I. lllirP Jr..
president; Kdwln M. Burr, Vice I'ra-
aHrritle, 9tMt per year la advaae
Qwflae ef ISO raalaa, S3.0O per year
Entered at the poatofllce at Alliance,
S4at.. for tranamixnlon through the
tnalla aa aerond rlaas matter. Publlahed
Tueadar ana Tinajr.
Hatctncnt of the Ownership, Man
amnMit. Circulation. Utc. IU-
qnlred by the Act of Congress of
August. 21, 1912.
Of The Alliance Herald, published
lwlce a week at Alliance, Nebraska,
for April 1. 1920.
Btate of Nebraska, County of Dox
Butte, :
Defore me, a notary public in and
for the state and county aforesaid,
personally appeared George L. Durr,
Jr., who, having been duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says that
lie is the editor of The Alliance Her
ald, and that the following Is, to the
best of his knowledge and belief, a
true statement of the ownership,
management, etc., of the aforesaid
publication for the date shown in the
Above caption, required by the Act of
August 24, 1912, embodied in section
442, Postal Laws and Regulations,
1. That the names and addresses
of the publisher, editor, managing
editor and business manager are:
Publisher, Burr Printing Com
nnnv. Alliance. MeD.
r ' 1
Editor. George L. Burr, Jr., Al
liance, Neb.
Manaelns editor, none.
Business manager, Edwin M. Burr,
Alliance. Neb.
s That the owners are: (Give
m a t I
names and addresses or inairiauai
owners, or. if a corporation, give its
mm and the names and addresses
nf stockholders owning or holding 1
per cent or more of the total amount
nf trtrlt.)
George 1 Burr, Jr., Alliance, Neb.
Edwin M. Burr, Alliance, Neb.
Aihrt n. MunRon. Alliance, Neb
8. That the known bondholders,
morteaRees. and other security hold
ers owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of total amount of bonds, mort
gages, or other securities are:
Barnhart Bros, ft Bplndler, Oma
ha, Neb.
Western Publishing Company, Al
liance, Neb.
1 That the two paragraphs next
.Kn irfvinr the names of the own
ers, stockholders, and security hold
ers, if any, contain not only tne nst
of stockholders and security holders
as they appear upon the books of the
company, but also, In cases wnere
.tnrkholder or security noiaer
nnneara uDon the books of the com-
- . . . a
. .n.too nr In flnV oilier Li
lian no - -
duclary relation, the name of the
not-ann np mrnnratlon for whom such
trustee Is acting, is given; alBO that
ho aaM two naraKraphs contain
.i.umiinii embracinK affiant s full
irnnu-iailsA and belief as to the cir
...mDionrPi and conditions under
which stockholders and security
holders who do not appear upon the
Kr.v nf the company as trustees,
.ftw and aecurlttes in a capac
Itv nther than that of a bona-fide
owner; and this affiant has no reason
to believe that any other person, as
sociation or corporation has any in
terest direct or indirect in the said
stock, bonds, or other securities than
as so stated by him.
S. That the average number of
copies of each Issue of this publica
tion sold or distributed, through the
malls or otherwise, to paid subscrib
ers during the six months preceding
the date shown above is (this In for
matlon Is required from dally pub
lications only).
GEORGE L. BURR, JR.. Editor.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this first day of April 1920.
(Seal) Notary Public.
My commission expires January
25, 1923.
This caper will support Senator
Good for renomlnatlon, because we
believe he can do the district more
good than any man we could send to
the senate. Chadron Journal. 39
White Trucks
What person at all interested in motor vehicles docs
not class the White highest among the top-notchers ?
White Trucks have established this firm reputation by
Years of Performance
It is the "365-day-a-year" service that you get from
the White that insures your getting
Frank W. Miller
Reo Tracks
The Speedwagon
No greater general utility truck than this Reo Speedwagon
has ever been placed on the market, and the increasing favor
with which it is received the country over, attests to its pop
ularity among all classes of people.
It is a truck for the Farmer, Ranchman, Merchant, Dray
man or Contractor, and will deliver the goods quickly, econom
ically and satisfactorily.
Its in-built Quality gives it that freedom from repair and
op-keep that is so highly prized by the owner or operator. In
other words, it is a twenty-four-hour-a-day truck that is on tho
job every moment of the twenty-four hours, and giving value
received for every dollar invested in its maintenance.
No matter what your work may be, A REO Speedwagon
will fill the bill. It will do the work of the big cumbersome
trucks in the same length of time at a whole lot less, expense,
and will handle the light work more quickly than the cheap
trucks at as small an expense.
Its speed and easy riding qualities make it an ideal car to
side over the country in and forms a combination of work and
general utility that is unequaled in any other machine.
All parts and service right here in Alliance assure the
Speedwagon owner of a home. A truck nowadays without a
home is an orphan indeed. The moral is obvious don't buy
an orphan BUY A REO.
A. H. Jones Co.
Engineer J. Carr and wife spent
Sunday in Denver.
Fireman II. S. Chatfleld and wife
are spending a few days in Denver.
Aubrey Young, . bollermaker s
helner. resigned the last of the
week. We have not heard what he
intends to do.
Emmett Drlscoll, machinist's
helper, resigned Friday and has goni
to Arizona with his father.
Mrs. J. II. ClasBln, wife of Enpin-
eer Jack Classin, has gone to Dun
ning for a few days.
Miss Lulu Sturgeon, who has been
seriously ill for the past three weeks,
Is repbrted as Improving and able .o
sit up at brief intervals.
Machinist Elliot Strand was taken
suddenly ill at the round house Sat
urday, and It was necessary to sum
mon a physician. Mr. Strand was
sent home with Instructions to take
a few days' rest before returning to
J. J. Brecht, machinist's helper,
resigned the last of the week.
Machinist "Carl Hopkins has been
transferred from the air room to the
motor car repair shop.
John Ellis and Frank Hallacy of
the pipe shop are laying off sick.
Frances Stucker, who has been
working in the supply room, has re
signed to accept a better position.
Hostler Frank Lewis and wife ex-
tect to leave soon for a visit at
Maitland, Mo.
Mr. Ward, general air brake In
spector, spent Monday in Alliance.
Road Foreman George Redfern
and Trainmaster Denton left on 44
Monday for Chicago in connection
with company business.
Fireman J. G. Baker went to Ra
venna Monday to do extra work out
of that place.
Engineer A. E. Nelson has-been
assigned to passenger work east out
of Alliance. iJ
Fireman King Robinson has been
assigned to the Ellsworth ''turn
Westbound passenger trains have
been late on account of heavy storms
In the east, snow blocking the pneu
matlc plant at Kansas City.
Machinist Langford of Casper
spent Monday in Alliance, visiting
friends and going through the shops
R. F. Jenkins, bollermaker,
injured this week by having a piece
of copper get into the ball of his left
Boilermaker Joe O Brlen has re
signed and gone to Denver.
Drop Pit Foreman R. E. Drlscoll
and family left Sunday night for
couple of weeks stay in Arixona.
C. O. Davenport, master mechanic
at Sterling, spent Monday in Alliance
on company business.
Engineer Frank Wilson, who has
been on Marsland hill, for some time
has been transferred back to Al
Al Wiker, of 'Alliance, sells
monuments for the Palne-Fishburn
Granite Co. See him for best
prices. 4
' F. M. Knight, unmartled, to F.
Vogel, lot 1, block J, Sheridan addl
tion to lliance, $604.
Norman McCorkle, single, to Gus
Zobel, lot 3, block 6. second County
addition to lliance, $3,000.
Harry P. Coursey and wife to
Noah O. Colerlck, lot 16, block 24
original town of Alliance, $8,000.
Patrick H. Dillon and wife to Noah
O. Colerlck, lot P, subdivision of lot
2, County addition to Alliance, $4
Anna Curtis and husband to I.
Cook, lots 1 and 2, block 11, Wyom
lng addition to Alliance, $6,700.
I. C. Cook and wife to Caroline A
Black, lot 2, block 11. Wyoming ad
ditlon to Alliance, $6,000.
Noah Colerlck and wife to Pat
rick H. Dillon, WH of 34-26-48
Amos H. Halle and wife to Frank
lyn J. Coll, Jr., NW 18-27-49
Irwin H- Myers and wife to Frank
Un J. Coll. Jr., NEK 19-27-60, 810
John O'Keefe and wife to Pilot
Printing Co., SWU 17-26-48, $7
- For Sale -Nine room house.
Best part of town. If oderm. Priced
right and good terms. Bee Nebraska
Land Company. tt
Urls wanted at AllUaoe Steam
Lsvondry. tt
No Mending for Six Months
Dubbelbilt Clothes are made with double thickness of
cloth wherever wear comes double stitching and other dis
tinctive Dubbelbilt features. These make possible the
famous Dubbelbilt guarantee: Six months' wear, without
rip, hole, tear; or suit will be repaired free.
Good style, too. All the popular colors and mixtures.
$14.75 $16.75 $18.75 $20.75 and upwards to $36.75.
7 Raduces Entrgemnt,
Rel tare PraaauraA
L istopa Pain, Kaept H
1, Shoa In
V ohapa II
I OH ttHOu'l roOHAZM
H For Tifad, Aching Faat.
B Weak Ankles fJ'
H and
Are You Looking For-
Foot Comfort?.
Two Graduate Practipedists are in the store at all times to see
that yfcu get real FOOT COMFORT.
Ordinary words are inadequate to express the comfort they have
brought to their patrons.
Many aggravated cases of foot trouble that have been cured
sound unbelievable but they can be proved.
f jStl MBOfflO f ACS
llX1 ForCallouMa,
II -irm Corns and Ten 1
I oar, Enlarged J
Af Joints. A Bin ,
Yl andStwpere
Spring Shapes
In Pumps and Oxfords
Are Arriving Daily
SWWJUl yrfjsj
tm Cnxmr If
(MM ll B t
Alliance Shoe Store
& A. HTT.T.KR, Proprietor