frrrw TTtiwnw trfnitn tTriin 4 V mtut r - aixx AAJiijxvyfi xAJciwyiw, rfwjv,( jV)ji laW. ARTICLE XIV Face Repaired While Vca Walt Among my letters of late are sev eral from women w o ask If there are any 'reliable germatologlsta where facial blemishes can be con retted. ' - ; ' There are. But two-thirds of those who think they need the attention of a detmatologtst can greatly Improve their own appearance by using simple 'ex ternal measures asso- pyrtght by Rlee Feature Service, 1919. t V . , I about the development of dimples. They want to buy a few. Frankly, I Advise everyone not to invest In this commodity, f The price la too great. That la, lev wilt cost you, In regret, far more tharl the pleasure you will derive' from the temporary gratifica tion of your pride In " their ' posses sion. ' The reason is simple. Nobody admires, nor wants to wear, perpet ually a smile that will hot Qome off. ' "The' beauty of a natural dimple is that it appears,' involuntarily and spontaneously, when the face lights elated with proper ' UP witn pleasure. It does nto tn hygiene. Diet and' trude Itself when the face is sad. Any .v j ' i t .I woirtan with a made-whlle-YOu-Wait U1CIUUU ML 1 I T 1 II t I ' must be looked into.!,mP,e ul PPr to be imiling There must be no foods that are heat ing, no fresh plei, jt PPtSOUA ru. e.uuj. u . rcAMt " meat two or three times a day. . Plain food, with plenty of frnit and vegetables are essential. There must be out-door exercise and regular hours of sleep and the skin of the entire body should be thor oughly cleansed at least several times a week, the warm bath to bs followed by a moderately cold spongeing and vigorous drying. If, however, the condition of the rkin'is the result of Impoverished blood or some internal derangement, the best recourse is to a physician. Anyone afflicted with pimples or acne should not try massage. Gentle treatment and southing, surplur oint ments are recommended. .The majority of inquirers for dermatologists labor under a misap prehension. What they really want is Information regarding plastic, or as it Is sometimes called, cosmetic surgery. This , is a part of beauty culture but it comes within the pro vince of only the licensed surgeon. Much has been written and published upon this interesting feature of mod ern surgery. Personally, I have never Investigated it, having had no occasion to undergo reconstruction. But modern methods of transit are coming more and more to be classed as "extra hazardous." One never knows how soon it may be necessary to get a new nose, or have an. ear stitched Into place or a dimple sewed on. I believe in preparedness. 1 If the time ever comes when It is nec essary for me to be repaired, facially, I shall not linger on my way to the beautv reconstruction hospital, nor shall I fear to place myself under the skillo'l hands of the modem beauty surgeons. There are many who are wonderfully skilled in their profes sion. ' ' ' I Did you know that it is a compar atively simple matter to improve a pug nose, that flaring nostrils, a drooping septrura or too much flesh at the end of the nose can be rem edied in such manner that no scar 1s left, that little pain is suffered nor much Inconvenience experienced in the way of temporary absence from usual duties? A nose with a prom inent hump can also be improved by the removal or surplus bone or cartil age. Noses are considered especial ly easy to remodel. r ;f -j ; Ears, too, -can be Improved. They need not flap "n the breeze If you don't like -them that way By re moving just a wee bit of teh cartil age at the back of the ears they can be fastened back with a bandage for a- few days; after which they will be as modest aid a retiring as aayone could wish. ; '. V Wprk about t e mouth is consid ered mode difficult. It requires great care and patience, but any such de formity as a hare-lip, for Instance, should be operated on and can be overcome at almost any time, espe cially in childhood. About three years Is said to be the best age for such an operation. It will heal quicker then and be entirely obliter ated within a short tlme.- v i Several ' women have asked me happily while she stood by the death bed of her nearest and dearest fel atlve. There la a lime and "place for all things. The natural dimple knows Its place. It Is a mark of Joy. When trouble' comes '"that is the time for disappearing. The artificial dimple would remain, like Patience On a monument, "Binding at grief. Sunken, and sagging cheeks r and mouth muscles are best helped by massage.. A good tissue-builder like cocoa-butter should be used and the cheeks pushed upward with cir cular movements. If you do not un derstand ' the' proper movements to use In facial massage you can easily get the Idea from having your face massaged once or twice by a skilled masseuse, after which you can treat your face yourself. Drooping corners of the mouth are treated In the same manner and can best be helped by cultivating a smile. Massage, however, must not be de pended upon alone.' Physical faults that tend to lower the vitality of the body must be corrected. There must be out-door exercise,, phy-tieal culture and proper and regular eating. Any good beauty specialist will advise against the use of cosmetics. Event ually they ruin the texture of the skin and make even a fine-featured face look coarse. . . As to superfluous hair, there are a varltey of methods for its removal, but the only sure way and one which is not only harmless but beneficial is by the use of electricity, All so-called depilatories effect only a temporary removal of the growth. Some women may be shocked when I say that a great many more women than they think for actually use razors, the same as men. Electrolysis, however, makes this unnecessary for - those women who live in cities.' There is a book called "Beauty Culture" that ex plains this treatment very' thor oughly. ' ' It may be a sudden change of sub Ject, but before I close this article I want to answer the queries of a num ber of readers regarding sunburn.- It can be ; prevented. Just the Bweet cream from milk or a prepared cold cream without wax, rubbed on the skin before going out into the sun is the .best possible ,' safeguard. ' Over this a cooling face powder should oe dusted. The brunette powders are best for this purpose and a red or blue veil should be worn.' These col ors will counteract 'the sun's rays. For the removal of summer freckles a simple mixture of peroxide and am monia can be procured ' from any druggist. It is only necessary to use equal quantities of each ingredient in preparing the mixture. - Instead of ammonia some people prefer witch hazel. Others use lemon juice in the same proportion. For freckles that are of long standing a more se vere remedy is necessary. As this Is apt to be poisonous it should not be resorted to except under the direc tion of a physician. FAIRVIEW " Ambrose lladly 1 returned home Wednesday front Hot Springs, S. U., where he Ipent the winter at the old soldiers' hdm. ' ' ' ' Mrs. L. 'A.' Dean returned to her home in Gerlng Sunday, after visit ing several days ' with friends hero. S. W. Luce bought a Case tractor and plows from Henry Rust, with which he Intends to do considerable breaking. - - - '"' " ' . Mrs. J. W. Claussen returned home Monday from the east where she spent a couple of weeks visiting relatives and friends. ' Mrs. William ; Sspden has been spending several days with ' her daughter, Mrs. Ferd Trenkle, whose little son, - Cecil, aged eleven, died Monday night after a few days' ill ness with scarlet fever. ' ! ' Hall Rust, J. T. Lawrence, Arthur and Adrian Hahn were among those who took the eighth grade examina tion in Alliance last week." ' Mrs. Fred Nason has been quite ill for the pact few days, but is gut ting better at this time. County Superintendent Opal Rus sell was visiting the schools in this neighborhood Wednesday. Myree Kro' n went to town Tues day to accept position at the Herald office. - - 'Mrs. William Nye spent Wednes day with Mrs. Charles Trenkle. .; Evan Lewis sold his quarter sec tion of land to Acheson Bros., for which h received (50 per acre. 1 S. B. Libby and wife of Weiser, Idaho, arrived here Wednesday for a visit : with tehir brother-in-law, Grandpa Nason. Mr. Libbe was an old settler here, having filed on a homestead nearly thirty-five years ago, and was at one time coun'.y treasurer of Box Butte county. Rev. Mr. Baker, district superin tendent, will hold services at tbj Falrview church Sunday morning, April 3; Everybody welcome. Beauty may be only skin deep, but the Impression it makes extends much deeper. ; i ; , ZEDA-LEE Saves One Broom ' I TlERE are many ways l by which a person can econoanize. Little ways with lit lie article of the everyd verjf (Comjtpott kind. In the home; for instance the housewife can save on such mi item as a broom. She fully realizes that if she uses a ZEDA-LEE. With" the NEW STYLE LEE BROOM she can cut the sewing after the straw has worn well up, then with the threads removed she still has a flexible broom, good for almost again as much sweeping. The fibre shield protects tbeekouliler against breaking. Underneath this shield the patented construction keeps the broom corn in a firm position, and pointed down in a natural way. This is an exclusive feature of the ZEDA-LEE It saves one broom, and makes the NEW STYLE. ZEDA-LEE a double service broom. Choose a ZEDA-LEE. Sweep with one and find out why thousands of users feel justifVed in having selected it for permanency ja their Lot oca and stores. 4 .1 j. i LEE BROOM It DUSTER COMPANY Boston, Mass. Lincoln, Nebr. Dsvonpoft, la. I.B t and htshMtHratMl ImUpntUnt broom minm f cturuif rhlniimnt in th ualxrw, Kndi"1 Ls I BROOMS' J. W. Good has decided to run again for State Senator for the Twenty-eighth Senatorial district Mr. Good is well known here, and he is running on his record. He is a of sterling Integrity and sound business capacity, and it will be well for this senatorial district to keep him in his present office. His record is an open book and needs no com mendation from us. Rushville Re corder. - 1 ' J9 . " 1 c&:tttpt-':i . i i A Nebraskari fecj in War A Nebraskan can lead q in Peace And Nebraska decides! L JOHN J. PERSHING ' for PRESIDENT1 FROM THM CLASSIFIED. Wanted House in country by a couple with no children until " Oc tober. For Sale Two highly bred cats. At home evenings. ' Wanted Man to do work In dog kennel I $12 a week; sleep in or out. For Sale About 100 year old chickens. FUTURE BUSINESS. On a big flat-faced ock' along a railway line that "wends Its pictur esque way through the Rockies, a Colorado evangelist painted ' the question: 1 1 ' v : "What will you do when you die?" Another advertising gazook came along and painted underneath the question "Use: Delta Oil; good for burns." Corvallis' Times. KTEBRASKANS! SUvnnr,nW.i 7 7r Let the world know where you stand.' Are you going to join with California in putting that state s favorite son across? , r . - - - . , . Are yu going to play "second fiddle to New Hamp-' fj!re. J?y helping that state make a New Hampshire man President? 1 ! v i, Or, are you going to join with other Nebraskans in giving your own Favorite Son the biggest majority a can didate ever received? ' ' - ' New Hampshire has Wood; California has Johnson; NEBRASKA HAS PERSHING. ' ' J " If any other state had Pershing, would you expect it to give him less than its unanimous support? ' NEBRASKA MUST NOT BE FOUND WANTING. rershing would not accept the nomination from pro fessional poitcians. " He will accept it when it comes to him from the people of Nebraska.' ' ' '" ' ; j n . The nation has weighed the other candidates and, it waits. Its tyes are on Nebraska. Let Nebraska nomi nate Pershing, and the rest of the United States will elect him by the biggest majority ever given a Presidential can didate. Rii VM-" ' ; Do your part as a Nebraskan and an American 1 vao to tne poiis on oru Uth and ypte tor of Nebraska for President Nottt This advsrtlssmsnt psld for by ths subscription f Ntbrsika citizens. A J 41l.-'.-i.':,j.. - j. -t . ..:...,.) i, v Jn! V . ,. n t - ; Pershing i 3 V'OU don't have to pay tle present high X' prices foryour jams, jellies and preserves nor the high price for store candy.' ,rM A ' Use Karo the Great American Sweet for every purpose. Karo is another word for economy.' ' ' Many women have learned, that Blue Label Karo is not only a delicious Spread for pancakes, fut will sweeten-their food at much 'less 'cost thaneaf, ancl make the most wnoiesome xiome-made Uandr; r Stewed fruits, candied sweet rvtatoM brown bread, muffins, coffee cake. nuHHino- hundreds of foods are now prepared by the best cooks with Karo. 4 NOTE: Your grocer is selling Bluo Label Karo by the dozen can the best and Cheapest way to buy it. Ask him the price. i ' CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY 17 Stttsr? FIm tisw York I 3r " IV 'W V ' . J I I I I r ninb I tv-ii:.. '"'(. ''.i-'-. ; w..