1 i! ii ?. ii .-i ii - J ;! EIGHT THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, ApRIL 2, 1920 Random Shots western Nebraska, pome forty jrea's kko: The other morning in a barn near Norristown, Pa., the hired man and two of the farmer's sons were com- netlnK arduously with rach other on the barn floor to ascertain who couia put one of hla heels around hla neck. The nova said they had Been a man In a circus put both heels around hi Strange, indeed, If they could not get one around. So they heaved and strained and the . 1 ,..! ,, .train oil tn -n v.. iKa .iu.ik m. nirf" " ' I u.. nii.h ih. 1-mlA d Id they this week, announced that he la not "" " ' " " " .,.,,," Doug and Mary are married. Anil iha rnnitnMnr nf this mlvum la one of the few folks who will not " ftt nce "I told you so." ajr: a candidate. Yet there bo blind mortals who cay that the world is not growing better. know that the hired girl was watch- InK the performance with breathless Interest throught a knot hole in tne barn. A few hours later the hired girl waa missing. After yelling for her a doien times with no responbe . aonrrh was instituted. She was not in the house, neither was Bhe in the barn. The searching rarty re paired to the milk house. There was the hired girl prostrate on the floor Sniff at Latin all you like those with both heels around her neck and 'Evltlffdence" is a brand new one.. So, for that matter, Is "appropoa." This time the op. wasn't guilty. who have dabbled In It are apared a number of amusing errors. utterly unable to get them loose, bhe said she would have died before call ing for help. Ignorance Is hard to conceal. Words may have been aiven ua to eonceal thought, but too many of 9,nB the circulation "map Today's Meat Story An Alliance business man was dls-l got them sometimes reveal Its absence. Some day we're going U nothing but epigrams. - write out by the publisher of the s. w. up the street. He was referring to the multitude of little dots, each one supposedly a subscriber. "Some little Bcheme," said he. "Just wait till AMONG THE "PERSONALS" 1 8prlng time, ana an ne 11 nave 10 ao Wanted Man with half Bint of I will be to put it In the window and ermouth wants to meet mate with! the Hies will double his circulation half pint of gin. Object oocklaU. In two hours." A heavy gentleman lost ne of his rubbers at one of those little takes at the crosswalks along Doc Dutte avenue the other day and spent twen ty minutes fishing for It. "" a" Can you beat It? In that time he recovered handbags, a plug of chewing tobacco, a package of soda crackers and three sets of false teeth. And now comes a brother living on Missouri, between urtii ana Sixth, who says there's another error in the makeup of The Map. "Have- two I n't bit for nearly a year," he says. Who was It that said: "Sample copies give scattered results." The chamber of commerce plans to sell concessions for this attraction during the race meet it the rains keep up. Can't you imagine the newsdealers and newsboys taking the names of those who buy papers? WHERE IS THIS PLACE? Los Angeles. Look what $40 will buy. This ad appeared in a niornln? paper: "For Rent Nice apartment In Wilshlre district, completely fur nished with lady, $40." Bk. They must have done It, though, for The Map gives accurate (?) lo cations. Bhe Got There Here's a humorous gcru front one of the first newspapers published la If some folks would only confine their foolishness to the first of April. For Sale Nine room house. Best part of town. Modern. Priced right and good terms. See Nebraska Land Compan. tf 1 "What Sorgis ihis? UJifip HOW often do you hear melodies that are familiar, and yet you do not know what they are! Wouldn't it be fine to have in your home a Manualo, "the )laycr-piano that is all but human?" Then you auid your amily could play and sing all the favorite songs, old and new. You would enjoy the Manualo especially because it is built by Baldwin. cA c?Jnm Ant .Cbmrfe ZW . PIANOS and JPIAYER PIANOS There are many things that have helped make Baldwin-built Pianos the standard the country over. First, is the policy of producing only high-grade instruments. Second, the two completely equipped factory groups and experienced organizations of piano builders in Cincinnati and Chicago. Third, the tremendous demand for the instruments which enable Baldwin to buy the choicest materials at the lowest prices. Fourth, the celling method which eliminates jobbers' and wholesalers' profits. The Baldwin line includes the Baldwin, Ellington, Hamilton and Howard Pianos aud the Manualo, "the player-piano that is all but human." Come in, ktar anJtry cAem. MANN MUSIC & ART CO. "When good fellows get together, I'm right there" "-Chesterfield nPHB most companionable bunch of tobaccos ever rolled into a cigarette sillcy, aromatic Turkish, and fine, full-flavored Domestic, expertly chosen and expertly blended. ' That's Chester field. And they sure do "tatisfyl" PRIZE Here Are The WINNER AND THEIR REASONS In the Melick & Redmon Tractor Contest Several weeks ago wo instituted a contest for the boys and girls of Box Butte County in which liberal cash prizes were given for the five host answers to the question: "Why should my Father, Brother or Neighbor Buy the E-B Tractor or Three-Bottom Plow? 9 9 A great many replies were made and from among the number the three disinterested judges selected the following answers as the best of those submitted. Here are the winners with their answers in full. Read them over weigh what has been said and do not overlook the truth and force of the point brought out by them. FIRST PRIZE Won by Patrick Sherlock, 14 years old, who lives with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock, 7 miles west of Alliance. ' c 1 ' , f v t". , r ' r i y Alliance, Nebr., Feb. 22, 1920. Dear Sir: x My five best reasons why my father and brother should buy an Emerson Tractor First Reason Is Because they have repairs of all kinds for the Emerson Tractor in Alliance. Second Reason Is The Emerson is all inclosed, dust proof. All main parts run in oil and grease cups are easy to get at. Third Reason Is You can plow, plant, cultivate and dig your potatoes with the Emerson Tractor, because width of the wheels are just right. Fourth Reason Is Because any boy or girl can run the Emerson Tractor, because it is easy handled and controlled. Fifth Reason Is You are sitting up out of the dust where you can see the land side of your tractor. Age 14. PATRICK SHERLOCK. SECOND PRIZE Won Hemingford. by Glen Wiltsey, of THIRD PRIZE Carlton W. Taylor, Long Lake, Nebr., age 17. Hemingford, Nebr., Feb. 23, 1920. Messrs. Melick & Redmon, Alliance, Nebr. Gentlemen: After a careful consideration of the merits of the E. B. tractor and the Grand Detour 3-bottom plow, I give these five reasons why anyone thinking of buying a tractor and plow should invest in this outfit: 1 J3est materials used in construction throughout. 2 Service: Systematized service. sta tion that insures prompt filling of orders for repair parts and avoids loss of time. 3 Simplicity: No complicated parts to be always giving bother to the inex perienced operator. 4 Dependability: A thoroughly reli able machine that can be relied on in times of emergency. 5 Durability : With reasonable care it is good for years of hard work. GLEN WILTSEY. Hemingford, Nebr. Long Lake, Nebr., Feb. 20, 1920. Dear Sirs: . Reasons why a farmer should buy an E. B. tractor and a Grand Detour three bottom plow : 1 I think a farmer with 80 acres or more under cultivation should have an E. B. tractor, as it will save horses, and do more work in a given time at less expense and with less men. 2 An E. B. Tractor will do any work in the field that horses can do; you can plow, harrow, plant, cultivate, and dig potatoes because it will travel between the rows. 3 -A farmer ought to buy an E. B. tractor because he can break up a field, plant and raise a crop of corn that would pay for the breaking, with horses it would take all summer and be too late to plant. A The farmer ought to buy an E. B. tractor because it can shell your corn, grind your feed, cut your hay and other jobs too numerous to mention. CALTON W. TAYLOR. Long Lake, Nebr. Study the Answers If you are interested in the Tractor proposition it will be well worth your time to study the answers submitted by the contestants. They have obtained their material from family discussions, actual performance of E. B. Tractors and tractor literature. What they say has real meat for the man -who considers the advisability of investing in a tractor. WE WILL BE GLAD TO ADD ANY INFORMATION DESIRED CONCERNED THE PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY RECORDS OF THE E B. TRACTOR MELICK & REDMON Aliiiance, The Live Wire Tractor Men Hemingford