V V r i i TIIB ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, AfRIL 2, 1920. SRVEM RAILROAD NOTES E. R. Funk, the expert stoker man who has been spending the last few days In Alliance looking over Cur stoker engines, left today on No. 43 for Sheridan, Wyo. . The Marsland, Ardmore and Edge tnont helpers were pulled off this week on account of the tide of busi ness being west bound. Engineer Tlllrtt was assigned the west end passenger run Thursday. Engineer Mack Wade was as signed Nob. 39 and 40 on the east end yesterday. J. D. Irwin was reported on I he Sick list Thursday. Engineer Bremer and Flremau Meldell went to Edgemont this wee to take a new switch engine turn Which is being put on. Another crew is being added to the freight pool east of Alliance and another crew for the freight pool li being, put on between Seneca and Ravenna, on account of the increase in business. Machinist's Helper Nelson re signed his position at the shops yes terday. He will take up a home stead near Newcastle, Wyo. Seems like a lot of hard working men are going to the sticks for a rest. They'll find that the rest don't come so easy when they get there. Machinist Ed McNulty, who was reported ill last week, is able to be tip and about today. He is very weak, however, and will not be able to return to work this week. George Davis found that a driving box was too heavy for one man to lift. He is home now with a sprained back and probably will not be able to work for a few days. The injury In not serious and will not leave the lasting results that usually come with a sprained back. Conductor Johnston from Ravenna reported in Alliance for work yes terday. M. M. Martin is confined to his home with the smallpox. Conductor F. A. Mitchell reported back to work after spending two weeks visiting in Ravenna. Who said Machinist Howe was a drill press operator? Engineer Sternourg Is taking out Engineer Wltham's turn on train No. 109. A. A. Cooke of Crawford accepted a position in Wakely's office this morning. Mrs. Cooke is taking a trip to Denver to visit with friends there. Mrs. M. E. Listen left Wednesday for Hot Springs, S. D. where she will stay for an indefinite period. R. L. Tipple, baggage man at Al liance, went to Casper, Wyo., Satur day to make a visit with some rel atives there. E. L. Weldin, warehouse man at Antloch, was in Gillette for a few days on business. II. I Arrison of the freight house went to Crawford Tuesday on per sonal business. Operator Pearl Meti of Belmont is off with the grippe. She is being relieved by G. C. Hobson. C. D. Williams returned Sunday from Cape Girardeau, Mo., where r.e was called three weeks ago on ac count of illness in his home. He re ports that everyone Is doing nicely. The mother of Machinist's Helper Connie O'Brien died last night or early this morning. She has had a lingering illness from which there was little hope of recovery. Sn leaves many friends and relatives to mour her death. The boy at the machine shop are buying a beautiful floral wreath to send to the funeral, the time for which has not been st. Henry Heinz and wife left last night for Kansas City, Mo., to visit with their friends and relatl7cs at that place. They expect to be gone for some time. Frank Ellis of the pipe shop wes laying off sick the first of the week. Walter Colling went to Seneca for a few days In connection with his new duties as foreman at that place. Boilermaker H. W. Thurston and wire are going to Billings, Mont, for a visit in the near future. Mrs. R. E. Munger and son, Ver non, went to Edgemont the first of the week for a few days stay. Harry Beard, former labor fore man, has come back to work this time in the boiler shop. Harry can not stay way from the railroad. Charles Wheeler, pipe fitter, and wife will leave soon for a visit in Omaha. Henry Taylor of the tank gang Is reported laying off sick. Ed Hart, bollermaker's helper, re signed this week and will leave for his home in the eastern par of the state. Ed Doran and Clay Sayre of the drop pit are laying oil on account of illness. Frank Hart left Tuesday to take up his new duties as boiler foreman at Greybull, Wyo. Machinist R. E. Rednall of the drop pit is laying off for a few days on account of an injury to his eyes. N. A. Colerick, bollermaker's helper, has resigned and will go to Newcastle, Wyo. Machinist G. J. Woody, who re signed last week, left Thursday eve ning for rhoenlx, Arte., where he will make his new home. Mrs. Woody and the children expect to spend a week or so visiting with relatives at Harrison, Neb., before going to Phoenix. BABY ALLIGATORS WINDOW DISriiAY Box Butte County Conference Interchurch World Movement Christian Church, Alliance, Neb. Monday, April 5th, 10 a. m. Find out what it is all about. 30 Cooperating Denominations 30 Two baby alligators played in one of the display windows at the New berry Hardware company Wednes day. The animals (we don t think they can rightly be classed among the fiBh; note by op.: how about the Amphlbs.?) came by express from New Orleans, and are the property of Harry DuBuque, to whom they were sent by H. A. Johnson. Herald Want Ads at lc a word pay big returns on the investment. 112 Millions used Izlz'c year to KILL COLDS ILL'S CASCARA IV n In I) BrJPQUININE AEUnotf mm d remedy for 20 y.ar ; ijn.i afe, turc, no jreaki up cold in 24 ours relieves grip in a 0y. oney bc if it fails. The C-nuine bos ha Red with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Rng Store 7 r i vWh a . o m . i K V lis THE BIG BUSINESS OF FARMING In the Lower Rio Grande Una been cspecinlly attractive to hundreds of Northern Farmers, who have been delisted with the wonderful fertility which permits the raising of various crops at just the season when the north lacks them. Many have received the price of the land from the initial crop. SEE IT YOURSEir Hcforc you buy, sec the land yourself, and bo convinced. Expenses will be partly paid by W. E. Stewart Land Co. 704 SCARRITT BLDQ., KANSAS CITY, MO. WESTERN AGENT Vf BllTllS ' ALLIANCE, NEBR. HIDES and FURS Wc want to keep hammering on tho same idea that wc have been trying to convey in formed ads. Hides and Furs are worth very good prices this year and we want you to make a special effort to bring them in. We Pay Highest Market Price The Alliance Hide & Fur Company are prepared to give you the highest market price for all your Hides and Furs. We are equipped to handlo all your wants in this line, whether it be buying or a special job of tanning. Alliance Hide & Fur Co. PHONE 222 311 LARAMIE Sati may is Era of Bi Votes IN THE ALLIANCE HERALD'S PRIZE VND AUTO CAMPAIGN Second Prize FREE TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Third Prize $50.00 IN GOLD April 3 marks the end of the "first period" of the campaign. Never again after that time, will it be possible to get as many votes for subscriptions. Vote Schedule Will be Reduced as Shows Below April 3 Here Is the number of votes given And here is the number of votes for. subscriptions up to and includ- -my . mt given for subscriptions from April 4 ing Saturday, April 8: JNOte 1 tie to April 17 inclusive: Price Allowed DifferCnCG IMce Allowed 1 year $ 2.50 1,500 1 year $ 2.50 1,000 a years 5.00 8,000 iSfj 2 years 8.00 6,000 8 years 7.50 12,500 4. 1 W ) 8 years 7.50 10.000 4 years 10.00 17,000 1 f' 4 years . 10.00 15,000 5 years 12.50 25,000 5 years 12.50 2O.00O ; $300 IN GOLD Reserved as 20 Commission BRAND NEW 1920 Model Six-Cylinder Reo Touring Car Worth $i985.00 GRAND CAPITAL PRIZB Purchased from A. XL Jones Co. Now or Never FIVE REASONS WHY 1. Vote Schedule will be reduced Saturday night 2. Yon lose about 30 of the voting value of subscriptions after April 8. 3. Effort now is worth more than all the regrets in the world after the race has been lost r 4. Every contestant will make a determined effort to win this week. Failure to do likewise means certain defeat 5. The winner will doubtless be the one who makes the best record Saturday. PRIZES 1. Reo Six Touring Oar. 2. ' Trip to California. 3. $50.00 in oGld. 4. $30.00 Gold Watch. 5. $29.00 Gold Watch. 6. Eastman Kodak. 7. Ansco Camera. 8. Gold Pendant T,