TEN THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1920. OOOD RIKOLUTIOXS FOH ItOTM AKD MICN The following resolution were adopted by the older boys' confer enee held at Chadron, under the auspices of the Nebraska alate com mute eof the Young Men's Christian association of Nebraska: The older boys of western Nebras ka and southwestern South Dakota In a Joint conference at Chadron, Neb.. March 26, 27 and 28, 1920, resolve: That with the help of Inspiration receive at the above conference we will clean up our own fives. That we will avail ourselves of the opportunities which are possible through a Hl-Y program. That we will adopt without reser vation the single standard of morals. That our relationship wlthlndlvld ual girls of our community be kept on the bails of real comradshl'p. That we urge our boards of educa tion to select Christian teachers In order that the students may be en roll rvped to carry out the slogan to create, maintain, and extend high standards of Christian character throughout the school and communities. That we shall endeavor to promote social activities that shall raise the moral standard of our communities. That we will ask the girls of our communities to co-operate with us In carrying out the above resolutions. That we urge the churches of our communities to put Into their pro gram the things that will challenge In2000 Counties This Month The Forces of the Church of Christ Will Gather To Face the Facts IN 2000 counties in the United States the pastors and laymen of 30 great denominations will meet in conference this month. It is the kind of conference that generals hold before a critical engagement; that business men hold before entering a new market. A conference of judgment, not emotion; a clear-eyed facing of the facts. A Survey that Business Men Must Admire For more than a year hundreds of workers have been quietly engaged in making a scientific survey of the mission fields, and of America county by county. The facts developed are startling. No such picture of America's religious situation has ever before been drawn. On the basis of these surveys thirty Protestant de nominations are uniting in a Nation Wide Cooperative Campaign Each of the thirty denominations has its own "For ward Movement" organized and officered. The Interchurch World Movement is the clearing house for all of these. It is the agency which the churches have created to avoid duplication, to foster cooperation and make sure that every man and dollar render the utmost service possible. The month of April will be devoted to making the facts of the survey known to America; in the week of April 25th -May 2nd, will come a united simultaneous financial campaign. Whether You Are Inside the Church or Out To every man and every woman who loves his country, these 2000 county conferences are vitally important. For the facts developed by this great survey show vividly what forces are at work in America and what kind of country this country is to be. See that the pastor of your church appoints delegates. Any pastor can tell you the con ference place and date. Or write direct to the Interchurch WOKID MOVEMENT 4J WEST 18th STREET, NEW YORK CITY Th publication of thia advartiaament i made poaaibla through the cooperation of 30 denomination: WI help take the tire out of tire trouble" Chesterfield LIGHT up! Attaboy! Even ' the toughest job seems easier if you can "draw" on Chesterfield. Those fine Turkish and Domestic tobaccos and that can't be copied Chesterfield blend "satisfy" as no other blend of tobaccos ever did before the beet In boy life. That we will back up the church and all Christian organizations pro moting work with boys. That we express our thanks to those who hare addressed us and those who have set up this splendid conference, to the citizens of Chad ron who so royally entertained us In their homes, to the local" W. M. C. A. for thdr co-operation, to the Com munity club for the automobile ride, to the state normal for the many ways It has contributed in making the conference such a wonderful success. Signed: Resolution Committee: Ellis McCubbin, Scottsbluff (chair man); Leslie Curtis, Rapid City, S. D.; Leonard Faul, Gordon, Neb.; Vern Darker, Hot Springs, S. D. ; Con Klngrey, Oering, Neb.; Mervln Dodd, Mitchell, Neb.; Paul Johnson. Rapid City, S. D. ; A. W. Meens, Scottsbluff, Neb. IIOMH KKHVICK HUIIKAU HLTOIVf Von MARCH, 1920 Number families served 126 Number given Information only.. 16 Number new cases 34 Number old cases 91 Number records filed back 93 Number held for future work 31 Total number services given.... 31 Itemized Service Given Letters written for clients 109 Investigations made . 29 Meals given 11 Telegrams sent for relief pur visits made . !!T!T!!!T!!T!!!!!!T!!TT!.... 1. Loans given . 1 Room over night 6 Dental care claims received I Vocational training claims 4 Home for children found 1 Compensation claims received .... 2 Compensation claims sent out ....16 Certified copies of discharges .... 30 Insurance aid given 9 Loans repaid 4 Retainers pay received 1 Liberty bonds claims ........ 2 Clothing claims 4 Victory buttons '. . 4 Located men 2 Bonus claims 3 Travel pay claims 20 Affidavits made IB Travel pay received . 3 Grants given 1 Medical aid secured S Legal aid secured 1 Homestead claims " 6 Family aid given 1 Reinstatement insurance 2 Back pay claims 2 Copy of marriage license 1 Surgical treatment secured 1 Total 31 justlilnewl SLANDEH r Counsel "Was the prisoner soberT" Witness "No, sir; he was drunk as a judge." The Judge "You mean drunk as a lord!" Witness "Yes, my lord" Lon don Tit-Bits. It pays to advertise in The Herald. HOW OFTEN we have heard such an exclamation frorn our customers when they see the result of the Dry Cleaning and Pressing we give their garments! You will say it, too, when you see the work you ask us to do for you. We remove the dirt every spot and restore to your garments their original freshness. Then we press them. Our equipment is the best that we can buy. It pro duces perfect work. You have a 6uit we can make like new. When shall we call 1 Keep-U-Neat PHONE 183 PUBLIC ALE of Thorobred Cattle I will sell at Public Auction the finest herd i animals you can possibly buy anywhere. no Head Registered Shorthorns and Herefords -U- 10 NEB AT ANSLEY, WED. APRIL 7, 1920 Consisting of 70 YOUNG BULLS 70 All choice young bulls that cannot be equaled. 40 Head Heifers 40 These are all two or three year old heifers, some with calves at foot. Dont miss, this sale if you want a Bull with quality and breeding Write for Catalog B. J. TIERNEY ANSLEY, NEBRASKA