The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 30, 1920, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Qljs iVlltmtrc Urrald
GEORGE L. DURR, JR ...Editor
EDWIN M. BURR Business Mgr.
Official newspaper of the Citr of
Alliance; official newspaper of Dox
SatU County.
Owned and published by the Burr
Printing Company, George I Burr,
Jr.. President; Edwin M. Burr, Vice
0abcrlptlon 92.50 year, In advance
, Outside of 150-mile radius, 93.00
Entered at the postofflce at Alli
ance, Neb., for transmission through
the malls as second class matter.
Published Tuesday and Friday.
Census officials are said to be ex
eeedlngly puttied over the tremen
dons Increase in population in Scotts-
Jbluff In the past ten years. ' In 1910,
the figure was 1,746, and the recent
returns total 6,912, an Increase of
nearly 296 per cent. The develop
ment of irrigation and the beet sugar
industry were the explanations that
frere given. But Scottsbluff is due
for a sad awakening. They have
fceen talking ten thousand popula
tion ever since the census takers got
Jbusy, and It's difficult to come down
three thousand and still maintain the
proper dignity.
Last week it was General Pershing
frho declared that he was not seek
lng the nomination for the presiden
cy, but that it was "an honor no man
could refuse." A week previous it
ras Colonel Bryan who isiiued a per
sonal word, which, duly interpreted,
meant the same thing that he
rould run if the opportunity offered.
Kow Pa's Son-in-law, Mr. McAdoo,
aays the same thing. Only two men
were big enough to come out and
Mk for the place Senator Polndex
ter and Robert G. Ross, the Lexing
ton, Neb., livery stable keeper. The
senator is a republican; Robs is
Willing to run on any ticket that will
nominate him.
There are two men whom the
world persistently misunderstood.
Dr. Osier, a physician of more than
.ordinary ability, was given a life
Jong notoriety by a sleepy reporter
Who misquoted him as Baying that
men and women should be chloro
formed after reaching a certain age.
.He never said it. or anything like it,
but the wrong Impression could not
be corrected. Darwin's life-long re
searches in plant and animal evolu
tion have been of inestimable value
lo the world of science, but for years
men some of them men of intellect
have believed and said that Dar
winism taught the non-existence of
God. There's nothing irreconcilable
between the theories of Darwin and
the Bible- but fixed notions are bard
to eradicate. We need more speak
ers who think first
Denver may have a visit from
Richard Lee, the champion of clean
advertising. Lee has 'just won a
notable victory over the Pan Motor
company which resulted In the con
viction of the head of the concern.
All over the country Ad clubs are
taking up the fight, on the theory,
as one newspaper expresses it, that
the value of advertising lies in the
confidence of the readers, and that
anything that tends to destroy that
confidence is a blow to the medium
through which the advertising
reaches the public. In several east
ern cities, there are a number of
large concerns which have published
corrections of misstatements or ex
aggerations that have appeared in
their store publicity, and a mighty
wholesome Influence Is spreading. In
Nebraska, thanks to the efforts of
Secretary Buck of the state press
association, there is a movement to
line up a list of newspapers who will
furnish sworn statementa of circula
tion to prospective advertisers, not
only guaranteeing their figures, but
keeping their books open to anyone
wishing to verify them. In days
when advertisers weren't willing to
pay what publicity was worth, there
may have been some Justification for
the smaller newspapers being a trifle
over-enthusiastic, but with condi
tions as they are now, the publisher
who falls to "come clean" Is an or
dinary chump. The erald expects to
be on the list of "Blue Ribbon" Ne
braska newspapers, and if the time
ever comes when we cannot make a
decent living without selling some
thing we do not possess, we're going
Into some other business.
How many ex-soldiers or sailors
do you know who are without a JobT
How many of your friends and ac
quaintances who saw service with
Uncle Sam aren't doing as well or
better than they did before the war,
so far as salary and general pros
pects are concerned T We hear a
whole lot, these days that the bon is
is being urged, of men who have
been displaced, but doesn't it usual
ly turn out that the fellow lived 'n
the next town, or another county, or
a neighboring state. One Alliance
man, whose son served with the col
ors, went over the list of the A1M
ance boys, and every man who re
turned Is In as good or better shape
than he was before the big draft. Of
course, there Is some unemployment,
but it is not confined to those who
were on the firing line. The Herald
editor gave up a good job when he
went Into the service it was so god
a job that It could almost have been
dignified by calling It a position
and It wasn't open when he returned.
But at least six better jobs were.
We don't know of a single budJy
who wants a job and can't find
something to do. If there Is one, wo
hope he speaks up.
There's a recruiting party in Al
liance today, and an effort Is being
made to induce young men to try a
short hitch In Uncle Sam's service.
Almost all of us. when we got "the
papers," remarked emphatically,
"Nimmermebr." "Jamais encore."
"Never again," or "H 1, no'" but
don't the prospectus have a nlee
sound T Only one year, boy, only
one year. Chance to get to Hono
lulu, the Phipplnes, France, China
all the places we wanted to go when
the war was on. Opportunity to learn
almost anything we want, from fir
ing one of those Brownings to play
ing the clarinet. Almost makes us
forget the early morning reveille.
There's nothing that can beat it if
the recruit Isn't too old to enter into
the spirit of the game. If you know
of a lad who Isn't doing himself Jus
tice where he Is, call the army to
his attention this week. " He mav
make a good soldier, and he'll be a
better citizen for a year with the
Kenneth Mohrman, who has given
faithful service as machinist In the
Alliance shops for several years, ex
pects to spend Easter with his
mother and sister in Nebraska City.
H. C. Funk, expert stoker man, of
Pittsburgh, Pa., spent Friday In Al
liance looking over the stoker on
engine D283.
Miss Lulu Sturgeon is still quite
111 and it will probably be some time
before she is able to resume her
duties in the car department.
Mrs. L. P. Dickenson and daugh
ter, Lucille, went to Hemlngford last
Saturday to spend a few days visit
ing relatives.
The Alliance shops were put to
working nine hours again this week
on account of an increase in busi
ness. Frank Hart, who has been boiler
inspector at Alliance for several
years, has been appointed boiler
foreman at Greybull, Wyo., and ex
pects to move his family to that
place In the near future.
FOR RENT Light housekeeping
room for rent. Phone 367. 35
; of the
Interchurch World Movement
The Box Butte County Conference of the Inter-Church World Movement Will Be Held at
Alliance, Neb., April 5th, at the Christian
Church, beginning at 10 a. m.
The Inter-Church World movement is a comprehensive program of co-operation of
thirty of the great Protestant Denominations in this country, for the advancement of the
cause of Christ in this hour of opportunity.
The thirty denominations that are officially Included in the campaign budget are: Advent Chris
tian Church, Northern Baptist Convention, National Baptist Convention, General Baptists, Church of
tbe Brethren, Brethren Church, Christian Church, Congregational Churches, Disciples of Christ, Evan
gelical Association, United Evangelical Church, Society of Friends in America. Society of Friends In
California, Holiness Church, Lutheran Evangelical Synod of North America, General Conference of
Mennonltes, Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist Protestant Church, Free Methodist Church of
North America, African Methodist Episcopal Zlon Church. Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, Re
formed Zlon Union Apostolic Church. Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, Presby
terian Church in the United States South, Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod ( Reformed Pres
byterian Church In North America, United Presbyterian Church, Reformed Church in America, Re
formed Church in the United States, Church of United Brethren In Christ.
Why You Should Attend the Box Butte County
Interchurch World Movement Conference
1. Because you ought to know all you can about any movement bo comprehensive in its
program. 'AigZ!2tU
2. You ought to co-operate with any movement that has aa its purpose the presenting to
the world the claims of Jesus Christ.
3. You ought to face the facta of the "World Survey.
4. Your own denominational program is a part of the Associated Campaign.
6. You will want to consider the Survey facta of your state and your share in the program.
6. You will want to know the program of Spiritual Resources, Evangelism, Stewardship,
Missionary Education and Life Service by which we must secure 200,000 people in the
next five years to give themselves to the World program.
7. You will want to know how the big budget of a Billion and a Quarter is to be raised,
who gets the money, who pays the expenses, etc.
8. You will want to be present because you are responsible to your fellowi for your in
fluence and you owe it to yourself to learn how to do team work with others.
Set this day sacredly aside as unto the Lord and be present at Alliance. Nebraska, on
April 5, 1920, at 10:00 A. M. in the Christian Church.
v Box Butte County Convener.
A demonstration of our
value giving, a new flower
trimmed transparent hat.
Price, $5
Pre Easter Display of
1,000 Beautiful Millinery Creations
For Discriminating Women Who Appreciate Millinery With Character
Distinguished Styles Exclusive Designs
Suit Hats Dress Hats Sport Hats
The Celebrated
None Better Made
Hats designed by America's foremost Fashion Creators, and prices no higher
than the mediocre kind.
Personal inspcemtion will convince you tha We Stand Supreme for Style,
Quality Vslue, compare.
McVicker's Millinery
We have purchased the business of CBannon Bros., at 202
West Third Street, and will welcome the continuance of pa
tronage from former customers.
We will at all times endeavor to merit the good will of
everyone by considerate and courteous service.
The lines handled will be the same :
Grain .
The public is extended a cordial invitation to call and be
come acquainted. We will welcome an opportunity to serve
you in any way.
Melick & Stephenson