The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 30, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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oraoussioTfnw piiocekdibtos
ALLIANCE, Neb., March JJ. 1IS9.
Board of . county commissioners
pursuant td adjournment, mem-
precent C. L. Haahman, chair
an. George W. Duncan and Anton
fThrlg. The following proceedings
had and done to-wlt:
The day was spent In getting the
graders and trucks read for the
Adjourned until tomorrow morn
tag at 9 a m.
ALLIANCE. Neb., March J 4, 1110
Board of county commissioners
net pursuant 10 adjournment, me ni
ters present C. L. Hashman, chair
man. George W. Duncan and Anton
fjhrlg. The following proceedings
were had and done to-wlt:
The day was spent In trying out
the trucks In road dragging.
Adjourned until tomorrow morn
ing at I a. m.
ALLIANCE. Neb., March 15. 1920.
Board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment, mem
bers present C. L. Hashman, chair
man, Oeorge W. Duncan and Anton
Uhrig. The following proceedings
were had and done to-wlt:
The day was spent In Inspecting
Adjourned until tomorrow mora
lng at 9 a. m. ,
bees present C. L. Hashman, chair
man, Oeorge W. Duncan and Anton
Uhrig. The following proceedings
were had and done to-wlt:
The following balances In the
miscellaneous fund was reported by
the treasurer:
Advertising $ 49.70
Insanity .............. 208.60
Excess fees of County
Judge ..... ....... S2S.00
Fees of County Clerk for
December and January.. 826.35
Interest on county deposits 2.50
Filing fees of candidates.... 85.00
Rent of poor farm 70.00
Hemingford for road work 80.00
Insurance received . 289.97
ALLIANCE, Neb., March 26, 1920.
Board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment, mem-
To complete your Easter costume you will need a new
Spring Hat and a pair of Shoes.
We have a full line of attractive new models in
Spring Hats
from which you can surely find your choice.
In footwear we are also confident we can completely sat
isfy you. Our
Spring Shoes
will meet your every wish for style, neatness, quality of work
manship and wear. They will give you 100 plus in all these
"Modern Clothes for Men'
Better Coffee Cheaper
You know that the best coffee your Grocer sell
It Is the order of the board that
the above miscellaneous funds be
transferred to the general fund.
County treasurer reports 8988.66
remaining In the bridge fund.
It is the order of the board that
the above balance remaining In the
bridge fund be transferred to the
general fund.
Adjourned until tomorrow morn
lng at 9 a. m.
May be the worst coffee you ever drank
If you do not prepare it properly.
There is a great deal to the coffee pot.
Some coffee pots are nothing more than just
Tin dishes in which you boil up hot water and
Ground coffee beans.
Some arc just like that, only that they are
' JS' I .TIT' r
"I '
liade of more expensive stuff than tin.
Some are
.And if used
Intelligently, will make a good beverage out
Of a cheap coffee and something quite wonderful
Out of a good article. J
Our Universal percolators make the kind of coffee
That finicky folks like to drink.
They cost just a little more than the old tin pot.
They are worth many times as much and save it, too.
'The cheapest is $4.00.
Let us sho w you how they work.
Let us tell you the
Names of some good coffee makers using them.
Our telephone number is three eight.
Thank you.
ALLIANCE. Neb., Match 27, 1920
Board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment, menv
bers present C. L. Hashman, chair
man, George W. Duncan and Anton
Uhrig. The following proceedings
were had and done to-wlt:
whereas. It Is necessary that a
public road or highway be estab
lished upon and along the norta,
south and east boundary lines of
section four (4) in township twenty-
four (24), north of range forty-seven
47), west of the sixth principal
meridian In Box Butte county, Ne
braska, and
Whereas, a public road has beea
traveled along the said section lino
for a period of more than thirty
years, and
Whereas, the board of county
commissioners desire to establish
said road,
Be It Therefore Resolved, that a
public highway is hereby declared
established on the following do
scribed lands, to-wlt: Beginning at
the corner common to the northwest
corner of section four (4) and the
northeast corner of section five (5)
In township twenty four (24), north
of range forty-seven (47), in Box
Butte county, Nebraska, and thence
running west on the north section
line of said section five (5), a dls
tance of 33 feet, thence running
south on a line parallel to the east
section line of said section five (5)
a distance of 322 rods to a point 3
feet south of the Bouth section line of
said section five (5), thence east on a
I line parallel with the north boundary
1 line of said section five (5), a dls-
l tance or 324 rods; thence north on
a line parallel with the east boun
dary line of said section five (5),
distance of 322 rods, to the-orth
Dounaary line or sum townsmp twen
ty-four (24), range forty-seven (47)
thence west of said north boundary
line of said township twenty-four
(24), a distance of 66 feet, thence
south on a line running parallel to
the east boundary line of said sec
tion five (5), a distance of 318 rods
thence west on a line parallel to the
south boundary line of said section
four (4), a distance of 316 rods,
thence north on a line parallel with
the said east boundary line of said
section five (5), a distance of 318
rods to the north boundary line of
said township twenty-four (24),
thence west on the said north boun
dary line of said township twenty-
four (24), a distance of 66 feet, to
the point of beginning.
Motion made by Duncan and sec
onded by Uhrig that the resolution
ba adopted.
Resolution unanimously adopted.
Adjourned until Monday morning.
March 29, 1920.
C. L. HASHMAN. Chairman.
W. C. MOUNTS, Clerk.
Mrs. Nellie Sage, who lived south
of Alliance, was born in Virginia on
June 10, 1842, and died March 27
1920, aged seventy-eight years
seven months and seventeen rfava
Her husband was killed in a railroad
wreck thirty years ago. She had no
children of her own. but had srinnted
Ave during her lifetime, only one of
whom Is living, a daughter in Cal
She was a member of the Meth
odist Episcopal church in Alliance
During her early life she traveled
extensively with her husband, who
was a collector of wild animals, visit
lng the continents of Asia. Africa
and Europe. She had met neraonal
ly a number of the crowned heads of
uurope, among, whom was the for
mer kaiser of Germany when he was
a Doy. She also met Queen Victoria
of England and the pope at Rome.
Funeral services were held from
the Methodist church Monday after
noon at Z o'clock, and the body was
lata to rest in Greenwood cemetery
The blue eyes of the Greek
sparkled. So did the shoes he had
Just shined. He saw- a Quarter in
the customer's hand, who looked aa
If be was going to make a noise like
a Up.
She let her eyes fall. Bnt in mo
ment the gallant lieutenant raurht
I k Istops PH W 1
IT"" w. iSoin rooMAgjj j
For TWmi, Aching Fv
I WMh AnM 1
I and
Are You Looking For
Foot COHlf ort?
Two Graduate Practipediats are in the store at all times to see
that you get real FOOT COMFORT.
Ordinary words are inadequate to express the comfort they have
brought to their patrons.
Many aggravated cases of foot trouble that have been cured
sound unbelievable but they can be proved.
O-ljfr- BR. StTsil
lmitv ' it''ofm i '1
ipjrf For Callouses,
I f ;tii Cofn "nd Ten" B
E-.latgwl J
Yj( Joints. A SIM M
Ml and Shape fvjr
IX Cvwy limaS
f .i.imikmI "
n.vm.1 JJ '
Towan M ft K (I
si Took II
Spring Shapes
In Pumps and Oxfords
Are Arriving Daily
Alliaeee Shoe Store
S. A. Miller, Prop.
See The' Dollars
Fly Away
Are You Sleeping on the Job?
In these days when money comes easy it likewise goes easy. The cost of nearly everything is
much higher than a few years ago. Wages are generally higher, and consequently it is the
easiest thing imaginable to "hurry through" your week's salary with the result that pay day
often finds you with a few dollars owing here and there. The result is you "are living from
pay day to pay day."
Why Not Turn the Tables?
t Would it not be much better to have money left when pay day rolls around! It takes no
great effortjust a small effort all the time. Begin a savings account and put away a definite
sum every pay day. It will be hard sledding for the first few times but it can be done on
almost any salary. Determination is the biggest element involved.
We Will Help You
It is our business to help people who want to make their salary go farther. In order to make
it easier for you to begin and keep it we have secured some Handsome Steel Savings Banks
to keep in the home. You may not always have time to come to the bank and again you may
have some odd change that would be spent otherwise. This is how the steel banks will help
you. You can get your,today If you have a Savings Account or if you start one.
You Enow a Savings Account Is Good What Will It Take to Hake
You Begin And Stick to It?
First State