The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 26, 1920, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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ltix:i rTiox rLANXKO '
Council No. 876, K. of C, ! plan
ning a reception and'dauce to be
given shortly after Easter, provided
tb new K. of C. quarters over the
Fashion Shop are ready for occu
pancy by Ihnt time. Committees on
Arrangements have been appointed,
mid further particulars will be an
nounced later.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Gavin and
daughter, llortence, returned from
Council Bluffs this morning, where
they have been attending the James
Moore Ilickson healing mission of re
cent fame there.
Friends of the family and of lit
tle llortence will be delighted to
hear that her condition has been
niarvelously Improved, that she was
enabled to walk several feet, with
out assistance and to knxl at the
Altar activities Impossible for her
before. Her parents are happily con
fident that Hortense will eventually
be cured of her ailment, and are full
of gratitude and Joy for the divine
assistance that has come to then
through Mr. Ilickson.
Mrs. W. E. Edwards was called, to
North Platte on Wednesday on ac
count of the serious illness of her
later. Mr. Edwards aocotnpanied
her as far as Sidney.
Louise Frlcke went to Antloch to
spend the week-end.
The family of Frofessor Mcsser
smith is uarantlned for smallpox.
The professor has the malady.
Moore of Antloch was in town
1Vort.esday of this week on business.
Emma J. Doyle has accepted a po
sition as bookkeeper for the Antloch
Mercantile company.
Mrs. Adams and daughter of Lin
coln have been visiting at the George'
Davis home In this city.
' J. S. Adams is home from the oil
fields for a visit with home folks.
Floyd Irby, who was called to Den
ver on account of illness of his his
sister, returned Wednesday morning.
L. D. Blair and wife wero passen
gers on No. 44 Tuesday for Antloch
Mrs Nettle Landon of Greenwood,
Neb., who has been visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Vic Covalt, returned home
Howard Reddish was a business
visitor in Antloch Tuesday.
W, E. Burleigh, formerly editor of
the Hemingford Ledger, was in town
on business the first of the week.
Ralph Cox returned from Council
Bluffs, la., where he went to pay a
visit to James M. Ilickson, the noted
faith healer, who held a two-day ses
sion there. Mf Cox says there were
cripples from everywhere there.
Harry Mollrlng, formerly associ
ated with the Mollrlng store, Is
shaking hands with old friends.
Attorney Clark Jeary of Lincoln
was In the city on business the first
part of the week.
Rev. J. B. KllnesB, pastor of the
Scandinavian Lutheran church, was
down from Hemingford on Tuesday.
He was accompanied by his Utile
daughter, Hannah.
Mrs. George Davis returned from
the eastern part of the state where
she has been doing some work In the
Interest of the O. E. S.
B. F. Therber of Angora was a
business visitor in town this week.
Mrs. S. . Wright of Whitman,
accompanied by her daughter, Mrs.
J. U Iluchflnck, were In the city Fri
day hiving dental work done.
Mrs. J. S. Hoyt of King, Neb., was
a shopper in Alliance today.
Miss Naomi Veach, seventh grada
teacher at Emerson, underwent an
operation for the removal of her
tonsils Thursday. She Is reported to
bo getting along well.
Amor C. Hogrebe Brent the week
end In Alliance.
Mrs. Emma Fraker has returned
from a trip to Denver.
Mrs. A. G. Smart has been ill for
several days this week.
Verne Jenkins, of Hemingford was
an Alliance visitor Thursday.
Miss Josephine Ganson is spend
ing the day In Hemingford.
Miss Sarabel Newman spent sever
al days In Hyannls this week.
Mrs. R. V. Cox left last evening
for Broken Bow where she will meet
Mr. Cox on his return from Council
The new location of the Wlker
Music House Is marked by Its clever
and pleasing color scheme. It makes
an artistic place, although In keep
ing with the character of the mer
chandlse for sale there.
C. M. Looney, field manager of the
Wyomlng-Northearnern Oil Company,
was in the city on Wednesday of this
week. Mr. Looney reports great ac
tivity in the eastern Wyoming oil
fields at the present time.
Harold S. Thomas of The Thomas
Company made a business ttlp to
Lusk, on Thursday. He returned on
No. 42 at nine o'clock this morning
the train being delayed for nine
hours, due to the burning out of a
bridge two miles east of Marsland.
Harvey Grosvenor, of Aurora
salesman for a Grand Island whole
sale grocery concern, now makes Al
liance his headquarters. He says he
will move his family to this city as
soon as he can find a house in which
to live.
Your Complexion
Want To Improve It?
You can easily enough, in your own home. You
must "liven up your circulation." That's the secret of
a beautiful complexion. It allows your system to take
care of the impurities that ordinarily clog the facial pores
and cause unsightly irruptions. ' ' '
Electric Massage
will do all that you expect. It will at once rejuvenate
your complexion after a day at the seashore, after tennis,
golf or horseback riding, says Mollic King, of "Good
Horning, Judge" fame, one of the most beautiful of
New York's stage and screen stars. After Consistent use
of the vibrator you will see your complexion clear and
your color return.
A beautiful complexion is a personal charm now easily
attainable and always very desirable.
Wonderful for Your Complexion Ideal for Your Hair
and p Relieves Fatigue and Headaches
SG.ClO Complete No
Extras to Buy.
One Minute
Store Talk
'Your store In differ
ent, decidedly so, boraasi!
a a rule, where valno
reigns style is minting,
and where style rules
value 1 usually mlsNintf
combining both 8TVI-K
and VA1XH l the proof
of the master merchant
you prove your leader
ship," commented an ob
aervlng customer.
W. II. HARPER,, Trop-
'W. R. HARPER, Trop-
Universal Versions of the New
Easter Fashions Distinctive,
"Different", Original Styles
, 1
A Compelling Demonstration Saturday of
Greater Harper Supremacy in
TOASTER is only two weeks away no time is to be lost
L' . your Easter Suit should be bought now. , It's a splendid
thing to have so many charming suits to show you and, better
still, to know that every garment is tailored in the careful
Harper way. A
New Check Velour Suits, stunning color com
binations and unusually smart models
$49.50 to $59.50
Suits of Serge and Tricotine, distinguished
models just arrived, to be shown Saturday
$44.50 to $54.50
Spring Coat-Wraps and Coats
$34.50 to $98.50
Coats with all the novelties in design of collar, decorative'pockets, a jaunty flare at the hip, pleats, smart cloth
or leather belts, braid or fancy stitching and rows of button trimmings.
Sport Coats and Coat Wraps three
quarters and full length models.
" All the correct colors Navy, Taupe,
Brown, and all shades of tan.
Springtime Charm in Frocks and Gowns
$29.50 to $98.50
Never so many engaging styles in Spring frocks and gowns for street and afternoon wear. . Entirely new
effects in Satin, Georgette, Taffeta, Tricolette, Figured Ceorgette, Foulards, combination materials, Crepe Meteors,
Crepe de Chine, Tricotine, Poiret Twill and Serge. , . t ...... .. t , w, rtvAi, 1-
Scores of models with Ruffles, Pegs, Tunic,
Drapes, Accordion Pleat, Harem,
Basque, Bouffant, Surplice.
Trimming effects in a vast variety Beading,
Ribbon Bands, Frills, Cords, Sashes,
Embroidery in Silk and Yarn.
"Girlish Styles for Stylish Girls"
Featuring In our new Chlldren'3 Dress Department the most distinctively YOUTHFUL showing of clever
dresses ever assembled in the city.
Women's Wearing Apparel Middle Section, Dry Goods Dept.
W: R Harper Dept. Store
We Sell
For Cash
only. Big Store -Alliance, Neb. ony.
rTT Arrjttrr. ix wen x d women ;