SEVEN Gene Byrnes Says: "Thanks for the Advice." TOM STALOS Groceries & Meat Market We Delirer Any Place and Any Time PHONE 753 V Quick Service Electric PHONE 250 Under IIIghland-Holloway Co. Alliance Nebraska TUB ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1920. WANT TOeBUT something? Hun dred of people weekly scan the want ad columns looking for what you or other have to offer. Get quick rraulta by advertising In The Herald Want Ad depart ment. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 9400 will buy a flrBt class, second hifcid Ford touring car. Inquire at Herald office. 37 FOR SALE' Used Butck .car. good cond-tion, at a sacrifice If taken at once. Call phone 654 or see A. O. Simpson, 224 Big Horn. - tf FOR SALK ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE Alfalfa, and cane see. UNION. sudan grass FARMERS' tf FOR SALE CHICKS Columbia Hatchery We can supply you wltb any quan- My of Baby Cbtcks. We have 14 Tarieties Including all leading breeds. Live delivery guaranteed by Parcel Post or Express. Write "for prices. P. O. Box 1102, Denver. Colo. F61 FOR SALIJ CITY PROPERTY FIVE room Bungalow, all modern, close in; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. . , tf FOR SALE Lot on Toluca avenue. Cheap if taken soon. Phone 611. 38p FOR SALE: Single comb Bun Or plngton eggs for hatching from prize-winning and tested good laying strains. Phone 212. Mrs. J. A. Keegan. - tf FOR SALE HAY FOR SALE; 100 tons of prairie hay Octave L. Klcken, Ellsworth, Neb. 34 FOR SALE HOUSE FIVE ROOMS and bath. Compara tively close In. Want to deal di rect for cash; no agents. Price $4200. Inquire No. 605. Alliance Herald, tf FOR SALE LANDS FOR SALE By owner', half section five miles from Berea. 60 acres broken. $40.00 per acre. Reasonable terms. Box 302, Hemlngford. 35p FOR SALE LEGAL BLANKS LEGAL BLANKS All kinds, at The Herald Office. FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE: My entire Dairy Herd; tuberculin tested and passed by the state; and one registered Holsten Bull. D. E. Purinton. Phone Birch SOU. Alliance. tf FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS OLD NEWSPAPERS 5c a package, at The Herald Office. FOR SALE ON TERMS F0lfSALEPb7r"TER room, modern house, 2 baths. Nettle M. CampbelL Phone 712; 606 Cheyenne Ave. tf FOR SALE TRACTORS, ETC. FOR SALE Helden Tractors, new and second hand; stubble and breaker bottoms; both complete out fits;' bedrock price. Phone or see James Boodry, Angora, Neb. S7p FOR SALE TRACTORS FarTl3ATOne son; one 20 horsepower Interna tional in good shape; one Case steam engine with steel tender; one H eder 1225 in good shape. F. A. Clark, tf FOR SALE US ED OARS FOR SALE Good used cars. A. II. Jones Company, Masonic Temple Bldg. v tf FOR HALti WAGON iWtSAdwidt'iiTd wagon. Inquire 136 Yellowstone, (f FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping room in all modern home; close in. Phone Red 186. tf FOUND ooa - pipe wrencn, on streets of Alliance. Owner may have Bame by applying at The Her ald office. tf HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTEDGjfTTdTrlylady - to 'take care of child 22 months old. Call at Alliance Floral company, 204 Box Butte. 35 LOST LOST A black muff, very valuable. Finder please return to Herald office and receive reward. tf WANTED DAY WORK NEAT, reliable colored girl wishes day work. 211 Laramie : (in rear). tf WANTED PLOWING WANTED To contract plowing not . less than 100 acres. Yon can see me at L. O. Smith's or phone to No. 767. J. J. Brecht, A. O. Rogers. 3Ep WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTExCMldl house for a family of three. No children or washing. Call phone 987. - tf WANTED RAGS THE HERALD will pay 7c a pound for good, clean, white rags. WANTED ROOMS WANTED Two rooms, unfurnished for light housekeeping. Ca.'l Charles Fulton. " . 34p HOW TO HEAL LEO SORES A wonderful treatment that heals leg sores or Varicose Ulsers without pain or knife is described In a new book which readers may get free by writing a card or letter to Dr. H. J Whlttier. Suite 19, 1109 McGee, Kansas City, Mo. (Junell) ORDER FOR HEARING In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Jose Sanches, De ceased. To All Persons Interested In the Estate of Jose Sanches, Deceased: You are hereby notified that on the 21st day of February, 1920 Kondelorea Sanches filed her pell tion in the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, for the ap polntment of Glenn Miller, as Ad mlnlstrator of the Estate of the said Jobe Sanches, Deceased, and that the same will be heard In the County Court room in the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 30th day of March, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. It is further ordered that notice of said hearing be given to all per sons interested in said estate b pub lication of this notice for three eon secutive weeks In The Alliance Her ald, a legal" newspaper printed, pub lished, and circulated In Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska: IRA E. TASH, (SEAL) 'County Judge. LEE BASTE, Attorney. ' Pub. March S-SI lneL POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT 'anncuncem en r I am a candidate for State Senator, Twenty-eighth Senatorial District, on the Republican Ticket, Primary Election, April 20, 1920. I have lived in the district the past thirty years, and have been identified mostly with the mercantile trade, from which I have Just retired. I have given some study to the community Interests of country and town, so that in matters pertaining to the farmer and the business man I believe I can serve both acceptably. Below is a digest of the primary low for 1920: Precinct primaries, April 20. 1920. County conventions, May 11, 1920. State convention, Ma7 13, 1920. Each voting precinct shall elect delegates to the county conven tions at the primary election; also shall elect one man and -one woman as member of the County Central committee for a term of two years. Women can vote only as follows: For school officers, presidential pref erence, municipal officers, county of ficers, except Judge; delegates to the national convention, precinct office? s, except Justice of the peace; for coun ty bonds and for township' officers. Cut this out and keep it. Soliciting your vote", I am GEOROE E. GORTON, 40- Crawford, Neb. NOTICE Department of the Interior, UT S. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., March 23, 1920. Notice is hereby given that John T. Burke, of Alliance, Nebraska, whd, on December 18, 1915, made Home stead Entry, No. 017425, for. Lots 1, 3. 4. SV4 NEVi, SENWK. NEtf SE14 Section 3. Township 23; Ett SE4, SWSE4, SESWK. Wtt SW Section 34; WHSW14 Sec tion 35, Township 24 North, Range 1 West. Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Alli ance, Nebraska, on the 10th day of May, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles Tiernan, George Burke, James Bradshaw, John Nolan, all of Alliance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE. 43p Register. NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: The commissioner appointed to lo cate a road commencing at the south west corner of section 30, township 26, range 47 and running thence east on section line common to sections 30. 31. 29, 32, 28. 22. 27 and 34 and terminating at southeast . corner of section 27, township 26. range 47, in Box Butte county, Nebraska, has re ported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the County Clerk's office on or before noon of the 20th day of May, 1920, or such road will be established. W. C. MOUNTS, City Clerk. April 16 GLADYS BROCKWELL AT IMPERIAL TONIGHT "Broken Commandments" is the title of a new Fox photoplay starring Gladys Brockwell, which comes to the Imperial tonight. It presents the novel idea of two men throwing dice three times for possession of a girl and finally throwing with loaded dice In order to lose, because he realizes it will be for her good. It's a new setting for the old triangle, and with Gladys In the lead ought to turn out a real. thriller. Added attractions are the latest Current Events and a comedy, "Flirt" The lonely looking man Is the one who has not been mentioned as a presidential possibility. BILL1I1 RHODES FILM AT IMPERIAL SATURDAY "In. Search of Arcady," the latest production starring the mirthful Blllie Rhodes, will bo the attraction at'the Imperial Saturday evening. As Barbara Chichester, the pretty mad cap daughter of an American mil lionaire, who detests any man with a title attached to his monicker goes a-Gypsying and unwittingly falls in love with a real English earl who is "traveling" as a peddler Miss Rhodes has a charming role which suits her admirably. The pro duction is the best the vivacious little star has made since "Hoop-La." A Snub Pollard comedy and a Mutt and Jeff comedy complete a mighty entertaining bill. On Sunday, per as usual, comes the installment of the serial, "The Invisible Hand." We know of at least fourteen, people who are mak ing a record on that serial. They haven't missed a single installment. Dorothy Dalton in "L'Apache" Is the other feature. It's filled with startl ing adventures and Inasmuch as the scenario is the work of a new nineteen-year-old writer, it ought to be good and wicked. A Big V comedy is also included. Monday afternoon a movie pro gram will be shown, but in the eve ning the Deming Theater company will present "The End of a Perfect Day." The afternoon bill features ChnrleB Ray in "Greased Lightning," in which he takes the part of a youthful Inventor in a small town. It's rich. Ed Howe says: , I blushed when I read lately that the press agents have formed a na tional society. The intention, of course, is for the press agents to handle the newspapers by whole sale; instead of a press agent call ing on each individual editor each agent will handle a hundred or a thousand. Editors have become very powerful; they have always been good fellows and well-informed. They should be ashamed of the press agents. The fact that there are more than twelve hundred press agents In the country, and that they have formed a national association, is evl dence that they are doing well, that they get lots of stuff in the news papers, and pay nothing for it. It is evidence that editors are easily "worked" and this Is (he fact of which they should be ashamed. The HAVE IT WELDED .with the OXY-ACETYLENE PROCESS Cljinder Blocks, Frames and Transmission Oases a Specialty George H. Breckner The Old Weaver Garage !Jlllllllllll111111ill!ll!lllISrTTmiim HOT SPRINGS CLINIC MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SPECIALISTS Internal Medicine. Surtfeni. Eue Ear Nose & Throat i Kidneg & Bladder, X Ray TWo$plendd Hospitals ftHOT 51'KINU5 nr. ifl rrrirriifWWH 'Ail 4 V DRAKE & DRAKE oraoiviiiSTS first consideration of editors shon be their readers; their country. The editors know better than the press agents what Is for the good of their country and readers. Peace will not cure the house holder who acquired the war garden habit. - Shake the hands of some people and give other people the shake. Men have faith in what they be lieve only when they want to believe it. 112 Wilrms used last year to KILL COLDS CASCARAf$QUININI Standard cold remedy (of 20 year ta tablet lorm eate, eure, no piatee breikt up a cold In Z1 hour relieve crip In 3 dirt. oner bick if it hilt. Tht jm:ina boa Hm a Kea top wnn iar. nun picture. At AllDrmm Stmr Mi .4 -3 BEST A a A man ia a3 old his crgam ; can be B3 vigorous av. hsulv y 70 as at 35 if he eids hia orjm r performing their functions. Kct your vital organs healthy wit COLD MET&L Tha world' standard rr-nedy for Vidnay, livar, bladder and one acid troaU( since 1696; corrects disorders; BtimalaUu vital organs. All druggists, three adze Lank for U" vat GoU Maaal mm anrary mm. d acceae mm imittM John Wallace Transfer and Storage Co. Service and Satisfaction Phone 1 ffiflisamrniiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;:?- t Modern Laboratory Medical 'Block i 9QUTH DAKOTA f Glasses Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate any Broken IStt Box Batte Ave. Pnooe ltl V V l',V nl I ,. "w . I .nil Tk. vii wy -v -x. jar 5 i Nitrous Conductlye Oxide Anesthesia DR. W. J. MAHAFFY DENTIST Alliance Nebraska Not Medicine Not Surgery Net Osteopathy Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey Chiropractor Graduate Palmer School Telephone 905 Wilson Rulldiiuf Alliance . . . Nebraska OEORQE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, IOnr, Nose and Throat rnoNB sst CaHa aaawarae trmmt Ofllea Say i L. A. BERRY ROOM 9 RUMMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA DR. EINAR V.. BLAK Mrdlrfae aaet Sorsery St-rrtaMrt Hyr, Kar, Neae Thraat al l.anca Glaaara Care fa II jr Flttr OBrf la Mailer? Block Fkaaeai OOn 104, nealdeate 10 L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon HSVi Box ntt ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER f Lire Stock and fleneral Farm Sales ' Phone 004 Alliance J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I have turn aalr aet af Abitraal Baaha to Baa Batte Caaaly. First National Bank Bldg. Dr. E. B. O'Keefe DENTIST Orer Harpe"n SUire Phone 1028 Alliance, Nebr. O. E. Nelson -Lawyer DENTON BUILDING L. E. Bliss PARMER AUCTIONEER live Stock Specialty Phone Birch 818a, Alliance Real Estate, Loans and Imur ance, F. B. REDDISH, Reddiah Block. tf MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped onr dray was ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furniture with out marring, scratching or damaging. Up-to-date wagon pads will N i I by os on all moving Jobs. lit JOHN H. SNYDER. Phona 15. "VVksm in Antioch Take Tour Meals at TECS LIBERTY GATE 12eak at All Hours Him Strata