FOUR TUB ALLIANCE HKRALD.FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1920. TACKIN'O COMPANY IS MAKING CMKH riMXJRBSS The field representatives of the Al liance racking company are report ing to headquarter that the further long they get with their work the Jess thouble they are experiencing aad the easier It la to dispone of the company's stock In the campaign How In progress. In the outlying districts there was 0Ome skepticism to begin with, this being because all of the facts and plana of the company were not fully SOderstood. For that matter there a still an occasional Isolated In stance of a farmer or stockman who la Inclined to be somewhat backward a his enthusiasm, but In ninety-nine eases out of a hundred these doubt ing Thomases become firm belleTers mee they hare asked for and re ceived a careful explanation.. They are beginning to understand that the Alliance chamber of com merce, through Its board of direc tors, would not have endorsed a proposition carrying with It any ''funny business," and that the state securities commission at Lincoln, Which entered Into an even more thorough investigation of the affair than did the local organization, would not have Issued Its official permit for the sale of stock unless convinced beyond any doubt of the honesty and feasibility of the Alli ance Packing company's Ideas. The governor of Nebraska, In a public address at Alliance a short time ago, took occasion to voluntar ily give a ringing endorsement of the company and its seeming possi bilities. The scores of shrewd business men In this part of Nebraska, who have purchased stock In the corpora tion, are without exception pleased with their investment, and they are spreading the good news among their friends. There will come a day, fit course such things always hap penwhen the Alliance Tacking company, with a big plant In opera tion, will be seen as a reality by th few who still doubt; and the latter will have an excellent opportunity to say to themselves, "Why didn't I see It before?" O. M. Durns and party returned Saturday fro ma trip to the Rio Crande valley, after spending an en joyable ten days In the sunny south. A number of Box Butte county peo ple were In the party and they pur chased a total of $18,900 .worth of landwhile In the valley. Other mem bers of the party expect to return there soon and purchase land. .Mr. Burns expects to make future trips to the valley with people from this part of the sate. The United States is now feeding 3,000,000 Europeans at least one hot meal a day. So when all these reds are deported they still stand a chance of subsisting on America's bounty. A number of Germans in New York city who applied for admission to cltlxenshlp were rejected because It was found that after taking out their first papers they had registered for military duty with the German consul, says the Baltimore American. The war has settled once and for all the question of dual allegiance. No man can now be an American citizen unless he Is willing to follow the American flag. Record. Many a man has a great head from other than Intellectual causes. A little brief experience on the stage stimulates lofty ideals as to salary. The man who gets there acts as his own crutch; he doesn't lean on others. Think before you act, but don't spend too much time thinking. c&c 4qJ Kiffifi FOR NEAT EFFECTS HANG YOUR NEW CURTAINS ON Kirsch Flat Curtain Rods They lit every window. Come single, double, triple to give any draping effect. Never sag, rust or tarnish. The flat shape of Kirsch Rods makes them simpler, stronger, better. Holds headings erect without arti ficial stiffening. Gives neat hems. Kirsch Flat Rods stay like new for years. Beautifully finished in velvet brass or white. It's a pleasure to show them to you. RAILROAD NOTES Last night bridge 33943, east of Mnrsland was burned out. The cause of the Are Is yet unknown but It is thought that It ml phi have st;.rt- from tho sparks from an engine passing over It. The bridge was en tirely burned out .and the trains that run were greatly delayed,-No. 42 be ing delayed nine hours. Mrs. May Gibson wll have a line of ladies' millinery at the Alliance ho tel anex Friday and Saturday of thin week. Pattern and cheaper hats, priced from S5 to 1 20. 4 1 Conductor Fred Rhelder is taking out a run on No. 41 today.' lie will deadhead back to Alliance. Conductor Wright Is off for a fewji aays lenaing 10 Borne Dusiness mat ters. Conductor N. J. Peterson got No. 41 out of Alliance this morning. Conductor Standard is contemplat ing a trip, to Omaha within the next few doys. Attention, ladies! Brakeman Murphy wishes to announce that he Is still a hopeful young bachelor ami nlthough the young ladles at Antioch flock around the switch gang he is wl" he still craves more popularity. Adv. Bo sure to see my line of hats, nf the Alliance hotelannex Friday and Saturday. Mrs. May Gibson. 34 Brakeman Lloyd Barnes returned yesterday from Kansas City, Mo., where he has boon visiting with some friends. During his vacation he took a trip through Texas and visited very many Interesting points. J. McDonald, conductor on No. 42 and No. 44, reported back to work this morning after a short vacation. Conductor Muier and his wife left for Omaha yesterday where they will spend a few days In enjoying life. Conductor Mitchell went to Ra venna to visit with his family for a short time. Engineer Trefney Is taking out Engineer White's turn on engine No. 5075. - Fire Tift is off for one day to tend to some personal business. Engineer Sternberg is taking Gib bon's turn today. Jake Stark, Round House Fore man a tSeneca, is resigning his por tion there. It la not yet known who Is to take his place. Mrs. Joe Milowack is reported quite ill with the grippe. O. C. Shrank has been appointed round houser foreman at Ravenna. He is taking Mr. Feller's place who is being promoted to general round house foreman at Edgemont. Engineer McWade of Ravenna bid In a turn on the east end passenger out of Alliance. He Is In Alliance now waiting to take out the turn." Engimer Tillet has bid in on the east end passenger. He has been on the west end for four or five months. Geo.D.Oarling 115-117 West Third Street Alliance. Nebraska Don't PickOut a Printer 1 Gt the One Who Can PTH ?U Tw Goods AA7E have the v v ability to help you sell your goods and we can do this at a reasonable cost to you. Economy and stand ardization are the watchwords here. We use Hammermili Bond, the standard, economi- ; cal, business paper and V we turn out a grade of printing that brings re sults for our customers. LET US SHOW YOU PLENTY OF CANDIDATES FOH THE STATE OFFICE There Is no dearth of candidate for state offices. No less than seven men have filed for the republican nomination for governor, and al though for two days last 'week an effort was madd to have some of these men withdraw In order to pro vide formidable competition for Gov ernor McKelvIe, the list Isn't a sin gle name shorter. The list Includes Governor Samuel R. McKelvIe, Lln-i coin; Adam McMullen, neatrice; Er nest M. Pollard, Nehawka; Thomas L. Hall, Lincoln; II. J. McLaughlin. Doniphan; George D. Matthewson, Shlckley; John II. Bachelor, Valen tine. Thome Brown of Lincoln, Harry L. Cook, Lincoln, M. L. Harrison of Dunbar and James K. Hewitt of Broken Bow have filed for republi can nomination for railway commis sioner. Tw,o are to be elected. Mr. Hewitt was In Alliance the first of the week erecting some political fences. , In the Sixth dlBtrlct, Earl D. Mal lery of Alliance Is a candidate for delegate to the national convention. He will contend with Woodruff Ball of Valentine, J. W. Weeks of O'Neill, Dave Robinson of Chadron, and Horace JP. Kennedy of Broken Bow. There are not so many democratic gubernatorial candidates in sight. John H. Morehead of Falls Clty.'who was believed to have been maintain ing a campaign headquarters, flatly refused to allow a petition to be filed for him. The candidates are G. L. Shumway f Scottsbluff, George Jackson of Nelson, Ralph A. Clark of Stella and W. J. Taylor. Thomas C. Grimes of Broken Bow is the candidate for delegate to the democratic national convention from the Sixth district. The democratic lineup for presi dential preference shows the name of Gilbert Hitchcock of Omaha. Ed ward I. Edwards of New Jersey and Robert M. Ross of Lexington, whose friends have a peculiar sense of humor. Mr. Ross' name also aypears In the list of republican presidential fil- irgs. He isn't particular which par ty chooses him. The names of Leonard Wood, Hiram Johnson of California and General John J. Per shing will also appear on the ballot. the comic strips. No wonder' It's no longer a Joke. A postal card mailed twenty-two years ago has Just been delivered. Maybe the postofflce department Is catching up. "In Korea," says a London paper, "It Is etiquette for a man to Ignore his wife if they chance to meet in . . . .. A -II .1. V.. . me sireei. ii may ue enqueue, uuv we wouldn't call it good Judgment. A young American in London ad vertised for an English bride and re ceived 600 eager answers. The re versal of trade is affecting the matrl monial market, too. : The Herald S2.50 m year. ' BUICK it t l 4 b..w h mi i-v.vf The Buick Model K-SU-47 Big'Reduction Price On Tires The mint reports a big demand for small coins. People are probab ly collecting them for .souvenirs of the time when they would buy something. We notice the old Joke about the autocratic janitor has vanished from This includes both casings and tubes, in all sizes, of standard high grade make. "We have a carload of Tractor and Automobile Oil which wc will sell to our customers at a big saving "We also have all kinds of convenient and clever automobile accessories in stock. Beick Garage C. L. KERB, Mgr. Is now awaiting your inspection. "We are receiving daily new and attractive patterns from tho leading markets. A splendid assortment of Sport Hats and Sailors have just arrived and we feel sure we can please the most fastidious buyers. A personal inspection will convince you we are second to none, style, price . and quality considered. It is a pleasure to show our merchandise. Give us a call. McVICKEjTS millinery STYLE PLUS QUALITY STORE Try Us- You pay no premiums to trade here We sell you groceries at a small profit See what you save Saturday and all next week by coming to our store. M organ Grocery Co. Sells for Less. v..