The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 26, 1920, Page ELEVEN, Image 13

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they may steal a bit, but so long as
they don't nick us for over four bits,
and don't come often, we won't hold
It against them. The wild, free gypsy
life must be glorious. No troubles
about paying bills. No income tax
No horror of Saturday night!
If a man is at all inclined to be
sober minded, there are plenty of
things to ponder upon. Now, f'rin
tance, this morning we spent at
least ten minutes finding the "catch"
in the "city circulation map" that
will Boon be forced upon the atten
tion of Alliance advertisers. We
didn't particularly begrudge the
time. We have a fondness for
puzzles. The solution to this one is
.given in another column.
The matter that puzzles us right
now is this: Who is our small, dark
enemy. We are not quite sure that
be Is a dark man, but one likes to
picture a villain as dark. A blonde
villain, somehow, fails to be exactly
convincing. Think of it yesterday
we were blithe and gay today,
when we happen to think of it, we
(eel like pondering. The reason for
this state of mind is the fact that
we have had our fortune told, by an
aged gypsy lady who came in and
innocently inquired for the time and
was holding our hand In three sec
onds by the clock. So far as we
can recall, that is a record. There
may be women who can beat It, but
they have not yet loomed up on the
editorial horizon.
The fortune that aged gypr.y lady
told us was worth all of four bits.
In addition to making the future
bright and cheerful, we are ahead
one lucky handkerchief (slightly
soiled, but still good) which has been
three times blessed and three times
blowed upon (with the breath only)
we nave a lucKy pocketbook; a
lucky safe; a lucky checkbook. There
were two or three other things that
had the right charm put upon them,
and from now on all we expect to
do Is take the money to the bank and
check It out.
The gypsies have, changed their
method, It seems. In other days they
refused to let out a peep until their
palms were crossed with silver. Now
the older ones, at least, are more
smooth. We were afraid to try out
the younger one. The system now
is to tell the fortune, laying due em
phasis on the liberality ot the sub
ject, and in the end nick him for
more money on the ground of his
well known liberality, as shown by
the lines of his palm, the cut of his
jib and the way the hair grows over
his eyes. It's nothing more or less
than profiteering, and we are going
to bring it to the attention of th
woman's army of Nebraska or some
other authority.
Somehow, we have always liked
gypsies, although in earlier days we
were certain that they made a prac
tice of stealing and eating small chil
dren. Now we know them better,
or some better, anyhow, and about
the worst that can be said is that
they don't take as many baths as real
clean people would. Now and then
There is Just one rift within the
lute or one fly in the ointment-
take your choice of these two excel
lent figures of speech. We have two
enemies. And they are. dirt mean.
One of them is tall. He Is a sly dog.
He talks nice to us to our face, but
behind our back oh, there's no tell
ing what awful things he says and
does. .The other enemy is small.
We are not informed as to whether
he is fat or skinny, dark or light, but
we know he's a tertor. But he fights
In the open, so the fortune teller
told us, and when he gets going, he'll
go strong.
We have no one in mind who really
answers the description of our small
enemy. True, there's one paper sales
man who once presented us with a
rotten cigar, but we firmly believe
that he had the best of Intentions,
no matter how poor his judgment
was. It doesn't necessarily follow
thst because a man knows paper
pretty well, that he will have a. good
knowledge of cigars. Not every man
can pick out a good cigar. And
darned few can afford to pay for
them, even If they are able to selec.
the right blend. We can prove thla
by pointing to the large assortment
of ropes that are on sale.
Now that the oulja board Is com
ing Into popularity again, and incl-1
dentally causing a wnole lot or ao
nientle difficulties because it speaks
wisely but too well, there Is bound tot
De a recurrence 01 interest in ior
tune telling. In order to forestall
this, and give our readers the ben
efit of ancient lore, we are going to
print complete Instructions for tell
ing fortunes by means of a deck of
cards. Mind, we do not guarantee
these readings, but they have been
handed to us as coming from the
gypules themselves, and If the dlree
tions are followed, the results will
furnish excitement for an hour, or
an evening.
So near as we can discover. It does
n't make much difference how the
cards are dealt. The best way, of
course, Is to make use of the magic
numbers three, seven or nine. Seven
Is the best number, but you get more
cards If you try nine. Get a group
around a table, cut the cards very
often and In odd ways, and lay them
out, in neat rows, face up. Remem
ber that the dealer cannot tell his
own fortune. . And then read 'em
and weep. Here's the key:
King of spades, dark oldish man,
Queen of spades, woman with dark
eyes and hair.
Jack of spades, young man with
dark eyes and hair, unmarried.
Ten 6f spades, unpleasant news
from away.
Nine of spades, bad luck, funeral
or If it conies with the ace of spades,
sure death.
Eight of spades, small disappoint
Seven of spades, a meeting of un
pleasant nature.
Six of spades, agitated condition ot
the mind.
Five of spades, disappointment
over love.
Four of spades, sickness or death
Three of spades, unpleasant sur
Two of spades, tears.
Ace of spades, death or sad news
over the telephone or wireless.
Note. All spades have an 111
meaning and If a greater number of
these cards come out In a fortune it
is a bad fortune.
White Trucks
What person at all interested in motor vehicles does
not class the "White highest among the top-notchers?
White Trucks have established this firm reputation by.
Years of Performance
It is the "365-day-a-year" service that you get from
the White that insures your getting
Frank W. Miller
King of clubs, oldish man with
grayish hair and dark eyes.
Queen of clubs, woman with dark
hair and light eyes or dark eyes and
light hair.
Jack of clubs, young man wltb
dark hair and llg' t eyes or dark
eyes and light hair.
Ten of clubs, property, place of
amusement, money at night.
Nine of clubs, Journey.
Eight of clubs, disappointment,
Seven of clubs, good luck, happy
surprise. .
Six of clubs, agitation, annoyance.
Five of clubs, party or gathering
of unpelasant nature.
Four of clubs. Journey acrors a
body of water.
Three of clubs, small surprlso,
rather pleasant.
Two of clubs, a stranger or one
who has been absent for a long time
,1s coming.
' Ace of clubs, business proposition
or business matters.
King of hearts, represents a light
oldish man, married or divorced,
someone over thirty-five years old.
Queen of hearts, a fair woman.
Jack of hearts, an unmarried
Ten of hearts, marriage, or party
where strong love vibrations exist,
also money.
Nine of hearts, wish card, the best
card in the pack. If It comes out on
the boards It means "You'll get your
Eight of hearts, largest surprise in
the pack, usually over love.
Seven of hearts, good luck, sur
prise over love.
Six of hearts, strong love vibra
tions, family, etc.
Five of hearts, represents a party
with someone we love.
Four of hearts, marriage of Indi
vidual, how soon this is to take place
depends on the numbers on the cards
about it, and their complexion.
Three of hearts, happy surprise
over love matters.
Two of hearts, small party or tete-a-tete.
Ace of hearts, proposal of mar
riage or love letter.
4 i Ii4
w I
An Economical Broom
NOW comes the DAISY-LEE,
a new style, differently con
structed broom, with an im
proved and patented feature that
makes it
ill Jl
The protective fibre shield over the
shoulder prevents breaking. Under
nealh the shield the patented fattening
of the body of the broom to the handle
holds the broom corn in a firm position
and keeps it pointing down. When
worn pretty well, cut the sewing re
move the thread The New Style
DAISY-LEE BROOM is still good for
lots of sweeping.
Only test can prove how one DAISY
LEE will outwear and outlaat two or
three of the old atyle, straw-littering
kind. '
3 th floor. Lmj a
r 'holder or
pitr . Trw-rye in
ujo . i itit) hniifiitt
tuuitf tt uu a tutU.
up to th
OrtW mm, two or mm DAISY
IXfi today. Dulm wrtlo
rWll. Maw. Unmln, Nrhr, Daprt. la.
King of diamonds, represents very
fair or gray, oldish man.
Queen ot diamonds, fair woman,
or gray.
Jack . of diamonds, young light
Ten of 'diamonds, money at night.
Nine of diamonds, money..
Eight of diamonds, big surprise
over money matters.
Seven of diamonds, good luck re
garding money.
Six of diamonds, smaller amount
of money. .
Five of diamonds, party or meet
ing over money affairs, favorable;
Four of diamonds. Journey about
money or money coming to you on
Thrre of diamonds, surprise over
Two of diamonds, party or meet
ing over money matters.
Ace of diamonds, package of
money, check, present of diamond
Al Wlker, of Alliance, sells
monuments for the Palne-Fishburn
Granite Co. See him for best
prices. 64
Furthermore, the fact that Eve
never went shopping was no sign
that she didn't need to.
. Baldness seldom becomes those,
who become bald. .
Most men are better acquainted
.Brighten Things Up.
Spring wilh its Anual "Clean Up Paint Up" campaign will soon bo with tis. To
help in the gciferal good work wc have stocked our shelves with the Best There Is in
Kalsoniiii?, Taints, Varnish and Floor Finishes.
especially recommend Hygienic Kalsorninv as tho most attractive, economical,
easily applied and generally desired wall covering on the market. Jt comes in "Whites
and Sixteen Tint J, all al!ul.tted to satisfy some particular wish on the part cf the user.
We arc certain you can find just tho shude you have been wanting. You can have tho
lighter shades in great variety or you may select one of the rich velvety colors. The
fire-rcsisting properties will interest you.
Let ua help you with your Spring Clean Up Difficulties.
It Is Far Better
to deal with home merchants than to tike chances with mail order concerns.
This aplies to every business in general but to the Hide and Fur business in
particular. We have tried it out and we know positively. When we say we
pay the highest market price for your Hides and Furs we mean it and can de
liver the goods. Various mail order concerns will offer you a high price for
the "Best Furs" and a vc'ry cheap price for others. You send in a bunch to
them BUT WnO DOES THE GRADING? Do YouT Not a bit of it. THEY
DO THE GRADING. And rest assured they do not lose anything by it. Wc
know just how much they can pay for Hides and Furs, and so will you if you
look at the market. Don't believe that youH net more from them, because
they can afford to pay you only so much, and it mnst be below the market
quotations. .
Alliance Hide and Fur Co
Phone 222
311 Laramie
The Ford Runabout is a perfect whirlwind of utility. Fits into the daily
wants of everybody, anywhere, everywhere, and all the time. For town and
country it is all that its name implies a Runabout. Low in purchase price,
low in running cost, low in cost of maintenance, with all the sturdy strength,
dependability nd reliability for which Ford car are noted. The demand
grows larger every day, 60 we solicit orders to be placed without delay to
assure reasonably prompt delivery. We are authorized Ford dealers and ask
the patronage of owners of Ford cars for all repair work. We know how to
properly take care of Ford cars and we guarantee genuine Ford Parts when
making replacements. Don't take chances with outside concerns. Your Ford
car is too valuable.
Coursey & Miller
Insist a Ginulne Ford Parts
with faith and hope than they are
with charity.