THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1920. TEN TV o wL Q .V 53: ifscflla Doaa Copyright by Rice r eature Service. Cullen Bryant wrote ARTICLE XIII The llanfthee of Deanty fih! Oo ooo oo e ow e! Tie the thirteenth day of the xnonth. This Is the thirteenth article yf the thirteenth week of thla series et beauty talks and It will appear la print on Friday! So prepare for the worst. It is In evitable. There Is no escape. Cal amity always follows the wall of the Banshee. Sooner or later the blow will fall. Sooner or later v you will be a victim of the dread vlslta- lion, i nave iriea 10 break the news gent ly. I hare given the warning. On your own head be It that FIRST GRAY HAIR. Nobody wants It fvtsciu JOAN (William that.) Nevertheless, the grim, gray Ban shee sits tight on Beauty's brow and the Spectre stalks gloomily at Beau ty's side until, In despair, she grasps a pen and writes a lament. Alack-a- dayl The lament Is addressed to Me. "Dear Miss Dean: . t am discon solate. What shall I do to prevent gray hairT" Again and again the pitiful ques tlon is brought to me on a tray at breakfast And answer must be ever the same, though usually eour teously camouflaged: uear ueauty: Don't weep, nor faint, nor dye, nor try any foolish experiments. Just grin and bear it I suppose you will think me cold, unhung ana unsympathetic. You may even say: "Oh, Just wait until Denuded. Its descent is swift and udden. It alights on the pinnacle of Beauty and sounds the death knell of Youth. Oo oo O oo et Beauty shrinks 'neath the weight of Misery and sways . before the Spectre of Age. "Oh, glory of our race that so sud denly decays!" Vases For JLaster i Flowers Beautiful flowers deserve beautiful holders. And sure ly to give a Bud Holder or Basket to hold Easter flow ers and those which will fol low throughout the summer, is to express friendship in most charming manner. The present from Thicle 's always brings an extra thrill of delight. It expresses taste, substantial worth and cor . rect style, so persuasively that one cannot help but feel ' the gift is a rich compliment. Bad Holders $1.00 to $ 5.00 Pases - , 5.00 to 25.00 Silver Baskets 5.00 to But Glass Baskets ' $5.00 to 25.00 15.00 Thiele's J ewelry Watches Dntgi Brunswick Phonographs Watch Inspectors 0., B. & Q. Everybody dreads It. Like a bird of . ,h begins to get gray, then she will ill-omen It comes, unannounced, un- understand." Auai may De true, but at Dren 1 am giving you the benefit of what has been told me by the best beauty experts in the country. They all agree that nothing can really prevent hair from getting gray. It would be - u, Biem Niagara, to turn back the hands of time or to find the fountain of youth. If anv nrevnta. live were known or antidote possible ii wouia long ago have been In such thing as a gray-haired person would De seen outside a museum. Tilt n n 1 I Bm7 nBir caa De made an asset. It does not, necessarily, be- lOKen tne near approach of senilltv On the contrary, if properly cared for and becomingly arranged, It con veys a pleasing impression of poise, dignity, reliability and experience. This, to any business woman, should be Invaluable. In social life and In the home gray hair can be made to look charming and wonderfully at tractive. I have often heard It said that life Is what we make it. In my opin ion the hair, also, is what we make It. If you do not like your gray hair and so neglect it or abuse it with concoctions which usually do harm and, at the best, can do no perma nent good. Or you say you are get ting old and it doesn't matter how you look. It does matter. It is not an ex travagance to go to a Tiair dresser once a week and have your hair waved. The resultant effect will, with care, last throughout the Inter vening days from one week to the next and will so improve your ap pearance that you will feel well re paid. Then you must study a really be coming style of dressing your hair. Gray hair should never be brushed down nor drawn back in smooth, Btraight lineB. . Such a Btyle is too Bevere and trying for even tho most perfect features. It gives to the face an aged, harsh look. Neither does gray hair look well, especially upon an elderly person, when It is so loosely arranged as to give an un tidy, rakish, I-want-to-look-young sort of an appearance. There is a happy medium. Study the pleasing modes of hair dressing seen in shop windows. Ex periment a little. Then buy a net. The nets are especially easy to ad Just and cost but little. Of course, even they require a little practice to put on without disarranging the hair, but any hairdresser will give you a practical demonstration of the best method of handling them as well as the larger, triangular-shaped nets which many people prefer. The secret of wearing a net is not to draw it down too tight. Nets are not Intended to be drawn tight. On the contrary, they should rest very loose over the hair and should be caught lightly, not tightly, here and there with Invisible hair-pins. Many hair dressers give the ends of each pin a decided bend to prevent them from slipping out of the loose meshes of the net. By this means the pins form a sort of hook and do not have to be forced so far Into the colls of hair as to make it look stiff and arti ficial. The natural, fluffy, curled and waved appearance can be preserved without the suggestion of being di sheveled and wind-blown. Everyone dreads gray hair, yet 1 have never met but one person who refused to admit that gray hair was beautiful and always becoming on other people. It Is a poor rule that does not work both ways. If It is becoming to other people It is be coming, or will be becoming to you if you make It so. It will not be be coming If you do not wear it with good grace. So do not fret and wor ry and cultivate wrinkles and a bad teem per. Beauty must smile and try to for get that any change Is occurring in the color of the crown she wears, That Is the surest and best method I know for retarding the transforma tlon process. Of course there are other means at her disposal. Any thing that will promote her own good health and stimulate her scalp Is sure to have its effect. But beau ty doctors agree that it Is Just as natural for some people to get gray hair as It Is for some to have light hair and others dark hair. But everyone admires the beauty of any young woman who appears at a fancy-dress party in the style of the early 70s with her hair powdered and elaborately arranged. And any young face framed in gray hair, if the hair Is arranged in an equally becoming manner, can be Just as fas cinating. I know one young woman of twenty-three, whose artistic taste in the selection of her hats and gowns makes her always look as if sho had Just stepped forth from the frame of some rare picture. She Is youth personified but she is quaint. Indi vidual, distinctive, beautiful and her hair is perfectly gray. Go thou, and dress likewise. Heed the Banshee's warning. Don't dye Be original. Be gray zut be beau tlful. HUBER TRACTORS And Threshing Machines Standard of the World For Fifty Years " Farmers: Write for special proposition on our first Tractor sold in the county. Attractive Proposition for an aggressive agent in Alliance. If interested, write HUBER MFG. CO. LINCOLN, NEBR. Paid On OTime Deposits Why let your money lay idle when you can get a good rate of interest. You will receive your interest 4 every six months. Guardian Trust Co. TJNDEB SUPERVISION STATU OF NEBRASKA Want to sell or buy them. Ilrirg your cattle, hog1 and caUes t Phillips' barn next Saturday. 3 1 BRIDGEPORT Girrs 18 NEW SWITCH YARDS Birdgeport, the chief contender with Alliance for Burlington con st ruction in this part of the state, has at least received some encourage ment. The News-Blade of that city in Its last issue, tells of new switch lug yards to be built there, the blue prints for which h" ow thirty-one tracks, and draxv.t therefrom some comforting conclusions. The article follows: "At least it looks as If the long contemplated actlvitv In lovil rail road circles Is about to begin. An official of the Burlington was here this week in conference with the city council, and county commissioners. Preparations are being made. for put ting In the extensive switching yards southeast eof the depot, the plans for which have been under way for some time. A certain public road wvich traverses the present track at which is known as tho Hunt crossing will be vocated, and the railroad company has purchased an additional right of way, which goes practically to the Woolsey crossing. The blue prints call for something like 31 switching tracks that will be built here, also large coal chutes and other needed improvements. The double-tracking to the new Burlington bridge is now under way, which when completed will allow trains which when corn will allow the trains from the Casper line to come In on their own track. This news, coming so soon upon the resumption of private ownership of the railroads, ueads one to believe real business is meant this time, and talk of the line down the North Platte from Bridgeport is again re vived. It is reported upon good au thority that the construction of that road is only a matter of a short time. This Is the most substantial proof we have had hat the Burlington cer tainly considers the making of this one of their most Important points, and then Just watch Bridgeport forge ahead by the proverbial leaps and bounds." A new suit is oft times the or igin of a fit. We fit you. Before purchasing elsewhere view the ex tensive display of Wooley & Oos spring suiting. The latest styles In any color or shade. Strictly all wool. Prices defy competition. A trial will convince the most skep tical. Eagle Tailoring Oon 121 Box Butte Ave. 84 If a woman's credit is good at a dry goods store she never argues about the price. For Sale One five room bouse. good condition. Modern except heat. Good Location. See Nebraska Land Company. tf Is not the cook who prepares a good dinner greater than the man who makes the after-dinner speech T NOTICE. We have sold our business and de- etre ot close our books -by April 1. All those knowing themselves indebt ed to ns will please see us before that date. O'BANNON BROS. If, as the poet says, a room hung with pictures is a room bung with thoughts, what Is a board fence hung "Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others." - Ben Franklin A Beautiful Woman is the symbol of per fection. Clothes may. accentuate beauty or mar it. Our great mission is to inspire, sug gest and guide towards the attainment of perfection in dress. . We always try to keep in mind, however, that most people must gauge their purchases according to limited incomes, and, at the same time, they seek a certain dignity and refinement in their clothes. Easter Suits, Coats and Dresses are here in beautiful profusion for the discriminating buyer. Give us the pleasure of showing them to you. FASHION SHOP (Hi. fr1T ft Everything Points That 1 Way All signs indicate that this season will see more building activity than has ever before been experienced in Alliance and Box Butte County. Whyt Progress Has Been Retarded Long Enough People feel that they can no longer profitably delay building improvements. The necessity is that we keep abreast of progress. We can help you with plans and bills of material for almost any improvement you want to build. Let us have the opportunity. Forest Lumber fmm 1 ; Company j g i W. VL BEVmdTON, Mgr. J J 33f 43 witn circus posters?