TUB ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1920. TWO BALD & RUST LAND CO. Successors to Thomas-Bald Investment Co. Comment-and Discomment 11 ui rejoice ana oe exceeaing glad nay, tickled to death. One of the worst offenders in the world has reformed. No, dear readers, little Boilerplate Dennle has not quit back biting it's better news than that from the standpoint of this partic ular publisher. Bennie succeeds In Advertising The Herald, although be'a not on our payroll, and he has earned our eternal gratitude. He baa helped bring a real newspaper intn man homes where once The Semi-Weekly Scrapbook held sway Long may he bluster and loudly may be roar. We need the advertising, We are referring to the decision .of a large publicity bureau to Btop Attemnta to sponge free advertising It would surprise a good many of cur readers if they had any Idea of the Imnienfu? sums that are spent ach month to secure space in news papers without pnylng coin of the realm for it. Literally dozens of letters arrive each week some marViA "Personal." others labeled 'Important." and many "News Mat Tiimh " And all of them lK the same weet song. Thoy tell o their net project nncl attempt to prove conclusively that thetr pet cheme is tho most important thtnK in the world. Some of these space moochers go farther than merely sending u mimeographed news , letters. They have plates made of their junk, so the publisher won t have to sei up. Then, some day when news is scarce, the makeup man may grab l mnA Put it in the columns. These people pay the men and women wh write this slush good salaries. They pay the man who makes the plates bis legitimate profit. They pay the xpress company real money to have it brought to the printer but they try to tell the printer that he ought to publish it without charge. And lota of them get away with it. an tnnff n real news although not K for publication. 2. Thanks for your prompt re sponse and your Interest. Replies to our questionnaire show an almost unanimous verdict that the paper waste is appalling. Based on slight ly less than a thousand replies from papers ranging In circulation rrom the 350.000 city daily to the 800 a week fellow in the rural districts, the composite answer is: How much free publicity are you receiving in the dally mans an sourcesT Boxes, barrels, carloads. How much of it are you using? One-half of 1 per cent by volume. How much of it is put up in news paper shape so as to require no edit ing or ro-writlng? Two and seventy- five hundredths per cent by welgnt. How much of it has news value? Now and then we find a raisin in it. Remarks (if any). There should be another Volstead act for the sup pression of near and unpaid pub- lfcrlty. G-r-r-r-I ! t ! I-lke Wlse d n. Waste is criminal. Some of- the most palpable offenders are movies, presidential candidates, financial institutions, relief organ izations paying high salaries to sup posed space grafters. Hearty con eratlntlons on your good Bcnse in cutting out some of it. 3. And so, with these few re marks, and after turning iu our dark lantern, our gum goloshes, our false face and our skeleton keys, we re nounce membership In the Space Grubbers' Union and will endeavor to lead an honest, straightforward life hereafter. 4. But listen. Now and then, not often mind you, when you get In the mails a colored envelope such as en closes this memorandum, open it up, for it will contain some 100 proof stuff that was smuggled in through the vast sea of useless words. It'll. be that kind of we won't send it out. J. T. CONRAD. Chief, Recruiting Publicity. r There is, of course, a little rift within the lute. You noticed, Just The first bureau of this sort to publicly reform is the recruiting pub licity bureau .or the United States army, with headquarters at New York City. For months we have .been getting from two to five letters a week from these people short ones, thank heaven containing a brief wrlteup. To be.fair, their stuff -was better than gome, but at that nine-tenths' of it was without a gleam of interest. We have not .found a single line of it worthy of a place in The Herald. We're more particular about what we set before our readers than some folks. Ten days ago, this bureau sent out A questionnaire. We came nearly throwing it into the wastebasket, as usual, but inasmuch as it was sealed, we had curiosity enough to open It It Jarred us, this questionnaire, be cause of the way it was worded. It asked questions that we had often asked ourselves, and, hoping that .some interesting figures would be .compiled, we filled her out and sent her in. Today the answer arrived. and it is even more startling. The envelope had a broad band of red across the front, with the bro- mldic words "Real News" engraved In block letters. And it was real news. Read these words, reader, and weep as we wept for sheer Joys- as we did, that tho writer said that onco in a wnne ne d send some "real news" to us. We believe he means It we want to believe, as the sinner said but we've been gold- brlcked so often. And now, if tho Y. M. C. A., th- U. S. Navy, the Interchurch World Movement,-the Non-Partisan league, the Unite States Grain corporation, the rershlng-for-Presldent gang, the tire manufacturers, the institute of American meat packers, the Univer sity of Nebraska, the livestock com mission men and a couple of him dred. other societies will only quit sending us columns of drivel, we could stand the effort of throwing the rest of them in the waste basket without endangering our eternal salvation. MEMORANDUM: For All Editors. Subject: Our Questionnaire, 2-21-20. Reference: Your Answer. 1. For a very good reason, this is Get us right we don't object to printing free publicity dope that has a gleam of Interest in it for our readers, or that has news value. If it possesses these two essentials, we don't mind rewriting it to make the words track rightly. We're glad to accept news itsems of local value, and we welcome, now and then, a contribution on other subjects of general interest when an Alliance man writes it. But, we can promise you this boilerplate and grapevine, unless especially timely and remark ably interesting, so long as the pres ent owners conduct The Herald, wllJJ be forever barred. This newspaper is na scrapbook. Firemen Uleman and Shoafatall are off duty, being sick. Jack Phillips went to Chicago Sat urday night to attend to personal business, True Economy We Cleqn, Press and Repair Men and Women's CLOTHING Clothing sent to this shop for Dry Cleaning or Pressing always gets the same careful attention whether It be a hurry-up order or one on which we have plenty of time. KEEP-UtNEAT CLEANERS, TAILORS & DYERS 207 BOX BUTTE PHONE 133 Coming direct from the Auditorium, Denver. Guaranteed to be the best attraction ever in Alliance. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! To the Theatre and Musical Patrons of Alliance and Vicinity The Management of the Imperial Theatre Desires to thank the patrons of this city and vicinity for the liberal patronage and hearty co-operation that has enabled us to bring the better class of entertainment to this city, and to announce that under a liberal guarantee arragenments have been completed to present an O V K It A FESTIVAL TWO NIGHTS Sunday and Monday, Mar. 21-22 The Ralph Dunbar Presentation of America's Best Loved and Greatest Comic Opera ROBIN HOOD By Reginald DeKoven and Harry B. Smith With the Complete All-Star Cast of Leading American Operatic Artists Large Chorus of Boys and Girls that really sing-. Guaranteed the best ensemble chorus en-tour. Splendid Orchestra of Symphony Players including Leading Members from both St. Louis and Minneapolis Symphony Orchestras. Same Lavish Scenes and Mechanical Display as used during the Four Months Run at the Park Theatre, New York City. A Few of the Members of This Superb Organization v Lorna Doona Jackson, Phcnominal Contralto. New Orleans Opera Company. Stella Thomas, Prima Donna Soloist. Arthur Pryor's Band. Elsie Tedic, Soprano, Metropolitan, New York. Kathrinc Callaway, Original Star. "Have a Heart." Marie Baker, Original "Princess Pat." Albert Parr, Tenor. Metropolitan, New York. "Robin Hood" with last continental tour Bostonians. James McSweeney, Original Friar Tuck with Bostonians. Now playing original role. Ed Andrews, Original Koka of Mikado fame. George Dogan, Bass. Century Opera Company. Soul Solomon, Comedian, London Opera Company. And Others. ORCHESTRA UNDER DIRECTION OF VALENTINE, METROPOLITAN, NEW YORK Special to Our Patrons: Although there are no financial returns to be made by the Theatre Management dur ing this engagement owing to the guarantee necessary to bring this excellent attraction here, still we are well repaid in the knowledge that we are giving the people of Alliance the best musical attraction of the present season. PRICES: $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Subscription and mail orders now received when accompanied by remittance and self-addressed envelope. INCLUDE WAR TAX. Address all letters to Manager Imperial Theatre Box office sale opens March i5th at Holsten's Drug Store NOTE Owing to the capacity business played to everywhere by this attraction, no tPlPtihone orders will be received. No seats laid away, and we wish to impress on our patrons the necessity of prompt reply for mail orders so that you may aecure the choice locations. TO OUT OF-TOWN PATRONS: A special block of seats are being held for out of- Wrihpra and seats will be filled in the order received. THIS WILL POSITIVELY BE THE SOCIETY MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON THE HERALD WANTOLuM GETS RESULTS. TRY THEM