THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1920. SEVEN I iX-gr " TTc - . c WANT TO BUT eomethlnirT Hun dred of people weekly cn thae want ad column locking for what you or others have to offer. Oet quick reaulta by advertising In The Herald Want Ad depart ment. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY FIVE room Bungalow, all modern, close in; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tf FOR SALE HAY FRSAl0lirto1i?7iriay Octave L. Kicken, Ellsworth, Neb. 34 FOR SALE HOUSE FIVE ROOMS and bath. Compara tively close In. Want to deal di rect for cash; no agents. Price $4200. Inquire No. 505, Alliance Herald, tf FollSAlEEGAiniLJKS EeoaiTblanIc Herald Office. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 6TQSTfi?CvSPAPERS6c at The Herald Office. FOR SALE ON TERMS FOR SALE ON TERMS My 12 room, - modern bouse, 2 baths. Nettle M. Campbell. Phone 712; 506 Cheyenne Ave. tf FOR SALE TRACTORS FOR SALE One nearly new Ford son; one 20 horsepower Interna tional in good shape; one Case steam engine with steel tender; one Hleder 1225 in good shape. F. A. Clark, tf FOR SALE USED CARS FOR SALE Good used cars. A. II. Jones Company, Masonic Temple Bldg. tf FOR RENT ROOMS FORREr3TetpTn modern borne; close In. Phone Red 186. tf WANTED BARBER BARBER wanted at once; good from 30 to 40; must be good. Write or wire Harry Lemastr, Belle Fourche, 8. Dak. 27 WANTED RAGS THE HERALD will pay 7c a pound for good, clean, white rags. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Middle aged lady to keep bouse for a family of three. No children or washing. Call phone 987. tf iOST lack mull, very valuable. Finder please return to Herald office and receive reward. tf FOR SALE AUTO BOOKS F&TlirATQS-seTT cyclopedas, late edition. Inquire Dick Strong, Buick Garage. 27p WANTED DAY WORK r, reliable colored girl wianes day work. 211 Laramie (In rear). tf WANTED FEMALE HELP WBlTED--iirT to help with house work, part or all time. Mrs. Rus sell, 724 Cheyenne. 28p HELP WANTED MALE March, April. Men, women, I8 60 eligible. $110 month. Experi ence unnecessary. For free partic ulars, writs R. Terry (former Civil Service Examiner) 1041 Continental Sldf ., Washington, D. O. - STp WANTED SALESMEN $1500 to $5000 yearly net. Does that look good to you? You can make it if you own a wagon or auto and can give bond. 137 articles used in every home, on every farm. Larg est company of kind in world. 52 years in business. You don't need experience; we train you; trust you with goods. Write Quick for exclu sive terriiory. J. R. Watkins Co., Dc pt. 110, Winona, Minn. 27p FOR SALE E(JS FOR HATCHING FOR SALE Single comb BuOOr pington eggs for hatching from prize winning and tested strains. Phone 212. Mrs. J. A. Keegan. tf LOST LOST Small bar pin with com- mandery emblem, between 802 Missouri end Baptist church. Call Mrs. L. B. IJenton, 'phone 667. Re ward. 27p CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the many kind friends for their acts and words of comfort during our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kicken and Family. 27 CARD OF THANKS We wiuh to offer our sincere than to all the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted during the ill ness and death of our mother. Espe cially do we appreciate the beautiful gifts of flowers from the Odd Fel lows, the' Railway Carmed and the ladies of the Baptist church. . Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hiles and Family, S, B. Mitchell. 27p NEGLECTING THAT GOLD OR COUGH? Why, when Dr. King's New Discovery so promptly checks it r"S natural you dont want to be careless and let that old cold or cough drag on or that new attack develop seriously. Not when you can get such a proved successful remedy as Dr. King's New Discovery. , Cold, cough, grippe, croup does not resist this standard reliever very long. Its quality Is as high today as It al ways has been and It's been growing steadily In popularity for more titan fifty years. 60c. and $1.20 a bottle at all druggists. Give it a trial. Tardy Bowels, Inert Liver They jost won't let you put "pep" Into your work or play. Sick head ache comes from retaining waste mat ter and impurities in the body. Feel right for anything make the liver lively, the bowels function regu larly, with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Smoothly yet positively they producs results that cleanse the system and make the liver and bowels respond to the demands of a strong, healthy body. Still 25c at all druggists. Try them tonight. KNOCKS OUT PAIN THE FIRST ROUND Comforting relief from pain makes Sloan's the World's Liniment This famous reliever of rheumatic sches, soreness, stiffness, painful Drains, neuralinc pains, and most other external twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its great sales be cause it practically never fails to bring speedy, comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes littls to Ptnttratt without rubbing and pro duce results. Clean, refreshing. At all drug stores.' 35c, 70c, $1.40. O U.S. HE TAX EXEPfTSNOBODY Every Person Who Had Income1 in 1919 Must Determine Own Liability. MARCH 15 LAST FILING DATE. 3uret Way Is to Follow Form 1040AJ Free Advice In Doubtful Cases. Severe Penalties In Law. Nohodv In Jtemnt from Inrnma TtJ An obligation Is laid directly on thai, shoulders of each citizen and resident' to consider his own case and to get his. return In on time If one Is due. I With each return showing a tax due a pavment must accompany thjj return In the full amount of the tax or at least one-quarter of the tax. All returns for 1019 must be filed on or before March 13. ; Mutt Show True Figures. ' In figuring up his earnings for In come tax purposes a person must take' Into consideration nil Items of taxable. Income, nnd each Item Itself must be, accurate In amount. Guesses and es timates must be avoided, for the re-, turn Is made under oath. ! Everybody who hud an Income dur-. Ing 1919 must now determine whelher( his or her net Income was sufficient In, amount to require un Income Tax fe-j turn. The best way to find out Is to( get a Form 10I0A and follow the In-, structions printed on It. Thnt form will serte as a reminder of every Item' of Income; and If a return Is due, It tells how to prepare and flJe It. t One of the Important points to keep. In mind Is that a person's net Income ts found by a computation prescribed' In the law, and that each Item of In- come from every source must be con-; sldered, unless hperlfloally exempted. Another thing to remember Is ihat Ihfc personal exemption allowed tax-j poyers by law has no relation whatever, to the requirement t. file return. This exemption Is not to be considered until a person has figured out t!s not In come and determined whether It was sufficient to require him to tile n re-' turn. Thon, If n return must be Hied, he should read carefully the Instruc tions for claiming coemption, cud com plete his return. If In doubt on any point as to Income or deductions, a person may secure f?cc advice and aid from the nearest Internal Revenue office. Many bnnks nnd trust companies are also furnish ing similar service during bunking hours. Heavy Fenalties In Law. For failing to make a return on time the penalty Is a fine of not more than (1,000 and an addition of 23 per cent to the tax, if any. For making a falxe or fraudulent return the penalty Is a fine of not .more -than $10,000 ort Im prisonment not exceeding one year, or both ; and. In addition, 50 per cent of the tax. There are other penalties for falling to pay tax when due and for understatement of the tax through negligence. Many Sources of Income. Aside from what one may earn by his services, there are many other sources of Income. If he sold any property during 1919 he must figure out the gain realized. If he rented buildings, land, apartments or rooms such rents must be conrldered taxa able, and he may claim deductions for necessary expenses Incidental to rents. Bank Interest Is a common source of Income and Is taxable whether with drawn or not Any amount of interest credited to a depositor Is Income to the depositor. Interest on mortgages and notes Is taxable ; also bond Interest received from corporations. A taxpayer who cashed his Insur ance during 1919 must report as In come any excess received over the to tal of premiums paid. Members of partnerships or personal service corporations or beneficiaries of an estate or trust must report their shares of Income distributable to them whether or not actually withdrawn, Dividends of domestic corporations must be reported. Mr.ny other forms of Income are taxable, unless specific ally exempted INCOME TAX IS DUE MARCH 15 Penalties for Delay and Failure to Make Returns Early Compliance Urged. All Income tax returns covering the year 1919 must be filed by Monday, March IS. Each taxable return must be accompanied by check or money or der for the full amount or at least one- quarter of the amount of tax due. Cash payments are accepted only at the collector's main office; If sent by mall, they are at the Beudcr's risk. -Residents of Nebraska should file their returns with, and make payments of Income Tax to, George L. Loomls, Collector of Internal Itevenue, Omaha, Neb. Those who must file returns but have not done so are warned that the revenue law Imposes heavy penalties for failure to get returns In on time or to make payments on time. Early filing and early payments' are urged, la order to relieve the Internal revenue offices as much as possible of an overload on the tinal day, March 1. RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS O. L. Stephenson and wife to Frederick W. Mellck, B S3, Stt NWVi 34-27-50, $1. Warren L. Jewell and wife to Marlon Hutton, HEM 10-27-62, $2, 400. John O'Keefe and wife to Roy Stelnofr, SK4 4-26-47, $5,760. Frank Abegg and wife to Tom Stalos, lot 12, block 3, Falrvlew ad dition to Alliance, $110. Tom SlaloB to Conley Miller, lot 10. SV& of lot 11, block 3, Falrvlew addition to Alliance, 1196.90. Frederick W. Carnarsky and wife to Keith L. Pierce, NH and SFV of SW4 29-28-50, $3,600. T. Colvin to Keith L. Pierce, pari SWi SWK 8-27-49. $1. Nella L. Weaver and husband et si. to Keith L. Tierce, part SWK SW4 8-27-49. X. Alvin M. Miller to Keith L. Tierce, part SWK SW4 8-27-49, $14,200. Frederick Albrecht and wife to Charles E. Licking, SWtf, 2-28-47, 2,400. Brough McWhlrter and wife to Al bert Hoverka, 8EM 5, BEM one- half Interest SW V4 4-27-52, $15,600. J. W. Miller, sheriff, to Annie Kaper, Ntf Stt 27-27-62.. uousy Matejovsky and husband to Annie Kaper, N Etf 27-27-52, $2,- 600. United States to Bertha Fodnes, NE4 6-26-48.. United States to Lauvlca J. Somp- son, SK 4-25-47. James F. Cousins, widower, to Amos II. Bacon, BEM 15-27-50, 14,800. Jess Mellck, single, to Theodore Knutson, SW4 20-27-51, $6,000. Lewis II. Highland to G. II. Wil liams and wife, W 1-3 of lots 65, 66, and 67, county addition to Alliance, 4,500. Thomas M. Tully and wife to Bert Ponath et al., lot 4, block 6, Wyom Ing addition to Alliance, $5,000. Eugene Ball and wife to Robert A. Ball, N of 11-27-51, quit claim deed. Elizabeth Btler and husband to Charles S. Brown, NE4 and SH of section 22. SW4 23, N4 and NE of 23, SEi 26. N 27-26-51, $39,- 600. Verne W. Jenkins, single, to Ed ward C. Worcester et al., SEM 10-27-52, $5,760. Charles E. Ambler, single, to Nor man A. McCorkle, SW 18-25-50, $4,800. N. P. Dodge, Jr., and wife to W. F. Parker, lot 214, Belmont addition to Alliance, $165. Politicians are yelling for reform. What some of them need Is chloro form. Real Estate, Loans and Insnr ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Elock. tf HOT SPRINGS CLINIC MEDICAL AND SURGICALSPECIAUSTS Internal Medicine. Surtfcru. Ewe Ear Nose & Throat i, V1A. r1 AA . V.TJ. 1 TWoSplendid Hospitals OlHOT SPRINGS 77te National iini!H!i!iiiiircinn)sa?i DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS 13 jaSafsaaWq BARGAINS IN FARMS, RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTIES You will find them at the office of The Thomas Company. We have had placed with us for sale, since commencing business, a number of exceptional bargains for ready buyers. It is well worth your time to visit our office and' give us an opportunity to tell you of and show you some of these bargains which we have for uick sale. Or if you are out of town write us fully and we will send you complete descriptions by mail. THE THOMAS CO. Lloyd 0. Thomaj Phone 20, Room AlaLLiHOS - - - Herman Wellenslek was under the weather the other day and went to a doctor for advice. "You are over worked," snld doc, "you should take less Interest In your business." "Less Interest," yelled Herman, "less In terest; the rales are too danged low now '. "Buckshot. HV Grind Our Own Ltnsti Everyone should have their eyes ex amined onco a year. B.G.Bauman, O.D OrjlRA HOUSE BLOCK VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric aci J troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning thoy pive that they need attention by t. iking COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for tha3 disorders, will often ward off these dis eases and strengthen the body against further attacks. Three sizes, all druggist. Look foe the same Cold Medal en evetr bea and accept ee inJtatioa Pneumonia . often follows Neglected Cold KILL THE COLD! HILL'S aS CASCARAkMUININ OJlOMlDt Standard rdd rcmcde for 29 vtare i in tsblt form (, surt, no opiate Dreakt up e cold in z nnurt relieve grip In t atr. Money back if It tail. The genuine bos bat a Red lop will Mr. HUT! picture. A I AUDrut 5teree J AA . T -U " f t t Medical 4Hock SOUTH DAKOTA Health Resort Glasses Accurately Fitted Wo Can Duplicate any Broken Lens. 818H'Dox Butte Ave. Phone 121 Harold 8. Thomas S, Keddiah Block . - 1TESBASSA Sea l if 5ca BaumartJ'ariaPatia r XXlV.n MM K8 ajniiiiiii'iiimiiiiiiiinii&.-l-l TOM STALOS Groceries & Meat Market We Deliver Any Place and. Any Time PHONE 753 Quick Service Electric rilONE 250 Under Illguland-Holloway Co Alliance . . Nebraska Nitrous Conductlre Oxide Anesthesia DR. W. J. MAHAFFY DENTIST Alliance Nebraska Not Medicine Not Surgery Not Osteopathy Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey Chiropractor Graduate Palmer School Telephone 965 Wilson Building Alliance. - - Nebraska) GEORQE J. HAND, M. D. AstbuM and Hay Fever Dye, Ekr, Nose and Throat PHONB 1ST CaHs aaewere frB Oflee lay es l(M L. A. BERRY ROOM 9 RUMMER BLOCK PHONE 9 . ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA DR. EINAR V. BLAK IrMn nnd Bnrgrrf Bpvrtaltri Kyr, Kar, Neee Tkreat and l.uaae Glaeaee Carrfnily Kltt OBSe la Mallerr Mark I'hearai OB 104. Heatdenee 101 L. W. BOWMAN Physician and, Surgeon . SlStfc Bos Uatle ALIJANCK. NEBRASKA Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Stock And General Farm Sales rbono 00 1 ' Alliance J. D. EMERICS Bonded Abstracter 1 have th lr ael af Akattaet ktaehe la Has Uatle Vmmtr. First National Bank Bldg. Dr. E. B. O'Keefe DENTIST Over Harper's Store Flione 1028 Alliance, Nebr. O. E. Nelson Lawyer DENTON BC1LDI5Q CONTRACT WIRING A ELECTRIC REPAIRS Atlaatlea fa Detail Mafcre Oil Wera La EMlttUiKNOY KL10CT1UO CO. raoia is IIS WUH W it Mertea SUaltjr L. E. Bliss FARMER AUCTIONEER Live Stock a Specialty Phone Birch 8183, Alliance Wallace-Robbins Transfer and Storage Co. Service and Satisfaction Phone 1 ZXovm Phon 472