FOUR THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1920. sept iraa ts 11 1 1 muaax :, i jmaaan mft.wuyaaBLi BALD & RUST LAND CO. Successors to Thomas-Bald Investment Co. 3S3 Gfytf iUUanrc Herald BURR rRINTINQ CO., Owners GEORGE L. IJURIl, JR Editor EDWIN M. BURR Business Mgr. Official newspaper of the City of Alliance; official newspaper of Box Butte County. Owned and published by tho Burr Printing Company, George L. Burr, Jr., President; Edwin M. Burr, Vice President. sJobecrlptton $2.50 a year, In advance Entered at the postofflce at Alli ance, Neb., for transmission' through the mails as second class matter. Published Tuesday and Friday. Those who hare Insisted that the 4emocratlc party Is officially tied up With the "wet" element, will be In terested in the news that comes from &L Louis this week. There the Tenth district republication denounced na tion prohibition and asked congress to repeal the eighteenth amendment. The resolution declares national pro hibition as an Infringement on totes' rights, as guaranteed by the constitution, and asks that hereafter constitutional amendments be sub Knitted to a referendum rote of the geople. phllanthropiflt, with an eye to good government and a desire to interest young men In the O. O. P., has of fered a prize of 110,000 to the man between the ages of twentyone and twenty-flve who will write the best party platform. It's a fine Idea, and ought to stimulate Interest. We can Imagine a large number of college men brushing themselves up on the ories and buckling down to the task, and we wouldn't fancy the Job of Judging the contest. After a platform Is selected, it will be a st ill greater task to Induce the O. O. P. conven tion to accept It. We doubt whether Vincent's Idea will be appreciated by the delegates, despite the fact that It ought to. Profiteers are put Into the same class with usurers and blackmailers in Bulgaria, and the cheerful people of that country have devised what appears to be an effective way to deal with them. They have not organised woman's army, or appointed com missions to Investigate, but the au thorities, once a charge Is proved, placard these men, and march them through the streets In chains. It re tain da one of the days of the pillory aind the ducking stool. Announcement has been made thai Vincent Gray, a republican RAILROAD NOTES Engineers Kaupp, Breamer, An trim Roberts, and Setximan were taken off the extra board and put back to firing yesterday on account of the slack In the railroad business. Conductor Peterson is on Nos. 41 and 42, relieving Conductor Rheider whose wife Is very 111 with the grippe. Brakeman R. W. Murphy was called to Grand Island to have a gov ernment medical examination. Brakeman E. C. Harris has re signed hla position and left this morning for his home. Assistant Trainmaster Glen Wilt returned from Chicago Saturday, but Is not able to return to work as yet on account of his wife being serious ly ill. Brakeman Tilly has resigned his place and will leave for Kansas City tonleht. Enalneer Arnold fro mthe Sterling division Is reported Quite ill here In Alliance. The International association of machinists held a meeting last night in Reddish hall, and among other things they presented Barney Egbers a handsome traveling nag narnev has been working in the Al llance machine shops for over twen ty-two years and has been with QLEN MILLER Undertaking PARLORS nurlington railroad for over fifty five years. He was recently pensioned and sent home so that he may live comfortably the rest of his life. Fifty-five years continuous service is long enough to warrant a rest. Machinist Al Tomkin went to Kan sas Oity last night to visit with his parents. He will be gone for some time. t Machinist Ben Malalne, president of the local brotherhood of machin ists, returned to work yesterday after being off for about three weeks with the influenza. The master mechanic and aMcbla- 1st W. E. Connor have Just returned from a two weeks' stay at St. Paul, Minn., where they have been attend ing the trial of a machinist who was hurt here last winter while working in the tank gang.- The machinist 1 sueing the railroad company for , a larger workman's compensation. The decision of the court has not yet been handed down. ; The town of Battle Creek was out of water the other day. Time has been when that would have caused no uneasiness. I wish Lew and Gene and Roll were not so polite about waiting on me when I go Into their stores. I'd lets rather wait on myself. O. O. Buck In Harvard Courier. POLITICAL ADVTOTISraiEyT ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the democratic nom ination for county, commissioner from the First district, subject to the; will of the voters at the April pri mary. . I have been a resident of Box Butte county for thirty-four years, and believe I am fitted for the posi tion. If chosen, 1 will serve the people of the county to the best of my ability. 32 JOSEPH DUHON. 128 West Third Street Telephone Day 311 Night 522 Red 520 SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED WHEN YOU BUY THE ANKER -HOLTH CREAM SEPARATOR This underlying principle, that the user must be satisfied, is folloMed in the building of every Anker-llolth Cream Separator. The result has been that dealers have found the Anker Ilolth agency a most desirable one. The machine is one that appeals to the discriminating used and every Anker llolth owner iaan Anker-llolth booster. And don't for get that a dealer can have no greater asset that a com munity of farmers -who are satisfied and who are talking his goods. ' a STRONG FEATURES OP THE ANKERHOLTH ARE: The self -balancing bowl which is guaranteed to stay in balance for the life of the machine. The self-oiling feature. A child can operate be caure of ease of operation. To skim the cleanest and to be the easiest to keep clean. No numbers on the discs to confuse the operator. The discs are interchangeable. . The above features, and many others, are behind the "SATISFACTION" that foUows the sale and use of an Anker-Holth Separator. IMPERIAL Theatre i TONIGHT ONLY DOROTHY PHILLIPS Brilliant Sta of ' "The Heart of Humanity In her new masterpiece nn j it uiii mmiiMiw fU 1 pf.l Brand A Jewel production. Star Dorothy Phillips. Previous Successes "The Heart of Humanity," "The Talk of the Town." "A Soul for Sale," "The Mortgaged Wife," etc Directed by Rollin Sturgeon, who produced "God's Coun try and the Woman." Supporting Cast William H. Stowell, Harry Hilllard, Ger trude Astor, Stanhope wheatcroft, Walt Whitman, Antrim Short. Tom Ashton, Nanine Wright, Allan Sears, Edgar Sherrod. Scenario by Elliott J. Claw son. ' : " From Novel byCharles Nev . llle Buck. i Iiooale The farm and New York, the Stock Exchange and a palatial residence. TtiMne The ambition of a farm youth who dreams of lording it In the financial world "out there." The pages of the book might-have-been are turned tea years forward; the youth la seen as a man with his dreams fulfilled. He be comes a Napoleon of finance .' but loses hla soul. He breaks up the romance of his sister . with her lover and brings down tragedy upon bis bouse. The chapter of the fairy-book Is turned back, however, and we are shown the boy-conqueror, having corned the call of the city, tilling the soli while bis sis ter's romance Is happily con gummated. HO ADVANG3 IN FRIGS - v ISo A 27o An Attractive Showing of SPRING COATS Varied in Style and Tone Faultlessly tailored and enchantingly developed in all of the new "Woolens such as Polo Cloth, Camels Hair, Trico tine and Tweed. These newly created Coats boast many individual, smart touches and 'uncommon style distinc tion Styles so varied and the assort ment large enough to make your selec tion easy at just the time you wish to buy. Coats at $25 up to $150. Hats of Every Style I For Spring Pattern Hats of the best makes, featur ing many colors in small, medium and large shapes. Nifty Sailors in Black and Brown. Suit Hats and Tailored Hats in a big variety at $5.95 up to $35.00 The HORACE BOGUE STORE JUST AROUND THE CORNER" 113 WEST THIRD' STREET s 3 J U U U 1, 1 BZ3 rt vt I ) u tl I) u Ym J 111 Thrift in Youth-Comfort in Old Age If, while you are young and earning plenty of money, you will put a part of it in this Bank each week, when old age comes you will have a true friend to take care of youbring ing you comforts denied the less thrifty. "We have several plans, each one with some special point of interest, but all ending with a good balance in the Bank for youproviding you follow through to the end of the plan you select. . Stop in any time and talk it over with one of our officers. Savings Banks For Individual Use ' For the convenience of our Savings depositors we have secured theBe Small Steel Banks for home accumulations. These will be given away to each of our patrons in the Savings Depart ment and also to those who open a Savings Account. They make a simple and effective means of keeping odd change until it assumes enough size to deposit. They will be dis tributed beginning SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28 FIRST STATE BANK innnn IMMMM n n n n n tcx rrXTTTT AD COURTEOUS 8SRVIG2