TWO THE ALLIANCE HEItAM). FRIDAY, FKRRITAUY 27. 1 920 Random Shots These rules are commended to the , Us men will have to be careful attention Elhs. of Brother Eagles and I from now on. The colored minstrel troup that hit Alliance on Monday evening was an aggregation of gentlemen. Thoir demeanor was placid and meek, their behavior exemplary and their per formance excellent, by the way. We happened upon the following Bet of rules and regulations, propetly signed and attested, which indicates that there may have been a reason for their conduct. We copy these verbatim, whatever that Is: It was noticeable that there was a lot more spirit shown at the Junior c1a3 play when it came time to give their own ytlls. RULES TO BE CARRIED ON PERSON And Must De Remembered and Abid ed By Otherwise Subject to Fines as Per Rules Named Rule 1 Ten Dollars Fine ($10. 00) For using vulgar or profane language in the presence of ladies, on or off the show. Rule 2 Five Dollars Fine ($5. 00) For kidding and arguing in public; for news carriers and agita tion. Rule 3 Five dollars Fine ($5. 00) For smoking In orchestra pit or In any part of the front of the house, or on parade or concert. Rule 4 Two Dollars Fine ($2. 00) Orchestra must be in pit at 8:15 sharp; band in street at 12 soon or 4 p. m. Rule 5 Two Dollars Fifty Cents ($2.50) That you must look after all uniforms in your possession and keep them clean as possible. Iiule 6 Each and every individ ual must take instructions from the manager of the department in which he or she is employed, otherwise will be subject to fine whatsoever the manager may see proper and fit. Govern yourselves accordingly. When those boya hit the univer sity, one of them will be able to Mng "Boola-Boola" louder than the whole gang did at the performance. The waiter brought the soft-boiled eggs, Boiled harder than a crock. "Can't make 'em softer, boss," he said, "They're from a Plymouth Rock. News report says that the oldest horse in Massachusetts has died at the age of forty-three years. Shucks! We know donkeys who are twenty years older than that. And parrots live to a real ripe age, Today's best story and, sad to say, It's a true one: An Alliance girl had company the other night. The company was lib eral and brought along a whole box of chocolate creams. Our heroine ate about half the box of candy and It wasn't such an awful big box either and then drank a whole lot of water. We don't know how much water a whole lot la, but it's con Blderably more bulky than a whole lot of other kinds of drinkables Later in the evening, an arm stole around our heroine, and Bhe was hugged. Not an ordinary squeeze, with caution due to lurking belt pins, but a regular bunny hug. And our heroine fainted dead away. The company in this case was an other g!rl. Honest injin! And not a very big girl at that. We mean she wasn't the muscular kind. "Sweeps CLEAN Up to the Handle' ' THRIFT and saving in the home are becoming more and more important every day. Why overlook the saving which can be made on everyday articles a broom for instance? Practice real economy by getting a ZEDA-LEE, the NEW STYLE LEE BROOM. Will not flare or pread; will not scatter straws. 3f:-''iV shield Cut the Sewing vtbrn your ZEDA-LEE broom wear down remove the threads. There' lots of good sweeping left. The patented fastening underneath the shield holds the broom corn firmly pointed downward in the natural way. 1 his is exclusive feature of the ZEDA-LEE, It is this feature that make it possible to cut the sew ing, and to use the broorn close up to the handle. The NEW STYLE ZEDA-LEE is a double service broom. Try one. LEE BROOM A DUSTER COMPANY Boatoa. Mass. Lincoln, Nebr. Day port. I. Satin ffyfc finUhad j JprzJtfV awamalad I MM irL mil W ' WMSS I AW boulders it aavea against araarinf .cutting ad bracking. Mother (as John asked for some Pie) "John, did you ever get enough pie?" John "Yes." Mother "When was it?" John "When we was studyin' It at school." In anticipation of the great need for more Building we have assembled the greatest stock of Lumber iu our history. From Timbers to tne nnest Lumber we are ready to meet your every requirement. , And because we bought early and in large quantities, our prices offer most unusual opportunities. , Compare our quotations with others. We are confident we can interest you. 5j.:J.S431 WM. BEVINGTON, Manager No more chocolate creams when you go up to see her o' evenings. Health hint: Beware of eating chocolates just before or during a call. An ardent basketball fan, who has been taking In all the games this season says there Is one couple who are usually to be found perched on one of the back seats. When Inter est Is at fever pitch, and everybody else is standing up and yelling, this couple remain seated. All the spooning isn't done In the parks. Some newspapers are said to give papers away, and other newspapers are known to run advertising that Isn t ordered. They're all of them a hard lo THE SEVEN-YEAR ITCH (If You Oct It Once You Never Want It Again) History of Jeff His feet are big, and mostly all toes, Ills cheeks resemble a worn out rose; His head is made of the very beot Btone, While his skinny fingers are mostly all bone: His nose is fiat like he'd had a hard hit; When he opens his lips it's either to eat or spit: His chin is pointed like the point of a knife, When we ask him to play a game, he hasn't enough life; When arithmetic time comes he be gins looking pale. And his hair stands straight up as stiff as a rail: He then rubs his head an begins looking sick, An tells the guy next to him how he hates arithmetic: He squirms around in his seat and wags his head just so. An' looks up at the clock an' says be s sure it s slow. An that recess ought to be here mighty dern quick. So he could go out an play hard an' forget arithmetic, By Taul. P. "It seems that since that guy was born the leather factories have grown a lot. I wonder why that Is?" W. "Oh, he takes so much leather for his shoes." When Mack takes his vacation half of the police force is removed. Will Itazor He's got dark hair and yellow eyes, His feet are of immense size; His uioulh is not croo&ed but very straight, While some dope he calls hair covers his pate; His nose sticks out like a woodpeck er s bill, While his homely chin gives you a chill; He wears long pants and a real vest, too, And sometimes a coat and a nice smelling shoe; His teeth are large as are hia feet, While for size hia hands are hard to beat. By Paul. It was arithmetic time when all 'round the room, The kids were restless and full of gloom. The teacher's thoughts were on some other guy, With a checkered suit and a green necktie. While I was having the time of my life, With my pen or my pencil, or maybe my knife, The other kids were reflecting the sun on their rings. While the girls had dolls and other girl things. " By William. We are going to raffle off our mod ern picture machine. The lucky number wins it. Announcement will be made next week. THEY WERE ALL, THERE In the bureau of war risk Insur ance, the files of our fighting forces indicate that many prominent men were represented by namesakes. Of "George Washington" there were 123, "General Washington," six; "Robert E. Lee," 119; "John Qulncy Adams," forty-seven; "Abraham Lin coln," only five. General Grant, General Wellington. General Pickett. General Jackson, and even Napoleon Bonaparte were all there, although their rank in the world war was that of private. A DISTINGUISHED FAMILY The Rodrlguea family from Porto Rico, according to the files of the bureau of war risk insurance, tent 894 nn Into the American forces and among this number, which wa almost large enough for a battalion, there were but seven first names, as follows: Domingo, Frnnchco, Jose, Junn, Konion, Toning and Antonio. Tha serial number of each man was In the COO, 000 class. Oil Is now being pumped trom completed wells In the Mule creek field Into the new 35,000 barrel tank erected by the Illinois Pipe Line com pnny and the company Is now wait Ing on pipe to complete Us line to tho railroad at Dakomlng. w fit-. ry .1.-: a 2...;. """ T "Mrowft Vnclo Doc Pays: "If anything makes me mad it's the Wise Boy who hugs his carefully saved dollars to his wish bone and nays: 'Not me! No, slreel I don't build this year. Everything Is too high. "Listen, son. Everything Is high but everything in the building line Is going higher. . It took years for prices to come down after the Civil War. Will it take less after the World War?" When You Put Your Own Key In Your Own Front Door That new home you are building, will reflect your own personality, your foresight, your wise planning and your good taste. You may find it difficult to get certain products in the builders' hardware line. The demand is great and we are bending every effort to meet it. Building activity will be wide spread and all-inclusive in character. Homes, apartments, office buildings and industrial plants must and will be erected. . So, by all means avoid the delay by anticipating your wants well in advance use Corbin Hardware throughout your home. We will be glad to assist you in making your selection. That back stair door, cellar door, storm door or closet door would never need be ajar with a Corbin door closer on guard. In home or office Corbin door closers will do their work faithfully and silently and give dignity to their surroundings. If you don't want to build to inhabit, build to rent. Probably ten to twenty fam ilies stand ready to pay you a big profit on your enter prise. This is (he time to build! yp 80 MX PIANO SALE Our Side Your Side The piano purchasing public of Alli ance, Nebraska, we wish to inform, wc have inaugurated our great Clearance Sale because we found our ware room bulging with high grade pianos of stand ard make makes that made our stock ideal for this great sale. Wc also felt the purchasing public was now in ideal position to take advantage of our great piano offerings at this time with a most prosperous year looking them in the face. We have always been favored with a very generous share of the patronage of the music loving pubic, for which we wish to thank them and take this opportunity of expressing ourselves to our numerous patrons and friends for their valued sup port and patronage, and would also like to impress on any one contemplating a piano purchase within the next five years the fact that this great sale of pianos of high standard make is one that they can not afford to miss. Wo are presuming that you are the head of a family and that you have chil dren in whom you take great pride. Wc arc also presuming that you would like to give your children a start in music and purchase a piano. You have had this in mind from time to time, but you have delayed purchasing for the reason that possibly you were looking for a bargain in a good piano, or you may have said the piano I want is priced at more than I can pay convenient ly, or terms asked are too high. No doubt you have thought or 6aid all of these things. Now let us tell you in candor, now is the time that you have been patiently waiting for. Now the pur chasing public has an opportunity of pur chasing the highest grade and the best make of pianos ever offered at the old prices. The new prices on pianos will be much higher. Now is the time to act ami select a Baldwin, Ellington, Hamilton or theManualo Player piano. Our factory representative is here to demonstrate. MANN MUSIC & ART COMPANY ALLIANCE NATIONAL BANK BLDO. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA