TT1E ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, FERRITAUY 27, 1920. SEVEN vmh vnuut hkrp TWrvr rACt. OMAUX rt WANT TO BXTT omethingT Hun dred of paopla weekly acan thaae went ad coluaaaa loektnc for what yo or others hava to offer. Oat quick result by advertising In The Herald Wut'Al depart aaant. FOR SALE Cm PROPERTT FIVE room Bungalow, all modern, olose in; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tf FOUR LOTS In Belmont addition Nob. 94. 95, 96, 97. Inquire of O. E. Morrison, Box 204, Crawford, Neb. tf FOB SA1!11-0.1 FIVE ROOMS and bath. Compara tively close in Want to deal di rect for cash; no agents. Price $4200. Inquire No. 505, Alliance Herald, tf FOlTHAEVLBaArBLANKS eoalTbln1c& Herald Office. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS OjQ5r4EWPERS ficapackage, at The Herald Office. FOR SALE ON TERMS FOR SALE ON TERMS My 12 room, modern house, 2 batha. Nettie M. Campbell. Phone 712; 506 Cheyenne Are. tf FOR SALE TRACTORS FOR SALE One nearly new Ford aon; one 20 horsepower Interna tional in good shape; one Case steam engine With steel tender; one Hieder 1226 In good shape. F. A, Clark, tf FOR SALE USED OARS FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. Jones Company, Masonic Temple Bldg. tf FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT -BleepTngroom In all modern home; close in. Phone Red 186. tf WANTED BARBER wanted at once; good from 30 to 40; must be good. Write or wire Harry Lemastr, Belle Fourche, S. Dak. 27 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED School girl to help with house work after school and on Saturdays. Mrs. Russell, 724 Chey enne. 26p WANTED GRAZING LAND WANT TO LEASE At once; 4 or S . sections of (rasing land and bay land that will cot 200 tons or more Of bay. Address C. P. Wollaston, Bayard, Neb.. RoraL WANTED RAGS THE HERALD will pay 7c a pound for good, clean, white rags. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Middle aged lady to keep house for a family of three. No children or washing. Call phone 87. tf LOST lack muff, very valuable. Finder please return to Herald office and receive reward. tf FOR SALE AUTO BOOKS FSTSATCBSetT cyclopedas, late edition. Inquire Dick Strong, Buick Garage. 27p k ii WANTED DAY WORK NEATTTSiJbirioY . day work. 211 Xaramle (In rear). tf ssTtR. rtoRtue ahi tt.ow WANTED HOUSEWORK lTolJSEW6 R KaTeu tTPtheTast of May by capable middle aced lady. Delia Rutherford, U. R. Ranch, Hay Springs; Neb. 27 HELP WANTED 51 ALE cTvTLERiCEJCAnIONS March, April. Men, women. I8 60 eligible. $110 month. Expert-1 ence unnecessary. For free partic-l ulars, write R. Terry (former Civil! Service Examiner) 1041 Continental Bldg., Washington, D. C. 27p FOR SALE E'jWJS FOR HATCHING FOR SALE Single comb Butf Or pington eggs for hatching from prise winning and tested strains. Phone 212. Mrs. J. A. Keegan. tf FOR SALE CHICKS Columbia Hatchery We can supply you with any quan tity of Baby Chicks. We have 14 varieties including all leading breed?. Live delivery guaranteed by Parcel Post or Express. Write for prices. P. O. Box 1102, Denver, Colo. F-71 The Newcastle News-Journal says that with thirty producing wells, fifty rigs on the ground and more being unloaded the Osage field bids fair to take its place among the largest oil fields in the state early this spring. For miles on either side of the dis covery well, brought in by the Mike Henry people on section 5-46-63 in September last, rigs dot the field and tractors bump across the sagebrush as a new well is brought in and the rig is pulled farther on. The length of the field can be approximated at eight -miles, the farthest rig to the northwest being located on section 35-47-64 and being sunk by the Osage Petroleum company. The rig nearest Newcastle, while it is not considered to be in the Osage struc ture, but rather In the Oil creek field, is three miles out. From this rig to within nine miles of Upton rigs dot the road, and plans are under way for the sinking of a well just south of the city limits of Upton. Should this well come in it would mean a chain of derricks from Newcastle to Upton, a distance of thirty miles. II. C. Bretschnelder, president of the Western States Oil & Land com pany, has announced that his com pany have acquired from the Mid west Refining company all its leases, embracing approximately 700 acres of proven land in the Mule creek field, on which there are four wells producing 500 barrels a day. While the price was not disclosed, it is known to have been relatively low considering the value of the proper ty. Mr. Bretschnelder announced that fou ror five new wells would be started at once and shoul dbe com pleted within thirty to forty days, so that by the end of that period, when the pipe line will be ready to receive oil, the Western States company will be selling more than 1,000 barrels a day from this district. DONT NEGLECT A IUIEUMATIC PAIN Go after it with Sloan's Liniment before it gets dangerous Apply a littlt, don't rub, let It Pent trait, and good-by twinge ! Same for external aches, patni, strains, stiffness Of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises. Instant relief without mussinest or soiled clothing. Reliable the biggest selling liniment year after year. Eco nomical by reason of enormous sales. Keep big bottle ready at all times. Ask your druggist for Sloan's Lini ment 35c 70c, S1.40. INCOME M RETURNS DUE Business Mcn,Farmcrs andWage Workers Must File Schedules of Income for 1919. MARCH 15 LAST FILING DATE, Net Incomes of $1,000 or Over, If Sin. g!; or $2,000 or Over If Married, , i Must Be Reported. ! The Income Tax Imposed by Art, of Congress on earnings of the yea 1919 Is now being collected. Returns under onth must be mnda on or before March 15 by every cltli ten and resident who had a net lni come for 1919 amounting to: $1,000 or over, if single; or If man ried and living apart from wife (or husband) ; or If widowed or divorced, $2,000 or over, If married and living with wife (or husband). The status of the person on the las day of the year fixes the status foi, the year with respect to the above requirements. Under any of these circumstances a return must be made, even though no tax Is due. Husbnnd and wife must consider; the Income of both, plus that of de pendent minor children, In meeting this requirement; and, If sufficient to, require a return, all Items must be shown In n Joint return or In separate returns of husband and wife. A single person with minor depend ents must Include the Income of such dependents. A m nor who lias a net Income of $1,000 or more Is not considered a dependent, and must file a separate return. Personal returns should be muJo on Form ' 1040A, unless the net Income exceeded S.1.U00, In which case Form 1040 should be ued. Residents of Nebraska should file their returns with, and make payments of Income Tax to, George L. Loomls, Collector of Internal Revenue, Oiuuha, Neb. How to Figure Income. The best way to find out whether one must file a return Is to pet a Frm 1010A nnd follow the Instructions printed on It. That form will serve as a reminder of every Mem of income, and If a return Is due It tells how to prepare and file it If in doubt on any point as to Income or deductions, a person may secure free advice and aid from the nearest Inter nal Revenue office. Guesswork, estimates and other bit-or-miss methods are barred when a per son is making out his Income Tax re turn. Accuracy and completeness must be Insisted upon. The return Is a sworn statement. As such It must be thorough and accurate. Salaried persons and wage earners roust ascertain the actual compensation received., Overtime, bonuses, shares In the profits of a business, value of quar ters and board furnished by the em pi oyer and other Items which are coin pensatlons for services must be In eluded. It must be borne In mind that com pensatlon may be puid irv other forms than in cash. A bonus paid in Liberty Bonds Is taxable at the market value of the bonds. A note received In pay ment for services is taxable Income at Its face value, and the Interest upon it Is also taxable. Other Returns Due. Every partnership doing business In the United States must file a return on Form 1005; and every personal service corporation must file a similar return. Corporations must file annual re turns on Form 1120. Trustees, executors, administrators and others acting in a fiduciary capac ity are required to file returns. In some cases, Form 1041 Is used; In others, Form 1040; and still others, returns on both forms are required. Information returns, on Forms 1099 and 1000, must be filed by every or ganization, firm or person who paid, during 1919, an amount of $1,000 In salary, wages. Interest, rent, or other fixed or determinable Income to an other person, partnership, personal service corporation or fiduciary. These Information returns should be for warded directly to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (sorting division), Washington, D. C. INCOME TAX IN NUTSHELL WHO Single persons who ' had net laeoane of $1,000 or more for the year 1919. Married couples who bad net Income of $2,000 or more. WHEN March 13, 1920, Is final date for filing returns and mak ing first payments. WHERE Collector of Internal Revenue for District In which the person resides. HOW Full directions on Form 1040A and Form "040; also the law and regulations. WHAT Four per cent normal tax on taxable Income up to $4,000 la excess of exemption. Eight per cent normal tax op balance of taxable Income. Sur tax, from one per cent to sixty- , five per cent on vet Incomes over $3,000. LINTLE PROFIT IN COAL BUSINESS City Realised a Tilfle Over 9200 vuruig i he lTrliNl It II nulled Entire Fuel iiiity The conl business Isn't the most profitable one on earth, to Judge from the experience of the city of Alliance, which, with City Manager C. C. Smith as fuel administrator, as sumed control of the distribution of fuel for the entire city during last winter's coal strike. The complete report, compiled by the city man ager this week, shows the profits to have been Just $212, exclusive, of course, of unpaid accounts, which will increase the total by $34.40. The city made no attempt to make money out of the coal situation, the main idea being, at that time, to keep residents in town and surround ing district from freexlng. Due to good fortune and good management, Alliance was one of the few cities of the state to have ample coal for every real need. No restrictions of business activities were ever en forced. In addition to the profits as shown, the city cae out ahead with a set of office furniture, which was paid for out of the coal profits. The unpaid accounts consist of coal sent to fam ilies under quarantine, and these bills will be presented to the county commissioners for payment. The city manager's report covers the handling of twenty-seven cars of coal, weighing 2,126,500 pounds. The freight on this coal amounted to $3,826.62, and the cost of the coal to very little more, $4,109.23. The report. In part, follows: 'To the Mayor and Members Al liance City Council. Gentlemen: herewith submit my final report as local fuel administrator, which briefly covers the many transactions of this office during the recent strike of soft coal Iners and resultant coal shortage. All freight and coal has been paid for and all other accounts have been settled. Your attention is called to the item of "management amounting to $186.66.' The fuel ad ministration paid two-thirds of my salary for December. The remain ing $83.33 coming In the usual way fro mthe light department. There was no extra pay for this service. No attempt has been maae to go Into the mass of detail In this report, the idea being to present the facts, for all books and records cannected therewith are available for inspec tion at any time. Very truly, C. C. SMITH, City Manager. Receipts Total receipts from sale of coal as per bank de posits $11,218.28 Total of all checks drawn as per stubs 11,004.16 Balance $ 214.07 Total returned checks February 20, 1920 $10,614.51 Disbursements Freight on coal $ 3.828.62 Cost of coal 4,109.23 Hauling of coal 1,930.00 Office and clerical 337.79 Watchman 198.00 Management 166.66 Office repairs, furniture, desk, etc 133.15 DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS BARGAINS IN FARMS, RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTIES You will find them at the office of The Thomas Company. We hare had placed with us for sale, since commencing business, a number of exceptional bargains for ready buyers. It is well worth your time to visit our office and give us an opportunity to tell you of and show you some of these bargains which we have 'for uiek sale. Or if you are out of town write us fully and we will send you complete descriptions by mail. THE THOMAS CO. Lloyd 0. Thomas Harold 8. Thomas Phone 20, Boom 8, XUd&idi Clock ALLLaUrCB ITC3BASXA Printing 38. CO TeloRrains 15.50 Office supplies 12.4 5 Paid to O'llannon Bros. for 31,600 pounds I Acme Egg coal 155.70 Miscellaneous expenses as I shown by check stubs.... 78.46 Total $11,004. Respectfully, C. C. SMITH. City Manager. 16 The Herald has been receiving a record number of new subscriptions and renewals the past two weeks. Use the coupon on the first page. A writer In the Sacramento Boe, who expresses the fear he will be classed as an Inspired lunatic, Is Bounding a warning against the Jap anese. He lists a tremendous num ber of ways In which Japanese propa ganda Is being spread, chiefly along the Atlantic seaboard and east of the Mississippi, "where there is no orien tal question, where the public being Ignorant, will not question state ments made, and where the greatest number of Americans can be reached with least effort and expense." At tention Is called particularly to the action of the federal council of the Churches of Christ in America, com promising over 100,000 ministers and a membership of 17,500,000, which has endorsed a "new oriental policy," being actuated by a belief that this action will help spread the Christian gospel among the Jape. It will be well, before becoming too ex cited over the wrongs done the Jap anese, to make inquiry of some friend of yours who really knows conditions in Collfornla. DIED ?r New York City nione from Ud ney troub! yi sr. Dor 't allow yourself to Weenie c vlciu; by neglecting pains end ur.hs. Guard against, tuis trouble by iun GOLDMSOnl The world's stand rl lemcdy foVidny, Hvar, b!addor and ratio acid t-rvib'os. Holland's nnt'.orel remedy sir..j 1696. All dropsrlsts thrc sizes. Gi.-rnteed. Laek for tka nin CcU Medal on bo cO'i i c.'pt vAtir italic COLDS breed asd Spread INFLUENZA KILL THE COLD AT ONCE WITH HILL'S CASCARAQUININ Standard cold remedy for 23 vaar in Li bit t torro uis, sura, no oriaua breaks up a cold in ii JJiV houra relieves erip In 3 days Mnnev hack if It (ails. The :lLi.Ll XTV top with Mr. Hill's tura. AUDrtw Star Glnsscs Accurately Fitted w """IK! Bn""n 818 M Box Dutte Ave. rhone 121 v ESMEJSSi X l X. Sil'l "I "II v XX Vl Real Estate, Loam anii Lisur -nee. F. E. REDDI2H, Reddish Block. tf Quick Service Electrlo rilONK 250 I'mlcf fllghtiinil-Ilo!owny Co. .... Nebraska Nitrous Conductive Oxide Anesthesia DR. W. J. MAHAFFY DENTIST Alliance Nebraska Not Medicine Not Surgery Nt Osteopathy Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey Chiropractor Graduate Palmer School Telephone 80S Wilson Ilulldlng Alliance .... Nebraska GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, Mw, Nose and Throat fiiorb isr . CaJia aaawerce f rem ODee slay i icM L. A. BERRY Lawyer ROOM 9 HUMMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANOU, NEBRASKA Harness Hnd Made Frsm Brat Material. Oaitlaat A air Kartary Mae Vaada. Call aa4 Saa. llararaa HepalrlMsr ar Esaart. ) llaraeaa Maker. J. M. COVERT At Bf. M. D. N leasts' Btaa DR. EINAR V. BLAK UeJIelaa aad rajery SpeelaltM Kre, Kar, Nase Tkraat aad l.aasrs Glaaara C a re fall r fritted OMre la Mailer? Illaek raaaeai Ofllea lot, HeaMeae 101 L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon 1V4 Da Batta ALLIANCE, NKlUtASKA Harry P. Courscy AUCTIONEER Live Stock' and General Farm Sales Phone 0A4 Alliance J. D. EMERICK Bended Abstracter I kart taa anlr art af A baLraat Bawaa la Baa Bait t'aaatir. Firm National Hunk Uldg. Dr. C D. O'Keefe DENTIST Ovrr Harper's Store Phone Alliance, Nebr. O. E. Nelson Lawyer DKNION DU1LDIXO CONTRACT W1IU NO A ELECTRIC REPAIRS) Attavttae ta Patau Makes tar Werk lat raEKUKNW ELECTRIC CO. moms is 11S W Sd St. With Marias SUatty L. E. Bliss ' FARMER AUCTIONEER Live Stock a Specialty Phane Birch 8183, AliUnee Walldce-Robbins Transfer and Storagt Service and Satisfaction Thane 1 XZoxs Phone 4T3