I EIGHT THE ALLIANCE HERALD FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1920. k hi n ft THE SEVEN-YEAR It (II (If Ymi Or It Once You rr Wnnt It Again) mid loinni.bor, first come first! niAU kstath tilannfkiih Punk IWtry of ? There I a pujr names KfJIb Cjrivi- rovsang, When lie cuhscs he says "(tosh, nee or j dang; lie runs like a turtle and Jumps like a rock, And I think that the weight Is all in tils sork; His nose Is the prominent thing on his face And his mouth takes up all the other space; Ills eyes are green and blue and black, And the point of his shoe is sharp as a tark; Ills brains sint any blgpern' an ant, And when ho comes to a hard prob lem, he says he can't. Uy William. Punk Poetry of Herbert Ole Herbert, ole Herbert he went out to skate, 'lie took a tumble an' fell on his pate An' when I says, "You should hire a hearse," He In mediately got up an' began to curse; He finally got up again and on the Ice started to roam, When all of a sudden we heard I shock an' there he waa on hi dome. By Paul. p. "Why does Chick wear that little lldT" W. "Because If it were a little lieavler It would break through the thin crust of his brainless bead." Paul "Why Is Verne ao anxious to get a job at the show taking tickets?" Wlllum "So the girls will get in free." If you feel awful lonely and don't know what to do, Buy one of our papers and soe what relief It brings to you. It tells of the kids that are punk in school, Also of ones with shaggy wool. It tells of every crazy hick, Who gets pale when it comes to arithmetic. And then it has poems, jokes and rhymes, And gets news out before The Her ald or Times. By Willum. Taul "Why does every dog fol-v low that guy?" Willum "1 dunno, but they all Seem to know their near relations." Reported by J- ! tt'iiertck, bond ed abstracter. First National bank bu IcMng, Alliance. Neb.: Kella T. Johnson anl hu band to Mirtha J. riunibc, lot 7, block 8, second addition to AU'ance, 16,000. Anderson D. King, angle, to Frank I OHen, SV4 of NV4 f ec- i Ion 31, lowimhlp 26, range 49, $1. Box Butte County Fair association o Tom Stalos, lots 10 and 11, block 3, Falrview addition to Alliarce, $230. Tom Stalos, single, to fjonley M.l ler, lot 10 and south hilf of lot 11, block 3, Falrview addition to Alli ance, $196. Lillle C. Carmlcle, widow, to A. B. Wheeler, lot 91, county addition to Alliance, $2,500. A. B. Wheeler and wife to Frank L. Oranger, lot 91, county addition to Alliance, $3,100. Frank L. Olsen and wife to Allie If. Mabin. SH of NW4 of section 31, 26-29, $1. Frank S. Safranek to W. Z. Emer Bim, one-half Interest in NWH of 3-24-51, $1,000. A. C. Bullock and wife to II. 8. Keane, SEVi of section 8, 27-52, $4, 000. William Davidson to Fred Craw ford. NE4 of 24-25-51, $3,200. William Edward King, single, to John M. King, quit claim deed to SE14 32-25-48, $1. John M. King, single to William Edward King, Quit claim deed, WV4 of NV4. 6-24-48, and NU of NE 1-24-49, $1. Belle M. Wood and Wilma M. Wood to Delia W. Strong, lot 4, block 2, Wyoming addition to Alliance, $6,000. N. P. Dodge, jr., and wife to Ed ward Mathews, lots 248 and 249, Belmont addition to Alliance, $235. Albert C. Reynolds and wife to Au gust Deltchler, E of 2-27-52, $1, 200. John O'Keefe and wife to John Henderson, SE4 of section 10, 24 52, $1,600. James A. Baxter and wife to W. E. Olllett, lot 9, block 6, Johnston's addition to Alliance, $175. Sarah A. Oilleran, single, to H. A. Copsey, lot 15, block 15, original town of Alliance, $12,500. Cyres W. Guile and wife to Wil liam M. Pruden. SW4 17, NW4 20, all In 27-51, $9,600. Nellie Kiektn and husband to Al bert E. Magnuson, NE4 of 28-26-48, 5,440. James Graham, widower, to E. M. Reynolds, lots 7, 8. 9, block 21, town of llemingford, $100. x R. E. Knight and wife to Alliance Home Builders association, a part of SVi or SE4 of 36-25-48. $1. David MarBh and wife to Henry BoBtron, lots 5 and 6, block 1, Hitch cock, Hills and Snedeker's addition to Alliance, $1,400. N. P. Dodge, Jr., and wife to W. L. Lorance, lots 69 and 70, Belmont addition to Alliance, $410. N. P. Dodge, Jr., and wife to Lizzie M. Lorance, lot 68, Belmont addition to Alliance, $175. N. P. Dodge, Jr., and wife to Jessie 11. Chllnon, lot 67, Belmont addition to Alliance, $170. F. M. Knight, single, to R. Jerome Fleming, lot 9, block H, Sheridan addition to Alliance, $450. Charlotte Watklns, widow, to John E. Henneberry. lot 5, block 1, Hill's addition to Alliance, $75. WHAT KVKItY VETERAN KNOWS That propagandist! taught us to hate and drlllmastefs taught us to kill. We will glady forget hating and killing If the propagandists and drlllmasters will let us. That the fight between capital and labor is based on the selfishness and greed of men. We are frequently forced to take sides In It, according to our position in life at the moment but we yearn with all the earnestness In our being for a condition of soci ety in which we might freely guide our life by ambition, truth, energy and the love of God, home and coun try, Instead of engaging In a class struggle to take something away from another class for the benefit of our class. That one way to prevent war Is to take all the profit out of It. That If we had the eloquence of Jesus of Nazareth we would plead with those of our brethren who have profited by war, so that they would with gladness of heart and a free spirit give all that they have profited to the end of making war Impos sible. That Andrew Carnegie, whtf made a fortune manufacturing the tools of war, was unable to prevent war by the spending of a part of that for tune. That all of the material prosperity in the world is not on?-half so pre cious to the mother of one who lies in France as a single hair of her son's head. That taking a profit from war and from the tools of war Is taking a profit from death. That we did not fight and Har well because we hated the enemy. We fought well because we loved truth, courage and the Ideals of a free people. Our comrades died well because they believed In us, our cause and our victory. Unless our country is true to those Ideals we fought in vain. The Stars and Stripes. 92.00 now l:i.fiO March 1. Glcisscs DRAKE & DRAKE Accurately Fitted OPTOMETRISTS " " ""IK Br""" 813 H Box Butte Ave. Phone 121 Paul "Why are you looking so pale lately. Bill?" Bill "Oh, I'm afraid our BChool Is going to blow up." Paul "Why?" Bill "Oh, because the girls carry bo much powder." For Sale A good picture machine With a good supply of films; cheap; Cotton Seed Cake and Meal IMMEDIATE AND FJ'ITKK SHIPMENT We have a few cars enroute for q lick delivery. Wire for delivered price on Meal, Cake or Hulls. Choctaw Sales Company Stock Yards '. Denver, Colo, Stock Yards Kansas City, Mo. V "He says I'm a good skate" Chesterfield A REAL pal that's Chesterfield. Look at its record. Three million smokers less than five years on the market! Two words explain It "They Satisfy.' Our expert buyers in the Orient select for Chesterfields only the finest grade of the four choicest varieties of Turkish tobacco. To these are added the best of mild but full-bodied Domestic leaf. But, In the end, it's the blend that makes Chesterfields "satisfy." And the blend our private formula cannot be cooied. Extra wrapper of moisture-proof paper seals in the flavor. ' Graod Op emu and Tractor School " FEB. 24-25-26 Three Days Chuck Full of Informa tion on Farming Equipment MELICK & REDMON ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BOYS AND GIRLS of Box Butte County Boys and Girls get busy on the Melick & Redmon contest. Send in the best 5 reasons and cop that $25.00. It's easy. MELICK & REDMON the new Implement firm of Alliance and Hem ingford, is going to make you a nice present a"nd here it is $25.00 First Prize $15.00 Second Prize $10.00 Third Prize 0 Mr. Shoecraft, Manager E-B. Tractor Company of Omaha, has added a fine Kodak to the Boy or Girl winning the First prize. To win any of the above prizes all you have to do is to give us the FIVE BEST REASONS why your father, Brother or Neighbor should buy the EMERSON TRACTOR AND THREE BOTTOM PLOW. A TIP. Ask your Father or Brother to help you win the money find then read the Printed matter over carefully. The Emerson Co. will send this to you FREE If you don't receive it, call at our office for it all you have to do is to Head and Think. As fast as you get the Reasons completed mail to this office and MARK (REASONS). They will be opened ou the last day of our BIO THREE DAY OPENING, the date of which will be FEBRUARY 24, 25 AND 26. Mr. Shoecraft, manner of the EMERSON CO., OMAIIA, will act as one of the judges, assist 1 h n.o Alliance Business Men, to be named later. Any Boy or Girl under SEVENTEEN and who lives on a farm in Box Butte County will l I L-'tU. and we want every odc of you to try to win this PRIZE. NOW (,,.: r.rsy AND MAKE UP YOUR REASONS. H Ob T .-V-, If f . A A A M il M J 11 : J III PIT ALLIANCE THE LIVE TRACTOR MEN Ml nEMINGFORD