THE ALLTANCR HKTIALT). TUESDAY, I'KHIUTAHY 10, 1920. FIVE We know now, the way the boys and girls In the county are working on the Mcllck & Redmon tractor con test, that someone is going to pick up some easy money. Do sure you mail jour five reasons to Mellck & Redmon, Alliance, and mark the reasons. The Alliance Shoe Store at last has the niftiest line of Daby soft soles that has ever been shown in the city. Mr. "Bud" Darnell left this morning for Heniingford, where he will unload a car of Case tractors for the Rumer Motor company. Mdick and Rodtnon report the tractor business at Heniingford go ing at high me J. and say this ia the banner tractor year fo far. No need to look further to please the baby. The Alliance Shoo Store's showing of soft soles Is sec ond to none in the city. A Herald reporter found two old timers conversing together ia the lobby of the Hotel Alliance one morning the first of the week. A little questioning revealed the fact that "Bill" Johnson arrived first at the site of Alliance, coming in the spring of 1887. Charley Avery, the other, arrived in the fall cf 1887 from Tekamah, Neb., and settled on his homestead in the spring of 1888. "Bill" lived at the Alliance town site for a time after his arrival and then homesteaded seventeen miles weBt of the city, where he still lives, in the year 1893. The railroad had not yet reached Alliance when these western veterans settled down and they have had the pleasure of watch ing Alliance grow from a bare prairie to a city of 7,000 people, Both ot them are much interested In the progress of the Alliance Packing company and believe that the erec tion and establishment of the busi ness here will be a big thing for the city and the territory adjacent there to. Both men are possessors oi goodly portion of this world's goods but are hale, hearty and exceedingly active. Silk Hose and Silk Kimonos just arrived at the Oriental Store. Come L. E. Schwabe of Chadron was in the city Monday on business. He niado a trip to Mitchell that after noon and returned the same eve ning. He reports a good automo bile business with the Chandler and Hup.nobile lines, for which Schwabe Brothers are western distributors. FOR SAL.E 814 acres four and one-half to five miles from Bridge port. 40 acres irrigable, under gov ernment canal extension; 200 to 500 acres tillable; balance grazing. Small set ul Improvements; two wells and windmills. A good small ranch prop osition. Price for immediate sale 120.00 per acre, about one-half cash. Address P. O. Box 747, Bridgeport, Nebraska. 25 RAILROAD NOTES Conductor Fred Rheider spent a few days in Newcastle on business. The night call byo wore out a pair of shoe slooking for brakemen Rey nolds Saturday evening. It was found out later that Reynolds had an over powering desire to go to Seneca, and therefore was not in Alliance to re port for duty. Fireman Fink was up from Seneca today. At Alliance National Hank yon can purchase the most desirable res idence lota in the city on easy terms. Machinist M. J. Howe has been off for the past two days with the flu. Conductor W..R. Reddington was called to Kansas City Sunday on ac count of the serious illness of his sis ter. Call at Alliance National Bank and buy a residence lot before prices advance. 26 DARTING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS Give way before the pene trating effects of Sloan's Liniment So do those rheumatic twinges and the loin-aches of -lumbago, the nerve inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck, the joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. The ease of applying, the quickness of relief, the positive results, the clean liness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment make it universally preferred. 35c, 70c. $1.40. 'Sot After you eat always take ATONIC rfTOl tflflfc AgD-tTgjAgB ) Instantly relieves Heartbara, BJott- a Cam? f serine-. Stop food so urine. roDeattof, sadall tomacft mieariet. ATOmObwiMrtrMMtr. TaaaW mm aiSMMty iSne. 6ajr a t T g wia jat ay. Oatstoe fcaataeay, YmwMIm F. J. BRENMAJT Alliance, JTefcraak WW Conductor L. J. Divine made a bus iness trip t3 Deadv.ood, S. D. Ilraketnnn F. E. Smith and C. J Hubble are quarantined In the city flu hospital. Conductor Ray Mark after being W. M. Mounter has accepted a posi tion as Boilermaker here. He went on the 11 to 8 shift. tioice reilenco lots for sa'e at Ailintro National Utuik on cany Boilermaker Chas. Wykoff resign ed his position in the shops and Is ex pected to leave Alliance soon. Brakeman J. V. Heinzy is laying off a few days to attend to some per sonal business. For Sale Two six room houses on Sweetwater. Modern except heat. Price and terms right. See Nebraska Land Company. 4 Fireman A. Dorsey is off for one trip. Engineers Pake and Gibson are taking a vacation. Fireman II. A. Johnson is reported quite ill. Brakeman J. B. Burns is off for a few days on account of his poor health. Glasses accurately fitted at rea sonable prices. Drake ft Drake, Brakeman F. E. Ogle Is visiting with his mother in Browning, Mo. Brakeman Earl Hamilton who has been relieving Switchman M. L. Hud son at Crawford has returned to Alli ance. For Sale Nine room house. Best part of town. Modern. Pries 1 right and good terms. See Nebraska Land Company. 4 The Brakemen on the extra oBard are getting lots of rest lately. Engine 56 will be ready for service in a few days and be put on the Edgemont to Readwood passenger service. Fireman A. Wright is on a short vacation. I will pay the highest market price for fat poultry. W. E. Cults, at Fairmont Cream Station. Amos J. Stastny, secretary to Gen eral Superintendent A. O. Smart left Monday for Chicago where he will take a course of instructions in maintenance and A. F. E. work. This constitutes a new line up for assis tant chief clerks that Is being insti tuted on the Burlington route. Mr. Stastny goes from Chicago, on com pletion of the course, to Sheridan where he will be assltant chief clerk. Superintendent F. Cone of the Sheridan division, and the roadmast er of the Sheridan division, were in Alliance Tuesday afternoon for a meeting with General Superintendent A. G. Smart. If you would lengthen your life, you must shorten your worries. If I make your glasses, you will have no eye worries. B. G. Bauman, O. D. 22 General Superintendent A. G. Smart came Monday night on No. 32 from Casper. F. W. Hicks has been under the weather the fore part of this week, so that he has not been able to make his regular run. ' NOTICE TO AUTO OWNERS Automobile owners will take no tice that, beginning immediately, the automobile license laws will be strictly enforced. Both county and Btate officers will co-operate in this, and owners of cars without a 1920 license are liable to arrest. Forty days have been allowed for securing the new licenses, which are now obtainable without delay at the office of the county treasurer. After the publication of this warn ing, violators of the law will be ar rested. J. W. MILLER, Sheriff. O. W. REED. Deputy. 21 The eight-months-old grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L Powell died at their home last night, The child was brought here from Clearwater, Neb., following the re cent death of her mother.- The body will be returned to Clearwater to be interred by the body of her mother, I will pay the highest market price for fat poultry. W. li Cults, at Fairmont Cream Station. BAD GOLD GOT YOU? FEELING GRIPPY? Dr. King's New Discovery soon starts you on the road to recovery ONCE tried, always used. That's a trite expression, but one never more applicable than it la to Dr. King's New Discovery. You will like the prompt, business like way it loosens the phlegm-congested chest, soothes the tortured throat; relieves an oia or a new coia, grippe, cough, croup. The kiddles can take It In perfect safety, too. No bad after-effects. Standard halt a century. 60c. and fuoj a Dotue. At your aruggisL Don't Continue Constipated Dont let your bowels bulldoze our system, Make them function regularly -keep the body cleansed of waste matter with Dr. fOsfa New Life PUU. Biliousness, sick stomach, Indirection. Jeadache, tour isxiness, furred tongue, bad breath -think of the Ta arraaamtnta and discomfort tract ble to constipation. How tastl constipation. Bow Auy they're rectified dt the occasional oa occasional nee bt Dr. KWs Heir life Pllia Here a Mweui smeetyy bat torely. Try a toalfht. AJXAny&XAa M METHODIST (IllKill Our Christian service flag was un veiled last Sunday morning. On this flag Is tb be placed a star for every person who enlists for Christ, and promises to poln the church between now and Easter. Decisions mny be made at any time, end the star plac(d on the flag, but they will not be pub licly receive! into the church until Palm Sunday, March 27. All chil dren above the primary department are eligible to membership in the church, but in the case of children below the intermediate department, they must have the consent of their parents before becoming members. Parents are asked to co-operate with Sunday school teachers and the pas tor, in winning their children to the Cbristlon life and definite member ship In the church. One star was placed on the flag last Sunday, for a member of the women's Bible class. We were given a happy surprise last Sunday night when several pa trols of the Boy Scout troop in uni form marched into the church, with their assistant scoutmaster, Mr. Simpson, and sat in a body near the front of the building. The occasion was the anniversary of their organ ization. A finer looking or more gentlemanly lot of boys would be hard to find. By invitation, they gave their yells, scout oath and scout law, and during the evening, gave most reverent and courteous atten tion to the services. All of which goes to show that no finer boys can be found than those enlisted in the Boy Scouts of America. Let the members of our congrega tion remember that next Sunday night will be observed as "Valen tine's Night" in the church, and that each person is asked to do some special deed of kindness to someone this week, and on Sunday night, a few moments will be given for people to tell how someone made them glad during the week. GOLD MIXING COMPANY AT HIlOADWATEll A regular gold scare, something like the order of the days of '49, has been running through the country around Broadwater and extending, with all its exciting details, to sev eral cities in the state. The Platte Valley Daily News, published at Scottsbluff, gave a thrilling account of the scare a few days ago, and told of a mythical "tented city" that had sprung up near Broadwater and which was developing into a full fledged mining camp. Truthful cit izens also told of hearing the thun der of dynamite blasts in the hills near Broadwater, where an army of men were tearing into the bowels of the earth in a mad search for the precious gold. Well, the tented city does not ex ist, neither are people rushing to the newly found gold fields, but a num ber of very substantial citizens have incorporated for the purpose of de veloping the prospects for gold that 112 Millloms used last year to KILL COLDS U ILL'S CASCARA&QUININ Standard cold remedy tor 30 yearg win udici urn. luiti ,0 opiate breaks up a coia in Z Hour relieves crip in j aiyi. Money back if it fatla. The genuine bo hit a Kta . cop wun air, nui a picture. At All Drug Stmr i &rtl Krt.X iv. h in -x. m V I X X Announcement By February 15 the F. J. Brennan Drug Store, which has been located on the corner of Third street and Box Butte avenue, will move to the building for merly occupied by the City Mission, at 203 Box Butte avenuo. Same Lines Will be Carried An in our former location we will carry a complete line of Drugs, Fancy Sta tionery, Box Candy, Phonographs, Etc., in addition to our Fountain Drinks and Lunches. You may expect to receive the same courteous and appreciative service in our New Location as we endeavored to give in the Old. F. J. have dkmi found on privately owned property near Broadwater. George Itaxby hns been working on gold prospects on his ranch for some years and lately has had In his employ an experienced prospector who has un doubtedly found gold. This gold has been found on the llaxhy ranch and also on land recently purchased by Reuben Llwo of Lisco, Neb., and Asa Ramsborg of Broadwater, from Rex Tolle. The land was bought by Lisco and Ramsberg for ranching purposes, but since ihey purchased It the prospector In the employ of llaxby has gathered some specimens from it that unquestionably hold gold. The value of the prospector's find ings depend on what further develop ments may bring about and on assays that are being made. The gold is there, but it Is yet to be determined whether or not It can be brought out in paying quantities. The proprie tors of the real estate on which the gold has been found are very con fident that they can develop the metal in paying quantities, and have organized a stock company with a preliminary capital of $10,000. the articles of incorporation of which were Hied on Monday. The incorpor ators are Oeorge llaxby, Reuben Lisco, Asa Ramsberg. Walter Cana- day and John F. Rowland, the latter being the prospector referred to. The name of the company is "llaxby Mines, Incorporated." It is said that no stock is for sale at any price. ' An Alliance mining company is said to be also prospecting in the same neighborhood, but what that company has found is not known. Bridgeport News-Blade. ASSURED OF SUCCESS FROM THE BEGINNING Records show that the independ ent packing concerns of the United L. E. Bliss FARMER AUCTIONEER Live Stock a Specialty Phone Birch 8132, Alliance "Curley" Churchell has purchased the , Nebraska Eating House and will welcome old and new friends. First Class Board Meals served 6 to 8 a. m. 11 to 1 p. m. 5 to 8 p. m. 21 MEALS FOR $8.00 BRENNAN DRUGGIST Slates, of a type similar to the Al liance Packing company, have been almost universally successful, and that the occasional exceptions have been due to no other cause than poor business management. Incompetent management foredooms any enter prise to failure, of course, whether It be packing house, bank or mer cantile concern. The Alliance Pack ing company Is guarding against this possibility. Active management of its business will be vested In prac tical mm who know the Ins and outs of the Industry from a to s. This means that, with correct management added to such other features as a wealth of raw material, absence of shrinkage, short hauls, Alliance's unexcelled location geo graphically and as to railroad facil ities, etc., there would seem to be not the slightest cause in the world to doubt that the Alliance Packing company will be a success from the beginning, and that it will soon as sume a proud position as the leading industry of western Nebraska. The enthusiastic reception which Is being consistently accorded repre sentatives of the company Indicates that the people throughout this en tire section are accepting this view point as absolutely the correct one. UNCERTAIN He that waits upon fortune is never sure of a dinner. Franklin. DONT DESPAIR If you ai t truubicrd with pains or aches; feel tirod; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; pp.tnful pas C2Q of urir.3, you will f?nd relief in GOLD MEDAL The vr.rU'n Mnrdurd rem'1? for Ic'dney, itviT, blaJiJri t.ul uric fitl troubles and S'a'.lc K:nUy of IJc-'.i.vii (.l.ica Three -Jzer, c'l t'ruggitn. GaannteeJ. incV Itt t'.f ripk C.;M MoJk! en tit Lb We Feel Confident that we have just the Boys' Shoe that will please you completely. Never before in our experience has our line of Boy's Shoes been 0 so complete in Styles and Sizes The Original BOY SCOUT SHOES Gold Medal Attached in our judgment will satisfy your every requirement. THEY ARE STURDY THEY ARE STYLISH We feel sure we have some brand of Boys' Shoe to suit yon and Your Boy. Alliance Shoe Store 8. A. WTTJiTTB, Prop.