The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 06, 1920, Page SIX, Image 6

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oil development, which has re
sulted In several Wyoming town be
coming the locations of first class
hotels, may have a similar result It
Newcastle, where a company la be
ing organized to build a $160,000
Tho Ruck Creek Oil company la
erecting three rigs In the Lane creek
field on section eight. Drilling will
be started as soon as this prelim
inary work has been completed.
llecause of the large number of
persons Interested In the Osage oil
field, a petition of oil men and others
Interested In the development of the
field, has asked the Burlington to
stop Its trains Nos. 41 and 42, at the
small town of Osage, Wyo.
The Rawlins town council has
granted to the Kasomlng OiJ com
pntiy a twenty-year franchise to pro
vide residents of Rawlins with nat
ural gas for Ulumlnat ng, heating
and power purposes. The gas will
be piped from the Mnhoney dome,
where tho Kasonilnlng company has
a well good for 50,000,000 cubic feet
dally, ruder thi terms of the fran
chise delivery of ras to consumers
in the city must begin within a year.
shallow producing wells have beeu
brought in. Four additional rigs
have arrived this week and several
more are on the way. In a very
short time drilling will be In prog
ress In a strip of territory thirty
miles In length and from five to eight
miles wide.
Fifty drilling rigs are now on the
ground In the Osage field, and thirty
Hotel For Sale
.This includes prosperous hotel business,
hotel building and five town lots; fifteen
bedrooms; dining room serves 150 meals a
day at the present time. Terms will be rea
sonable. Parties interested inquire at or
Lakeside, Ncbr. Same Hatanaka, Prop.
The Buck creek well on section
35-36-65 In the Lance creek field, in
which water was encountered as It
Visa nearlng completion, is to be
drilled deeper In an effort to bring
In an oil well. The hole will be
drilled to the second sand. A sim
ilar operation with the No. 4 well rn
section 26-36-65 brought In a fair
Cotton Seed Cake and Meal
We have a few carB enroute for Quick delivery. Wire for delivered
price on Meal, Cake or Hulls.
Choctaw Sales Company
Stock Yards
Denver, Colo.
Stock Yards
Kansas City, Bio.
He says Fm a good
A REAL pal that's
Look at its record.
Three million smokers
less than five years on
the market! Two words
explain it
"They Satisfy!"
A new oil strike at Moab, Utah, is
catiGing much excitement In western
Colorado and eartern Utah. The well,
estimated at 500 barrels, Is Just
three blocks south of the Moab post-
office. The oil was found at 1,100
feet and ls:sald to be flowing stead
ily. The well began gassing at noon
last Saturday and later In the day
the oil came forth with a rush. It
Is said that oil leases that could have
been obtained here at $25 an acre
prior to the discovery are. now held
at as high as $2,500 an acre.
Figures compiled by Wyoming Oil
News Indicate that twenty-nine Col
orado and Wyoming oil companies,
or companies which receive a sub
stantial proportion of their revenues
from Wyoming oil fields, paid a total
of $43,972,490 to stockholders in
1919. Since organization, or within
recent years, these companies have
paid stockholders a total of $.208,
368,286. Except where Indicated, the
dividend statistics have been gath
ered from official sources. Otherwise
they are estimates based on semi
official figures. During the present
year dividend payments should In
crease materially. Advances In the
price of Wyoming crude will result
In Increased earnings for the com
panies and the prospects of develop
ing new production also should re
flect In earnings and dividends.
Mr. and Mrs. James Brittan Bpent
Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs
Frank Boag.
Charlie Kennedy is building a new
garage. He expects to purchase a
car before long.
There is a lot of sickness In the
neighborhood at this writing. Those
who have sickness In their homes are
Loyd Kibble, James Evans, Henry
Bchm. James Brittan, Arthur
Rogers, Howard De Shazo and Frank
Boag. Wo hope they will oil soon
be will again.
There was no school In district
No. 2 Monday, the teacher being sick
Mr. t nd Mrs. Lee Kasncr are ex
pecting visitors from Sterling, Col.,
next Saturday.
Mr. Evans helped Loyd Kibble pick
corn last Monday. '
Mrs. Waumbaugh Invited the E. S.
P. club to her home Wednes lay for
an all-day enjoyment. The men were
also Invited and a very enjoyable
day was spent, dinner being served
a la cafeteria. About fifty were
Mr. McGinim Is helping Mr. Ken
nedy build his garage.
The ltehder family are having
quite a siege with smallpox.
Mrs. Otto Becker Is slowly recov
ering from her fall. We hope for a
speedy recovery.
No Secret Diplomacy Here
There will be a greater shortage of cars tliix year t'u.m last. We can give
you reasonably prompt delivery now, but arc facing a serious shortage for
Spring and Summer. WTiyt Loss climatically favored sections of this great
country of ours are snow bound during December and January and the Ford
Motor Co. will not stock cars in one section of the country if they can be used
in any other. We can get cars now while these territories arc frozen up and
snowed in. Let's get them. Give us your order now and have yours when
you need it. You can use it every day in our glorious Nebraska.
By the way, have you noticed how many cars began the New Year with
an increase in price. A word to the wise is sufficient.
You know the price. You fan get delivery. Ti e spring hoi -la nothing
but uncertainty as to both.
Insist on Genuine Ford IV.
Wc want to keep hammering on the same idea that we have been trying to
convey in former ads. Hides and Furs are worth very good prices this year
and we want you to make a special effort to bring them in.
We Pay Highest Market Price
The Alliance Hide & Fur Company arc prepared to give you the highest
market price for all your Hides and Furs. We are equipped to handle all
your wants in this-line, whether it be buying or a special job of tanning.
Our Sample Floor is now ready
for Inspection.
We have a full line of machinery set up
and want to show it to you Drop in and
get all the new ideas and see the new
For over thirty years the Moline Plow has
led the entire field. Light draft, light lift
and Block root Shares.
Acme Steel Chases wear longer and are
guaranteed against breaking.
Because we know-their is nothing better
and we guarantee every piece to that effect.
We have every tool with a full line of parts
no ordering we have them here..
are a!x. -re and ready to show. Come to
our Or ;: ' Opening and Tractor School
FEE- ARY, 24-25-26, 1920