FOUR TUB ALLIANCE HERALD, FIJI DAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1920. BURR PRINTINO CO., Owneri OKOROE L. DURR. JR Editor XDWIN M. DURR Buslnris Mgr. Official newspaper of the City of Alliance; official newspaper of Dox Butte County. Owned and published by the Burr Printing Company, George L. Burr, President; Edwin M. Burr, Vice President. obncrlptlon $2.00 year, In advance Entered at the poBt oince at Alll maf, Neb., for transmission through the malls as second class matter. Published Tuesday and Friday. PACKINQ COMPANY A SUCCESS FHOM START Fargo Concern poea 'Buslneaa of Over 94,000.000 in First Fire Months That the Equity Co-operatlre packing Co., of Fargo, N. D., has done a volume of business of nearly U.000,009 per month DOCO opera tion began less than fire months ago, is tbe statement made by Manager L C. ifoopman In a, letter Issued re cently to stockholders. Mr. Hoopman writes: "At the present time, your plant lias been In operation about four months and a half and as we com pose this letter, we have come to the conclusion that one statement will cover the situation, that Is, the plant's progress has been startling. We have surprised ourselves on the volume of business that has been done, and as the demand for your company's products continues to In crease, we see no limit to the final outcome. We quote you a few facts to back this up: "1. A volume of business of over 14,000.000. "2. Over $225,000 In hides. "3. Two hundred and fifty cars of tockers and feeders. "4. Fifteen cars of lard, sold on oard of trade Inspection, Chicago. "5. Fifteen cars of tallow and In edible grease. "6. Ten cars of fertilizer. "7. Six branch houses established. "8. One branch house alone sell ing a car per day of dressed meat. 9. rargo alone taking over a Cr per day. "10. Seventy-six cars of livestock, one day's receipts. . "And capacity not yet reached. At present it will require 1,000 hogs jtnd 200 cattle per day to satisfy the idomand for your product. Your trade territory on finished product has reached from Boston, Mass., to Portland, Ore., and from the Canad ian line to Jacksonville, Fin., with, your own refrigerator cars, carrying jour own proJucts. "The abovo la only a general out line of the volume of business we have done so far, with only limited capital. The board of directors, therefore, saw fit to vote for the com pany to Increase Its capital slock from $3,000,000 to $10,000,000 as It will be necessary to build five acres more yardape, additional large cold storage plant, more residences for employes and sufficient working cap ital to take care of the Increased business." RAIIJIOAI) NOTES Mrs. C. A. Hopkins returned home from Lincoln yesterday to care for her husband who is reported quite ill. M. F. Coursey got his finger smashed yesterday when he was working with the boring mill. He will be off for a few days until the finger Is Improved. Boilermaker George Bloom re ceived a telegram last Sunday night that his son was quite 111 In Lincoln. He left the same night to be with his son a few days. Two repaired engines, Nos. 2853 and 2851, were sent to Alliance from Havelock, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Colonare are here from Bridgeport visiting with friends. Brakeman F. B. Larvey Is laying off for a few days to file on a hotne- Brakeman F. E. Larvey Is laying off for a few days to file on a home stead. Earl Chadwlck returned to work after being off for a few days on ac count of the illneBB of his sweetheart. Brakeman W. O. Bailey Is laying off for thirty days to visit friends and relatives In Louisville, Ky. Brakeman C. C. Harts la off for a few days on account of sickness. Mrs. Reed Is filling the vacancy left by the resignation of Mrs. Linda man In the freight house. Mont Morris of the labor depart ment returned Wednesday of last week from Lincoln, where he took unto himself a wife. There has been seven crews In the east end passenger pool. It is under stood, however, that by the first of March things will be back on the old schedule. Conductor Frank O'Connor Is en joying a few days' visit from his brother, who Is here from the west. Conductor Newhlrter Is relieving Mr. O'Connor during his brother's stay. Brakeman B. J. Ferry spent a few days In Lincoln attending to business matters. Brakeman C. F. Ostend Is confined to his home with the Influenza. Conductor George Armsby was re lieved by Conductor Chisel at Bel mont tunnel yesterday. Brakeman W. Farley Is laying oft for a few days to attend to some per sonal business. Good Lumber The fine, Spring like weather we have been having re minds us that Spring in truth will soon be here, and with it the building season. ; If you are tfiinking of building anything from a Chicken Coop to Mansion it is time you were making your plans. "NYc will be glad to give you any assiistance wc can. Fowler Lumber Co FLOYD LUCAS, Mgr. GOOD LUMBER, RIGHT TRICKS .9 "We ought to make a hitJ Chesterfield A ND why not? Never were fine tobaccos so skillfully blendedl Chesterfields bring you the best of Turkish and Domestic leaf, blended to bring out new de lights of flavor. Two Saturday Specials The Horace Bogue Store, Inc., offers these two Specials for Sat urday with the feeling that they will be welcomed by week-end shoppers. They are recommended as being both timely and full of value. F ' prr'' Very smart Mid Winter Styles in MILLINER Y MATERIALS STYLES Flowers, Ribbon, Ornament and Embroi- Turban, Rolled Chin Chin. Mushroom, dery Trimmings." Sailor and off the face flared creations. $7.50 to $10 values, at 5-95 Second Flr. Extra Special on Velvet Bags VftOff First Floor. Horace Boaxae Store, line "Just Around the Corner" 1 13 West Third Street Administrator's Sale February 10th, 1920 Starting at noon, I will sell at public auction at the Court Room in HARRISON, Sioux County, NEBRASKA the equity of the estate of the late Major Carter P Johnson in and to 2,345 Acres of Deeded Lands and in and to the leases on 1,080 acres of School Lands. Also, in and to Park Addition to the town of Crawford, Nebraska, consisting of lots 1 to 38, both inclusive. After thij sale, I will offer at public autcoin three other tracts of land adjoining the estate lands, aggregating 1,600 acres, making a total of 5,025.86 Acres to be sold at this sale All of the ranch land is close to the town of GLEN, SIOl X COUNTY, NEBRASKA, and about 14 Miles West of CRAW FORD, NEBRASKA. There is standing timber on each tract of ranch load. FOR TERMS ADRESS THE UNDERSIGNED. Cyrus 0, Wertz, Administrator Lusk9 Wyoming