The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 06, 1920, Page THREE, Image 3

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In this lsu will be found an ad
vertisement explaining some of the
present and future plans and work
ings of teh Alliance Tacking com
pany of Alliance, Neb. Several of
Ideal Service
looks beyond profit to the
satisfaction of doing some
thing that is worth while.
Jeo. D. Darling
Funeral Director
Phones Day, 139; Night, 8,
299 and 933
Our Motor Ambulance is at
Your Service
Diamond Rings
Every woman should have
a diamond ring, and a Thiele
diamond is the Kplendid
quality she desires sparkl
ing gems of great brilliance
and fine color.
Plain gold, and fancy white
gold and platinum mount
ings of alluring beauty.
Tiffany Solitaires,
$25.00 to $500.00
Fancy Rings,
J ewelry Watches Drags
Brunswick rbonographs
Watch Inspector C, D. & Q.
their representatives are now Inter
viewing the people of Box Butte
county and subscriptions for shares
are being liberally taken. Practical
ly every person quickly comprehends
the great benefits to be derived from
having an Institution bo near the
home shipping market. But It re
quires extra capital to enlarge the
capacity output and Box Butte coun
ty is responding generously.
There Is no doubt as to the safety
of the enterprise, as dozens of
Btockralsers have shares, and the
logical result Is they will protect
their money by shipping their live
stock to their own market, which is
what it sanely is when you hold one
or more shares of this company. In
other words you are virtually buying
and selling your own stock. Not a
bad proposition, Is It?
The Sunday school class composed
of lady teachers won the tanner last
week for having the largest number
present, together with their teacher,
at 10 o'clock. Next week the ban
ner will be given In the same way,
excepting that if a teacher cannot
be present because of sickness or
some other good reasan, and provides
a substitute In advance, that will
count the same as the regular
teacher, providing the substitute is
there on time.
Because of the regular missionary
address given last Sunday, the un
veiling of the Christian service flag
will take place next Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock.
Beginning with the coming Sun
day, Harold Thomas will take charge
of the class of boys formerly taught
by Mr. Barger.
The topic to be considered in the,
i Sunday morning sermon will be
"Has the Kingdom Failed to Come?"
May say it has. It Is on the decline,
losing numbers, losing Interest. Some
say if the church had done Its duty
there would never have been a war.
These thoughts will be considered
and the questions answered an
swered In the sermon.
Doctor Venner made this state
ment: "The fight the church will be
engaged in during the next twenty
five years will not be against the sa
loon, but to preserve the Christian
sabbath, and to save it from utter
collapse." In line with this thoucht,
the Sunday night theme will be "The
Christian Sabbath."
understood In the community as be
ing an organization concerned with
the entire community program. Very
often churches are misunderstood In
a community, and are unjustly ac
cused of being narrow In their pro
grams. Our entire program Is large
enough, we believe, anJ comprehen
sive enough, to have a concern for
every Interest In the city of Alliance
that Is worthy of such a community.
It is with this Idea In view that we
extend a very cordial invitation to
the people of the city to have a part
with us in this program.
The services next Sunday morning
will be Inspiring and helpful. The
subject for consideration will be, "If
Millions Prayed." The service will
begin promptly at 11 o'clock and last
one hour. The young people's so
cieties meet at 6:30 p. m. The eve
ning service subject will be "The Ris
ing River." You will want to Bear
these subjects discussed in a broad
way. These are subjects with a
peculiar interest to every good cit
izen of the community, and will give
you a greater vision of life as a cit
izen. Bring your friends. "The
Friendly Church" on the corner of
Seventh street and Laramie avenue.
J. ORRIN GOULD. Minister.
Have you found yourself? The
church endeavors to help each per-,
son to find himself. The willing
mind is the working mind. Find
your work pud stick to It! Next
Lord's day will be a great day in the
course of the "Win-One" campaign,
the sermon subjects are: "The Cost
or Disclpleshlp" and "Christianity In
Practice." The preaching of the
word Inclusive of the communion
service Is the Important part of the
service. Prayer and praise are also
Important. We shall not neglect any
important phase. The "Word" is
emphasized at every service. The
teaching service, the Bible school and
the training service, the Christian
Endeavor are open to all. It costs
something to support any worthy
cause. We try to give you one hun
dred cents on the dollar. Come to
the church with a message and a wel
come. STEPHEN J. EPLER. Minister.
February is the month for stew
ardship enlistment. Sunday services
for February 8:
Remember the Sunday school class
to prepare your lesson; meet at 10
a. m.
Morning worship, 11 a. m., "The
Power of the Witnesses."
Evening service, 7:30. "Scriptural
Teachings of Futurity."
Christian Endeavor society, 6:30
p. m., "The Worth While Life." De
cision day, Rev. Kcarns, leader.
"The Presbyterian church stands
as It has stood during its entire his
tory, for the unconditional sov
ereignty of God, for the Bible as the
only infallible rule of faith and life,
for simplicity In worship, representa
tive government, a high standard of
Christian living, liberty of con
science, popular education, mission
ary activity, and the recognition of
all as Christians who accept Jesus as
"Enter into Ills gates with thanks
giving and into His courts with
Come and worship -with us. First
Presbyterian church, corner Box
Butte avenue and Seventh street.
A. J. KEA.RNS, Pastor.
This church desires to make itself
For YOU! Get Them
Round up an old Suit
or Overcoat and bring
it to us.
We Pay Cash For Th m!
We also do the best cleaning
and pressing in Allitfncv.
highly esteemed cltinna and the
people of Mullen and Hooker coun
ty are Invariably glad to welcome
him. Captain Miller Is on this oc
casion combining business with
pleasure. He will remain In the
county for several weeks as the of
ficially accredited representative of
the Alliance Packing Co., explaining
the advantages of this new Industry,
which Is undouhtolv destined to b
the leading enterprise of this section
of the state. Hooker County Tribune.
Capt. J. B. Miller of Alliance Is
In Mullen and his scores of friends
here are taking advantage of the op
portunity to extend cordial greetings.
He is one of west Nebraska's most
Pay Your Bills by
Check, Madam'
Your Butcher, your
Baker, your Grocer
in fact all your accounts
should be paid by check
Then there will be no
arguments about dou
ble charges or under
charges. No trouble
some bills to keep on
Your cancelled check is a receipt.
Protection with Convenience 4
Besides being a convenience, a Chocking account is also a protection. You don't have,
to keep a lot of cash in the house. Buy your money lies safely in a burglar-proof vault
where it will be paid on demand to whomever you say.
System, Economy, Protection and Convenience all can be had in a Checking
Account. Once you have one you will never want to be without it. Call and ,
let any one of our officers explain how simple it is to have a checking account
and obtain its benefits.
First State Bank
164 Cleaners & Tailors
? I iiox Butte Avenue,
v k., tve Money We Need the Clothes."
JltHI;;,, rrrr ill 11, ,
V lgj3"fllrffr H 1 1 1 1,1 1
Just as Chicago and Omaha at one time looked forward to being reckoned among the
great live stock markets, so Alliance is today looking forward to that time when it will'
take its rightful place among the country's great live stock centers. Far-seeing men of
this territory believe in Alliance as a coming live stock center because the live stock
market of the country is continually moving West as it always has done.
Alliance occupies a most commanding position in the center of the wide cattle
ranges of "Wyoming, South Dakota, Colorado and Nebraska. A careful exam
ination of railroad facilities will show that Alliance is the logical center the
capital of a veritable little empire.
The Food Product Business Is Undeniably Staple All food product business are
staple businesses. Each morning every mr.n, woman and child in the world wakes up
hungry and must be fed.
The packing business is a logical business for Alliance, because the raw material is here
in abundance.
At no other point in the country can meat products be manufactured at a more reason
able price.
The plant of the Alliance Packing Company will be constructed second to none with
regard to the handling of daily tonnag?, ai d economy.
If you arc thinking of acquiring stock in any corporation, you will hnd that your'
banker, if acquainted with the plans of the Alliance racking Company, will endorse-ip r
possibilities. He knows that the Alliance Tacking Company has a wonderful future arftl 4i
that the more successful the company, the more successful will be every other business
in this territory.
Alliance Packing Co.
Alliance, Nebraska
UnJir permit 709 of the Sebraska Bureau of Securities, tut are required to mate this statement. "The Alliance
Packing Company is faying the legal rate or marketing its stotk an J it conducting in organization in itrict compliance
with the Bureau i mandates. The company Joet not in any ivay guarantee a return upon investment in its stock.
A return is dependent upon the company making a commercial success of the enterprise undertaken by it."
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