EIGHT THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1920. a SOCIETY Tat The Alliance post of tho T. P. A Trill bold their annual party at Red dish hall on Saturday, February 14, Valentine's day. Cards and dancing trill furnish the entertainment, and the big feature of the program will be a luncheon. Members and their families have been invited. W. R. Harper took an autoload of Brother L'lks to Scottsbluff last Sun day afternoon. Glasses accurately fitted at rea sonable prices. Drake & Drake, Miss Margaret Deal entertained a dozen friends on last Friday orcn'ng. Flinch and tlddleywinks furnished the entertainment. Delicious re freshments were served. I holce residence lots fur sa'e at Alliance National llank on rasy terms. ,26 F. E. Holsten, who has been ill the past few days, is able to be down town. Charles Drrittaln is among those reported to be ill. For Sale Two pure bred Ply mouth Hock cockerel at the Fair mont Crennt Station. 10 A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Maunier Sunday noon. Calvin Walker of the A. II. Jones company is confined to his home. Taul Simpson, after an Illness of several days, is able to be abroad again. FOK HUNT LAND FOR RENT 160 ncres, northwest of Alliance; 60 acres broke and fenced. A. W. -McMillan, North riatte, Neb. 20 Two sons of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Mahaffy are reported to be 111 with the Influenza. For Sale Two six room houses on Sweetwater. Modern except heat. Price and terms right. See Nebraska Land Company. 4 Funeral services for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed . C. Young were held Monday afternoon from the home of the parents, Rev. Stephen J. Epler being In charge. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Fenning of the Alliance shoe store on Saturday morning of this week. . At Alliance National lUnk you ran purchase tho moat delrblo res idence lota in the city on easy terms, E. I. Gregg of the Alliance Cream cry company is back on the job again after an enforced vacation of several days, due to n severo fall. A daughter was born Monday moriilnft to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Sternberg, living north and west of Alliance, on the Delgum place. Call nt Alliance National Hank and buy a residence lot before prices advance. 2(1 Mrs. J. A. Axtell of Falrbury came Thursday in order to be here for th wedding of her nlco,.'Mi88 Florence Campbell. She will return Sunday night. For Snle Two pure bred Ply mouth Hock ockereln at the Fair mont Creain Station, 19 Miss Dei nice Shepherd, nurse of Omaha, came Friday t oattend the wedding of Miss Florence Campbell She leaves Wednesday for Long Beach, Cal. Mirs Mildren Campbell of Lincoln came Friday morning to witness the wedding of her sister, Florence. She returned Sunday evening. For Sale One five room house, rood condition. Modern except heat. Good location. See Nebraska Land Company. 4 Mrs. D. W. Kenner returned Fri day afternoon to- Hemingford. She had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Beauraout. Mrs. Attle Spencer came from Maryland to seo about routing her house. For Sale Nine room house. Best part of town. Modern. PrlceJ right and good terms. See Nebraska Land Company. 4 Wiley Taylor, brother of the Alli ance chief of police, returned to his home in Milan, Mo., Monday after a visit of several weeks here. CHEST CLOGGED UP WITH HEAVY COLD? Don't give it a chance to "et in" use Dr. Kin New Discovery TIIAT dangerous state where a cold or cough or case of grippe might get the better of you may be neurer than you think. Prompt action with Dr. King's New Discovery will avert a long siege. For fifty years It has loosened eon-g-.tevl chests, dissipated tight-packed Idilegm, broken vicious colds and invglia. Give it to the youngsters taie It yourself. There will bo no disa greeable after-effects. 0c. and Sl.20 a bottle. At your druggist's. Give It a trial. Bowels Become Normal -liver livens up, bile flow freely headache, biliousness, ongUe-fur, stomach-sourness, disappear !en Dr. King's New. Life Pills get a their natural, comfortable aetioa. llirffflHvfl IIAVOP nljMfl.ntU II nmm ii ii tlve, sometimes habit-forming, should not be taken to rack the system vio lently. jNaiure s way is tne way or Dr. Vlnir'a Kai T .If a Pill i.n.,11. k.i firmly functioning the bowels, ejlmi- uauug mo u'leaiiut-iOKKiiliC WttHM, BDU promoting; the most gratifying results. Cleanse the system with them and know the boon of regular bowels. tSc t ail druiiUta, Sheriff Bruce of Rushville was In the city Monday. Albert L. Shipman and Mli-s Fay V. Covalt, both of Alliance were unit ed in marriage Saturday by Judge Tash. The ladles' aid society of the Mtth odist church entertained the union choir Friday evening at the Meth odist church. County Attorney Lee Basye Is slightly Improved at this writing. Alex Lee of Alliance and Mlm Pauline Meyer of Al.Unco werj mar ried Monday by the county Judge. Mrs. Jay O. Walker his returned from a three weeks' visit In Colum bus and points in the eastern pa it of the state. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Otto Zamzow of the Horace Bogue store to one cf the employes brings the news that there is all kinds of snow back east, with cold and otherwise disagreeable weather. J. A. Moses of Aurora spent a fe hours in the city Monday on his wa., to Hemingford. He tells of cole weather with snow and sleet to tti east of, us. A. B. Wheeler and wife left Sat urday for Edgemont, S. D., when they will make their home. Mrs Wheeler plans to hold down the homestead Wheeler filed on last week, situated ten miles- west o Dewey. PIIESBYTKIUA N CI 1 1 11CI I One of the fundamental thintrs em ployed In the religious Institute by Doctor Venner was the necessity of the co-operation of the home with the church life. He Raid Biirvovs have revealed that the lead em In tha church today are men and women wno went to church with their i.r- ents as children. This was the pos itive Influence. Doctor Venner was strong for the old family pew. Take your children to church. You are responsible to God for your children. The habit of church going In Invalu able In character formation. Encour age your children to go to church, yourself setting tne example In reg ular attendance. Regular Instruc tion In righteousness, the expound ing of the gospel, the memorlx!ng of the grand old hymns, constitutes a steadying Influence for all the year. Let parents see that being In the church service with their children Is an unselfish Christian service for their children, as well as being good for them. Plan to send your chil dren to a Christian college. Begin saving for their education now. Tray for your household and bring up your children In the nurture and ad monition of the Lord. Religious Instruction begins In the home. As a pastor I am almost afraid to ask some boys and girls to unite with the church. Tbey attend very Indifferently and why have them Join something they know nothing about. Who is to blame? The old family pew" Is Ideal, father, mother and the boys and girls sitting to gether. Children get much from the attitudes of parents toward wor ship. Doctor Venner says, "We need a new crop of parents." Think on these things. We begin the study of "Christian Americanization, a Task for the Churches" Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Young people, men and women, we can make this a very Inspiring hour. Come! First Presbyterian church, corner Box Butte avenue at Seventh street. A. J. KEARNS, Pastor. Good Lumber The fine, Spring like weather we have been having're ininds us that Spring in truth will soon be here, and with it the building season. If you are thinking of building anything from a Chicken Coop to Mansion it is time you were making your plans. Yc will be glad to give you any assiistance we can. Fowler ..Lumber Co. FLOYD LUCAS, Mgr. GOOD LUMUHt - RIGHT PIUCEH Government Flour Makes Good Bread Flour men will tell you that United States Grain Cor poration Standard Pure Wheat Flour makes good bread and superior biscuits, pastry and doughnuts. Try It. Your pocketbook will tell you that the prices of Grain Corporation Flour mean a real saving for you. United States Grain Corporation Standard Pure Wheat Flour is Belling around 6 cents a pound. It Is made of this year's abundant crops of winter wheat and contains those desirable qualities usually found In higher priced flours. It is not a substitute nor is it a "Victory" or "War" flour. Price, $1.60 for 24y2 lb. sack Fresh Fish, 15c to 25c a lb. Winesap Apples, $1.50 a bushel JOHN PILKINGTON 124 EAST THIRD STREET One Minute Store Talk f "No wonder you people draw trado from all over the west. Why would i't a man come here to Imy apparel, where u Miow practically nil the famous lines of line clothing, tin I In a range of styles that makes jour showing a national style exlilbl". an establishment far re moved from orllnaiy clothing uteres?" wild a western ciistomrr in ft tendance upon the 2t discount offering at HAHPKH'S. ARE YOU MAKING THE MOST OF THIS EVENT? W. R. HARPER, Prop. ' If -If I' i'lf? 'Ih 'Hi fmam i we mm mw m r a, ma a Harper's -W. R. HARPER, Prop.- SHOP EARLY STORE CLOSES AT 6:00 P. II. SATURDAY 9:00 P. M. Harper's RUSH VERCOA AA'EDNESDA'Y will be the banner day of the Y Y Clothing Department, because every man knows that there is no hope for lower prices next year, and that this event is the supreme saving opportunity. BROKEN LINES. BUT HUNDREDS UPON HUN DREDS OF MEN'S, YOUNG MEN'S YOUNGER YOUNG MEN'S AND BOYS' .Fancy Overcoats at If if 7 DWW SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY OVERCOATS in every degree of correct fancy color materials, from extreme novelty, warmth without weight weaves, to great warm, burly fleeces and heavy overcoatings plenty of medium and dark shadings. OVERCOATS in every 6tnart novelty model from full belted great coats and belt back models to utility coats, motor coats, ulsterettes single or double breasted. Also fur collar, fur and fur lined overcoats. OVERCOATS from a score of famous makers the cream of 1919-20 style pro duction. Overcoats as good for next year as this year. Finest overcoats made at 40 less than next year's prices prepare. Broken lines of Young Men's and Younger Young Men's Fancy Suits Selection not so large as the overcoat sale offers, but extraordinary values at 20 Ter Cent Off. We Sell for cash We Sell for LESS WV R. Harper Dept. Store BIG STORE ALLIANCE, NEB. We Sell for CASH We Sell for LESS