THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1920. SKVE.V WHEN A MART MARRED COPTRISMT, 111 THf PSW TUW ITIRIRB ILLIUH- nmww 'riT ' i i; 1 fnnnr? d i n i : , between the west line of lot 9'. block J 3, Second County Addition to the City of Alliance, If extended south to In tersect said Ninth Street, and the east line of lot 4, block L, Nebraska Addition to the City of Alliance, If extended couth to intersect said Ninth Street, and all that part of Tenth Street' situated between the west line of lot 4, block A. Sheridan Addition to tho City of Alliance, If extended south to Intersect said Tenth Street, and the cast lino of lot 5, block M, Nebraska Addition to the City of Alliance, if extended Fouth to Intersect said Tenth ittreet. The date of the first publication of this notice is January 16, 1920. A meeting of the mayor and coun cil of said City of Alliance will be held .In the council chamber of said city on the 10th day of February, 1920, at 8 o'clock p. m. to consider such objections as may be made and filed as heretofore proTlded. Dated this 13th day of January, 1920. A. D. RODOERS, Mayor. Attest: GRACE II. KENNEDY, City Clerk. (SEAL) ai NOTICE OP INCORPORATION Notice Is hereby given that W L, Drown, O W. Puckett, and Arthur Mueller hare formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Ne braska, under the name of Heming- ford Implement and Investment Company, with its principal place of business at Hemlngford, Nebraska. This corporation shall have power dealing, or selling for them In such commodities, and to enpflgo In the business of handling, buying, sell ing and dealing In and with coal, coke, wood and salt for them on their own account. To buy and sell and generally deal In all such livestock, foodstuffs, products, by-products, produce, commodities, articles and merchandise, and In such connection to do a general wholesale, retail and Jobbing and commission business therein. 'To construct, purchase, lease, or otherwise ncqulre and op erate yards, sidings, warehouses, cold storage or refrigerator cars, or other transportation facilities as may be necessary for the purpose of prop erly carrying out the plans of the company. To find and provido suit able markets for such surplus live stock as the company may purchase In the Interests of Its members or shareholders. To construct, acquire, maintain, Improve, control, superin tend, operate or lease all necessary buildings, roads, mills, machinery, factories, refineries, and all other works and conveniences as may seem conducive to the objects of the com pany. To acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise, any real estate re quired, and to dispose of the same In any manner deemed to be In the In terests of the company. To acquire wholly or in part any business of similar nature and to purchase the bonds or mortgages of such corpora tions. Also to purchase, own, hold, acquire, sell, lease, rent, hypothecate and mortgage real estate and all kinds of personal property, and make assignments of leases and contracts and transfer and assign leases and contracts when and where necessary. Incidental, needful and useful In transacting, carrying on and conduct 1. bU anBe,rSai CBt.aV!,'!d An; mg the business of said corporation; WANT TO BUT something! Hun dreds of people weekly scan tbeas want ad columns looking: for what you or others have to offer. Get quick results by advertising In The Herald Want Ad department. WANTED SA LKM EN SALESMEN wanted to solicit orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or commission. Ad dress Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 19 ' FOR RENT HOUSES the buying and selling of Implements and tractors and shall have all the powers not herein enumerated, con terrcd by virtue of the laws of the state of Nebraska The amount of the capital stock Is $50,000 divided Into five thousand shares of $100 each; that $41,000 of said stock shall be subscribed and fully paid upon the completion of the organization of the company. The highest amount of Indebted ness to which the corporation Bhall subject Itself shall not exceed two- thirds of Its paid up capital stock This corporation shall conduct Its business by three directors, elected by the stockholders, a president, who shall be general manager, a vice sniri Ordinance No. 271 shall be re-1 president, and a secretary and it inph nhtocttons be not treasurer. FOR RENT 7-room house, modern but bath; wish to get smaller house, about live rooms preferred. Inquire 503, care Herald Office. 23 FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY FOUR LOTS in Belmont addition Nos. 94, 95, 96, 97. Inquire of O. E. Morrison, Box 204, Crawford, Neb. ' tf FclCinvLldTSter residence on 724 Cheyenne. For further information inquire of Wright & Wright. 19p FOR SALE Four-room house and bath; strictly modern. Phone 565. 819 Toluca. tf for sale household uoods fcrsaTeho Empress rooming house. 19 FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT Room for one or two gentlemen. Mrs. Nettle Campbell, 06 Cheyenne; phone 712. tf WANTED Experienced salesladies. Reply at once to The Fashion Shop. tf WANTED- 2D HAND CLOTHES WE PAY cash for, second-hand over coats and suits. 164 Cleaners. THE HERALD will pay 7c a pound for good, clean, white rags. - FOR BALE LADIES' GOODS MADE TO ORDER New Bone Cor eta Mrs. J. R. Smith. Phone S90. "D FOR BALE LEGAL BLANKS LEGAL BLANKS All kinds, at The Herald Office. FOR SALE LIVE STOCK, ETC. TKAhar ness adragonfriuUe Phnno K21 Wm. DaVldSOO. tf FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS OLD NEWSPAPERS 5c a package, at The Herald Office. FOR SALE ON TERMS VMl SALti ON TERMS My H room, modern house, 2 baths, Nettle M. Campbell. Phone 712; 506 Cheyenne Ave. tf FOR SALE RESTAURANT FOR SALE: Small, modern, nifty Cafe, in a live town; now doing an excellent business which will double in spring. Only white restaurant in tnwn. 12.000 cash. Address P. O. Box 151. Buffalo. Wo. 19 FOR SALE SWINE WE WILL SELL 38 head registered Poland China bred sows at Chad n. Neb.. March 8. 1920. This lot ar' all good ones. Write for cat alone. J. L. Brown. Cbadron, Neb 19 FOR SALE TYPEWRITER FOR SALE Noiseless typewriter. standard keyboard. In good condi tion. WU1 tell at a bargain If Uken Aon. Inonirs No. III. HsrsJt Oflce, tf WANTED SALESLADIES WANTED RAGS pealed. filed against Buch district (in the time and manner aforesaid, the mayor and city council will forthwith pro ceed to construct euch paving, In advertising for bids for such paving, the mayor and council may provide for bids on different ma terials, and types of construction and shall in addition provide for ask ing bids on any material or materials which may be suggested by petition of the owners of record title repre senting 25 per cent of the abutting property owners In such district, if such petition Is filed with the City Clerk before advertisement for bids is ordered. On the opening of bids for paving In such paving district the mayor and council shall post- The corporation commences Janu ary 15, 1920, and terminates Janu ary 15. 1940. W. L. BROWN. O. W. PUCKETT. ARTHUR MUELLER. Incorporators. By Warren & IIodgkinB, Attorneys. Sidney, Nebraska. it NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is hereby given that a cor poratlon was organized at Alliance, Nebraska, on January 15th, 1920, In accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska. That the name of sail corporation is Alliance Packing Company. That the nrlncloal nlace of tran- pone action thereon for a period of Bactl the businesa of Bal(i coroora- not less than ten dayB. During said tion , Alliance, Box Butte County, period oi postponement me owners Nebraska ity of the abutting property owners ... . . .,.., h COMMENT AMI 11N( OMMI.N T (t'ontin eil from Tnge 2.) disproves l(. Murder breedH mm dor. If Mr. Urogory Is rrnlly Interested In the "ncod of lhe state," as h says, we ran Ml l.lti of a filate In thla rnimtiy wMch, nclualnl y sen tim ntnlily, voted. out cnpili.l punish ment by imnns of Hie referendum, and three yeais later was Invoking the Initiative to put It back Inta ef fect, nt because of one particular case, Mil because murder had in creased to a greater extenl than ever. - Ilapi-lly, the efforts of lhe Society for the Suppression of Capital Pun ishment In Nebraska seem to be meeting with no success. If they were, there would be no eleventh hour claim that Colo and Orammer were Insane. Fortunately, the doc tors appointed to conduct the exam ination were serious, scientific men. who refused the opportunity of pros tituting their professional knowledge to gain the approval of a lot of weep ing willows. Present prospects are that a weak-kneed governor will stiffen np and finally see that hla duties He in enforcing the laws he was elected to enforce. Let us hope so. Thwwhole case is getting to be a ghastly Joke. Nitrous Conductive Oxide Anesthesia DR. W. J. MAHAF7Y DENTIST Alliance . Nebraska NOTICE Notice to the owners of property within Paving District No. 3 of the) City of Alliance, in Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska, the said district Includ ing and embracing the following de scribing property, to-wlt: Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 9, original town of Alliance, Nebraska, and lots 13 to 18 Inclusive, block 10, original town of Alliance, Nebraska; lots 12 to 29 inclusive in County Addition to the city of Alliance, Nebraska; lots 1 to 6 inclusive in block 7 Sec ond addition to the City of Alliance, Nebraska; lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 8, Second addition to the City of Al liance, Nebraska; lots 1 to 9 inclu sive, block 3, second County Addition to the City of Alliance, Nebraska; lots 4 to 12 inclusive, block L, Ne braska Addition to the City of Alli ance, Nebraska; lots 7 to 11 inclu sive, in block 4, second County Addi tion to the City of Alliance, Nebras ka; lots 2 to 4 inclusive, block A, Sheridan Addition to the City of Al liance, Nebraska, and south half of lot 3 and lots 4 to 6 Inclusive, block M. Nebraska Addition to the City of Alliance, Nebraska. You are hereby notified that aald paving district No. 8, which includes and embraces the property above de scribed, has been created by pas sage, approval and publication of Ordinance No. 271 of the ordinances of the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, as provided by law. You are farther notified that If the owners of the record title represent lng a majority of the abutting prop erty owners In such district shall file with the City Clerk wit' in twen ty days from the first publication of this notice, written objections to the paring of such district, said work shall not be done In such district under aald Ordinance No. 271, but in such district, may filo with the City Clerk a petition for the use of a particular material for paving, In which event a bid on that material shall be accepted, and the work be done with that material. In case such owners fail to designate the ma terlal to be used In such paving in the manner, and within the time above provided, the mayor and coun cil shall determine upon the material to be used, provided the mayor and poratlon shall be to do and carry on a general packing business; to own and hold real estate and buildings with the necessary machinery and appli ances for the slaughter, cleaning. dressing, processing and otherwise preparing animals and carcasses of animals for meats and for food prod ucts and for packing and preserving the same, and the sale of all such meats and food products and deal ing generally la euch food products "E. "Z !VADLalJ!!0P.V! and packing and preserving tho same reject all bids and re-advertise, if In its judgment the public interest re quire The streets and avenues abutting for sale. The buying, keeping, main taining and preparing animals, uch as hogs, cat lie and sheep for slaugh ter for the out pose of making and upon said property within, such dis- manufacturing I herefrom such meats trict to be paved, unless objections an(j f00(j products, and packing and are made In .the manner and form preserving, lhe same and selling tho above stated, are as follows: All same for H;id and general consump- that portion of Box Butte avenue tion. To acquire, own and hold by In said city between the south line purchase, lease, or otherwise, real of Fifth Street, and the north line estate, and to erect, build and con- Of Tenth Street; all that Dart Of tmet and maintain thereon and in Fifth Street situated between the connection therewith, stock yards weBt line of lot 21, County Addition and yards, buildings, pens, lots and to tne i,uy or Alliance, ir extended i structures of every kind for the pur south to intersect said Fifth Street, p0se and proper equipment of yards ana me east line or lot ZZ, County for Btock and for the purpose of Addition to the City of Alliance. If I selling: and disposing of livestock: extended south to intersect aald Fifth and to keep in connection there- street; an that part of Sixth Street win, all kinds of grain and feed situated oetween the west line oflwitn which to supply such stock so lot 15, County Addition to the City I kept, and to furniBh to the public or Alliance, if extended south to in- generally,' and to the ownera of Uve tersect said Sixth Street, and the east stock; who desire tor sell or market line of lot 24 in County Addition to the aame for hire, suitable facilities, tne city or Alliance, if extended places, pens. lots, barns, stables and south to Intersect said Sixth Street; I structures for the proper showing. all that part of Seventh Street sit-1 displaying, disposing and selling of uatea Detween tne west line of lot I any and all kinds of livestock, and iz. couniy Addition to the City of to aenerallr operate a public llve- Ainance, u extended north to Inter-1 stock exchange and an open market sect said Seventh Street, and the east I To buy, sell. Import, export and gen line of lot 27, County Addition to the! erally deal In poultry and poultry my or Alliance, ir extended north I products and dairy products of every to intersect said Seventh Street; all! kind, class and description and their mat part or Eighth street situated I by-products. To manufacture, buy, between the west line of lot I, block I sell and deal generally In Ice. To 8. second addition to the City of Al-1 preserve in cold storage and general liance, if extended south to Intersect I ly deal In all kinds of food products saiaLighthstreet. and the east line I of a perishable nature or otherwise of lot 29, County Addition to the! To buy and sell, deal In. export or uty or Alliance, if extended south I Import, coal. coke, wood and salt. to Intersect said Eighth Street; all land to act as the sgent of any per- tnat part of Ninth Street situated son, firm or corporation In buying, to borrow and loau money necessary and needful to transact, carry on. and conduct the business of said cor poration; to make and issue promt ory notes, bills of exchange, bonds, obligations, and other evidences of Indebtedness of every kind, unse cured or secured by mortgage, pledge or otherwise; also to purchase, hold and sell the securities, other than stocks, and bonds of other corpora tlons and of said corporation. And to do each and everything necessary, suitable or proper for the accom plishment of any of the purposes, or the attainment of any one or more of the objects herein enumerated, or which shall at any time appear con clusive to or expedient for the pro tection of or benefit of said said corporation. That the amount of the authorized capital Block of said corporation shall be One Million Five Hundred Thousand ($1,500,000.00) Dollars, divided Into thirty thounand (30,- 000) shares of the par valuo of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars each, fully paid and non-assessable. All sub scriptions to the capital Btock of Bald corporation shall be payable In the ; manner provided by the Bureaus of 1 Securities, Blue Sky Departments or other like regulatory or supervisory bodies or commissions in the state j respectively where such subscriptions are taken. J That said corporation Bhall com-' mence business on January 20th,1 1920, and continue for the period of fifty years from and after the date. Its Articles of Incorporation are filed In the office of the Secretary of State for the State of Nebraska. That the highest amount of In debtedness or liability to which said . corporation may at any time subject t Itself shall not exceed the sum of , two-thirds of the paid up and out-j standing capital stock. J That tie business and affairs of said corporation shall be conducted by a board of nlno directors, elected by the stockholders of said corporation at their annual meeting. That until the annual meeting of the stock holders of Bald corporation In Jan uary, 1921, the business and affairs of said corporation shall be con ducted by a board of three directors, namely, John W. Cutbrie, Glen Miller and R. E. Plumbe. That the officers of said corporation shall be a president, Ice-president, secretary and treasurer. JOHN W. GUTHRIE, GLEN MILLER and R. E. PLUMBE. i Incorporators. R. E. PLUMBE, President. JOHN W. GUTHRIE. Secretary of said Corporation. Mltc ell & Gantz, Attorneys. Feb. 24 Not Medicine Not Surgery Not Osteopathy Or. Annie Graham Jeffrey Chiropractor Graduate Palmer School Telephone 865 Wilson Building Alliance - - - Nebraska GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Anthina and Hay Fever ' Kye, Ear, Nose and Throat mourn U7 CaHs were frees OtBee Say m alsht L. A. BERRY lift wy 6i ROOM 9 RUMMER BLOCK rilONK 9 ALLUNCE, NEBRASKA Harness Hnd Made Frem Beat Mnterlnl. Ootlaat An? Faetarr Made (iooda. Call anS Sea. Harare Itrpairtne; hy Kiperl eaerd llarnraa Maker. . J. M. COVERT At M. M. I). Xlchola Stana DR. EINAR V. BLAK Medlelae and Burgerj Sperlallyi h'.ye, Kar, Neaa -., Throat aad I. una ;inaaea Carefully Fitted Offlee In Mailer? Block rbanrai Uffiee 10 1, llealdenee 103 L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon . 2I8V4 Box Butte ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Lire Stock and General Farm Sales Phone 601 Alliance J. D. EMERICK Bended Abstracter I fcare the enlr art af Aba tract Boo ha la Bex Batta Ceoaty. First National Rank Ultig. ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED MOVE FURNITURE 'SAFELY We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furniture with out marring, scratching or damaging. Up-to-date wagon pads will be used by us on all moving Jobs. tf JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone 15. t - You'll find Sloan's Liniment often the severe rheumatic ache Put It on freely. Don't ntb it fa. Jut let it ftnttrott naturally. What a sense ef soothing relief soon follows I External aches, stinneis, soreness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back "cricks" those ailments can't fight off the relieving qualities of Sloan's Liniment Clean, convenient, economical 35c, 70c, $1.40L , 11 ikrnumH Dr. E. B. O'Keefe DENTIST Over Harper's Store Phone 1028 Alliance, Nebr. CONTRACT WIRINO A BLECTRIO REPAIRS AMaatloa ta Detail Maaiae Oar Work Let DOIVaHNOY EL10CTRIO CO. rnonv in 11 WU It with Mertea Realty 0. E. Nelson Lawyer DENTON BTjnJDINQ