1UJS ALLIAiNUinimtAUUn TTTUA k , i UUUJAU I .1, ' iri-LTT, WILLIE BROWN CHURCH FUNERAL ATHEMINCFORD Willie Brown Church was born December 1, 1886. at Nlckerson, Neb., and came with his parents to Box Butte county the same year. He grew to manhood In this community and on October 9, 1917, he was unit ed in marriage to Mrs. Bertha Reece of Hemingford, Neb. He united with the Methodist Episcopal church in Hemlnpford on February 1, 19H, exactly six years to the day of his funeral service. Brown, as ho was known here, has enjoyed the association of a large circle of friends, all of whom bespeak for him but kindly words of praise and appreciation.' He was in busi ness in this, his home town, for a number of years associated with the local newspaper and was apt, studi ous and a wide awake editor. In spite of his physical infirmity he possessed an unusually happy and cheerful disposition and had a good word for almost everybody. He sealed his lips against speaking evil of any one and thereby was a desir able citizen. ' On January 12, 1920, feeling the necessity of special treatment, he went to the Boulder, ol., sanitarium, where he seemed to Improve until suddenly, on Thursday evening, he IMPERIATf 11 THEATRE ONE DAY ONLY Saturday, Feb. 7 , Special Matinee at 3 P. M. 25c and 55c Night 7:30 Children 55c; Adults 83c The big double bill, Paul Robinson and his 6--California Bathing Beauties-6 ft A f.w;':: &4 V In a 1920 Revue Something new for the Picture Fans to see them in Real Life. Remember the Date and Place One Day Only SATURDAY, FEB. 7 passed away. I He was thirty-three years, one ! month and twenty-eight days old. He leaves to mourn his untimely de parture a eloved companion, who was faithful and attentive to all his needs, and" a step-daughter, Ella; two sisters,' Mrs. Alwllda C. KicKenile of Boulder, Col., and Mrs. Octavla Story of California, with other relatives and a host of friends. The funeral service was held In the Methodist church Sunday after noon, February 1, 1920, and was conducted by Kev. A. J. May, pastor. The sermon theme was from the fif teenth chapter of First Corinthians relating to the resurrection and glor ified life of the future. The songs usd were: "In the Hour of Trial," "Asleep In Jesus"; a solo by Mrs. Grace Armstrong, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought," and "Does Jesus Care." The music was rendered very ef fectively by Mesdames Armstrong, Graham, Muirhead, Clark, Miss Susie Davidson and the Misses Olds, Michae and Walker. At the cem etery as the body was slowly lowered the singers rendered "In the Sweet Bye and Bye." After the closing service by the pastor the friends left the casket strewn with flowers and said good-bye until we meet again. May our Heavenly Father comfort his companion and all those who are bereaved. RAILHOAD NOTES Braketnan Reynolds was seen prowling around the streets of Seneca yesterday. Engineer Trefney was called to Cleveland, O., on account of the death of his brother. Conductor C. L. Finch has been' confined to his home the past few days on account of illness In bis family. Brakeman E. W. Mayfield is spend ing a few days in Aurora with his mother. Brakeman G. R. Brittan returned to work after being oft for some time with the smallpox. Machinist Hopkins, screiary of the machinists' lodge, is sick with the influenza. Mrs. M. J. Howe arrived home yes terday from Valley Springs, S. D. Mr. Howe's mother, whom she went to so?, is not expected to entirely re cover. This is her second stroke of pnijljris and it affected her diges tive system so that it makes it im possible for her to live long. Tb.3 Herald extends sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Howe. 10?n -Srnt I shin fT a Nnti Mr A I Gregory Dear sir jours reconvert ant glad to hear from you nml in an swer to your quest Ions at prese nt time rant sny fully a man might sny ho was for or against a certain Bill and by time they got don monkey ing with it have It a perfer robing machean but 1 say that I am a full Blooded yank and niy pedigree shoos that Back to boglnlng of nation so you will know how I stand at proper time the yankee standard has made this the greatest nation on earth t nm circulating my pettitos at pres ent am sending you 2 I need a few more sincr in 6 district please get me some from your section of state have to sign street or route and scottsblufTs Neb and return as soon as convoanent 1 haft to have 100 from each congressional district get what you can and any time you need any thing from this end of state I am at your command very truly Robert O Ross Lexington tfeb. There you have it, and you know exactly v here Mr. Ross stands on the league of nations. Just as one does by the statement of most of the other presidential aspirants, Mr. Wood, Mr. rershlng, Mr. Hoover, et al., etc. Scottsbluff Star-Herald. of the church. The attendance at there meetings has been splendid. You are Invited tonight. Rev. Gould will lead the meeting. The choir will meet Thursday evening for regular practice at the home of Chas. Fuller. All members are urged to bo present to prepare for special programs. The entire congregation was pleas ed and uplifted by the address given list Sunday morning by Mr. M. V. Arnold, the district secretary for the Y. M. V,. A. His experiences while in mo war wora in itussia were very thrilling. We shall be glad to see him again. The program as crrrled out during the religious Institute under the di rection of Dr. Venner, was a great sticcess. Our people wrre well pleas ed with the meetings. We are plan ning great things for the future. . we grind our own lenses. Drake & Drake, Optometrists. tf ROSS' SAYS THAT HE'S FULL-BLOODED YANK Robert G. Ross, who has been can didate for president for the past sev eral years from the state of Nebras ka, due to the peculiar and rather wierd ramifications of the primary election law, is again desirous of be coming a candidate, despite the pass age of a law at the 1919 session of the legislature, which it was claimed at the time was aimed directly at Ross and would put a complete quie tus on his "foolishness" hereafter. Despite the fact that the law now specifies that before a name of a can didate for presidential preference may be printed on the primary bol lot, Buch candidate Bhall become such by the filing of a petition from each congressional district, these petitions containing the names of not less than 100 electors each, it is understood that the Ross petitions are being cir culated in each district. A. Gregory, of this city, wrote re cently to Mr. Ross, asking the latter where he stood on the "league of na tions question." In his reply, It will be noted that Mr. Ross has one presi dential periquisite at least, developed to a high degree and that is to say a whole' lot without telling anything. The letter, however, is refreshing, and is as follows: "LEXINGTON, Neb., Jan. 23, THE FIRST IlArTlST CHURCH. There will be a social for the Young People of the congregation to night at 7:30 o'clock. Games, Btunts. and other entertaining features will make it a delightful meeting for those who come. The social will be held in the basement of the church building. Wednesday evening the mid-week meeting will be held in the basement SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles GOLD MEDAL It Is Our ment SANITARY MARKET "We have opened our Meat Market in the rear of The Fourth Street Market and are prepared to furnish the public with Good Meat at Fair Prices Call Fourth Street Market and arrange to have our boy call evenings for your orders to be delivered the following morning early. This will save you time and inconvenience. Our market Communicates with Fourth Street Market. SANITARY MARKET 7. E. MELVIN, Prop. 114 WEST FOTJETH BT&EXT N . wl ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA bring quick rtlicf and often ward o9 dadly disease. Known as tha national remady of Holland for more than 200 years. AH druggists, In three sices. Look for tia name Gold Mednl on every box and accent do imitation Judg That we have at last secured something which will please the most exacting buyer of Boys' Shoes. Not once before in eight years cipcricnce in the Shoe Business have we felt so confident. We believe that our line of Original Boy Scout Shoes Gold Metal Attached will meet every requirement of a satisfactory Boys' Shoe. We have several other brands of Boys' Shoes in stock, and are confident we can give you just the pair you want. Alliance Shoe Store S. A. MILLER, Proprietor 3CHBS Farm Bmildk a- HOMES Stock and Hay BARNS SILOS GARAGES VOU have doubtless been con- sidering the building of one or more improvements on your farm or ranch. There will be no more advantageous time to make them than this coming Spring. Building operations will be going forward in full swing this year as soon as the weather permits, and you might as well plan to join the great many who will "put it off no longer". Just take a few hours off and figure up how much actual advantage a new, modern, well-arranged Barn, Hog House, Chicken House or Machine Shed would give you. In many instances it will save you a great deal more than the current rate of interest on your investment. Just im agine how such a building will increase your net return from the place, to say nothing of the improvement in the value and appearance of things. We have several sets of plans and specifications for various Farm Buildings that help you in your plans. Let us help you make a decision. WU BEVLNQTON, Mgr.