T11K AMIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, J A N IT A II Y 27, 1920. , THREE Random Shots See that the census taker don't miss you. Lee Richmond says that he great ly admires General Pershing both as a military leader and a soldier, but does not favor him for the presidency and feels that this is the general sen timent of the people over the country. Mark W'eods should worry. Kiddle: When Is a military leader not a soldier? There Is danger that within the next few weeks the money of many foreign countries will become abso lutely without value In international exchange. Will someone please tell us where we can spend a Mexican half-dollar before the crash comes? - Man has just been arrested for forgery committed ten years ago. Isn't Is fortunate that gambling is not a crime, but a misdemeanor? If every man who has played poker within the past, ten years were subject to arrest, there are aUot of towns that would be deserted. Lest we forget to mark the end. -March is supposed One Alliance business man Insin uated that we ate enough at the fire men's banquet the other evening to keep us going fully a week over the time limit. ' There was Bevo on the table. One sedate citizen drank six bottles be fore he discovered the difference. Fred 11. Humphrey, writing in The Journal about the Cole-U rammer ' case, has this to say: "I a man a soul, or Is he a body? If It is a fact that a man Is a soul and not body, Is It a fit punishment for crime to strike away the body and leave the soul free? Is is wise for the state, when it has a man where it can handle him and Imprison him, to release him and set him free?" fide invitations where bona-flde re freshments will bo served. Oh, blither! And likewise bosh! More work for Jesse Holmes. Jesse, you will recall, Is better known by his official title of The Fool Killer. York man who purchased six bot tles of "Adiposa Oriental Flesh Pro ducer" is to be tried for illegal pos session of liquor. We charge nothing for this advertisement. Nothing Is too good for our sub scribers. Rufe Jones used the word "Incon sequentially" twice in a five-minute conversation the other day. He knows some good ones, too. If Webster II, why not Webster III? We -understand that the "shimmy' is unknown In Japan. It's the dance we are referring to. They say the national .drink does n't encourage that kind of dancing. They drink tea In Japan. ' ' ; "You cannot drink anywhere (that Is, legally) except In your own home or as a bona-fido guest In the home of a hospitable friend." Extract from Federal Regulations. 'Nother riddle: not a guest? When Is a guest Answer: When he's a-thlrst. Most of us are now open to bona- I M PT ty THEATRE 2 DAYS 2 DAYS unday and Monday February 1 and 2 Matinee Daily 3 p. m. Night 7:30 and 9 p. m. Children 13c Adults 27c and War Tax SHayllower Mwloplay CorpovoTion. Prcsetvts EORGE' UQMM E 1 . PRODUC - ?N PRODUC I I J w ,x I J" 7 . ... lh plot Jy CEO M COHAN SKAlit: L.FACKAAD One Alliance inRn says he Isn't particular he'll drink It in an alley if the seal Is still on the bottle. THREE CHILDREN TO RECEIVE HONORS Nat Ion-Wide Ktay Contest nnnel by Army Perilling to lie One of the Judges Here's the chance of a lifetime for three kids In the United States: The nited States army hns inaugurated contest that will be open to the students of all schools, except col leges and universities, whether pub ic, private, sectarian or non-secta rian, and the winners may be male or female, black or white or brown or red, American born or foreign born. The children ' winning the first three prizes with essays on "What Are the Benefits of an Enlistment In he United States Army?" will re ceive a free trip to Washington, D. C, with all their expenses, and the expenses of their parents and guar dians, paid by the government. They will receive medals and loving cups to be taken back to their schools. It ill be a nation-wide contest, and the winners will have something to be proud of for the rest of their atural lives. Here's the plan, as announced by the war deprrtment: On April 19 next, a board of udges consisting of Secretary of War Baker, General Peyton C. March nd General John J. Pershing, will nnounce to the awaiting Juvenile world the names of three boys or girls who on February 20, 1920, wrote the best essays on the subject: What Are the Benefits of an Enlist ment in the United States Army?" Then on May 5, 1920, these three boys and girls, accompanied by par ents or guardians (railroad fares and all expenses paid to Washington and return for both winners and par ents), will be presented with medals by Secretary Baker himself. Gold medal, suitably engraved, to the winner of the first prize. Silver medal, suitably engraved, to the winner of the second prize. Bronze medal, suitably engraved, to the winner of the third prize. In addition, three beautiful silver ups, suitably engraved, will be pre sented to be winners by Secretary Baker, to be carried back home by hem as prizes for the schools they attend. The contest is under the auspices of the war department, but the newspaper, Come Back, the official organ of the Walter Reed hospital In Washington. aked permission to purchase the prizes. Tills permission was granted and the school children are r'rlly competing for prizes thai ere provided by maimed and In jured soldiers mw at Waller Reel hospital. There is no age limit In this con test and the little seven year old girl in Santa Barbara, Cal.. has the same chance of winning a prize as has thp nineteen year old high school boy of Baltimore. ' Now York state has many times the number of school pupils that Ne vada has, yet the chance of produc ing winners in each of these Mites Is exactly the same. Essays will be written In the class rooms en Friday, February 20, 1920. from notes if desired. No essay will be more than four hundred words in length. Pencil, or pen and Ink, may bo used, but the essay will be written on only one side of tho sheet. Essays will be Judged strictly on n basis of originality, expression and sincerity. Each school will be the judge of Its own product. The principal oi teach school will appoint a board of three JudgcB to select one t the entry from his school, then forward the entry, no than February 27, 1920, to t' recruiting station nearest his The district recruiting officer appoint a board of three Judges to pass on the essays submitted by the schools of his district. One will be selected as the best and will be for warded to Washington as the dis trict's entry. From the entries of the fifty-six districts Secretary Baker and Gen erals Pershing and March will select the three national winners. These winners may be boys or girls, or any color, of any age. Ask your father or your brother to tell you something about our new, democratic peace time army. If they do not know write to the nearest re cruiting station for literature. It may mean a free trip to Wash ington for your mother and you, with a medal for yourself and a beautiful cup for your school and you'll be envied by millions of chil dren. It's the chance of a lifetime! Cotton Seed Cake and Meal IMMEDIATE AM) IVITHH SHIPMENT We have a few cars enroute for quick delivery. Wire for delivered price on Meal, Cake or Hulls. Choctaw Sales Company Stock Yard Denver, Colo. Stock Yards Kansas City, Bio. CONTRACT Wilt I NO & KM TRIO REPAIRS Attrition t flrtall llnkn Our Work I. act KMEIMiENtrv KMXTRIO X. riioxn is 112 W 3d St. With Norton Ilralty Don't Put Off Getting lined up on that Caloric Furnace Prices are uncertain. To jxc us now n:ay save ycu money. i Proper installation, to se cure circulation, with a good heavy furnace fully guaranteed by us and the manufacturer, ,and a cool basement for vegetables, makes jthe Caloric Pipe less certain. mn HARDWARE CO. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE f 1 M jJiii . Homelike Furniture It is this Store's business policy to keep the best interests of our patrons in mind when buying our stocks of Furniture. We believe it is to the advantage of everyone concerned to select not the Furniture that will strike your whim but Beautiful, Simple, 'Home -like' pieces, that will enrich the comfort and cozincss of your Home. When you invest in Furniture you are entitled to receive the most in Long Life, Quality and Beauty You have visited many Homes in which your attentioi. is forcibly called to the pleasant arrangement, and the taste in m 1 niture. This is what is meant by the "Homey Atmosphere." Yon FEKL IT AT OXCE. It makes a most desirable plaor to live. We have a large stock of Furniture and other nouse Furnishinps all selected with this very idea in view. Can you not give us the pleasure of showing them to yout 1 7 (- 1 HOUSE ft FURNISHINGS . LEN MILLER , HOUSE FURNISHINGS