The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 27, 1920, Page EIGHT, Image 10

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'Antloch News: Ev 1 Reck,
brother of Mrs. George Deitlein, went
to the hospital at Alliance Tuesday
and was operated on for bo .Me
trouble that has bothered him con
siderable of late. He la reported
better now.
. For Sale One live room house,
good condition. Modern eicepi heat.
Good location. See Nebraska, Land
Company. 4
Antloch News: Miss Etntiia Ilarry
and Miss Edna How-man, with tholr
young gentlemen escorts, formed a
rnrly that drove down from Alliance
last Friday night for Hie regular
dance. Mr. and Mrs. Runey and Mr.
and Mrs. Daken formed a party that
drove down from llofflanl.
Oall loO. ltougl. Dry 8c per lb.
Alliance 8tem laundry. ' tf
Leonard Horner of Marsland, Neb.,
and Miss Frances, Hale Of Belmont
wire married at the Christian church
at 4 p. ni. last Saturday-, the Her.
Stephen J. Enler 'perforating the
ceremony. The bride was a teacher
in the. Belmont nchools.
GOc bottle Km tun oil furniture
polish for 40c. llighlaiid-llollovtay
T. W. Gee, local representative of
the Knight-Campbell MubIc company
of Denver, will leave today for Den
ver, where he will attend tile annual
convention of the company's repre
sentatives. Several hundred will be
in attendance, and an interesting
program, both educational and for
entertainment, has been prepared. A
big banquet "will be the chief feature.
R. C. Gladson of the K. G. Lalng
store is ill at his home at 412 Toluca
. The Elks will have a hard-times
dance this evening, with a regular
jazz band to furnish the music and
the prospect of all kinds of odd cos
tumes to furnish a good share of the
entertainment. W. R. Harper, chair
man of the entertainment committee.
Is working overtime to make the af
fair a success, and the prospects are
that there will be a record attend
ance. It is Mr. Harper's plan to hold
a series of entertainments and
dances, to the end that the Indebted
ness on the new building will be
cleared off in the shortest possible
space of time.
For Saje Nine room house.
Dost part of town. Modern. Price J
right and good terms. Se Nebraska
Land Company. 4
County Attorney Lee fiasye, who
returned from a few days at Lincoln
last Friday, brcusbt back a case of
the grippe with him, and has been
confined to his home since then.
Cull. 100. Hough Dry 8c per lb.
Alliance Steam Ijuindry. tf
It. C. Strong and family moved the
last of last week to 924 Dig Horn.
A. II. Wheeler and family will re
move some time this week to Kdge
mont, Mr. Wheeler having sold his
residence at 321 East Third street
to Frank Grainger, at one time
owner of the Empress rooming house
in this city. x
For Sale Two six room houses
on Sweetwater. Moaern except heat
Trice and terms right. See Nebraska
Land Company. 4
Henry Webber and Miss Cora A.
Wills, both of Alliance vicinity, were
united In marriage Tuesday evening
at 8 o'clock, at the home of Rev. A.
J. Kearns o fthis city, who performed
the ceremony. After a visit with
relatives at different points In this
state and South Dakota they will
make their home on a farm about
six miles from Alliance.
Honey, 2.80 per 10 lb. can; 60
lb. can. $15.00. Pllktngton. 15
Miss Leone Mallery of Scottsbluff
was visiting with her mother, Mrs.
Delia Mallery, over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mallery are In
Hotel For Sale
This includes prosperous hotel .business,
hotel building: and five town lots; fifteen
bedrooms; dining room serves 150 meals a
day at the present time; Terms will be rea
sonable. Parties interested inquire at or
call t.-;'i:.lIJ3SII,
Lakeside, Nebr. Same Hatanaka, Prop.
- t
DRAKE & DRAKE Accurately Fitted
We, Can Duplicate any Broken
313 M Box Butte Ave. Phone 121
Box Chocolates
There are still many days when you would rather be
hisicU with a good novel than outside in the raw weather.
Look at these prices on High-Qrade Chocolates They will
help you decide
Fancy Boxes-
Were 20c, Now 15c
60c, " 40c
60-80c, " 50c
80-$ 1.00, " 75c
" S1.25-S1.50, " S1.00
" Sl.60-S2.00, " S1.50
" S2.25-S2.00, " S1.75
Alliance Candy Store
Phone 27
Alliance for a few days.
Bought Dry, 8c per pound. Al
liance Bteain laundry. tf
Miss Naomi Veach, teacher in Al
liance schools, spent the week-end
the guest of friends at the Chadron
Call 100. Bough Dry 8c per lb.
Alliance Steam liaundry. tf
Miss Victoria Wilkinson went' to
Heinlngford Saturday, to spend a
few days visiting her Bister,' Mrs.
James I'otmescil.
Mr. and Mrs. James Keeler return
ed Sunday from Scottsbluff, where
they spent the past few days the
guest of friends.
Poland China bred sow sale on
March 3, 1920, at Chadron, Neb.
Vrite for catalogue. J. L. Brown. 17
County Attorney Lee Baaye has
been confined to his home the past
lew days due ot an attack of grippe.
Wlnesap Applies, $1.60 bushel.
Pilkington. rl5
John Houser of Crawford Is the
guest of Alliance friend and rela
tives. :,
Leonard C. Horner of Marsland
and Miss Frances E. Hale of Belmont
were united Ui marriage by Itev.
Epler, January 24.
Hough Dry, 8c per pound. Al
liance Steam Laundry. tf
Mrs. J. F. Houser and Miss Freda
Clayton returned to Crawford Sun
day after spending a few days the
guest of Mrs. W. D. Zediker.
Mrs. John Burke of Sidney, is a
guest at the Acheson and Cogswell
homes this week.
$1.00 lze b. ttle Kactus oil fur
niture polish for 80c. Illghland-llol-loway
Albert Brinkman of . Bayard, who
left this city in 1917 as a member
of Company G, and who was among
the first of the members of that com
pany to reach France, was In Alli
ancethe first of the week visiting
friend and acquaintances. He has
been discharged from the Bervice for
some eight months, but put in the
time visiting relatives in the east.
His visit here was made on the re
turn trip to Bayard.
we grina our own lenses. Drake
& Drake, Optometrists. v . tf
William Beck, living south of Al
liance, was in, the city on business
the first of the week.
Charles Avery has returned from
Denver, where he took in the stock
William E. rhillips has accepted a
position with the Nebraska Tele
phone company.
llough Dry, 8c per poHnd. Al
llance Steam Laundry. tf
Lieutenant Governor Tell Barrows
spent Tuesday in Alliance, where he
devoted his time to furthering the In
terests of General Leonard Wood for
the prrsi Juicy. He found the local
republicans, as a rule, heartily in
favor of his man.
25c bottle Kactus oil or liquid
Veneer furniture im1I.h1i for 20c
HUlhlaml-tlolloway Co.
Word has reached Alliance of the
death, January 15, at Somerset, N
J., of Aquilla Trlplett, who was well
known In this city.
Mrs. Chloe Wilt has been ill the
first two days of the week.
Bough Dry, 8c per pound. Al
llance Strain liaundry. 2
County Sheriff Miller, who has
been confined to his home with
touch of the grippe for several days
past, is again on duty.
F. E. Holsten has been ill with a
touch of the grippe the past few
Glasses accurately fitted at rea
sonable prices. Drake & Drake,
In the list of students neither
absent nor tardy, as printed in the
last Issue of The Herald, the follow
ing were inadventently omitted:
Verne Lalng, seventh grade, Emer
son; Sarah Adams, sixth grade, Em
erson; James Hunter,, fourth grade,
Central. The name of Polly Camp
bell was omitted from the list of
those excused from all examinations.
rolice officers of the city, in con
junction with one of the state prohi
bition agents, unearthed what ap
peared to be a still 'at the home of
one Alliance citizen the first of the
week. There was also found a half
barrel of home made wine. Ther
was no evidence that ,any "white
mule" had been distilled, although
the apparatus, consisting of a milk
can with condensing coil attached, is
amply able to do the work. No ar
rests have been made, and it is pos
sible that none will be made.
The city has been having consid
erable trouble with the septic tank.
It requires a specially designed
motor to operate this important
piece of apparatus, and when City
Manager Smith took charge in Oc
tober, he at once placed an order for
a new one Deliveries are abnormal
ly slow, however, and the motor has
not arrived. The city employes had
the old motor out yesterday and
have made all the repairs they could
think of, and it will be replaced to
day. It is hoped that it can be made
to do the work until the new one
yards for a few days.
Mrs. Richard Wilt, wife of Train
master Wilt, is reported quite ill at
her home.
Engineer Newbere Is still unble
to wprk after over two weeks of 111-hess.
Engineers Gibson and Classon are
on their vacation.
Fireman Green is unable to work
on account or injuries received on
his lart trip.
Brakeman Jack Sherlock has been
sent to Deadwood to work on the
high line.
Conductor M. E. Lander Is laying
off for a few days to tend to some
personal business matters.
Brakeman Earl Hamilton was sent
to Crawford to relieve Switchman M.
L. Hudson, who Is unable to work.
Fireman Velman Is laying off a
The Eyeglass
of Distinction
B. G. Bauman,
o. D.
When tio btxJy b?; :?r ri'n
and mcven.crA bcco;nv . j. r.ih . it
is usually csi incl.r.jdo "l thai u;s
kidneys ate out "if Ciller. I'.zep
these t-rnt 'seaHhy by tc.L-i
Th W-'t'd'H r.'3-:l r.t Wira? lo i-ivSi-.-y,
liver, t.-;i itl'.-r t..d 11' ic aJ trtvit-.ts.-s.
'Imikiu.I :: .'Cf. '. V. k t rv;i.!.i.t7 i n !
keep in jot,-' 1. - iU:., t.l s;::is,ull
drui;rt.t. ..s r..-en)J.-
Earl J. Purlnton, who has been
night dispatcher at Lincoln for over
nine yeara, has been promoted to
night chief dispatcher, with head
quarters ot Sterling, Col. Mr, Pur-
inton's father lives In Alliance. ...
Mrs. George Llndeman today re
signs her position In the freight
office. She has held this position for
about neven months.
On Minute
Store Talk
"I may be nccused of buy
Ins more clothes than I
need, but I know I won't
have to wait long to fee
tho wisdc.m of my. pre
pareOnesa, because it's as
plain ns day that every
time raw mate-rials nml
labor go up, all other
prices take the same
course," said a thrifty,
foreslghted buyer." , ' "
!f -:.M
mm ?
J ' W J M fi. 9.'
WSJ'': I
I ; 11 H -7 H ii ; VisV'L
m hi
r'v ir..t? a. -. ii
ml i
If 1 W
J ill M
Your Opportunity'
This Great Sale
With renewed energy and determ
ination to clean house of all brok
en lines of
Men 's,
Young Men 's,
Younger Young Men's
and Boys 9
zxr - At.
Being merchants, not speculators, this house will not carry over broken lines of clothing
for next year just because prices are going up. Harper's is distributing the values to
its patrons today at 40 less than the next year's prices, because progress demands
unbroken selections.
It's a clean sweep of hundreds of Fancy
Overcoats at an absolute reduction of
Don't miss it.
W.-R. Harper Dept. Store
Big Store Alliance, Neb.
oura c r api'a tf-'L for men and women
Pfflkeman J. C. Shober has been
serf to Edgmont to switch In the