" -1-1 ..I- : ! t , ..: . , -'I v . h ... t .-: - . Random Shots" re wrote ,Jt:j?Oo 'bu ,Want to Get Married TV, and Friend Op. made It f ead "harried" In type. " ' le swears : that he had no inten tion, of punning but we'll, leave, it to you if it doesn't look suspicious.- Still,- he's a" single man,- and Ex perience has given him no leBsons. Maybe he had a cold. j rj , , ; v Some day the' law. will not say It's murder under certain circumstances. Tragody in- the' movies: . The vil lain drags the helpless canary bird from its cage and throttles It. ' . . . A 'South Alliance man says that be has his eye on a parrot, that needs the same treatment. 1 V The dog poisoner and the "house of mystery" seem to have ceased op erations about the same time. Today's best story: A gentleman, more or less under the influence, was returning from the Imperial late one Saturday night. Ills feet failed to track Just right, and he collided with one of thOBe ' striped barber poles, bead-on. His frlenQs helped him to bis feet and heard him say: "Shay, boysh, d'you remember that ; long legged girl wisch. striped stockings? I'll shay she's some high. kicker!" yPe'd tell you who told. vus that one, but you wouldn't believe It of him. ." : .-'.! :f.; 1 ; All we will admit Is that It wasn't Look! Do Your They need hurt no longer. ' A trip to this store . to consult the '; Chicago Foot Expert whom we have arranged to have here during business hour VrlU 'examine ycvr feet and advise Jou how to quickly obtain comfort, le is a specialist, and he knows all about foot troubles and their causes and correction by scientific means. Tflertisa i M Scholl Applixnc orRonegf RrEvayEx3tHouU 't He Is being loaned to this store to give all our patrons and others the " benefit of bis skill and knowledge. There Is no charge whatever. His ' expert services are ; Absolutely FREE ' Everybody Invited. No one should 'think of missing this opportunity. . There Is no foot trouble too small or too great for him, Come and see for yourself. ; This specialist Is a member of the Staff f ; ' s ; . Dr.WmlMSc!ioU: the Great Foot Authority and was personally trained by him in his methods and in the use and fitting of his scientific corrective devices.' L-- a i.-,. .Corns, bunions, callouses, weak : arches, flat foot, weak ankles, cramp, ing toes, "rheumatic",, foot and kg ; pains, tender feet and all other foot i discomforts can be relieved at once ; and corrected quickly. Come In Sure Jan. 26 and 27 "WaichYotxrFeetV - -r k Alliance SKoe - Trad O Mark Feet Hurt? nufe Jones. i i-: 'A Lincoln professor says that it Is the duty of every family to hold an artistic housncleaning every once In a while, and throw away all pic tures and statues which do not con form . to the proper aesthetic standard.; ; j , 1ifj ,., .. ,, I This topic baa taken, a deep hold oil us. j We are going to appeal to ope of-the ypung men at the board' id g house, in the interest of art,, to grow a moustache. ,,We hope. Incidentally that red tarn (hold 'er steady, op that's a bad word to misspell) will disappear. When art comes in at the door,' it's time for tarns to fade away. '. I i . ....... ' ' p Maybe : Park. wlll green. necktie.'.. .'y discard : that Our motto! "Art for art's sake.' A Russian prince admits that a vegetarian' dfej made blm muscular. He can bend a quarter With his teeth tid .crack walnuts, with his fist. Russian prlnce3 are fortunate In deed if they can get vegetables to eat in these days of the soviet. Now we know why it is tliat the thin gentleman at the boarding house concentrates on spuds. -'The edict has gone forth in New York City, the original habitat of the(highball, that all signs advertis ing liquor must be pulled down or painted over. Oh, well; the memory lingers, any way. - 1 .. t ' The tired married man has one refuge amnesia. How simple It Is to draw a big wad of money out of the bank and then disappear for two or three months. When you return, pretend to have lost your memory. The wife will fall on your neck and weep, the children will suspec noth ing and the family-dog will resume friendly relations at once. An Alliance young man who Is particular about his washing, the other day, wrote a note to his wash erwoman and one to his girl, put the wrong adress on each envelope, and sent them off. The washerwoman was well pleased at an Invitation to take a ride; but the young lady wept when she read: "If you ever again muss my shirt bosom and rub the buttons off of my collar as you did the last time, I will go somewhere else." . .. THESEVEN-YEAR ITCH (If You Get It Once You, Never Want It Again) Punk Poetry of (Guess Who) The paper of the Seven Year Itch ain't Bore, If you get it once, you get It noamore. It tells of the kids with a yellow , bean, And also of the kids that's awful green; ; : For instance there's a guy a gen- ' ulne regular guy, With , a dandy smeller and a very clear eye. ' i : His mouth is open all the time about, And from this he waits for the words to come out. He sits real tight never says a word , J J 1 . . . . a auu aiways Been uki never ueara.i He's the only guy with a very bad J voice, , f ' . ' An' between him an' a mule you ain't got much choice, i From lack of vegetation on his head. The hair that he has Is turnln' red. He's the nicest, sweetest little child, An' the Rabbit's a good name be cause it's so mild. ) - ! By WillumV We don't know about the first ' anamalad f . 1 VROoMHrvrs ' iwi in briuh roA Ml pa Am floor. I'm troom-hlter or ue ikI of Ui biu-n it Mt TIIK ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1920. fart of ScotBblhft's name, but" we sure do about the second. Herbert (to .Taul) "Why ain't you going to the show lately?" - ; , Paul ''Oh, Willum run "out of money." (.t ;.;,,,!,,t i..-.;, ., ; : ' ". . i'm- : . K'i Roses .la red an', violets Is blue See the Seven. Year Itch for all dope . , that's new. , . ,. ... , , P. "Why does Herbert's feet stay so flat on the floor in penmanahfp." '" W. "Because his feet are so big." The Seven Year Itch It's on the Jump all the time; It prints all the news from a Joke to a rhyme. : f j If you get It once you subscribe for a i dime, i : -v, ' ' .-''! : : , t ' -By Us Editors ' If all of us santf like Herbert the other rooms could study better. Two papers', The Rabbit and The Hornet have tried to start ftp against us since , we began , and both have caught The Seven Year Itch and died from it. ' ; i Thing That Make "Smiles" There are papers that people call "punk"; There are papers we say are "rich." But; the paper that fills our. heart with gladness, ' . -. Is the good old Seven Year Itch. ; . Br Paul. ; Paul "Bill, 1 saw Herbert going to Sunday school." Bin "im from Missouri; you'll have to show me before I'll believe that";, ..... ..- '(,, ; ; , . ; T. "Why Is Willis so sorrowful now?" - W. "Why, you poor nut, he's go ing to Emerson'. today and he will have to leave his girl." When Herbert was young he was in the dairy, business, but he had to quit it because the pump gave out! CHURCH OP CHRIST 0 The 'WimOne" campaign as sug gested, by the American Christian Missionary society will meet with the approval of all and calls for a unan imous effort on the part of the con gregation fpr a gracious fulfillment. Now is the time to begin. Keep this in mind at every service, Inside the church and out. Paul said: "Thli one thing I do." The winning of souls and training them in Christian service , is the Christian's privilege. Jesus said; "What doth it profit a man if he gain the whole' world and lose his own soul?" With this In view we announce our sermon sub ject for next Lord's day morning: "The Power of Faith." At the eve ning hour the ladies' missionary so clety will give a pageant, "Forty five years of service." This will be a program you will desire to see s?nd hear. You will also be welcome at the Bible school - and Christian, en deavor prayer meetings. The mid week meeting Wednesday evening is one of the best.. Come to the church with a message and a welcome. ' STEPHEN J. EPLER, Minister. ' !-' '; 'T FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH i '"'' . A very Interesting program is be ing carried out by this church, and the people of the community are re sponding most heartily In their at tendance at the services of the church. Next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the pastor will speak on thp subject '"Intercession." In the eve ning the subject will be "Tbs Great Temptation." ; Special music at each of these services. In the evening we expect to have some, special features that will appeal to anybody ' and everybody present." Remember you are always welcome at the church on the corner ' of ' Seventh street i and Laramie avenue, the ' "Home-like Church." Bring yonr friends and you will never regret it. - i An Economical Broom NOW comes tKe DAISY-LEE. a new style, differently con structed broom, with an im proved and patented feature that makes it: s-ukku'.-z -u.i: DR00MS1 The protective' fibre shield over th shoulder prevents breaking. aJJndcr noath the shield the patented fastening of the body of the broom to the handJo ' holds the broom corn in a firm position and keeps it pointing down.' When worn pretty well, cut the sewing re move the threads The New Style DAISY-LEE BROOM is still good for lots of sweeping. Only a test can prove how one DAISY LEE will outwear and outlast two or three of the old style, straw-littering kind. tJf-1t a muL Up ' baodW' " The Junior and young people's so- cletles meet at A .'SO p. tn. Special program and everybody Invited. J. ORRIN GOULD, Minister. . METHODIST CHURCH ' -The Sunday school banner will bo given next Sunday morning to the class having the largest number whb have not been there for three months or more. They may. be either new scholars,' or old ones.1 " " ' ''There is a good spirit at the cot tage prayer raeetlugs., The, Interest and numbers are Increasing.' All the units will meet at the church next Week, it being The last Wednesday of the month. ., ; o , ,' ., ' , , .,' 'At the service next Sunday eve ning, a few minutes will be devoted to a testimony meeting, when the queetiou will be answered, "What led me to Christ?" Another feature of the service will be, the illuminated cross, when all the. lights, of the building will be turned out .except those ou the cross, and the choir will give several special selections. , i i MEARL C, .SMITH Pastor, . . i :n .i ii i i ...; ' ! 5 Many a7 man's only extravagant habit la a wife. ( ' '' ' '.' ' lJMv?M "Ask the Man!" Vpvi jQb (Permit No. 709) - r In this day and age of high prices it is good to hear a man say: "I got my money 'a worth.' It affords no end of pleasure to Ford dealers to hear , this statement reiterated time and again in the course of a day's work among satisfied Ford owners. ! . !j , v. n, The Ford car admits, of , no dissatisfaction,. It is profitably made by profit-sharing employes, profitably sold by dealers ready and Willing to Berve and profitably bought by discriminating buyers. Will history repeat itself t You remember that during the course of the late war our Ford car was last to take a jump in price. You have noticed that car prices are still steadily increasing. Better get your Ford car now. You know the price and you know it's wort!h the "price. ' " v '"" DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS i . .; i - - Hotel For Sale Mi ' ' : i f i This includes "prosperous hotel business; hotel building ' and five : town ; Jots ; ; fifteen bedrooms; dining room serves ' 150 meals a day at the present time;..Ternis vill be rea-; sonable., Tames interested inquire at or can ! I t ;i '! 't'i :; !, 1 1 v' ' ': '! .1 .' : ' T 1 -t LAKESIDE HOTEL ..'Mi I Lakcsidei INcbt. ; if.' r n The Alliance Packing Company ALIiMNCR, NCnRASICA Is no longer a project, . It is a reality! The most important industry in Western Nebraska is now an accomplished fact, and the people hereabout incidentally have th opportunity , of ah investment that is legitimate, safe and ' highly, THE UNIVERSAL CAR Courey & .Miller FOEDSON TRACTORS AND POWSR FARMCfQ EQUIPMENT . Insist on Genuine Ford Part THREK ''''Glasscs-'-ii Accurately Fitted w" -r,- 8Irt'llox,Ilutte Ave. rhone "lit j-.i'i . i iin y f 1 . h u r .... i ) r i : i I !!''! v.- I I :.', .I.T'.i,,. ' u l! i!f i Same Hatanaka, Prop! i "!'. - , !! . 'i 1. '.'I ,lt I ! ' I ." !'. ' mm Store; S. 'A. Miller Prop. pJ mm, two or mar DJTT U.& tocUjr. UtWi r,iiv