The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 20, 1920, Page FOUR, Image 4

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EDWIN M. BURR.... Business Mit.
Bmtm rtptlon (2.00 fear, In Advance
Bntered at the post office at Alll
mmrt. Neb., for transmission through
fk malU m second class matter.
ITaUlihed Tuesday and Friday.
E. M. Looney, field superinten
dent of the Wyoming-Northeastern
Oil company, spent Sunday In Alll
siace with home folks. He reports
ibe veil of the company In the Mill
rek oil field , down to a depth of
fit hundred feet, with excelleat
prospects. The shortage of casing
And drilling materials at the present
time Is causing all oil companies
snore or less Inconvenience and de
laying the work of drilling some
what. E. W. Miller of Lusk, Wyo., was
fa the city Saturday and Sunday on
'tounnesa, Mr. Miller is one of the
imminent Wyoming oil men and for
A number of years held a prominent
vUce with the Buck Creek Oil com
pany, assisting In their development
M the Lance creek oil neia. jar.
tinier Is Interested at the present
time In several enterprises connected
. with the oil business and expects to
Visit Alliance nrore or less during
ike coming summer.
We grind our own leases. Drake
s Drake. Optometrists. tf
Autolsts traveling over the Pot-
ah highway between Alliance and
Antloch report that the larger por
tions of the road are In good condl
fion. With the exception of about
three miles out of the sixteen be
tween the two cities, automobiles
can travel very easily. A little drag
ging of the graded road as soon as
the weather permits will put the road
lae exellent shape for traveling.
Since the completion of the grade to
Hoffiand, It has been much easier to
xnake the trip, as the grade eliminates
many of the hills and sandy spits
'Which were encountered before the
Toed was built.
Call ISO. Hough Dry 8c per lb.
.Alliance Steam Laundry. tf
The National potash plant at
Antloch Is now in operation again,
Jiavlng been put In shape for making
potash since being acquired by the
JJneoln potash Interests a few weeks
go. This makes all five of the large
potash plants at Antloch now under
operation and business Is getting so
heavy there that the Burlington rail
road has Installed a switch engine
again. '
Call 160. Rough Dry 8c per lh.
Alliance Steam Iaundry. it
A girl clerk in the bureau of
war risk Insurance nnds from tne
card Index files of Uncle Sam's fight
ers that the name "Aloysls" is
spelled In forty-nine different ways,
and "Ignatt" In eighteen ways. Even
the simple name "John" Is spelled
in twenty-four ways, as follows:
John, Giovanni, Ian, Jac, Jack,
Jackie, Jacques, Jan, Jans, Hans,
Jean, Jno., Joahn, Jock, Joban,
Johann, Johannes, John!, Johnle,
Johnnie, Johnny, Johny, Jon, Juan.
Some of the Great White Father's
Indian 'soldiers bore melodious, If
complicated, descriptive names. A
few among many: Harrles-Crles-for
Rib, George Sleep-from-House, Ben
jamin Comes-out Bear, David Drops-at-a-DIstance,
Charles Owl Walks-ln-the
House, Wash Day Clouds, Isaac
RThvHorse-Is-Fast. The town of Sal
mon, Idaho, furnishes a soldier with
five given names: Harry Adolph
Thomas Richard Eugene Bulloek.
-For Sale Nine " reem " keisse!
Best part ef town. Modern. Prtoed
right and good terms. See Nebraska
Land Company. 4
City Manager Smith Friday noti
fied the contractor for the Lowry &
Henry garage that permission must
be obtained from the city council be
fore a part of the present plans are
carried out. The plans provide for
several large cement pillars at the
edge of the sidewalk, which will sup
port a heavy roof, completely cover
ing the sidewalk. This is said to be
contrary to city ordinance, and un
less permission is granted, other ar
rangements will have to be made.
The sale of the T. M. Tully res-,
Idence to Bert Foneth has been re
ported. Vitality borrowed from the eyes
In early age will bankrupt the vision
In later life. See Bsumaa and See
Better. II
The billiard promised by the
Chicago branch of the Denver
weather bureau for western Nebras
ka, due to reach here some time
Monda ynlght, failed to materialize.
The only change in the weather was
a severe- drop In temperature. .
Do not measure eye .comforts by
dollars. Say, "I want my eyes prop
erly fitted"; then See Baamaa aad
See Better. It
William Bevington of the Forest
Lumber company left on Monday of
this week for Denver, where he will
attend the lumbermen's convention
meeting in tha( city this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lawrence of
the Forest. Lumber company are
leaving this evening for Denver,
where they will attend the national
stock show. The expect to return
On Sunday evening, January 18,
at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Stephen
J. Epler, occurred the wedding ef
Miss Chloe Richards to Glen F. Wilt.
Both the bride anti groom are well
known In this city. Miss Richards
has been employed by a number of
business firms of the city during the
past few years. Mr. Wilt is em
ployed rh the trainmaster's office.
Their many friends and acquaint
ances join In extending to them con
gratulations and best wishes.
Glasses accurately fitted at rea
sonable prtces. Drake A. Drake,
The Christian ladies' circle will
meet with Mrs. Forest Lape at 2:30
p. m. Wednesday.
Restaurant and cafe-dwellers of
Alliance will welcome the announce
ment carried in this Issue of The
Herald of the opening of the Man
ewal Cafe at 107 Box Butte avenue.
Mr. Maxwell has been In the same
business In the city before and old
friends and patrons are generous in
their praise of the quality of his
former establishment. The new cafe
will serve regular meals and lunches
at all hours of the twenty-four. Mr.
Manewal will conduct a strictly
union establishment and asks that
union men give him a share of their
Do You Own Your Home
, .
As this is "Own Your Home
Day", wouldn't this be a good
time to start making plans to build
Suppose you come in and talk
it over with us, perhaps we can
help you plan it, decide what kinds
of material to use.
Fowler Lumber Co;
' . j . ; .
t v , o
"Let's Go!"
The Alliance Packing
alliance; nkbraska
Is no longer a project. It is a reality!
The most important industry in Western
Nebraska is now an accomplished fact,
and the people, hereabout incidentally
have the opportunity of an investment
that is legitimate, safe and highly
We wish to co-operate in every way with the nation-wide movement of
THRIFT-WEEK. We believe that everyone individually, and the American
people as a whole, will be greatly benefitted by this effort to begin habits of
economy and household organization in every home.
Let's Begin this Week--But Continue Throughout the Years to Come
We Want to Help You
You are urged to examine the Program for the
remainder of the week, and determine where you
can perfect the organization of your household.
You are cordially invited to ask us for advise or
assistance in regard to any of the ideas presented.
A bank offers the most convenient means for
putting these plans into practice. ,
Own Your Own Home Day, Tuesday, Jan. 20.
Make a Will Day, Wednesday, January 21.
Thrift in Industry Day, Thursday, January 22.
Family Budget Day, Friday, January 23.
Pay Your Bills Day, Saturday, January 24.
First State Bank
Alliance, Nebraska:,
First National Bank
Alliance, Nebraska