pom THE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE. NT.WlASKA. .TAXTTAHV 9. 1920. BURR PRINTING CO., Owners CEORGE L. BURR, JR Editor J2DWIN M. BURR Business Mgr (BvlMcripiion 93.00 year, In Advance Entered at the post office at AUl BOO, Neb., for transmission through tie mails as second class matter. Fabllshed Tuesday and Friday. -Walter Jensen was In The Her ald office on Wen dead ay evening and Instructed to Rend his copy of the paper to Antloch. He says that he cannot fret along without It and that has a tendency to make us feel pret ty tolerable fine. W. R. Harper Is taking his meals at our boarding house during the absence of Friend Wife. He be came a booster for the kind of eats "Ma" puts up about the second course of the first meal. Four cartons of Camel cigar ettes arrived Thursday at the local recruiting office, two apiece for Ser PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW '4 .,at iK7iW.vr For A Sampson Tractor to be delivered any time up to July 1st 1920. We are taking orders now for future delivery on these trucks, to be delivered on your farm and demonstrated to you to your entire satisfaction before you pay for Tractor. Come in and let us demonstrate this machine for you at your earliest convenience at the Buick Garage 0. KERR, Manager . It Is Our Judg emnejnt That we have at last secured something which will please the most exacting buyer of Boys' Shoes. Not once before in eight year's experience in the Shoe Business have we felt so confident. .We believe that our Original Boy Scout Shoes Gold Medal Attached i will meet every requirement of a satisfactory Boys' Shoe. They are sturdy and stylish, We have several other brands of Boys' Shoes in stock, and are confident we can give you just th pair you want. Alliance Shoe Store S. A. MTT.T.TSR, Proprietor f geant Joseph E. Farrell and Ser geant Henry T. Ityan. They came as a reward of merit,' or bonus, for extraordinary success In recruiting, and were sent out from Omaha head- uarters. The boys In the Alliance office have smashed almost all the recruiting records there are daring the past nine months and the Omaha bunch know how to appreciate' hard work. Hough Dry, 8c per pound. Al lUnce Steam Laundry. - t If you are an advertiser, and are paying for more circulation than The Herald can give you, would It not be advisable to make sure that you are getting It? The Herald's circula tion, both In the city of Alliance and the county, Is such that it will cost you less, per person, to reach those you want to reach by using our ad vertising columns. One should buy publicity In the same way he buys corned . beef get the most and the best you can for your money. For Sale One Ave room house, good condition. Modern except heat. Good location. See Nebraska Land Company. . 4 M. C. Hubbell of Denver was In the city the middle of , the week In connection with the completion of de tails In the purchase of the Lowry & Henry garage. Glasses accurately fitted at rea sonable prices. Drake ft Drake, Optometrists. ' tf M. O. New of Rushvllle this week purchased the building at 115 Box Butte, now occupied by the Al liance Billiard Parlor. Call ISO. Rough Dry 8c per lb. Alliance Steam Laundry. 2 Mrs. Pete Watson of Mitchell, Neb., who has been In the city for several weeks past at the hospital and outside under medical care, was taken to her home last week. She was accompanied by Mr. Watson and Len Wright of Glencoe, la., a nephew. For Rent Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 321 , Big Horn avenue. 12p A picture of President Wilson, which has been knocking about the city hull for months has been res cued, restored and placed In a posi tion of honor In the city manager's fjfflee, appropriately surrounded by flags. Under the city manager sys tem, national politics hold a less Im portant place In city halls. Call 100. Hough Dry 8c per lb. Alliance Steam Laundry; 2 Harry T. Czarnowsky of Love land, Col., Is spending three or four days In the city this week. He was In the commission business in this city about six year ago. He Is plan ning to remove from Loveland to Denver In the near future. George Snyder will work In this territory in the Interests of the Car-penter-Liebhart Fruit company of Denver. P. J. Jaquay of the George D. Darling establishment drove to Hem-' Ingford Thursday- to deliver an Edi son phdnograph. Call 100. Rough Dry 8c per lbv Alliance Stenm Laundry. tf Plan Your Sprie Building Now But before you start come here and consult with us regarding your plans. Through our knowledge of Lumber and Building we may be able to save you both time and money. We buy all the lumber locally that we can for it helps bring prosperity to this community. Phone 73 and we will be glad to make an appointment with you. Forest Lumber Co, Wm. Bevington, Mgr. OAKLAND OWNERS REGULARLY REPORT RETURNS OF FROM 18 TO 25 MILES FROM THE GALLON OF GASOLINE AND FROM 8.000 to 12,000 MILES ON TIRES The New Oakland Sensible Six Sedan OAKLAND SENSIBLE Every essential convenience, from mechanical lifts for the windows in its double-latch doors to an inconspic uous heater for use on cold days, has place in the equip ment of the newOakland Sensible Six Sedan. And be ing of solid body construction, and built upon the standard Oakland chassis, its range of activity is fully as great as that of the open car. Many men and women, who could well afford costlier cars, are driving Oakland Sensible Six Sedans. Their selection was prompted primarily by the unmatched value that this handsome, sturdy car represents and the unusual operating economies that the Oakland Sensible Six effects over a long lifetime of efficient performance. Touring Car, 11076; Roadster. 11076; Coupe, $1825; Four Door Sedan, 11826. F. O. B. Pontlac, Michigan. Additional for Wire Wheel Equipment, $75. SIX Star Gaura -ir (CI M I. if