TWO THE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 9, 1920. Comment-and Discomment Away back In our unregenerate ' college days, when Dob Howard waa At tbe Windsor and nobody had beard of 2.75 per cent beer, we used 0 plead with Don Barnes about his neckties. Ordinarily, Don managed to get along with us In serene ,aablon, but on the topic of neck . wear agreement was Impossible. In time, we came to realise this, but ftft Pntll nad "l- K0O1 mny Jiurs of ech other's time. Don was 4ne of thoif fellows who always Jeoked m thou 111 h -u- "tepped Jfrom a bandbe. IIU taste In suits tru a jicrer en2wi ivj iv an ad the enry of all the "fussers" on Ke campus. But he had a weird Joablt (note to op: We like that trord "weird": change It at your peril) of destroying the symmetry of fcla sartorial get-bp by wearing one f those screeching crarats that looked as much out of place as an 441 maid on a preacher's lap. cuned him of bigamy, or bootlegging, or some other cardinal sin. One word about nectles was sufficient to bring on a tirade that lasted until we fled down the hall, or ducked him under the shower, or took some other extreme measures to Insure peace and quiet and tbe pursuit of bap-piness. Along midway In our sophomore year, we undertook to rerlse Don's facte In seckwear. We pointed out that it was the quiet elegance of his apparel that won our admiration, and that he was In danger of losing mr regard If he persisted in Tiolat lag all the tenets of the clothes wor shipers. Somehow or other, he re sented our well meant criticism. Yon vonld hare thought that we had a All of which is responsible for a discussion of the hard lot of the would-be reformer, which will follow Immediately, at once and without de lay. Reforming the world, or even a email part of it, 'Is a dishearten ing job, all the way through. Teople -no matter how sensible and rea sonable they may appear seem to be averse to being reformed. If you don't believe this, Just try to get your wife to cease conversing over the back fence with Mrs. BJenkins, or whoever your next door neighbor happens to be. Attempt to persuade your buiband to use a cigarette holder, or to change his underwear, or take a bath. Buy him ft pecktle and see If you can force him to wear It Attempt to select his cigars for him. In either case my reader will agree that a mule is complaisant and obliging alonslde of the companion of your Joys and sorrows. , AJ1 this doesn't mean that we are opposed to marriage on the con trary, we are willing that any of our friends should experiment but It's simply an Illustration of the fact that when a man's habits suit him, he isn't apt to fret much about how they affect other people. Men and women alike, boys and girls, dogs and cats, and even the lowly mule rather hanker to run their own pa- Every Housewife Dreams of Having Her Kitchen Fully Equipped with Aluminum Ware Aluminum Kitchen Utensils are the last word in convenience, cleanliness and personal satisfaction. Alladin Aluminum Ware satisfies every wish of the careful housewife. Every piece is ' strongly made of heavy material. Handles are full rounded, easy grip. They are constructed to give Service and Long fife. . . : ' We have a good assortment of this beautifully finished ware. HDN HARDWARE CO, PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE It Is Worth It You can get 5c a pound more butterfat for your Cream by telling it while it is sweet A Little Extra Care Brings Added Returns We are now paying for Sweet Cream, lb. butterfat 70o Churning Cream, lb. butterfat 65o " . Yon may deliver At the Uptown Station, J18 West 3d St Or at the Creamery Or you may ship as baggage Alliance Creamery Co. When we say reformer, from now on, we are speaking of that whole class of people who cannot sleep o' nights because of tbe blinding tears that run down their backs when they think of tbe short comings of some one else. There are people (we speak confidentially) who cannot see girl dancing without a' mental movie of that girl going down, down, down to perdition or deeper than that. They see a boy puffing a vile pipe and Into their mind's eye comes a picture of a man dying pre maturely of cancer, fatty degenera tion of the heart (or does P. D. start in the liver?), tuberculosis, or any thing else that la unpleasant and dis agreeable. Whatever the young or old take pleasure In Is harmful In he same degree as the victim en oya it. As ws said, we're sorry for them, and In our simple way we pity them. For, of all persons, the self-appoint ed reformer suffers disappointment most often. The girl who dances occasionally marries a preacher. The boy who plays pool doesn't end his days In the penitentiary, sentenced there . for stealing horses, but now and then becomes president of a bank, and a holder of chattel mort gages. The spendthrift refuses to be burled in a pauper's grave. Instead, he turns down a Job as delivery boy at 6 a week and finally landa one that pays him money enough to sup port two automobiles and a wife or two wives and an automobile, de pending on which way his taste turns. rade as they see fit. And all of them object to folka who want them to change ways that satisfy them. There's a little streak of obstlnancy in the most placid dispositions that makes tbe pathway of the reformer mean and difficult. The reformers have received sev eral severe Jolts since the war. Think of all the campaigns that used to be conducted against the cigarette. Yet during the war thjy gave them to "the boys" In packages and In churches. Ground was lost then that will never be regained. Women who felt that they would sooner see their sons burled man smoatng cigareues bought and distributed barrels of them to the sons of other women Surely, If a few cigarettes made the last hours of some doughboy a little more pleasant, who would refuse what comfort he could get from them? L. And now some district Judge back east, too has made the mo mentous decision that the mere pres ence of cigarettes in a woman's bu reau doesn't furnish positive proof that she Is wanton and Immoral. He comes right out and says that he hasn't any objections to a woman smoking if she wants to and has the price to buy the filthy weed. .We are broad-minded, too. We will go father than the Judge. We are will ing that women should smoke cigars and pipes and chew tobacco, If it will mal(e them any happier. If there Is any woman who has been hold ing back because she feared our dls approval, let her take notice. The bars are down. No district Judge can claim that he lr more liberal than we are. BROUGHT TO THE TEST "Do you think there's a chance of prohibition's being repealed, after allT" "I hope not," answered Uncle Bill Bottletop; "anyhow, not soon." ' I thought you didn t quite ap prove of prohibition." "I don t, quite. But Tor years folks have been talking a lot o' chaps that 'ud be such wonders if they did n't drink, an' I want to see 'em get a little more time to make good." Washington Star. It's easy to be thankful when we are prosperous. A MERCILESS JUDGE One Who Shows No Favor A merciless Judge is Father Time. Before him the weak and the want ing go to the wall. Only the truth can stand. For years the following statement from an Alliance resident has withstood this sternest of all tests. Mrs. Celia Weaver, 122 Yellow stone avenue, Alliance, says: "I was troubled with kidney complaint for some time and learning that Doan's Kidney Pills were a good kidney remedy, I began taking them, pro curing them at Holsten's Drug Store. I can say In all earnestness that they cannot be excelled for curing back ache and kidney ailments. It took only a short use of Doan's to rid me of severe pains in the small of my back, enabling me to stoop and straighten my back without a pain ful effort." OVER FIVE YEARS LATER Mrs. Weaver said: "I seldom have need of Doan's Kidney Pills now. I am never troubled the way I was before using them. I take a few now and then and they always drive off any return symptoms and keep me in good health." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Weaver had. Foster-MU-burn Co., Mfra., Buffalo, N. Y. Ad vertisement. 1216 FOURTH STREET MARKET Cash and Carry Self Service Wishes to thank the people of Alliance and vicinity for their very liberal patronage since opening our store. It has been far beyond our expectations. We realize our stock is not complete, but in a very short time we will have one of the largest and most com plete stocks to be found in any retail grocery store in Western Nebraska. We are in a position to meet any prices from Denver or Omaha. We are featuring "SchottinV line of Coffees, which are surpassed by none. Our fancy blend "Queen's Taste" at 46c per lb., "Eight Hour" at 49c and "Sundown" at 56c arc extra fine. Next Saturday Mr. Harris will demonstrate Swift's Gem Nut Colored Oleo. We cordially ask every lady to be present at this demonstration. Everything in Groceries FOURTH STREET MARKET H. HIRST, Proprietor Saves Crop by Having Tractor Ready for Spring Work E. tV. Shearer of Colo, Iowa, says that by having a Hart-Parr 30 Tractor on hand early last Spring he was able to get in his oats before the long rainy spell came, which gave him a bigger and better crop than his neighbors. This is one reason why you should order your Hart-Parr 30 now. They are in such demand that many farmers who are putting off buying 'till Spring were disappointed when they, needed it most. There's another reason for placing your order now. You'll get better work out of your tractor when you know every feature about it. The odd jobs of "Winter for yourself and neighbor will make you familiar with your tractor so that when important Spring work comes you can jump in and hurry it through. Study the report of the big Ohio field test. Note that the Hart-Parr 30 de veloped 26V& drawbar horsepower; more than any other tractor in the test. Remember also that Hart-Parr 30 de veloped 37 Va belt horsepower at the big Ohio test of January, more than any other three-plow tractor in the test. Call on us or write for catalogue. Farmers' Union Alliance, Nebraska Many of the old Hart-Parr that plowed the virgin prairies of the Northwest are still Li tx!ay, after 10 to 10 jtnua of twrio. Greatest Tractor Test of All Time Held by Ohio State University, July-Auf. 1919 TRACTOR HART-PARR... Wallia MoUne Universal. Illinois Aul l nun-Taylor . Monarch Waterloo Boy. .. Case Bates Steel Mule. Krick Emerson Huber Cletrac Psrrett J T LaCrosse 3 Wellington Titan LaCruaae 4 Avery Forrison mtr Wiiitney. ....... case I H.C.. ibie. s,rel: .30 3-14 in 15-2513-14 in 9-182-14 in 18-3614-14 in 15-3014-14 in 14-30 3-14 in 12-25 3-14 inl 15-2713-14 in 15-22 3-14 in 15-28 3-14 in 12 20 3-14 in 12 25,3-14 in 12-21) 2-14 in 12-25 3-14 in 16-3U'3-14 in 12 24 3-14 in 10-20,2-14 in 10-?Oi3-14 in 12-24 3-14 in 12 -25i.l-14 in 10-20 2-14 in 12 2; 3 14 in 9-14.2-14 in in in i A 8 16 2-14 ini ... ...! . in 9 -IS 2-14 in A. 750 K 850 G 1600 G 800 K BOOK 800 K 750 K. 950 K 00 K 00 K OO K 1000 K 4 1250 K 4 IOOO K 4 1000 K 750 K 1000 K 500 K 750 K S70 K. IOOOK 750 K 750 G 4 1050 K 4 1000 K 4 600 K 4,1100 G Brt Tt Eac Tradae 2S'3Z4f3.08 42 2287 3 .25 20i2275 123125! 05 2930 42'2nO0 122480 062720 95 2710 67 2560 13000 2158 3.09 1.98! 2 05 2 29 2 39 2.13 2.11 2.18 1.67 2.33 1892 2.65, 1802 2285 2160 60H584 67 1090 70 2080 6212710 681304 37 1972! 62 1520 04 4111642 72 1575 .96 2100 JL 2.73 2.13 2.23 2.89 2.28 2.071 1.37. 3.09 2.04 2.63! 1290I2.7W a. 15 1.91 1.42 26.S0) 10.82 18.72 1.6 18.02 15 91 15.78 15.45 1S.2S 14.92 13.42 13.40 13.38 13.11 U.9 12.88 12-18 12.IO ll.fl 11.29 10.78 10.78 10.68 .33 .31 8.02 7.7 Dtla fdckl rMrt OU Slat Uinity. Tmti ta trta stfklat carts. mffi , ft 4 J AT