SIX TIIK ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 30, 1919. Jby:pilcflla Dean Copyright by Hire Feature Service, 1919. ImiMrtmirc of Citxnl Aemneo "We hare been told that appearances are deceitful. In my opinion that Is A mis-statement. Appearance are deceitful only when thry are deiiber ntely meant to deceive. The average Individual who lives a normal life in a normal manner without pretense or artificiality in the way of dress or manners Is as easy to read as a hook. The rxternal appearance of the per son who Is not consciously playing a part, invariably tells a great deal about the mental processes and habits of the Individual. Shop-keepers drees their windows to show the kind of goods carried in stock. In the same degree the dress, grooming, manners and carriage repre sent a person's char acter. Attention to these details does not indicate vanity but ambition and self re spect. A carehws, un tidy person may be more vain than one who devotes a great deal of time to clothes and personal appearance. . In cities this fact is more reco se ll I ted tan anywhere else. The fight for existence makes It nec essary. Young people leant early the importance of making a good ap pearance. They Benso the fact, even If it has never been taught them, that their abilities are appraised and PP1SCILLA DGAN characters, read by the evidence of their appearance and demeanor. Ix)oks and poise, therefore, have a real commercial value In every day business life. The person who lfH properly dressed end neatly groomed conveys a pleasing impression of success and eCiclency. To have the hair dressed too elaborately and the clothes extravapant anil unsuitable for the time or place Is Just as. mud) a mistake as to appear untidy and disheveled. One owes It to oneself as well as to those with whom one is associated, Wallace-Robbins Transfer and Storage Co. Service and Satisfaction Phone 1 House Phone 472 GL FILLER Undertaking PARLORS 128, West Third Street Telephone Day 311 Night 522 Red 520 ' Jf ?rt-M&Z- I When You're Thirsty You will find the most satisfying Beverages and Non-intoxicating "Wines at King's Comer Bcvo, Excelso, Etc. APPLE CIDER BY THE GALLON For those who are in need of nerve and muscio builder, we recommend they try Malt-Nutrine. As a tonic it has few equals. CHRISTMAS CANDIES A nice assortment of Christmas Candies which come in fancy Holiday packages are waiting until you pick them out for some near friend of yours. Candy is very appro priate at any season but especially so at this time. Pipes, Cigars, Tobaccos ' To Suit Everyone King's Corner IT'S NOT YOUR HEART IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Kidney dliea Is no respecter of per on. A niujority of the ilia .filleting people to.) ay can be traced back to kiduey trouble. Th kidney are the moat Important rgaoa of .lb body. Thar are the Alterera, the puritiera, of your blood. Kidney disease Is usually Indicated by weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trou ble, pain In loins aud lower abdomen, fail stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatic and lumbago. . All these derangements are nature' tgmals to warn you that the kidneys owl . help. You should use GOLD XlSDAii Haarlem Oil Capsules Imme diately. The soothing, healing oil stim ulates the kidneys, relieves inflamma tions and deairoys tha germs which have caused It. Do not wait until to morrow. Go to your druggist today and Insist on OOU) MEDAL, Haarlem OU Capsules. In twenty-tour hours yoi should feel health and vigor returnloi and will bless the day you first heart of OOU) MEDAli Haarlem Oil. After you feel that you have cur youraelf, continue to take on or tw capsules each day. so as te keep U nrst-claas condition and ward Oft tb" danger of other attacks. w.JT or'Klnal Imported OOU Mfc-DALi brand. Three alaes. Moaey r funded It they do not kelp yoa. to always look one's- brut. In order to do this, It is not necessary to ap pear at 9 o'clock in the morning as if prepared for a dinner-dance or a rehearsal under strong calcium liphts. Neither is It doing Justice to oneself or one's friends to go to the other extreme and Ignore social cus toms to the extent of wearing busi ness clothes and looking out of place and unconventional upon formal oc casions. The woman who Is naturally beau tiful should be thankful. Her b au ty, however, will not last unless glvwii proper care. Anyone who possesses an article of value, and re alizes its worth, is never unwilling to take proper precautions to guard that possession. So women who are graceful and beautiful .by nature have every reason to make a study of those methods which are consid ered best for the preservation of beauty. And other women, less beau tirul, but who, Invariably, possess one or more pleasing features, will Dnd the time well spent that Is given to the development of grace and beauty to as great an extent as their limitations will permit. That is why I am taking such a special Interest In these beauty talks. I believe they can be made really helpful. I shall even try to answer personal letters whenever possible. What advice I give will be sincere and born of personal experience and observation. If questions asked me are beyond that gamut I will quote only the very best authorities, when replying. I have already been asked if I am going to have a series of talks upon each subject In turn or if I am go lng to vary the monotony by consid ering the complexion, the hair, the eyes and other features at Irregular Intervals. I have decided upon the latter course because I believe in that manner I can be of the greatest help to the greatest cumber of my friends. Late, I want to discuss the special benefit in the way of grace and beau ty which may be derived from vari ous sports. Personally,-1 am devot ed to out-of-door sports. They keep one lithe, graceful and in good health. Given health and a good di geBtlon as a basis, the average woman has no excuse for ever ap pearing awkward, 111 as ease or un lovely. And that reminds me, 1 wanted to mention the Importance of a good digestion. I never saw, and I don't think you ever saw a beauti ful dyspeptic. And digestion, I am told, is largely dependent upon a pleasant mental frame of mind and a cheery atmosphere, free from crlt iclsm. Meal times should be made pleas ant If a family is to begin beauty culture. I have seen young girls who would rather miss their meals than endure the steady flow of comment and criticism directed toward them by those very members of the house hold most anxious for their Improve ment. I have known girls who be came verv angry and resentful of that system of beauty culture and others, more sensitive, who cried and became doubly awkward and self conscious as a result of the treat ment. No woman whose face Is fret ful and querulous during meal time will find the cultivation of beauty an easy task. Nevertheless, while there Is life, there is hope. Next week I shall take up the subject of beautiful hair and the best means for promoting Us growth. Boys who formed clubs to raise pigs were bo successful last summer that boys' and girls' baby beef clubs have been formed in several coun ties. The college of agriculture through Its extension service will furnish the Instruction in the baby beet clubs, the same aa it did In the pig clubs. Members will learn much about successful stock raising and at the same time make some money, if they do as well as the pig club boys did.; Douglas, Butler, Lancaster, Howard, Dodge and Otoe counties already have baby beef clubs. The campaign for better breed ing stock la, being especially effective among Nebraska hog raisers this year, according to the Nebraska col lege of agriculture. There Is a big demand for pure bred boars and quite a largo number have been brought into the state at fancy prices. The sentiment among hog raisers la not for more hogs but for better ones. Feed Is too high priced to pour into scrub stock. Nebraska hog raisers will pdy $300 for a good boar now almost asqulckly as they would once pay $30. government Job." American Legion Weekly. Teacher: "Reggie, which calen dar do you use, the Gregorian or the Julian?" Reggie: "Neither, ma'am; ours la from the Bunkenstauffer Brew ing Company." American Legion Weekly. Glasses DRAKE & DRAKE Accurately Fitted OPTOMETRISTS lta """ESS! 313 M Box Butte Ave. riione 121 The surgeon had sawed off the top of the patient's head and bad taken out the brains when the hos pital took fire. In the confusion the patient escaped, leaving his brains behind. Search and advertisement failed to locate him. Years after wards the surgeon was In Washing ton and met a man who looked familiar. After a minute of thought, he approached him, and asked, "Aren't you Jack Brown, whose brains I took out in the summer of 1918?" "Why, yes, I am," was the answer. "Come right back to the hospital aqd I'll put your brains back," urged the doctor. "Oh, don't bother now. I've got a It Has Been a Hard Summer and may be A Harder Winter for the Stockmen but BOWLES The hard-fighting, .Aggressive Live Stock Commission Co. Ck. - W. at Omaha is still producing the Sales and Fills YOU NEED Try Them With Your Last Shipment and see what you have missed this Fall. You will re member to START with us next year. Chicago Omaha Kansas City ' the national joy smoke makes a whale of a cigarette! trt.v '? A (:& vx ..; i&jf - nnt ,kS viAv 1 Co.rrichtltllbT K. 1. kayauU. Tokuo. C K'OU certainly get yours when you lay your smokecards on the table, call for a tidy red'tin or a toppy red bag of Prince Albert and roll a makin's cigarette I Youll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep count of your smokestunts ! Why, you never dreamed of the sport that lies awaiting your call in a home rolled cigarette when it'a P. A. for the packing I Talk about flavor I Man, man, you haven't got the listen of half your smokecareer until you know what rolling 'em with P. A. can do for your contentment 1 And, back of P. A.'s flavor, and rare fragrance proofs of Prince Albert's quality stands our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch I With P. A. your smokesong in a makin's ciga- rette will outlast any phonograph record you ever heard ! Prince Albert is a cinch to roll. It's crimp cut and stays put like a regular pall Prince Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful a jimmy pipe can be I It is the tobacco that has made three men smoke pipes where one was smoked before. It has won men all over the nation to the joys of smoking. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY. Winston-Salem, N. C AwmiHni your eajee, mail find toppy rd kgm, tidw rd (in., hndmomm pound and hlf pound tin humidore nndthat cltfy, practical pound cryatat glaaa humidor with aponfo mmiataaat top that kaapa Pnnoa Albart ia Much 11.1 fm i i. ' - r - w. ru. tjuj ,