EIGHT THE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 26, 1919. See Drake's for C1mpi. tf Mr. and Mrs. Ncls Peterson hare moved to 607 Missouri aveuue. See Dauman and See Better. We grind our own lenses. tf Mrs. Walter Buechsensteln was liostess at a 7 o'clock breakfast on Christmas morning. ( all 160. Hough Irjr 8c per lb. Alliance Steam Laundry. 2 Roadmaster J. M. Iloenshell spent Christmas at his home near Lincoln. Oscar Nelson has gone to Oakland for a visit. . r. C. Dixon, who Is In the employ of the Farrls-Marcy company at Omaha, spent Christmas la Alliance at the home of his moth-, Mrs. W. O. Kiel I. (ought Dry, 8c per pound. Al liance Stctuit Ijnuiulry. tf D. F. Sweet was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Itufus Jones Christmas day. For Sale Nine room house. Beat part of town. Modern. Price J right and good terms. So Nebraska Land Company. 4 The young people's missionary cir cle of the Christian church will meet Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Stephen J.;Eplir, 116 East Ninth St. Mrs. Leslie A. Hall, leader. ltousbt Dry, 8c per pound. Al liance Steam laundry. tf Rev. J. Orrin Gould will leave for Lincoln Sunday to attend a meeting of the board of managers of the Ne braska Baptist convention. Miss Josephine Oanson and A. O. Smart took Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carlson Miss Florence Bruce, who Is teach lng In Antloch,(ls spending the holi days with her sister, Mrs. Fred Carl ton. John L. Horn .and Miss Emma Kline, both of Bayard, were united In marriage Wednesday morning at the Methodist parsonage, Rev. Mearl C. Smith officiating. Clarence II. McCully and Miss Marie M. Montgomery, both of Mul len, were married at the Methodist pasonage Christmas day, Rev. M C. Smith officiating. Wednesday afternoon, at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Smith, Rev Mearl C. Smith united In marriage Frank E. Tierce and Mrs. Mary L, Young. The couple left for Denver for a short honeymoon, after' which they will reside on a ranoli east of Alliance. Mrs. M. S. Hargravea entertained guests from Hay Springs on, Christ mas day. GOOD Pt ULICITV FOR CITY OF ALLIANCE curriculum, and neither the teachers nor children need to be ashamed as regards the edifices In which they are boused. Healthfulness, always desirable, reaches 'a maximum here. The altl tude, 4,000 feet, Is just about the proper figure high enough to pos sess every advantage, and not so high as to affect those who find them selves out of accord with too great a height. Occasional bad days In win ter there are, to be sure, but they are few and far between; and the sum mers, with their cool nights, are de lightful. The water, a point Inevit ably to be considered, la of such a quality that there could be no, im provement desired by the most exact ing. It comes from the city's own deep wells. The water and electric 'light plants are municipally owned. Alliance and Box Butte county constitute a mutual admiration soci ety. Alliance Is proud of the little empire of which she la the capital, but her pride Is no whit less than thatofthecounty in its metropolis. East and south of the city la the sand hill country, the most wonderful cattle section of the nation; and to the west and north stretch the acres of rich chocolate loam which has made this section a synonym for productivity. The three hanks, which are mem bers of the Community club the First National, Alliance National and First State show by their huge de posits and their constantly expanding operations that this section la pro gressing In great strides so far as material affairs are concerned. Few towns of its siie in the United States possesses a commercial organ isation which Is so alert, aggressive and effective as the Community club. This circumstance is due to the fact that Us rucmberbhlp Is made up of more than a hundred genuine speci mens of "live wires" business and professional men who are on their toes, ready to go, whenever the call comes to be up and doing. They ac cord their organization something more than - financial support, al though they give that quite eiblral ly; but in addition they give it their active, vlgorour aid whenever there ' Is work to be don". As directors of the organization, they have installed for t' e present year's work the fol lowing nine leading spirits: Glen Miller. J. W. Guthrie, Charles Brlt tan, J. S. Rheln. F. A. Bald. A. T. Lunn, W. J. Mahaffy, E. D. Mallery, L. II. Highland. The organization considers nothing of too little Im portance to l.uii Ue, nor is it awed, on the other hand, by the unusual magnitude of any undertaking. Its activities extend all the way from the purchase of cocoons from the children of tho city at a penny a doten to the fostering of the $1,500.- 000 packing plant and the $100,000 home-bullliinj ccrp ration previous ly referred t. 1 .h of those enter prises nro th !i. - result of the THE CASH STORE UTARPER Lli toe , CASH STORE Saturday A Post Christmas Sale of 1 00 DRESSES Priced Ridiculously Low Marvelous New Arrivals Elaborately embroidered and smartly tailored models, showing the new braid embroidery, wool fringe trimming and other smart effects Georgettes Serges Velours Taffetas Satins In a Wide Variety of Styles, in All Colors Tricotines Velveteens Taffetas Satins $ 33 50 Velours Georgettes Crepe Metiors Serges Dress Section South Side Paulettes Velours Crepe Metiors Serges Ji(Pwh Tricotines Georgettes Velvets Crepe de Chines EMBROIDERED, BRAIDED AND BEAUTIFULLY TRIMMED MODELS IN ALL COLORS AND SIZES I a II Special Reductions in Winter Goats Plain and Fur Trimmed The Styles and Values Offered Have Been Formerly Priced in the Regular Harper 's Stock at from $45 to $ 79. 50 L I'f ATA f . ! vmrmm tv sre i f;.'-? ; I LSf A Wide Variety of Smart Styles developed in Silvertones, Velours, Pom Poms, Kerseys and Mixtures. There are splen didly tailored, self-trimmed models, others have collars and trimmings of Coney, Seal Plush, Beaver Plush and Velvet. Formerly price to $45. Includes Beautiful Models in Bolivias, Silvertones, Velours, Meltons, Pom Poms, Broadcloths and Plushes. Luxuriously trimmed with Nutria, Seal, Marten, Coney and Plushes, also many self-trimmed. Formerly priced to $79.50. D).50 arper Dept. Store WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY If You Don't Believe It, Try to Open a Charge Account Big Store Alliance, Nebraska WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY If You Don't Believe It, Try to Open a Charge Account i Community c'.obs work. (Continued Next Week.) I