WANT V BUT Mmetklact ! drvSa f pela wackly aaa t.aaa want ad eoliinM laaktac far what yan or ethara Bava ta afar. Oat qultk ramtlta by aaarttala In The Uar&ld Wot A 4aart tnent. LOST Between Alliance and Berea, a Weed chain 34x4. Finder please call phone 9. 8 HELP WANTED FKMALB WANTED Girl for general house work. Call 172. FOll 8ALK RANCHES TOM SAU MN taasrwre- raaak. asllaa trM iiUata; ara la area: airti tf nay: jim (o4 naif. Am Meal dairy swnltry turn u sissly alt of Aa Coak. Kaatr asarkat tsr all iw- daea. Far aartlasktrs M a writ Thomas-Bala IarUaat C.. A 41-U-lltt FOH SALB LIVH STOCK TBAlf, harness and wagon for sale. Fiona 034. Wm. Darldaon. tf FOB SALB HOUSES FOB BAXJi OS TBADB My It rm medarn aeass, I lota. Nettle M. CamffcslL Paaaa Til, III Casyeaa Ars. 4f-lHHl WANTED TO RENT HOUSES WANTSDtT'1 room, anfarnished house. Phone 163. FOR SALB AUTOMOBILES FOR SALS Ooed standard make tearing. In excellent shape. F. A. BALD, phone 31 or 471, Alliance, tf BOARDING HOME COOKED Meals, eight dollars per week. The Nebraska Rooming House. 70 WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED An elderly lady to keen house. Inquire at the Alliance Floral Co., 204 Box Butte Are. tf NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS In the District Court ot Box Butte County: Calria J. Wildy, Plaintiff, ts. Oli rer RleKel. Mrs. Olirer Rlegel, first, true and real name unknown, wife of the Defendant, Olirer Rlegel; and the unknown heirs, derlsees, lega tees, and persoaal representatives, and all other persons Interested In the estates of the Defendants, Oil Ter Rlegel, Mrs. Olirer Rlegel, first, trde and real name unknown, wife of the Defendant, Olirer Rlegel, and the Northwest Quarter (NWtt) of Section Twenty-fire (25), Township Twenty-four (24), North Range Flf- tr-two (52); West of the sixtn Prinnlna.1 Meridian In Box Butte County, Nebraska, Defendants. State of Nebraska! Box Butte, County J The Defendants, Olirer Rlegel, Mrs. Olirer Rlegel, first, real and true name anknown, wife of the de fendant, Olirer Riegel, and the un known heirs, derisees, legatees, per sonal representatires, and all other persons Interested In the estates of the defendants, Olirer Rlegel, Mrs Olirer Riescel. first, real and true name unknown: wife of the defend , ant Olirer Rlege:, and the Northwest Quarter (NW4) of Section Twenty fire Ml), Township Twenty-four (24),NorthofRange Fifty-two (52), West of the Sixth Principal Merid ian In Box Butte County, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any Inter est of any kind in said real estate, or any part thereof, will take notice that on the 26th day of Norember, 1918, Calrln J. Wildy, filed his petition in the District Court of Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska, against you, the ob ject and prayer of which are that a deeree may be entered In faror of the Plaintiff, and against the Defend ant. Quieting the title ot the Plain tiff In and to the following described lands, to-wit: All of the Northwest Quarter (NW4) ot Section Twenty fire (25), Township Twenty-four, (24). Nerth Range Fifty-two (52) West - ot the Sixth Principal Meridian. In Bex Batts county Nebraska, and erery part thereof; that the Defendants may be perpetually , enjoined from bring' lng any action at law or in equity to recorer possession of said land, and that they may be perpet ually en'ned from setting up any t ia't r ..t-rst, or claiming any In terest adit., re to the title of tho Plaintiff or his grantees, and from disturbing the Plaintiff and his grantees In the quiet and peaeeable enjoyment of said premises, and that he mar recorer his costs. Tou are required to answer said petition on or before the llth day of January 1921. Dated this 1st day of Deeemaer, OALTIM J. WILDT. Plaintiff. Ln B-nr. Atfcsmw II 1111. j AHTICLKS OP INCORPORATION Of The Wyoming-Northeastern Oil Oompany We, the undersigned incorpor ators, do hereby, ln pursuance of the laws of the State of Nebraska in such cases made and prorided, asso ciate ourselves as a body politic and corporate in the name and for the purpose hereinafter mentioned. ARTICLE I The corporation herein contem plated shall be named and known as Wyoming-Northeastern Oil Com pany. V ARTICLE II The principal place of transacting the business of the corporation here in contemplated, shall be in the city of Alliance, Box Butte County, Ne braska. ARTICLE III The general nature of the business to be transacted by the corporation is as follows, to-wit: Locating, rail dating, and prospecting for oil and other minerals on Gorernment lands subject to the same; to buy, lease or otherwise acquire lands contain ing, or believed to contain oil or other minerals; to purchase or other wise acquire, lease, build, construct. operate drilling rigs, construct and maintain refineries, mill works, L b oratories, pipe lines, rights of ways for pipe lines, Bide tracks, tele phones, storage tanks, dwelling houses for workmen and others ln connection with the purposes ln this article set forth. To carrr on the business of Pro ducing, refining, storing, supplying, marketing, and distributing oil and oil products of all classes .and de scriptions. To contract for oil lands or lands containing oil or other mineral de posits; to acquire by purchase, lease, contract, or otherwise, oil and lands believed to contain oil and other mineral deposits. To contract, lease, lease on royal ties, or otherwise, sell or dispose of to others oil lands, leases, or lands containing oil or other mineral sub stances. The corporation may buy, hold, or dispose of such real and personal property as the directors may deem proper for the promotion of Its busi ness, or that may be necessary in the proper conducting of said business. ARTICLE IV The authorized capital stock of the corporation shall be One Million ($1,000,000.00) Dollars, divided Into One Hundred Thousand (100,000) shares of Ten ($10.00) Dollars each. Two Hundred Fifty Thousand ($250,000) Dollars of the capital stock shall be fully paid up and sub scribed upon the organization of the corporation. Said stock may be paid for in cash or its equivalent ln prop erty necessary and useful to the, cor poration in the transaction of Its business and when said stock is Issued it shall be fully paid up and non-assessable. ARTICLE V The highest amount of indebted ness or liability to which the cor poration may subject itself shall not exceed an amount equal to two-thirds (2-3) of the paid up capital stock issued by said corporation and no stockholder shall be liable as an in dividual for any debt or liability of the corporation. ARTICLE VI This corporation shall date from and commence on the 16th day of September, A. D., 1919, and shall terminate on the 16th day of Sep tember, A. D.. 1969. ARTICLE VII This corporation may be dissolved at any time prior to its own limita tion., by consent of two-thirds of the outstanding capital stock of said cor poration by a resolution dissolving the corporation spread upon Its rec ords and cert.tied to the Secretary of State. ARTICLE VIII The business affairs of the cor poration sLall be conducted by a Board of Directors consisting of nine and the officers by them to be elect ed, as hereinafter provided. ARTICLES IX The voting power of said capital stock shall be, one vote for each share of capital stock issued by said corporation. ARTICLE X The first meeting of the stock holders shall be held on the date of the commencement ot the corpora tion, or as soon thereafter as prac ticable, and thereafter the regular annual meeting shall be held In the city ot Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 2nd Monday of Jan uary, 1920, and on the second Mon day in January ot each succeeding year. At said first meeting, and at the annual meetings thereafter the Board of Directors shall be elected by the stockholders from their own number, to hold office until the an nual meeting next after their elec tion and until their successors are elected and qualify. ARTICLE XI The Directors shall ln each in stance as soon as convenient after they have been elected and have qualified select from their own num ber the president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, who shall hold office until the annual meeting next after their . election, and until their successors are elected and qua! Ify. Any two of said offices may be held by one and the same person. TII12 ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE, ARTICLE XII In the event of the absence of the president, the rice-president shall hare full power to perform all the duties of the president anu to sign, execute, and dellrcr any and all in- struments, and to do each and every act with full power and authority as the president coulu perform if present. ARTICLE XIII n, n,fn,. B,n w tic " " I full power and authority to make all rules and bylaws for the proper gov ernment and control of the business uglairs of the corporation and they may alter and amend the same at pleasure. ARTICLE XIV Vacancies occurring in the Board of Directors shall be filled by the stockholders, and otner omces vacant from whatever cause, shall be miea by the Board of Directors. Five out of nine of the Board, of Directors ciude tn that portion of Box Butte resenting twenty-five per cent of the shall be a quorum for the transac- Avenue in said city between the abutting property owners ln said dls tion of business. South line of Fifth Street, and the trict. it such petition is filed with ARTICLE XV -r, w, - .hi. ..nrtin for .v 1 ..-Mi a-, Monday in January 920 shall be as S H ' iilAnT. !r v 1 W.?: I" ;,'.r 7, I I'?:e". 'l' "'.r Treasurer rBB , . , ., ,y, i or said corporation dur ng the ensu. I ng year ana unu. in. annual my ing in January, lmu. snau De. r. a. i Bald, c. hi. oney. "'awu- Thomas A. M. Miller R. U. Baker, r. J. Michael, O. W. Gardner, F. T. Morrison, Chas. F. Greunlg. - a a ARTICLE XVI The SrcrPtarv and Treasurer of said eornoratlon shall furnish a boo J and sufficient bond, to be approved by the Board of Directors. I ART1CLF XVII These articles of incorporation may be amended at any time. Every amendment shall be first approved by a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors and upon being so approved it shall be entered at large on the records of the Board. a orart or tne proposed amendment or amendments, as tne case may De, snau men oe suunniieu 10 eucu stocKnoiuer wun a notice or me meeting cawea tor tne purpose oi voting on same, wnicn notice snail be given ten (lu) days at least, priori to the date fixed for the meeting. Ill such amendment or amendments, ori either of them shall, then be ap-1 proved by the holder or holders of a majority of the outstanding capital stock ot the corporation, eaeh and j every amendment bo approved shall be considered adopted and be made I part of the articles of Incorporation . . n m . 1 11 I ana tne iioara or juireciors BnaniLioi o, uiuck. w, rxeuraana auuiuuu tnerearter suoscrine, acsnowieoge, ... . I record, and pubiisn tne eame as Dy law required. T t.tlmnnv tufceronf wa fcovnltate 'n 8a' City of Alliance, Nebras - hereunto set our hands this 16th day of September, A. D., 1919. (SIGNED) F. A. BALD. CHAS. F. GRUENIG, F. T. MORRISON, R. M. BAKER. J. BURLINGTON, JR. P. J. MICHAEL. GEORGE F. SNYDER. W. L. M'KILLIP, A. M. MILLER, J. A. SMITH, C. M. LOONEY, L. E. PEQUETTE, O. W. GARDNER,- F. W. MELICK. LLOYD C. THOMAS, L. S. OLSON. J. C. PARKER, H. S. THOMAS, LAURETTA HODGKINSON, F. A. PIERSON. State of Nebraska 1 ss: Box Butte County J On this 16th day of September, A. D., 1919, before me, M. S. Hargraves, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified for and residing in said county personally came F A Bald Chas F GrE F T Morrison R unas. . uruenig, r. 1. Morrison, u. Mli.ha.1 Rcnrra IT Snvrtor W T. " w-rt - j . , ... HfTTilll A Xt T A Cmllh . '""""' . M. ijwj, . .u,t, v. "- U1,uu" ""'i-t - 1 nomas, u. b. uison, j. rarner, H. S. Thomas and Lauretta Hodgkin- boh, m mo yeiauiiaii b.uwu. "" the Identical persons whose names are amxea to tne aoove ana lorego- ing arucies or incorporation, as in- corporators. ana wno severally acKnowieagea tne execution or me same to be their voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein con - tained. (Signed) M. S. HARGRAVES, (SEAL) - Notary Public. My commission expires January! 25, 1923. 14 NOTIOB The annual stockhol lers' meeting of the Wyoming-Northeastern Oil Company will be held at the offices or me inomas-uaia invesinieni 0111- pany. in the Alliance National Bank Duiiding, in tne city or Alliance, braska. on January 12, 1920, at 7:30 ociock p. m. F. A. BALD, President. Attest: LLOYD C. THOMAS. (Janl2) Secretary. Call 160. Roush Dry Sc per lb. Alliance Steam Laundry. S NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 26, 1919. OHIUXAXCE NO. 271 I An Ordinance creating paving dls- trkt No. 3 In the City of Alliance, Nebraska, defining the limits there- of; proridlng for the construction of paving therein, and providing for the giving or notice to the owners of real I estate 6iiuated within said district, I and for the flHng'of objections and! protests against the creation of Bald district and the paving thereof by the ni riu'vii; ununa nun in pauic i and benefitted thereby, and repealing .. 1 ,-l hiIIUIm I Ordinance No. 267 of the City of ance, Nebraska. I Be it ordained by the Mayor and I City Council of the C'ty of Alliance, Nebraska: Section 1. That ravine District I Uj0. 3 be, and hereby Is. created in 1 the City of Alliance, Box Butte Coun- ty, Nebraska: Secti0n 2. That said narin dls- No 3 Bhall comDrise and m-1 North line of Tenth Street: all that part of Fifth Street situated between the west line ot Lot 21 County Addl- t,on to lne City of Alliance, if ex- tended South to Intersect said Fifth Street, and the East line of Lot 22 County Addition to the City of Alii- intercept Bum rum sireei; an iuh pari ui i fa g I w f Addition i r t ,. ,- fcj V nillHllVVi sa M- I South to intercept said Sixth street, and the Eagt ot 2i ln Coun. ,y Addition to the Clty of Alliance, If MtnApi, s,h . intorMt ham sixth Street: all that Dart of Seventh street situated between the West llnellgnate the material they desire used of Lot 12 County Addition to the City of Alliance, it extended North to in- tersect said Seventh Street and the I least llne r 1,01 27 County Addition to th ritv nf AiHunrft if mtnnded orth to Intersect said Seventh street. n that nart of El ehth Street Btuated between the West line of jt 6, Block 8 Second Addition to the City of Alliance, If extended South t0 intersect said Eighth Street, and tne EnBt line of Lot 29. County Ad- dition to the City of Alliance, it ex- tended South to intersect said Eighth street; all that part or Etghtn street situated between the West line of Lot. ly mock 3 second County Addition 1 to the City of Alliance, if extended I south to intersect said Ninth street, and the East line of Lot 4 Block L, I Nebraska Addition to the city or ai-i nance, ir extended soutn to inter- sect said Ninth Street, and all that part of Tenth Street situated between the West line of Lot 4 Block A, Sher-l idan Addition to tne city or Alliance, if extended South to intersect said lentn street; and tne East line or r a m t 1 i a m 1 j jki 10 me iy 01 finance, 11 luu . . m 11,. 1 . .1 I noum 10 nuerseci eaiu leum mieei. and the following described real es- w. .1 . . . oe,ie"1" V" district to-wit: Lots one (1) to six (6) Inclusive, Block nine (9) Orig inal town of Alliance, Nebraska, and Lots thirteen (13) to eighteen (18) Inclusive Block ten (10) Original eUher of Box BuUe Avenue ,D town of Alliance, Nebraska. Lots 121.. Uv .... . lhlrtv.fouP fQet to 29 inclusive in County Addition to tne uiy or Alliance, iNeorasna, uois 1 to 6 Incisive Block 7 ' County Ad- uiuuii w im v-ujr ol Hulc, r 8, Second Addition to the City of Al . ...,., . . . ., .1 liance, Nebraska; Lots 1 to 9 in clusive, Block 3 Second County Ad dition to the city of Alliance, Nebras- ka; Lots 4 to 12 Inclusive. Block L. neUrUMHH AUU1UUU IU lUtJ VllJ Jl Al liance, Nebraska; Lots 7 to 11 in elusive, in Block 4, Second County Auamon mo uy 01 A.imncc. oraBKaj ois 10 o inclusive, iuv a. coenuan Auumon 10 uiB cny ut Alliance, Nebraska, and South half of f ana ui w inclusive ii.ocK an. ienrasKa auuuioii 10 me uij mi Alliance. INfDrassa. Section 3. That the roadways in said district shall bo paved as roi- lows: On Box Butte Avenue 34 leet eacn way irom tne center 01 said street, except tnat an unpavea pars- I 'D8 18 feet in width BhaU be le" 1 .- ,, 0,o- una n bua atreot ... 1 I ... 1 . " " " I strfptund th soutn line or xevenin I ' " . " Street; between the North llne or seventh Street and the South line or Eighth Street; between the Nortn line of Eighth Street and the South jlne c( Ninth Street; and between tne North line or wmtn street ana the Soutn nne of Tenth Street. On Flfth Street, Sixth Street, Seventn street. Eighth Street, wintn street, and Tenth Street, 15 feet eacn way 1 from the center line of Bald streets. Section 4. That curbing and gut- tering shall be constructed within I said paving district, I Section 5. That Ordinance No. 267 of the City of Alliance, Nebras- ka, entitled "An Ordinance creating I Paving District No. 3 of said city, and defining the limits thereof, pro- I viding for the giving of notice to the owners of real estate situated within said district, and for the filing of ob- I lections and protests against the ere- thereof by the real property owners wihln amn and benefitted thereby." .,, all othep ordinances or Darts of ordinances In conflict with the ternib bereoft be and the Bame hereby are! rt,noliul I Section 6. The Mayor and Clerk lot said City of Alliance, Box uutiei I County. Nebraska, shall, after the I passage, approval and publication this ordinance, publish notice or tne I creation of said paring distr'it num. I ber three one time each week 'or not less than twenty days In a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said city, giving notice that If the owners of the record title representing a majority of the abut ting property owners in said district shall file with the City Clerk within twenty days from the first publics tlon of said notice written objections to the paving of said district, said work shall not be done ln said dls Irlct under this ordinance, but this uiumibuit biihii oe repeaiea, dui mat if said objections be not filed against II . -1. 1 1 t ... ... . Alll-lsald district In the time and manner aforesaid, the mayor and council shall forthwith proceed to construct such paving and in advertising for bids for paving, the mayor and coun ell mar provide for bids on different materials and tvnes of construction. and shall, In addition, provide for asking bids on any material or ma terlals that may be suggested by petl tlon of owners ot the record title rep the City Clerk of said city before ad vertlsement for bids is ordered, and that upon the opening ot bids for Bald paving in said district number three the mayor and council shall postpone action thereon for a period of not less than ten days, during which said period of J tuc nUng a maJorlty ot tne abuUIng property owners ln said district may ni with ttoe Cltr Clerk a netltion for - " the use of a particular material for pavlng, ln whlch event a bid on that material shall be accepted and the work be done with that material, and that in case such owners fail to des- in sucn paving in tne manner anu within the time above provided, the mayor and council Bhall determine upon tne material 10 uw uueu, Viv vided. the mayor and council may, in any erent. at its option, reject all bids and readvertUe if, in Its Judgment the public interests re- quire. Section 7. This ordinance Bhall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage, approval, and pub- llcatlon according to law Passed and approved this 22nd day oI December, A. D. 1919 n..it t aiiinr nnmh !2. X HOD W M v a o mr wa I 1 oi o passed second reading December 22, 1919. passed third readintt December 22. 1919 a. D. RODGERS. Mayor. Attest GRACE H. KENNEDY, City Clerk (SEAL) 12 ORDINANCE NO. 272 I . rt-j,-.-.. M.hiihtn- mrh I w c llne on Box Butte Avenue, and Third street ,a the CIty of Alliance, Ne braska, and repealing Section 1 of. n -17 v0 piv nf Al.lnf Alllnnno If ctlcnHsil onnth in In. liance. Nebraska. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Alliance, Ne braska: Section 1. That the curb line on from tfae center of Bald lfreet and fhllt t-a . ,lhpP Rtd, of Th,rd street ,n Ba,d cUf Bhall be1 thirty-six feet from the center ot said 1 sireei. Section 2. That Section 2 of Or dinance No. 247 of the City of Alli ance, Nebraska, entitled "An Ordi nance establishing a Curb Line on all street, ln the Clty of Alliance. Ne- K,. nd &n other ordlDance8 or partg of ordinance8 ,n conflict With the tem8 nereof are nereby repealed Section 3. This ordinance Bhall LRke effect Rnd be ,n force from Bnd after ,tg paB8age approval. and pub Hcatlon according to law. p0a A Annrnvorf fhla 52nd day of December. 1919 rassed First Reading December 22, 1919 Passed Second Reading December 22. 1919. PasBed Thlrd Readin8 Member iVuiAicivot 1 a ... in.n. Alien. u. . GRACE H. KENNEDY. City Clerk. (SEAL) 12 NOTICE Nntirp tn th owner of nronertv wltnln paVing District No. 3 df the clty of Alliance. In Box Butte Coun ty. Nebraska, the said district includ- ine and emhraclne the following de I scribed nronertv. to-wlt: Lots 1 to inclusive, block 9. original town or Alliance, Nebraska, and lots 13 to 18 inclusive, block 10. ortelnal I town of Alliance, Nebraska; lota 12 to 29 inclusive in County Addition to the City of Alliance, Nebraska; lots 1 to 6 inclusive in Diock 7 sec ond addition to the City of Alliance, Nebraska; lots 1 to 6 inclusive block 8, second addition to the City of Al liance, Nebraska: 1c ' 1 to 9 Inclu- sive, block 3 second County Addition lots 4 to 12 inclusive, block L. Ne- braska Addition to the City of Alii ance. Nebraska: lots 7 to 11 inclu- s've. in block 4. second County Addi- tlon to the city of Alliance, Nebras- ka: lota 2 tn 4 inclusive, block A. Sheridan Addition to the City of Al nance, iNeorasxa, ana soum nair 01 lot 3 and lots 4 to 5 inclusive, block oriM, Nebraska Addition to the city or Alliance, xveorasxa. You are hereby notified that said I paving district No. 3, which includes SEVEN and embraces the property above de scribed, has been created by pas sage, approval and publication of Ordlnanre No. 267 of the ordinances of the City of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, as provided by law. You are further notlfl' d that If the owners of the record title represent ing a majority of the abutting prop erty owners in such district shall file with the City Clerk within twen ty days from the first publication of this notice, written objections to the paring of such district, said work Bhall not be done in such district under Said ordinance No. 267, but said ordinance No. 267 stall be re pealed. If such objections be not filed against such district in the time and manner aforesaid, the mayor and city council will forthwith pro ceed to construct such paring. In advertising for bids for such paving, the mayor and council may provide for bids on different ma terials, and types of construction, and shall In addition provide for ask ing bids on any material or materials which may be suggested by petition of the owners of record title repre senting 25 per cent of the abutting: property owners in such district, it such petition is filed with the City Clerk before advertisement for bids Is ordered. On the opening of bids for paving In such paving district, the mayor and council shall post pone action thereon for a period of not less than ten days. During said period of postponement the owners of record title representing a major ity of the abuttlsg property owners in such district, may file with the City Clerk a petition for the use of a particular material for paving, ln which event a bid on that material shall be accepted, and the work be done with that material. In case Buch owners fall to designate the ma terial to be used ln such paving in the manner, and within the time above provided, the mayor and coun cil shall determine upon the material to be used, provided the mayor and council may ln any event at its option reject all bids and re-advertise, If in Its Judgment the public interest re quire. The streets and avenues abutting upon said property within such dis trict to be paved, unless objections are made ln the manner and form above stated, are as follows: All that portion of Box Butte Avenue in said city between the south line of Fifth Street, and the north line of Tenth Street; all that part of Fifth Street situated between the west line of lot 21 County Addition to the City of Alliance, if extended south to intersect said Fifth Street, and the east line of lot 22 County Addition to the City of Alliance, if extended - southto intersect Fifth Street; all that part of Sixth Street situated between the west line of lot 15 County Addition to the City tersect said Sixth Street, and the east line of lot 24 In County Addition to the City of Alliance, if extended Bouth to Intersect said Sixth Street; all that part of Seventh Street sit uated between the west line of lot 12 County Addition to the City of Alliance, if extended north to inter sect said Seventh Street, and the east line of lot 27 County Addition to the City of Alliance, if extended north to intersect said Seventh Street; all that part of Eighth Street situated between the west line of lot 6 block 8, second addition to the City of Al liance, if extended south to intersect said Eighth Street, and the east line of lot 29, County Addition to the City of Alliance, if extended souths to. intersect said Eighth . Street; all that part of Ninth Street situated between the west line of lot 9, block 3 second County Addition to the City of Alliance, if extended south to in tersect said Ninth Street, and the east line of lot 4 block L, Nebraska Addition to the City of Alliance, if extended south to Intersect said Ninth Street, and all that part of Tenth Street situated between the " west line of lot 4 block A, Sheridan . Addition to the City of Alliance, if extended south to intersect said Tenth Street, and the east line of lot 5, block M, Nebraska Addition to the City of Alliance, If extended south to intersect said Tenth Street. The date of the first publication of this notice is December 26, 1919. A meeting of the mayor and coun cil of said City of Alliance will be held in the council chamber of said city on the 19th day of January, 1920, at 8 o'clock p. m. to consider such objections as may be made and filed as heretofore prorided. Dated this 22nd day of December, 1919. A. D. RODGERS, . Mayor. Attest: GRACE II. KENNEDY, ' City Clerk. (SEAL) 11 Harry P. Coursey AUOTIONEEIl Lire Stotk and General Farm Sales Phone 604 Alliance rDOSE . PREVENTS BLACKLEG Mt,Uia AkUraLU,-Oaa y f i Mm mm li I Vi mi 11 i mm wi iminn awwWt, ' -1 CUw, CaU. imA TfetaV waj i i D