The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 23, 1919, Image 9

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Judge L. A. Berry will spend Sat
urday in Denver, where he has been
called on legal business.
IlouKh Dry, 8c per pound. Al
liance Steam laundry. 2
Mrs. Fred Reeder, who has been
teaching school at Newcastle, Wyo.,
la In the city to spend Christmas with
her parents. c
Mrs. T. M. Griffith and little
daughter left Saturday night to
spend Christmas in Chicago.
Read about cur gift certificate
plan in this Issue. B. Q. Hauman,
O. D. 6
Miss Sara 'Keefe, who is attend
ing school at Loretta Heights," re
turned home Saturday morning to
spend Christmas with her parents,
and also to attend the wedding of
Miss Helen Scott and Dr. Everett
" Call 1AO. Rough Dry 8c per lb.
Alliance Stem Laundry. 2
Edward Beal, son of T. M. Beal, Is
home' from the school of agriculture
o spend the holidays.
Mrs. Ethel White of Antolch'was
hopping In Alliance Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lunt of Antl
och were Alliance visitors Saturday.
What to Give
for Christmas
Happy choice In a Christmas
gift for a man, woman, child or
jjaby is assured at Thiele's. In
Jewelry, Toiletware, Watches,
Silverware, Cut Glass, Clocks,
Gold and, Silver Novelties, and
other kinds of choice gift
things, one has excellent selec
tions at almost any desired
The fact that the present was
purchased at Thiele's is regard
ed by the recipient as an extra
compliment, for it is well
known that our merchandise is
the high character that persons
of discriminating taste delight
to own.
Gold Jewelry
Rings, Bar Pins, Lavallieres,
Lingerie Clasps, Pearl Neck
laces, Brooches, Cameos, Scarf
Pins, Cuff Links, Watch
Chains, Fobs, Belt Buckles,'
Collar Pins
$1.00 to $50.00
Bracelet Watches
Very many beautiful round and
odd shapes
$25.00 to $50.00
Men's Watches
The leading American makes
in handsome gold cases
$25.00 to $100.00
Silver Plateware
A variety of beautiful patterns
in the most dependable silver
$8.50 to $20.00
Gold and Silver
Cigarette Cases,. Ash Travs,
Card Cases, Mesh Bags, Van
ities, Dorines, Thimbles, Scis
sors, Lockets, Penknives, and
many other good gifts
$2.50 to $5.00
Cut Glass
Sew patterns in light and
eavy cuttings. Water Sets,
Iced Tea Sets, Bowls, Vases,
Sugar and Creamers, Sherbets,
Nappies, Compotes
$2.50 to $50.00
Fountain Pens
Plain and gold and silver
$2.50 to $32.50
Leather Goods
Hand Bags, Purses. Bill Folds,
Shopping Lists, Card Cases,
Cigar Cases
$1.00 to $5.00
Detachable Handles, Gold and
Silver trimmed-
$5.00 to $15.00
Jewelry Watehea Drugs
Brunswick Phonographs
Watch Inspector C, B. A Q.
Mrs. Calvm li. Walker, daughter
Violet and son DeForest left Monday
night for Logan, Kas. They will visit
at the home of Mrs. Walker's par
ents over the holidays.
t all 1HO. Hough Dry 8c per lb.
Alliance Steam Laundry. 2
Mr. and Mrs. George Neuswanger
left (Sunday for Omaha, where they
will spend the holidays with Mrs.
Neuswanger's parents. 'J. B. Walker
will have charge of the Farmers
Union store during the absence of
Mr. Neuswanger.
We pay cash for second-hand
suits and overcoats. The 164 Clean
ers and Tailors. Our phone is our
name. 213 Box Butte ave. 2
Donald Spencer, who is In his
senior year at the college of agri
culture at Lincoln, returned home
Monday morning and will spend the
holiday vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Spencer.
William Buckley returned the first
of the week from a trip to St. Louis,
where he was buying for the New
berry Hardware company.
Joseph F. Hickenbottom of Ansley
and Miss Pearl Houston of Burwell
were married by County Judge Ira
E. Tash last Thursday.
Buy your Chruttmaa cam die at
the Sugar Bowl. T
License to wed was Issued to
Harry E. Peoples and Miss Anna
Htnnlcksen, both of Gilette, Wyo.,
yesterday by County Judge Tash.
George A. Woodward and Miss
Slna Williams, both of Lakeside,
were married by County Judge Tash
last Friday.
All kinds of Box candies at the
Sugar Itowl. 7
A marriage license was issued to
Lloyd L. Cook of Alliance and Miss
Emma Boellenhoefer Friday after
noon last.
Judge W. H. Westover is reported
to be ill with an attack of grippe.
Rough Dry, 8c per pound. Al
liance Steam Iioundry. 2
II. M. Hampton made a business
trip to Omaha last Friday, return
ing Sunday noon.
A. G. Prey of Denver was here on
business connected with the land
It will pay you to let the 164
Cleaners and Tailors clean and press
your suit and fix up your old over
coat. Our phone is our name. 164
Cleaners and Tailors, 213 Box Butte
Ave. 4
C. S. Hoyt of Whitman was in Al
liance on business yesterday.
Howard Lotspeich has left Alli
ance to go to his father's ranch at
Charley Spacht returned yesterday
from Lincoln to spend Christmas at
Charlotte Katen leaves tonight for
a visit at North Platte.
Miss Wells of the Beauty Parlor
will be away until after New Year's.
Mrs. Roy Beckwlth is reported se
riously ill at her ' home on Toluca
Call 160. Rough Dry 8c per lb.
Alliance Steam Laundry. 2
The banquet given on Friday night
in the basement of fhe Methodist
church by the Red Cross was attend
ed by about thirty-four soldiers with
their wives and lady friends. A four
course dinner was served, consisting
of oyster cocktail, perfection salad,
Turkey with dressing, mashed pota
toes, pickles, cheese, cranberries,
coffee, red, white and blue ice cream
and plenty of coke. So far as we
have heard everyone has survived
the generous feed. K. L. Pierce was
toastmaster and several of the cit
izens gave toats interspersed with
talks by the soldier boys, all of which
was greatly enjoyed. At 8 p. m. the
company proceeded to the opera
house where a splendid program was
given, consisting of band music,
community sini.ig, address by May
or Mulrhead aud a response by M.
R. Swanson; quartets, chorus sing
ing, solos, duets, etc. Mrs. N. A.
Rockey had charge of the demobil
ization of the service flag and all the
stars were demobilized but on rep
resenting Clive Erskine. Appropri
ate mention was made of the gold
star representing Edward Paul
About $250 was subscribed for the
purchase of a bronze slab for the
boys. Everybody enjoyed the occa
sion and no one asy more than the
boys in uniform. Everyone did thei
part well.
H. D. Johnson sold his new house
located east of Main utreet to Mrs.
O. Stephenson.
Plenty of coal came in this week,
but each customer is limited to one
The Methodist and Congregational
churches will give their Christmas
programs on Wednesday evening of
next week.
The new furnace for the Metho
dist church has arrived and will be
Installed soon. This will insure a
warm church every Sunday.
Last week on Monday about thir
ty friends met at the Methodist par
sonage and enjoyed an evening to
gether in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and the
Messrs. B. M. Rohrbaugh and G
Orr, all of whom are leaving this
place. All had a fine time singing
and playing games. A luncheon was
There will be the regular preach
lng services at the Methodist church
next Sunday morning and evening,
at 11 and 7:30 o'clock. Epwortn
Something Worth While for
Envelope Chemies
Made of heavy Crepe de Chine or Satin,
trimmed both back and front with deep
yoke of fine lace insertion; skirt trimmed
to match. One of these should be included
with your gifts.
Service, Beauty and Appreciation are results to be obtained from a gift of a selection of
a Blouse from our wonderful collection of latest creations Georgette, Crepe de Chine,
Messaline and Nets, in black, white, flesh, taupe, bisque, tan, plum, navy and Russian
green at Exceptional Values of
$5.75 up to $27.50
A Dress
Of the dependable quality of Tricotine
Serge, Panama, Silks, Georgette or Trico
lette. Emphasizing the lines of the new
creations in all the popular shades and
their combinations makes one of the most
economical, serviceable and comfortable
gifts that can be suggested. Approved
workmanship is a strong feature of every
garment at prices to suit all
$20.00 to $75.00
Never before have you been offered so much Quality
and Style at such a Saving as you can get at our Bef ore
Christmas offering of Winter Coats at 1-3 of their real
value. All of these Coats are of recent arrival, latest
models and guaranteed workmanship.
COAT VALUE $175.00 for $115.50
COAT VALUE 167.50 for 102.00
COAT VALUE 137.50 for 95.00
COAT VALUE 135.00 for 90.00
COAT VALUE 112.50 for 75.00
COAT VALUE 105.00 for ; 70.00
COAT VALUE 110.50 for 73.50
COAT VALUE 100.00 for 65.00
COAT VALUE 95.00 for 62.25
COAT VALUE 72.45 for 45.00
Dinnerwear and Glass
English China in two beautiful patterns In
either sets or open stock to suit the occasion.
These sets can be had with or without sugar
and creamers.'
88 Piece Artist Border ... 914.40
Without Sugar or Creamer 912 80
33 Piece Gladys Pattern fifty
You can choose an elegant gift from our
collection of these useful garments for our
assortment is still complete as to models,
shades and price.
$5.75 up to $22.50
Are shown In heavy or light weight; either
Helsey's or common glass In plain or cut pat
terns, from . 80c to 90.00 a down
Pitchers to match any of these patterns.
Goblets In two patterns, both beautiful cut
ting, for .. 90 00 to 99.00 a dozen
'All of this dinner and glassware Is being dis
counted at 20 as we need the space for
other goods to arrive for the Spring trade.
HHJ'MlipaM J
League will hold Its meeting at 1:3