Mili)i 111' nil nniMii in ..ii extract has been a great boon during Random Shots excessive drouth, and these brothers witched to a drink of another color. FiKiDAPJ r rirr p I Their experience indicates that Yung man walked briskly Into the office at 11:02 Monday morn ing, looked at our clock, and then rushed for the door, calling back as ho fled: "(iosh, I thought It was noon got to get back to work!" vanilla extract may be a fine flavor ing for custard pies, and Incompar A woman, no matter what her ape, will spot a bright and shiny engage ment ring the minute it comes into a room. able In milkshakes, but it's no sub stitute for joy Juice. If you want to participate in a post-mortem, four ounces will do the business. break a dollar bill and sfe ho' many of them you can stuff la your pocket. They lend a classy holiday touch to a letter or package, and the money Isn't wasted. (3 q Don't make any difference whether the prospective bride turns the stone inside or keeps fixing her hair every half-minute. We lost an opportunity to Becure a valued subscriber this week, i He had come to Alliance before the fuzz 'was worn oft the pairles and thought .there ought to be a special discount for pioneers. Someone has swiped our discount Bheet. We like pioneers, too. But, as a general rule, they have more money than we have. Besides, The Herald Is worth more than we ask for it. Wonder if his boss will give him a Christmas present. Sometimes thoso Western Union clocks are unreliable. We add five minutes to ours on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and sub tract ten minutes the rest of the week, except Sunday. lias the price of lemon extract ad vanced unduly In th past six months? Sunday doesn't matter. Nobody complains if you're late to church. Of course, It will cause comment if you arrive after the collection box has been passed. i From Now Till Xmas Every Day is DAY We have a full line of the best cigars that men smoke. .We will be able to satisfy the discriminating buyer of fine tobaccos. Good cigars are difficult to obtain, so be sure to come early enough. - ': j ' .' . ", .. ; An Especially Nice Assortment of . ; ; ; Pipes has been purchased for your Christmas selection. There Is anything you want in the different styles. Candies Take a box of fancy Chocolates home to your Wife, Mother," Sweetheart or Daughter. It will please them without fail. We have just the box you will want. Current Newspapers, Magazines other Publications On Sale AL SEIEERT Why. is It that movie producers have to pick out snappy tltlost "Male and Female" was the best film that's appeared In Alliance In the time we've been here, but those who ex pected Robert W. Chambers stuff were disappointed. George B. McCutcheon and Laura Jean Libby would never have ap proved the ending. Little girl, all dolled up In war paint, hissed ai she left the door: "What a perfectly rotten film!" Somethink the Kiddies all want something that we can best supply those Candy Canes Large and Small Last year we could not supply the demand for Candy Canes. Everybody sees at a glance the appealing splendor of these canes in the eyes of the children. We are prepared to supply all your wants. Also Whose fault is it that she didn't know any better? I t. St. Louis Is the newest Mecca. The lid is off. Whisky selling at 35 cents a drink. A gallon can be bought for f 25. ' Sailor friend of the editor's asks him to spend New Year's in the Mis souri town. Take It from us, this newspaper grind is something terrific. New Year's will never be the same again. Candy Ribbons, and ; Hard Xmas Candys Broken and Mixed ' Place your order now, right away, for Home-Made Christmas Candies. . We are making a special price from now until ; Christmas of 28c in ten-pound l ots or larger. There is time if - you phone your order NOW It is all - Home-Made not . an frv ounce shinned in. ! :W !1 One by one the old landmarks dis appear. The boys decided not to cul tivate moustaches. The longest way 'round is the short cut to the minister's. ; i - i M A f I r h ? i ? A A F The Spirit of Christmas May it reach out and enfol dy'ou in its gracious clasp. And then our wish would echo true that this be the happiest Christmas you have ever had. i i i I A I The Fashion Shop Two suits for sale, one size 36, one about size 40; both in good con dition. Call at 213 Box Butte Ave. The 14 Cleaners & Tailors. 6 Between six and seven hundred kids accepted the Invitation of the W. R. Harper department store last Friday afternoon and came to see Santa Claus himself, who appeared promptly at 4 o'clock and presented them with candy and peanuts. There's hardly a kid In town that doesn't know Harp., and they made themselves at home in the store and had a perfectly gorgeous time. Pea nut shells were alruoBt ankle deep on the floor when The Herald scribe hove on the Bcene, and there wasn't a single edible thing left In" the place. "Doc."- The Herald's youngest news- kid, completely forgot that It' was nublicatlon day. but he got a chance to snend one whole wonderful hour In the company of Saint Nicholas himself, and "didn't , begrude the time at all." For Sale Two six room houses on Sweetwater. Modern except heat. Price and terms right. See Nebraska Land Company. -It's seldom that The Herald ed itor feels called upon to review movie performances, but the Im perial has had, during the past week some noteworthy programs. Satur day night's vaudeville bill was a change from the Western circuit, which furnished the first two pro grams of the season. It was the first nnnearance of acts from the Pan- tages circuit, and the improvement was noticeable from the moment the curtain rolled up on the first one. Not an act failed to "get by" with the crowd, and two or three of them made decided bits. The feature of the vaudeville bill was Sam and Goldle Harris in a comedy satire. The End of the Line," and the fcucy Lucler trio, comedy novelty and bar- money singers, were oncored as often as they would respond. Sunday and Monday there appeared, under tne name "Male and Female," a pictorial presentation of Sir James M. Barrle's 'The Admirable Crichton," ana so i faithful was the representation or that whimsical authors worn mai we are minded to declare it the best movie we have seen in years. "The Birth of a Nation" managed to stii us up while the band played, but it didn't leave as good a taste in the mouth as "Male and Female," which, by the way, is a ridiculous title for so . good a play. Some day these movie directors will quit trying to improve on the authors of their plays, and when that glad day comes, the art will have made a mighty advance. Glasses accurately fitted at rea sonable prices. . Drake ft Drake, Ontometrlsts. ' ' tf A meeting of the board of di rectors of the Wyoming-Northeastern Oil company was held at the office of the Thomas-Bald Investment com pany in Alliance Saturday evening. The reports of the officers tf the com pany showed that its large set of eastern. Wyoming oil holdings are in excellent shape. The report of C. M. Looney, field superintendent, showed that the company has the finest equipped rig and drilling camp In the Mule Creek field. Drilling of the first well on the holdings of the com pany In the Mule Creek field starts this week. With good weather, the well should be down several hun dred feet within the next thirty days. 8ee Drake's (or Glasses. - tf .;u' A:. J Box Candies If you don't believe-we havetho inrirest and finest disnlav of ,1 Box Candies in the! city come and look at them , yourself. , , M j a. j 1.-1. i.ii..': t--.: -ai- uiu ii uuu uuiieve ic come anu iook at uiem. j&veryuuiig is new stock, in the fancies of Christmas boxes and choicest of tasty combinations, j . . . . Free City Delivery-Phone 27 Alliaecfe Caeoy ' Store 210 Box Bu tte Avenue ei decorative Wreaths and Plants for Christmas The beautiful Spirit of Christm as, from time immemorial has; been expressed with Flowers. From our complete stocks you can choose, at any price you wish to pay, Wreaths, and Plants for Christmas Decorating.; No doubt you have; been needing something of this nature inl your home for some little time. We can now; supply, this need1 witntnennest . -Vf!.i '. -J3L . . . "l ' Vf V" r.C'- J,,. POINSETTAS i - CYCLAMENS i ORNAMENTAL FERNS " " : u BLOOMING BEGONIAS We also have some extra nice Ferns. Come early for 'em for! they won t last long. ! Cut Flowers will be real sea' - - t his Christmas, so if you find us all sold out when you con v. vonre do not be disappointed. 1 TERMS S f i TLY CASH ' ' Alliaece Floral 204 Box Butte Ave. Go