ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, UHCEMIJKH 23, 1019. ELEVEN WANT Tw BTTT Mthlf Waa dretfa ef aovala watfclr thaa waat a MlamM iMklif far wtiat yau ar Utars t to afar. Qt ulek rooalta by MTarttalaa; la The Hrld Waat Ad eart- HMttt, WANTED BrUht l or. need twelrc years, wants Job outside of school hours. For information please call The Herald, phone 340. tf HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Girl for general house work, Call 17 , tf ARTICLES OP INCORPORATION Of The Wyoming-Northeastern Oil Company FOIt RAIiK RANCHES rOE fUUl 41 Mf lmirr4 ranea. 1 bum rrest uuni; tare la araa: It urn of a ay: teJ- m r-w run. An laaal dalrr ami. noaltry Urai U fly aity of Aa- tloc. Kaa7 auraai iar au re daa. ra.r aarUamlars ae or write Thnmaa-BaJd IiTHtawt Co.. AJh liaaae. 4I-1MI44 FOR HALE -LIVE STOCK TEAM, harness and waton for sale. Phono 2 4. Win. Davidson. tf FOR SALE HOUSES vnn hlxm OR TKAD9 Mr 11 reo u,-arn kaaia. 2 lota. Nettle M. CaplL Phono 711, 101 Cheyeane AT. WANTED to rest houses WANTED To Rent Four or five room, unfurnished house. Phone -a. v v FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES vnp aiT.B Good standard make toarlne. In excellent shape. F. A BALD, phone 308 or 471, Alliance, tf BOARDING HOME COOKED Meals, eight dollars per week. The Nebraska Rooming WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED An elderly lady to keep house. Inauire at the Alliance cinroi r . 204 Box Butte Are. tf a v w - NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS In tho District Court of Box Butte County: Calvin J. Wlldy, Plaintiff, ts. Oli ver Rleael. Mrs. OliTer Rlegel, first, trim and real name unknown, wife of the Defendant, Oliver Rlegel; and the unknown heirs, aevisees, lega tees, and persomal representatiTes, nd all other Dersons interested in the estates of the Defendants, Oli ver Elegel, Mrs. Oliver Rlegel, first, truA an d real name unknown, wife of the Defendant, Oliver Rlegel, and the Northwest Quarter (NWK) of Swtlon Twentv-flve (25). Township Twenty-four (24), North Range Fifty-two (52); West of the Sixth Trim.ini Meridian in Box Butte County, Nebraska, Defendants. State of Nebraska) Box Butte County The Defendants, Oliver Rlegel, Mrs. Oliver Rlegel, first, real and true name anknown, wife of the de fendant. Oliver Rlegel. and the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per son a! renresentatives. and all other persons Interested in the estates of the defendants, Oliver Rlegel, Mrs Oliver ripstrI. trst. real and true name unknown: wife of the defend ant Oliver Rlegel, and the Northwest Quarter (NWtt) of Section Twenty fire (21). Township Twenty-four (24), North of Ran ge Fifty-two (52), West of the Sixth Principal Merld ian in Box Butte County, Nebraska, and all Dersons claiming any inter est of any kind in said real estate, or any part thereof, will take "notice that on the 26th day of November, 1919, Calvin J. Wildy, filed his petition In the District Court of Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska, against you, the ob ject and nrayer of which are that a decree may be entered in favor of the Plaintlt. and against the Defend nt. nuletinr the title of the Plain tiff In and to the following described lands, to-wlt: All of the Nortbwest Quarter (NW4) of Section Twenty ave (IB). Township Twanty-fomr, (14), North Range Fifty-two (62). West of the ilxth Principal Meridian, is Box Batte eounty, Nebraska, and every part thereof; tht taa TWandanta mar be nernetuallr enjoined from bring in in action at law or in equity to recover possession of said land, and that they may be perpet ually enlolned from setting up any 'l i.m or interest, or claiming any Advarse to the title of the Plaintiff or hla grantees, and from disturbing the Plaintiff and his grantees In the quiet and peaceable enjoyment of said premises, and that he may recover hla oosts. Tou are required to answer said petition on or before the 19th day of Jamary, 1929. Dated this 1st day of Deoemker, 1819. OALYH4 J. WILDY, Wo, the undersigned incorpor ators, do hereby, in pursuance of the laws of the State of Nebraska In such cases made and provided, asso ciate ourselves as a body politic and corporate In the name and for the purpose hereinafter mentioned. ARTICLE I The corporation herein contem plated shall be named and known ns Wyoming-Northeastern Oil Com pany.' ARTICLE II Tho principal place of transacting the business of the corporation here in contemplated, shall be In the city of Alliance, Box Butte County, Ne braska. ARTICLE III The general nature of the business to be transacted by the corporation is as follows, to-wlt: Locating, vali dating, and prospecting for oil and other minerals on Government lands subject to the same; to buy, lease or otherwise acquire lands contain ing, or believed to contain oil or other minerals; to purchase or others wise acquire, lease, build, construct, operate drilling rigs, construct and maintain refineries, mill works, lab oratories, pipe lines, rights of ways for pipe lines, side tracks, tele phones, storage tanks, dwelling houses for workmen and others In connection with the purposes in this article set forth. To carry on the business of pro ducing, refining, storing, supplying, marketing, and distributing oil and oil products of all classes and de scriptions. To contract for oil lands or lands containing oil or other mineral de posits; to acquire by purchase, lease, contract, or otherwise, oil and lands believed to contain oil and otner mineral deposits. To contract, lease, lease on royal ties, or otherwise, sell or dispose of to others oil lands, leases, or lands containing oil or other mineral sub stances. The corporation may buy, hold, or dispose of such real and personal property as the directors may deem proper for the promotion of Its busi ness, or that may be necessary in the proper conducting of said business ARTICLE IV The authorized capital stock of the corporation shall be One Million ($1,000,000.00) Dollars, divided into One Hundred Thousand (100,000) shares of Ten (flO.OO) Dollars each. Two Hundred Fifty Tnousand (1250.000) Dollars of the capital stock shall be fully paid up and sub scribed upon the organization or tne corporation. Said stock may be paia for in cash or its equivalent in prop erty necessary and useful to1 tne cor poration In the transaction of Its business and when said stock Is Issued it shall be fully paid up and non-assessable. ARTICLE V The hlKhest amount of indebted ness or liability to which the cor noration may subject Itself shall not exceed an amount equal to two-thirds (2-3) of the paid up capital stock tnaiiori hv said corporation and no stockholder Bhall be liable as an In dividual for any debt or liability of the corporation. ARTICLE VI This corporation shall date from and commence on the 16th day of September. A. D.. 1919, and shall terminate on the 16th day of Sep tember, A. D.. 1969. ARTICLE VII This corporation may be dissolved at any time prior to Its own limits tlon, by consent of two-thirds of the outstanding: capital stock of said cor poration by a resolution dissolving the corporation srrrad upon Its rec ords and certified o tne secretary of State. ARTICLE VIII The business affairs of the cor poration sLall be conducted by ARTICLE XII In the event of the absence of the president, the vice-president shall have full power to perform all the duties of the president ami to sign, execute, and deliver any and all in struments, and to do each and every act with full power and authority as the president coula perform if present. ARTICLE XIII The Board of Directors shall have full power and authority to make all rules and bylaws for the proper gov ernment and control of the business afflalrs of the corporation and they may alter snd amend the same at pleasure. ARTICLE XIV Vacancies occurring In the Board of Directors shall be filled by the stockholders, and other offices vacant from whatever cause, shall be filled by the Board of Directors. Five out of nine of the Board of Directors shall be a quorum for the transac tion of business. ARTICLE XV WHEN A MANr MAR comajrt. jna Tjrwt ntm row tvwnto miwui ottw row hiiulo cm m push wmA a Board of Directors consisting of nine and the officers by them to be elect ed, as hereinafter provided ARTICLE IX The voting power of said capital stock shall be, one vote for each share of capital stock Issued by said corporation. ARTICLE X The first meeting of the stock holders shall be held on the date of the commencement of the corpora tion, or aB soon thereafter as prac tlcable, and thereafter the regular annual meeting shall be held in the cltv of Alliance. Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 2nd Monday of Jan uary, 1920, and on the second Mon day in January of each succeeding vear . At said first meeting, and at the annual meetings thereafter the Board of Directors shall be elected by the stockholders from their own number, to hold office until the an nual meeting next after their elec tion and until their successors are elected and qualify. ARTICLE XI The Directors shall ia each In stance aa soon as convenient after thev have been elated and have qualified Belect from their own num ber the president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, who shall hold office until the annual meeting next after their election, and until their successors are elected and qual The officers of this corporation for the ensuing year and until the 2nd Monday In January, ..920, shall be as follows: F. A. Bald, President; C. M. Looney, Vice-president; Lloyd C. Thomas, Secretary; A. M. Miller, Treasurer. The Board of Directors for said corporation during the ensu ing year and until the annual meet ing In January, 1920, shall be: F. A. Bald, C. M. Looney, Lloyd C. Thomas, A. M. Miller, R. M. Baker, P. J. Michael, O. W. Gardner, F. T. Morrison, Chas. F. Greunlg. ARTICLE XVI The Secretary and Treasurer of said corporation shall furnish a good and sufficient bond, to be approved by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE XVII These articles of Incorporation may be amended at any time. Every amendment shall be first approved by a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors and upon being so approved It shall be entered at large on the records of the Board A draft of the proposed amendment or amendments, as the case may be, shall then be submitted to each stockholder with a notice . of the meeting called for the purpose of voting on same, which notice shall be given ten (10) days at least, prior to the date fixed for the meeting. If such amendment or amendments, or either of them, shall, then be ap proved by the holder or holders of a majority of the outstanding capital stock of the corporation, each and every amendment so approved shall be considered adopted and be made part of the articles of Incorporation and the Board of Directors shall thereafter subscribe, acknowledge, record, and publish the same as by law required. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 16th day of September. A. D.. 1919. (SIGNED) F. A. BALD, CHAS. F. GRUENIG, F. T. MORRISON, R. M. BAKER, J. BURLINGTON, JR. P. J. MICHAEL, GEORGE F. SNYDER, W. L. M'KILLIP, A. M. MILLER, J. A. SMITH, C. M. LOONEY, L. E. PEQUETTE, O. W. GARDNER, F. W. MELICK, LLOYD C. THOMAS, L. S. OLSON, J. C. PARKER, H. S. THOMAS. LAURETTA HODGKINSON, F. A. PIERSON. State of Nebraska ss: Box Butte County j . On this 16th day of SeptemDer, A D., 1919, before me, M. S. Hargraves, a Notary Public duly commissioned, Qualified for and residing In said county, personally came F. A. Bald, Chas. F. Gruenig, F. T. Morrison, It. M. Baker, J. Burlington, Jr., P. J. Michael. George F. Snyder, W. L. McKlllip. A. M. Miller, J. A. Smith, C. M. Looney, L. E. Pequette, O. W Gardner. F. W. Mellck, Lloyd C. Thomas. L. S. Olson, J. C. Parker, H. S. Thomas and Lauretta Hodgkln son, to me personally known to be the identical persons whose name., are affixed to the above and forego ing articles of incorporation, as In corporators, and who severally acknowledged the execution of the The. tlDtA.-SuS.E Don't SEL r Look m?ovnD VbU. open ytrt tyiS' StizajChT AT LM1 ( n 3 M vdomaM'.uKfc ix tvy sot aaaaaaaaaBaavv m only 6btr"To Smow -flvn -THE. MOttt y suave rexz a MAN TME- LtST HE APPRECIATES HOME V0U I A PLACE To SPU.L 4Sr4ESJ I 1 kin vtrzK Kit ttNSeaS1 ctf r-r -kzss jlj MTtKTXC A4 Vbuo NEVER. I NOTICE m r "M i J r t. A Pooa Boob' VA f A. V, TJHCi" HUNG. fl-TME PAKXJOQ. CURTAINS j m e r f I A V& If IMPS i i r 1 1 same to be their voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein con tained. (Signed) M. S. HARGRAVES. (SEAL) Notary Public. My commission expires January 25, 1923. 14 NOTICE The annual stockholders' meeting of the Wyoming-Northeastern Oil Company will be held at the offices of the Thomas-Bald Investment Com pany, in the Alliance. National Bank building, In the city of Alliance, Ne braska, on January 12, 1920, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. ' F. A. BALD, President. Attest: LLOYD C. THOMAS, (Janl2) Secretary. 1 1; i; I I L. E. Bliss FARMER AUCTIONEER Live Stock a Specialty Phone Birch 8132, Alliance HAVE IT WELDED with the OXY-ACETYLENH PROCESS Cylinder Blocks, Frames and Transmission Caseti a Specialty George H. Breckner The Old Weaver Oarage 1 Pipes , Cigars, Tobaccos i . . .. i i i . . "We hare, we believe without question, the largest line; of Pipe in the city of Alliance. We buy them in quantities from the wholesalers and are able to, make the most attractive prices to our trade. You will find just the shape you have been searching for in the material you best like. There is nothing which pleases a man so much as a carefully selected Pipe. . , You will find here a fine assortment of Cigars and Tobaccos. If you know the kind he smokes we can supply you. We also havt a splendid, line of Cigarette Cases and Holders. APPROPRIATE FOR CHRISTMAS For the Christmas buyers we have a full assortment of BRECIIT and WOODWARD CHOCOLATES. They are attractively boxed for Christmas gifts, and come in many com binations of flavors all sizes. You can't select anything mere appropriate than Candy, and we carry the finest Chocolates you can buy. Our dainty Lunches, served at the Fountain, will please the most re fined. We extend a special invitation the Ladies. It ia not too early to be making preparations for your Christmas dinner. We advise that you place your order early for Ice Cream. You can have either or by the quart or gallon. Just call Phone 172, and ell -i what you will need. . , w ( J JOE SMITH 202 BOX BUTTE AVX. I I I I i i ify. Any two of Bald offices may be Ya lull Attorney 19 held by one and the same person. Plaintiff.