Comment-and Discomment Terhars the most amusing thing that has happened in Alliance In ten years is the headline that Boiler riate Ben chose to place over a care fully fabricated article that appeared In a recent issue of, the Times: "Facts not fancies." ' For a man who within the past ten days has audited his books and discovered some seven or eight hundred eub crlbers that do not exist to talk about "facts" in such a solemn way is in reality the epitome of humor. Exaggeration is the chief basis of humor, and Dennie of the Bound less Enthusiasm has shown himself prone to exaggerate. As a matter of fact, few Times readers will be deceived by the care fully framed statements that his newspaper has been spreading. No man who takes both newspapers will be in doubt for an instant. And Al liance advertisers, some of whom may have believed the semi-weekly Sallow, need only to be shown the' -difference between his sworn circula tion figures and those he prepared . for their especial benefit to be con vinced that practically everything he' says needs to be taken with a good deal of salt. There are some charges that are so absurd that even a newspaper doesn't need to answer them. The compar ison of The Herald and Times pre pared by the latter falls in that class. Ieffl consider the first item. Just to get a good laugh. One can't have too many laughs in these trying days, and practically every line of that comparison is good for a regular guffaw. In the heading, for in stance, the comparison Is for the "Week of December, 1919" and the particular week Isn't mentioned. The first item is "headed reading arti cles," which, of course, is not a fair basis of comparison, for this news paper runs as much as two pages of short reading articles. We don't place a bead on an article unless it is worth it. Heads take up spare that might be occupied by real Dews. These are the figures for the "week of December," whatever that I is: Headed reading articles, Her ald 57, Times 97. Included In The Times' capitulation is the boiler plate that fills, on an average, over half of the pages of that newspaper. This is not guesswork any man who can read knows what is legitimate news and what is plain filler. This boiler plate stuff can be purchased for less than 20 cents a column. It costs three times that amount to set a column of type matter. Now there are several kinds of boiler plate. Our comprehensive re port of the constitutional convention, which is appearing this week and will continue to appear, Is a special service, for which we pay a special price. It is interesting reading, timely and of interest to nearly everyone. But we do not insult the intelligence of our readers or ad vertisers by printing articles telling about the price trappers in Kane, Ta., get for mink; discussions of a new dread disease that Is afflicting the cats in London; tales of eternal youth in microbes, and other bunk that succeeds only In filling space. In addition to column after col umn of this deadly stuff, we find nu merous other columns clipped from the dailies. Some of it is reason ably interesting; some of it merely fills space. All of it is old. There is only one way -for a newspaper to publish up-to-the-minute news from the state and country, and that is by means of a leased wire or a regular press Bervice. No Alliance newspa per has this, and any news you see in either along this line is frankly "stolen" from the city papers that do. The Herald offends now and then in this regard, but only when legitimate news is scarce. Our ajm is to be an Alliance newspaper, and anyone who is sufficiently interested to take a yardstick and measure the comparative number of inches of le- I M PERIAL THEATRE Friday Dec. 1 9th Mary Pickf ord Proves That She is a Great and Wonderful Actress as JUDY ABLOT . Don't for Any Reason Miss Seeing MARY PICKFORD in Jane Webster's Celebrated Story "Daddy Long Legs" The Love Story of an Orphan The Story Alone Cost $40,000. Admission 25c & 35c SATURDAY DEC. 20 Matinee and Night. Prices 25-C5c 5 Acts Pantages Vaudeville 5 Act 1. The Dancing Roots, who are known the world over for the famous whirlwind novelty dancing wonders. Act 2. Clarence Leigh "From the Mimic World." Humor, melody, whistling and imitations. Act 3. Moralles Bros., presenting a comedy acrobatic act, which creates a lot of laughs; both boys come direct from Barnum & Bailey's circus. Act 4. Sam and Goldie Harris present a comedy satire, "The End of the Line." Act 5. Lucy Lucier Trio, the great comedy novelty and harmony singers. PHOTOPLAY Wm. Desmond in "LIFE'S A FUNNY PROPOSITION" The story of a bachelor's agonies over the unexplained possession of an innocent baby. Comedy Charles Chaplin in "POLICE" SPECIAL SUNDAY AND MONDAY "MALE AND FEMALE" Look for Ad Elsewhere in This Issue ultimate, bona-flde, home news will soon discover that The Herald leads. It's not enough to have home news It must be well wrlten. With all due regard for Doiler riate lien's feelings, which are tender enough, heaven knows, he's no writer and never will be. If one wished to be technical, he could take any article that the Sallow ever wrote and dis cover crudities by the doien. We're not the most finished performer in this respect, but we won't take off our hats to Den or the ofDce boy, either, although the latter knows more about the technique of writing now than his chief ever will. With pastepot and shears, with columns of boiler plate, with plenty of brag and bluster, with all sorts of arrogance, The Times marches on and will probably continue to do so to the end of the chapter. We're perfect ly willing that it should do so. We expect to have competition in as good a city as this, and couldn't pick out any easier if we set out to do so. Reverting for a moment to the former pugilist's pathetic attempts to make the English language roll over and bark for him, we are re minded to say a word about his Teepslghts." Nine times out of ion they are so rotten that any number of self-respecting cltliens of Alliance have protested against their slinil ness "slimlness" being a derivative of "slime." Dut now and then there is a 'Teep slghl" which is really good. It is clean and refreshing and humorous. And whenever we strike one of that variety we can't help wondering If ttufiis Jones wrote it. Somehow they read Just about like Kufe, who, be fore he became a commercial secre tary, was one of the brightest news paper men in the south. Some of these days we are going to ask Secretary Rufe about this. He probnbly won't discuss it with us, though. The sec. has shown a per fectly commendable disposition to stand aside as a disinterested spec tator and watch the little scrap 'twlxt the two newspapers. Have you ever tntcl the deli rious toast that can be prepared by an electric toaster? Nothing fa more convenient for a light brenkfaxt. See them at Newberry's Hardware, for $ 0.75. If you are puzzling over their Sift look no further. 6 Glasses DRAKE & DRAKE Accurately Fitted OPTOMETRISTS We Can Duplicate any Broken Lena. 81 S M Ilox Butte Ave. fhone 131 Children's Garments Need a thorough cleaning and pressing at frequent intervals. They wear much longer if kept in proper shape. We do . the work promptly. Fielding & Son Phone 682 m1 J. CL-" tit M T-T Beautiful Floor Lamps Complete $25.00 to $70.00 Nothing Adds so Cheerful a Touch to the Home as a Beautiful Lamp' Any Room May Be Made Attractive Through Attractive Lighting The Bases arc Richly Finished in Mahogany, Poly crome and Oak, and may be had in a 'variety of designs. Fitted with Long Extension Cord and Pull Socket. The Shades are made in many beautiful combina tions of colors, of the finest quality Silk, with mull lining and Chenille fringe. Bissells Carpet Sweepers Electric Vacuum Cleaners. They Are The Best. FIBRE ROCKERS AND CHAIRS Plain Also With Upholstered Seats And Backs, In Neat, Durable Coverings. Comfortable to the Extreme. Have You Seen Our Solid Mahagany Hope Chests? Period Models Fancy Bed Room Chairs, Rockers and Benches. Mahogany and Walnut. An Open Fire A Comfortable Chair, A Pleasant Evening A comfortable chair drawn up before an open fire adds wonderfully to the enjoyment of long Winter evenings. We have these in Solid Mahogany, of the William and Mary period designs; they have cane panel back and seat. I Luncheon And Card Tables Strong, Durable, Imitation Leather and Felt Tops.' The Store Beautiful Walk Around This Way And Look At Our Window Displays. GEORGE D. DARLING 115117 WEST THIRD STREET ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA