TnmiuijiAistu llKltALD, ALLIANCE," NtlBllASKAj DECEMBER 19, 1919. .;( SUNDAY PROGRAMS ' AT ALLIANCE CHURCHES lmbjtcriiui Church fterrlcen for Sunday, December 21: T1 Sunday school meets at 10 a. OO. "Forward" for this week la a factorial edition containing repro 4mcttons of famous paintings of .Christmas art. Be present and get four copy. ' The Christmas program of the Sunday school will be given Chrlst suu ere. Morning worship, 9 a. m.: "The Christmas Message for Today." Special music. ' Christian EndeaTor, 6:30 p. m.; Bath Stanton, leader. Erening service at 7:30. This ferrlce will be largely devoted to special Christmas music, which has lteen prepared by the choir tinder the direction of our choir leader Mrs. Rheln. ' A complete program of the Christ mas muslcale appears below: Trelude, Miss Martha Dayton. Hymn 78, congregation. Anthem, "Hark, the Notes of Joy." Vocal solo, "Song of the Angels," Miss Rheln. Violin obllgato, Miss Dayton. Scripture reading and exposition. "The Angels' Song," women's chorus. Anthem, "Behold, Thy Salvation Cometh." Duet. "The Star," Misses Joder and Watts. Anthem, "The Shepherds of Beth lehem." Solos by Mrs. Rheln and Mr. Vance. "Star of Hope," male quartet. Offertory, violin solo, Miss Dayton. Hymn 76, congregation Benediction. Postlude. All are cordially Invited to these services at the First Presbyterian church, corner Box Butte avenue and Seventh street. A. J. KEARNS, Tastor. n Especially Accept able Gift This Year There may have been a time when Shoes were not considered exactly proper for Gifts, but now with good Shoes so hard to get, few Gifts are more welcome. You will be assured of a perfect fit. We emphasize the importance of perfect-fitting Shoes. Buy something useful and serviceable this year it will be sure to please. NETTLETON, CRAWOFRD AND UTZ & DUNN We have Shoes for everybody in the fam ily who has the money. G. W. LOWRY isuo imjx liuue Avenue MlMMlMWftMW.-ttH M.tfW itm am ..mi n , WHAT YOU WANT is some place to spend your evenings in a quiet, enjoyable, sociable manner. You will find everything you need for just that soit of thing at The Alliance Billiard Parlor. Lunches Our lunch counter has recently been organized into three shifts of Union Cooks and Waiters, who will serve you anything in the line of "eats" you desire, from steaks to sandwiches. Cigars, Tobaccos We carry a full line of the best liked brands of Cigars, Cigarettes and To baccos. You can get fancy packages for Christmas which make appropriate gifts. Pool and Billiands If you like to pass a few hours with the ivories and cue" we invite you to try our tables. Alliance Billiard Parlor 115 Box Butte First M. II Church The orchestra and choir of the First Methodist Episcopal church will give an evening of vocal and In strumental music Sunday, December 21, at 7:30 p. m. Following la the program: Prelude, orchestra. "Joy to the World," congregation. Invocation. PART I. Junior procession and Christmas song. Primary corus and Christmas carol. "Bethlehem Star," nine children. Song, "As Joseph Was A-walk-lng." Reading, "Why Do Bella for Christmas Ring?" Good-night exercise, ten children. PART II. Orchestra. Anthem, "The Day Star," choir. Scripture lesson. "The Message of Christmas Is Love," male quartet. Sermonette, Rev. Mearl C. Smith. "Judea Fair," male quartet. Anthem, "And There Were Shep herds," choir. Offertory, organ and piano. Benediction. Postlude, orchestra. There will be a baptismal service at the church next Sunday morning. Any persons desiring may be bap tized at this time. The local papers speak elsewhere of the action of the quarterly con ference last Sunday night In launch ing the new church enterprise on a larger scale than before. This time the movement la Inaugurated by the members of the board of trustees, and the first few subscriptions are so generous as to insure Its success. A building committee of five men were elected: R. M. Hampton, W. W. Norton, J. A. Hunter, E. T. Kibble and W. R. Pate. Sunday morning the choir will render several special selections of Christmas music. In the evening a musical program will be given by the primary department, the Junior chorus and the choir. The program la printed above. The loose offering both Sunday morning and evening will be used to pay for new song books. The church was almost without books either for Sunday school or regular worship, and the music committee authorized the purchase of 100 new Sunday school books and fifty hymnals. The members and friends of the church are asked to bring a liberal offering for tbla song book fund next Sun day. MEARL C. SMITH, PaBtor. Church of Christ We were happy at the splendid audiences last Lord's day. In spite of the cold weather many were pres ent to greet us after our release from quarantine. We expect another great day next Sunday. The morning ser mon subject is: "Bethlehem's An nouncement." At the evening serv ice a Christmas program will be given. This program consists of tome beautiful exercises and rauslc. The evening offering will be devoted to ministerial relief. The" Bible school is ready to wel come you at 10 o'clock. Classes for all ages will edify you. The annua meeting of the church will be held on Wednesday evening, December 31. Reports will be given by every department of the. work. You will be Interested in hearing these. It Is our desire to make every service helpful and of the best. The gospel is preached in its simplicity We believe that the Bible is the word of God and that the gospel is the power unto salvation. Come to tne church with a mes sage and a welcome. STEPHEN J. EPLER, Minister. First UaptUt Church The First Baptist church will hold appropriate Christmas exercises next Sunday morning and evening. In the morning the pastor will speak on the subject, "The Wise Men From the East." In the evening a musical program will be given. These serv ices have been carefully prepared for the occasion, and the public Is Invited to have a part In them. Re member the church on the corner of Laramie avenue and Seventh streets is always open to strangers, and that It is the "Home-like Church." Bring your friends and enjoy the greatest day in the history of the world. J. ORRIN GOULD. Minister. The following musical program will be given at the First Baptist church next Sunday evening: "Joy to the World," Handel; the congregation. Prayer. The Christmas story, the pastor, "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear." Willis; chorus choir. "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." Mendelssohn; Elsie Simpson. "Silent Night. Holy Night," Gru- ber: ladies' quartet. "The Angel Song," Lorenz; ladles' chorus. "The Endless Day," Johnson; Mrs. Charles H. Fuller. , "Keep Love's Watchflres Burn ing," Lorenz; chorus choir. Instrumental duet, selected; Hor ace and Ethel Fuller. "Just Outside the Door," Ackley; Charles II. Fuller, J. Orrln Oould. "The Children's Hosanna," Fearls; Mrs. T. A. Cross. "The Heavenly Chorus," Lange; Elsie Simpson, Mrs. C. II. Fuller. "All Hall the Power," Hojden; congregation. j f i A White Xmas What joyful shouts it brings. How ex citing every hill if a "feller" has a Bob Sled. And when the pond is frozen solid could any moital boy ask for more? Why, cetrainly. He would ask "dad" to drop in here and buy him a pair of Hockey Skates. And "dad" would come in and buy them, because he knows sledding and skating make little boys healthy and strong. ; &it..i.. Don't deny your boy one moment of Winter's exhilarating sports. Come in now and buy both "Bob" and Skates. It will be a delightful surprise for him when the hill is ready for coasters, or the skating pond solid enough to try out the sharp, keen edge of his new skates. Sleds in any number of good, well built models, ideal for coasting, priced "Flexibile Flyers" $1.75 to $3.25 Club or Hockey Skates in all styles and sizes. The best makes only, at very reasonable prices. $1.25 to $4.00 ttiNaP&iaarflMawara s t. GIFTS bx WOMEN mTMflfi The Xmas Luxe 8? f I A beautiful Crepe de Cfiine or Georgette waist from our new and wonderful stock just received from eastern de signers. They come in pretty boxes. Excep tionally big reduction for Christmas buying. Priced for Christmas at $7.50, SIO.OO, $12,50 r-.:i1e TheEashion Shop I I I J if U I s r , i I I U 4 33 M . "9