SEVEN i THE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 9, 19t9. r GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Pever Eye, Enr, Nome and Throat rilOKK 1ST CaHa Hwfr4 fraa Oflaee 4ay IS-kt Not Medicine Nut Surgery Not Osteopathy Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey Chiropractor lirwdu.tU Palmer School Telelione 863 Wilson Untitling Alliance - - - - Nebraska L. W. BOWMAN t Physician and Barge sis 1-2 Box Butt allUsee, Kebraaka PHONES oibcci sea M DR. II. J. BASKIX Physician and Sargvoa Office over HoUtea Store i ' Office Phone 87 Realdenoe Sal DR. EINAR V. BLAK Medicine and Surgery Specialty: Eye, Ear, Noee, Throat and Lungs Glasses Carefully Fitted Office in Blallery Block Phone : Office, 104; Residence, 18 I Nitrous ConductlTe Oxide . Anesthesia DR. W. J. MAHAFFY DENTIST Alliance Nebraska L. A. BERRY Lawyer It O OBI RCHHER BLOCK PHONE I 1LUANCE, NKBRAIKA "Let Me Cry ir Ya- ' HARRY P. COURSSY Lim STOCK mm& GENERAL AXJBS SPECIALIST mm AVCTIOBHSBk Farm Sales a Specialty Tcrma neaawaakle PHONE (14 AJUaac. Hefc WANT TO BUT aematklasT Hun dreaa of peopl waeklf ecaa thaaa wtit ad ctlvmni lacking for what yau or athera to offer. Oat aulek raaulta by adtartlalna: la Tha Harald Wtit Ad depart Meat, WANTED SITUATIONS ANTK'BinTgtr'toyred twelve years, wants Job outside of school hours. For information please call The Herald, phone 340. tf 1 lVlA WA rr V771'?!-1-. WANTED A maid; elderly lady pre ferred; to take care of little girl, three years old, and general house work. , Phone 200. tf WANTED Girl for general house work. Call 173. tf OJBjiIJI FOR SALS 4M are Improved ranch. 2 miles from Antioea: 60 aeree In crop; aeree of hay; bal ance good range. An Ideal dairy and poultry farm te supply eity of An- tloch. Ready market for all pro duce. Far particulars see or write Thomas-Bald Investment Co., Al liance. l-tf-ti44 IrWlSALE TEAM, harness and wagon for sale. Phone 124. Wm. Davidson. tf claim or interest, or claiming any in terest adverse to the title of the Plaintiff or his grantees, and from disturbing the PlAlntlfC and his grantees in the quiet and peaceable enjoyment of said premises, and that he may recover his costs. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 19th day of January, 1920. Dated this 1st day of December, 1919. CALVIN J. WILDY. riaintlff. Ice naaye, Attorney 10 NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALU Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a Judgment of partition and order of sale made in the case where in William James Price, Ada Trice Stewart, Dollle Price Ellis and Nellie Price are plaintiffs and Ida Price Clawson, Ira Clawson, her hus band, Robert Price, Robert Charles Spray, a minor, and Myrtle Price Pursel and Roy Pursel, her hus band, and Robert Warren Price and Eva Price, his wife, and Daisy Price Porter and Ray Forter, her husband, are defendants, by the Honorable E. B. Perry. Judge of the district court of Frontier county, Ne braska, In which court said action is pending, said order of sale being made on the 9th day of October, 1919, during the October A. D. term of said court; that the undersigned referee, H. D. Kcuipton, for that pur pose being duly appointed by said court on said date will sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for ash, at the front door of the post office in the village of Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebraska, in the after noon of the 31st day of December, 1919, at the hour of 2 o'clock the fol lowing described real estate so di rected by said Judgment of partition and order of sale to be sold: The southwest quarter of section eleven, township twenty-six, range fifty-two, west of the sixth principal meridian, in Box Butte county, state of Nebraska. The terms of said sale to be cash, on the date of sale. Said sale is to remain open for one hour. Dated this 22nd day of November, 1919. H. D. KEMPTON. Referee. Latham & Schroeder, Attorneys 5 5 2, 1907 (34 Stats., 1224), pursuant to the application of Maurice S. Pet erson, Serial No. 018697, we will of fer at public sale, to the highest bid der, but at not less than $3.76 per acre, at10 o'clock a. m., on the 24th day of December neit, at (hts office, the following tract of land: Lot 3, Section 18, Township 22 North. Range 4 5 West, NEV4SE4 Section 13, township 22 North, Range 46 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time desig nated for sale. 86 T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. rL'BUC LAND SALK department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Oct. 21, 1919. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the eneral Land Office, under provisions ef Aets of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), and March FOR SALK HOUSES FOR BALI OR Til ADS My 12 reom modern house, t lots. Nettle M. Campbell, Phone 711, 691 Cheyenne Ave. tt-u-sisi WANTED TO KKT- llOUSES WANTED To Rent Four or five room, unfurnished house. Phone 163. " FOR SALK AUTOMOBILES FO"SAXSGooTsTa1nardke touring. In excellent shape. F. A. BALD, phone 308 or 476, Alliance, tf WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Representative, man or woman, in every town, to put over co-operative buying plan, which di rectly interests every automobile owner. Salesmen in other parts av eraging $12 a day and up. No ex perience necessary. Will guarantee you permanent position if you make good. This proposition needs quick action. Appttcants must furnish sat isfactory references as to character, responsibility, etc. ThoBe with cars prefered. Address A. A. Haapingar ner, Sprague Tire & Rubber Co.. Omaha. Nebraska. 2 HOARDING HOME COOKED Meals, eight dollars tier week. The Nebraska Rooming House." 7p . Harness Hand Hade 9rm Beat Material. Oatlaat Faetarr Mat Gaada. Call Haraaaa BUsaJrtaa' kr l J. 21 COVE2T At at. M. D. JTfckala Staad AJLLIAKCB, NEBRASKA CONTRACT WmiNG - ' - ELEUTRIO HHP AIRS Attention to Detail Makes Our Work lAst EMERGENCY ELECTRIC CO. Phone 18 112 W 8d With Norton Realty MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped our dray was ons and auto truck with tbe late appliances fer moving f urnltar without starring or scratching er de Ins damage. Up-to-date wagon Bad will be used by as on all movlni Jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 11 S7-tf-B9SS J. D. EMERICX Bonded Abstracter I aave tha aaly set ef Akatraat Baaka fc Baa Batte Cematy, First National Dank Blag. 1 DOSE - PREVENTS BLACKLEG I. i ' iL- ' ' ra1 Estate. Loans and Inimr anna. P. E. REDDISH. Reddish Block. 15-t-6727. ss: The preparations that are being made for standing tne coai snonage n't carry very much comfort to either the strikers or tbe mine oper ators. In other words, the American people are getting tired of continual hold-ups and they are disposed to let loss of profits and hunger and cold Ight for them awhile. Buckshot. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS In the District Court of Box Butte County: Calvin J. Wlldy. Plaintiff, vs. Oli ver Riegel, Mrs. Oliver RIegel, first, true and real name unknown, wife of the Defendant, Oliver Riegel; and the unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, and personal representatives, and all other persons interested In the estates of the Defendants, Oil ver Riegel. Mrs. Oliver Riegel, first, true and real name unknown, wire of the Defendant. Oliver Riegel. and the Northwest Quarter (NWK,) of Section Twenty-five (25), Township Twentv-four (24). North Range Fir ty-two (52); West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Box Butte County, Nebraska, Defendants State of Nebraska I Box Butte County J The Defendants, Oliver Riegel, Mrs. Oliver Riegel, first, real and true, name unknown, wife of the de fendant, Oliver Riegel, and the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estates of the defendants, Oliver Riegel, Mrs. Oliver Riegel, first, real and true name unknown; wife of the defend ant Oliver Riegel, and the Northwest Quarter (NWU) of Section Twenty- five (25), Township ' Twenty-four (24), North of Range Fifty-two (52), West of the Sixth Principal Merid ian In Box Butte County, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any Inter est of any kind in said real estate, or any part thereof, will take notice that on the 26 th day of November, 1919, Calvin J. Wlldy, filed his petition In the District Court of Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska, against you, the ob ject and prayer of which are that a decree may be entered In favor of the Plaintiff, and against the Defend ant, quieting the title of the Plain tiff in and to the following described lands, to-wit: All of the Northwest Quarter (NWU) of Section Twenty five (25), Township Twenty-four, (24), North Range Fifty-two (62), West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Box Butte county, Nebraska, and every part thereof; that the Defendants may be perpetually enjoined from bring ing any action at law or In equity to recover possession of said land, and that they may be perpet ually enjoined from setting up any MEN IN NEW ARMY TO HE INSTRUCTED TO SING AND PliAY Singing and instrumental music will not only be . encouraged but taught in Uncle Sam's, new army. This cultivation of melody among the soldiers is to serve a military as well as a cultural purpose, for, ac cording to an official statement from the war department, commanding of ficers understand the value of song. During the late war, military officials testify, singing was recognized as an integral part of the training given the soldiers and came to have a def inite plnce on the dally schedule at camps and rontonnients. The general staff Is now urging that at every post, camp and station there b a first-class orchestra, glee club and quartet, and definite provi sions for choral slngtng and other forms of vocal concerts. It Is rec ommendod to commanders that they obtain teachers and conductors to In struct and direct the soldiers. The war department promises to assist in finding these instructors and leaders, and to provide song books and sheet music and to advise in the procedure of training subleaders in organising musical groups and furnishing must cat entertainments. It Is believed that music will be a valuable part of the educational cur riculum which will be a feature of the new American army and that It will contribute Immeasurably to the enjoyment and contentment of the soldiers while tbey are serving their enlistments. One roughneck editor says that whenever , the mail service shows signs of Improvement it is a sign that Burleson is taking a vacation. Buckshot. No married man is competent to talk about home rule, especially if he has one of two grown daughters.' Buckshot. .Barg aim Cash Prices In Slightly Used Cars All in First Class Condition If you have attempted to buy an automobile since the market has become so unset tledyou realize how difficult it is to buy1 a new car at any price. The cars listed below will serve every purpose that a new machine will and you get the advantage of a sub ' stantial reduction in addition to the advantage of immediate possession. Look them over and select the one most suited to your needs: Packard Roadster, 1918 Model -Hupmobile Touring Car, 1919 Model Hupmobilc Roadster, 1919 Model . $2,250 - $1,250 $1,250 Understand this is the low price set for cash payment There is no additional freight New Shipment . We also have IN STOCK, ready for immediate delivery, the new shipment of 1920 Model Chandlers Every car conforms to the Chandler ideal of beautiful lines in construction, together with a performance par excellence. Note these prices and avail yourself of the oppor tunity without delay. . , They Will Not Last Long at These Prices : .'i;r.. Touring car, 1920 Model Dispatch car, 1920 Model Coupe, 1920 Model -Sedan, 1920 Model $1,987 C 'v? - $2,077 $2,825 - $2,925 v.. ...V " I a Carload of HUPMOBILE Touring Cars have been received at the garage in Chadron, and are ready f or the public. We need no more than call your attention to the exceptional suitability of the Hupmobile for a Christmas gift to the entire family. It is something all of them can use at once or at different times and will furnish them a lasting joy. . - ' The shipment just received at Chadron is of the latest model. A few minor changes of design in lines have been made in this model which have resulted in a completely finished work. Everyone knows the enviable record of the Ilnpmobile for the years that it has been the latest word In the designer's art and engineering skill. You will never regret your choice if it be a "Hup." Latest Model Ilnpmobile touring car, ready for immediate de- -,;: - y livery - $1,610 v SCHWABE BROS CHANDIR-HUP3IOBILE SERVICE STATION Alliance - Nebraska Chadron