RAILROAD NOTNS Ike rUvens. an old employe of the freight house, has resigned his poal tlon and pon to Fort Worth, Texaa. - Ralph McKentie returned to work Wednesday night after seTeral daya off on account of his lame back. 8. II. Cole returned to hla duties the 28th 01 November aftt-r a aev ral weeks' sera with the smallpox. Zloacoe Tiple, night baggageman, vent to Crawford Sunday on No. 41, returning on No. 42. He did not mlas the train, It aeems, but sleep is responsible for hla getting a ride to Antloch. Mr. and Mrs. If. I Orfnsbjr. the former ticket agent at the Burling ton slat ton, who went to Rochester, Minn., aeveral days ago for Mrs. Ormsby's health, have gone from Rochester to some point In Texas for ' the winter. Mr. White of Mr.' Bracken's offlc4, was in the city Monday on business. Mrs. O. L. Griggs and daughter, Mildred, left Sunday night on No. 301 for Arizona to visit their daugh ter and alsler, Mrs. Joe Thome. They expect to make an extended visit. Miner Kronvahl. assistant chief clerk ia the superintendent's office, has resigned his onition and will go to Omaha, where he has accepted a position with the Consumers' Oil Co. Perley Beach, chief clerk In the trainmasters' office, will take the po sition left vacant by Mr. Kronvahl. Glen Wilt, assistant timekeeper In the superintendent's office, will fill the vacancy left by the promotion of Ptrley Beach. The B. of It. C. held a business meeting Monday night at I. O. O. P. hall. Mrs. Reed, formerly with M. Nolan & Co., Is now collecting freight bills for Wallace & Robblns' drag service. Conductor Ray Mark haa been lay ing off, being sick with the grippe. Braheman Charley Wick man has been compelled to stay In his home on account ot tonisilltis. Trainmaster , Campbell ot FMge mont, S. D., spent Thanksgiving at home In Alliance with his family. Lewis Griggs, son of Superintend ent O. L. Gricrgs. spent Thanksgiving at home jrlth hla parent. Lewis UrU,a is attending tho university at Lincoln. Emmett Barrett Is off for a few days the first of this week on account of sickness. E. S.. Brauer, assistant yardmaster, la laying off to move his household goods to the building next door. Forrest Lape, foreman of the coach engine, is acting in the place of Mr. Brauer, while the latter moves his home. Harry Arrlson, foreman at the freight house, will lay off a few days soon to take a much needed va cation in Kansas City. Sunday afternoon two brakemen from the Sterling division met with somewhat painful injuries. Two way cars collided and shook up both men considerable. It was reported one man's teeth were knocked out, but the report could not be confirmed. Conductor R. C. Hoag has been laying off this week on account ot illness. Branegan R. U. Lang war. called to Lltcbfled this week on account of the death of his sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. G. Larson went to Denver last Saturday on business. IMPERIAL THEATRE Wednesday, Dec. 3rd '-. WMriU'SSKLL. SPECIAL "Six Feet Four" n 2. - 3M iiaie at a number of places In the city. We grind our own lenses. Drake A Drake, Optometrists. tf Mrs. Bert Duncan Is enjoying a visit froln her sister, Miss Alice Wil liams. Mies Thell spent the Thanksgiving vacation with friends at Buffalo Gap, Wyo. De Rlddcr, Louisiana, has excel lent opportunities for farmers, dairy men, stock raisers, fruit, nut, berry and garden growers. Excellent soil. Thousands of acres now selling at very low price, and easy terms. No hard winters. All year crops. North ern and eastern buyers now locat ing. Get your land now while It is chepa. Ten thousand dairy cows wanted to produce milk and butter for this fast growing and flourish ing southland. Writ Chamber of Commerce, De Ridder, Louisiana, for full particulars. 1 You need not ro to the trouble of Rending your hides away from Al liance. O'ltannon llroa. will buy all you have and pay the highest market price for them. In this way freight rates on small shipments will not consume all the profits. 52 The Misses Helen Newberry and Mildred Abbegg spent Thanksgiving with the brother' of the latter, Jake Abbegg, In Scottsbluff. A two fisted, Quick Shooting, Man'a man In the 100 per cent American Drama. A play of the open spaces where men love strongly, hate deeply, shoot quick ly, face deadly peril, ride like hell, cherish a friendship as they do their own honor. FROM THE FAMOUS NOV ML BY GREUOKY JACKSOIf COMEDY MACK BENNETT "TUKAT1NQ KM ROUGH" Matinee 10 ft 16c; Night 25 JSc Rough Dry, 8c per pound. Alli ance Steam Laundry. 52 Mr. and Mrs. John Burke re turned to their home in Angora, after spending several days in Alli ance at the home of the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Nolan. C. L. Dalby of Antloch was an Alliance visitor Friday. . Call 160. Rough Dry, 8c per lb. Alliance Steam Laundry. 52 Norman McCorkle left Friday for a week or two in Kansas City. Rev. II. J. May of llemingford was In the city Friday. A full assortment of Ovida Bassiers at your Service. Hlghland Holloway Co. Mrs. Fred Reeder, who Is teach ing school in Newcastle, Wyo., spent Thanksgiving visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Boyer. She re turned to Newcastle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Carlson left Friday for a two weeks' visit with relatives at Montpelier, Ia. Blanche Kibble left for Denver after spending Thanksgiving holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Kibble. Mrs. Gale Price of llemingford is spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Dickenson. Mrs. " Leon Mosher, who has been seriously ill for two or three weeks, is reported better Tuesday. Mrs. Nettle Coffman of Gllette, Wyo., is visiting her mother, Mrs. underwood. Blankets for the baby, $1.25, 11.85 and $2.50 at Highland-Hollo way Co. Kimonas for $3.50 to $20 at Higland-Holloway Co. Miss Florence Bruce and Miss Georgia Kelly, who are teaching scnooi at Antloch, spent Thanksgiv Ing and Sunday with Mrs. Fred Carl son. , . . Mr. Neighbor, principal of the scnooi at Antloch, has his tonsils re moved Friday. He returned to Antl och Saturday. Rev. j. Orrin Gould left for the Interchurch conference in Lincoln, to be there Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Rev. Mr. Kearns will also attend this conference. All the Inconvenience taken away., llrinjr Tour cow and honui hides to O'ltannon Bros. You get the advantage or the eastern market without the bother of making ship ment yourselves. 52 Harvey D. Hacker, repairman at the Burlington, has been sick for about ten days. He has some disease which resembles pneumonia. Roy Beckwlth has been feeling out or sorts for the last week or ten days. It is a cold he seems tn have difficulty in getting rid of. An enemy suspected Is half con auered. Do you think that vour vm are falling? See Bauman and See Better. Claude Renneau. treasurer nt the local American Leerlon. nnont Thanksgiving with his father, Henry Renneau, at Hot Springs, S. D. He attended a family reunion at which all the members of the family 'were present except one sister. J. M. Lledtke returned from Sanborn, la., where he has been working for about two months. He stopped here a few days and haa now gone on to Edgemont, S. D., tu visit ror a few days with Jack Ward. n expects to return later and accept a position wun the Alliance creamery. E. T. Lalng received a box of delicious persimmons from the home roms at Jerlco Springs. Mo. The writer ate his first persimmon from me package and called It exceedingly good. Frank Miller, rer-resentati of tne vvnite Motor Co., received a car load or white trucks. E. A. Fricke. state bank exam. iner, spent Tuesday in Alliance. J. A. Hunter is eiiiovins a visit from Lis brother. Bob, of Broken uow. Get your glasses when you want them. We grind them at once. B. G. Bauman, O. D. l Many a man looking for work nslpht find It if his vision wr nm 1 foetlve. See Bauman and See Better. ' Sweater Coats. RItdIo SwMtori and Slipovers, on sale now at Hlgh-litud-Holloway Co. ! ONE MINUTE STORE TALK "You (five women credit for having brains, the way you merchandise women's wear. There's too much of the idea that women buy without thinking. It's a re lief to see your effort in the right direction," said clever little woman. WHY BE SATISFIED WITH LESS THAN HARPER'S VALUE J T W. R. JIAIU'EU, Prop. HARPER'S VV. It. HAKI'LH, l'rop. SHOP EAItljY STORE CLOSES AT 6:00 P. M, SATURDAY, 8:00 P. M. Continuing for Wednesday Our Great Annual till jAJ I After Thanksgiving WOMEN'S GOA AND Sale - SUI AT Many lines from an extremely busy season's selling must now step aside. Regardless of value, we have reprised Into two great groups several hundred warm Winter Coats and Suits. We urge the advantage of early shopping Wednesday morning. 1W4 mans 9 Values up to $54.50 at $39.50 Sale values. From the standpoint of value this is the biggest Coat and Suit in Alliance a fact that is easily verified by comparison of Fur Collar Coats latonly $39.50 Many coats the majority of the coats in this sale have fur collars, and generous fur collars at that. The ma terials are unusual in quality, for instance, beautiful Pom Pom, Bolivia, Broadcloth, Polo Cloth, Silvertip, Kersey and fancy mixtures. Colors Navy, Brown, Black, Tan, Taupe, CopenFoch, Plum, Burgundy and Two-Tone color effects. - v.'., High Grade Suits -t Every woman can use to advantage one or more of the Suits in this sale. The styles are not extreme, but practical, including many with touches of fur, and the high grade materials alone art a great attraction Tricotine, Serge, Wool Velour, Silvertone, Broadcloth in all wanted autumn colors, Taupe, Brown, Tan, Copen, Foch, Navy, Black, Plum, Reindeer, Checks and Mixtures. ALL SALES FINAL NO RETURNS Women's Wearing Apparel, Entire Rear Section, South Building fern k f : m Women's Hosiery Complete Selections Comparison of values js directing he footsteps of discriminating buyers to this store. Women's Celebrated Effel Silk Hosiery We are pleased to announce that again we havA complete selections. Black, white, navy, Cordovan, African, beaver, gim metal i $1.30 to $2.50 Women's Effel Silk B'aced Hosiery Practical, serviceable, come in black, white, Cordovan, gun metal and now TIia nir at. i tV THE CASH STORE We Have No Charge Accounts. If You Do Not Believe it, Try and Open a Charge Account With Us. W. R. Harper. Prompt selection of holiday hosiery is advisable. Our stocks are now complete. V Women's Full Fashion Pure' Silk Hose Colors black, white, navy Cordovan, gray, smoke, African brown, Russian calf, mouse, sil ver, beaver $2.00 to $3.50 Women's Full Fashioned Pure Thread Silk Hose. Black with lace and black with embroidery clock at $350 pi SPECIAL NOTICE To Women Buying Hose for Men Here are largest selections of Effel Silk.Hosiery. Full fashioned, stripes, in novelty colors and solid sbmleK Prices range TVn's Silk Hose, Lisle and Cotton Hose, " Men's Wool Hose, 83c to $2.50 25c to $1.00 50c to $1.00 SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY ' W.-R. HARPER Big Store Department Store Alliance, Nebraska COMPARE OUR VALUES 'ALWAYS CORRECT APPAREL FOR' MEN AND WOMEN-