vi I 1 Enamel Ware Our stock of high grade White Reed enamel ware just filled and ready for your selec tion. The bestand most complete line of household and butcher knives in the city. General Hardware, Heaters and Ranges. .Try our Service ane Prices and become one of our satisfied customers. Hardware Co. Prompt and Courteous Service. Rliein 1 IN C3 I wish to rmnounee to the puMic tl: fit I nm no longer witli the Carroll Ulacksiiiitli Slio;). I have Inlun over the Nolston Huildintr, known as t!:e t aver (Jam-o, uiul am prepared (o han-.llo all ki'uls of Autogenous Welding The Imikling has been specially rcnrranjre! for this Idn-.l . of work. I make a specially of CAR FRAMES CYLINDER BLOCKS and TRANSMISSION CASES No Job is Too Small , No Job is Too Largo . 1 For Ky Best Work George 11. Breckner 118 WEST SECOND STREET A CLEAN FOOD yiiiton art awtyi wricoxn at th factory wher Goodh's Best IsicaiFffiM MACARONI i It aaada. It k eo f Ox lenet f ! f adkN m M tS world. Th macaroftl fa iaai and puked bj xtiAiamry and U rarer toueLod by huma ktndj. Sold in the Best Storea HAII.ItOAi) KOTI Geoie Llndomnn, a machinist at the round house, will upend Thanks giving with Dome of his friends at Crawford. Bud Weldenhelmer, formerly of the freight houBe force but now con nected with the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. I'aul railroad,, has been visit ing in Alliance the past few days. C. A. White of O. E. Tearson'a elan: in Omaha, has been visiting in Alliance a few days thl sweek. Italph McKenzle met with an ac cident Friday evening, which Incon venienced him considerably. In nome manner he wrenched his back while uncoupling a connection on the steam hone. He has been compelled' td lay off four days. It seems as though Italph must have lost his tabbit's foot lately. lie has hardly recovered from hla blackened optic acquired about a week ago, when this new trouble overtakes liltn. llill Clary, boiUrnmker at the Al liance Hhops, has boon tranfeired to Seneca. Ho and Mrs. Clary leave thin week to take up their residence In that place.- ' Mrs. M. E. Llston went to Craw ford Tuesday on S: 42 and returned Wednesday. J. 15. Dais, chief clerk at the yards, was the victim of a cruel combina tion of circumstances Thursday afternoon last. His friends have a strong desire to smile when the inci dent is mentioned but reports from the main participant nil indicate great discomfort during t ho larger part of the affair. It Feii.ia that the chief clei k had several tiias paved himself wenry steps by riding the frelpht tisiin to Ms place of work and then' pin c- fully M';-'..) in"; when the train sieved nj to i, tho air. Hut last Thursday t!i: enelneer r-eemed BntJ:-lWl wit!ithe nir find ftearneJ Bwiflly p-vst. the yardr,. Davis emslde'-ed ll. vi-y to rev.'.a'n oa the train, mid ns a r'svlt was far ri d to AiK-"ua. T!m ro he barely had ,t Liu e; to .-..irh c ri'.'i' en a return ing freipht, nnd tln-n o:-fy e:i an U tank. Oil tanks are necessary evils bet no! M?pufyrur for pas -cn-g-r tr.iaic. At !.'(. n he wjig nM to fxi-hi .' hi coH, U'KOnifortuble plate for one lu v;.y c:r, end lhv. returu-d to A Hi: ;:!:. Hi- friend:? ! pro quick to su -t a nor" pi en rant manner in which to kp :.! mi p. ft er r.irn cff. :-.irn. Elhli Worlhlns-'ton will spend Thankt-.jtivlng in Craw ford with fri. !!.::.. r. M. Scott, formerly of the yai l oi!a'.', !,;,s In i n f.u iiPDs for sev eral mouths, left Alli.-MH-f M -u lay to intend to wile bti.iiu. .- afi'u ira in Do M.)ie. l-j.. Airs. J. U. 1! :uh 1 ft on No. J 2 Momh.5 ni'. ht for i t Ir.vni, 111., to spend t.w o w eel's w'ih r l.'t:e:$. J. II. Fair, a freight house em ploye vi loi ri vice, ha.-; jet urned to work frii'.i his ef pjieymonia. lie still f ." l;i Hoiiewhut wenk but. honestly lil.s to be In the harness. Miss Myrtle Queen expects to spend ThankiT'ivlng in I-o'iner with friends. W. l Thiehoff, assistant general manager of the I!irl:n;:!oi, accom panied by his prviate secretary, C. I. Anderson, was in Alliance Monday morning en official business. They left for Denver Monday noon. Doc Williams, who has been off for three days on ucrount of sick ness, resumed his du'Ies Tuesday morning. MVs. Joe Kase and fdster, Edna Lewis, will spend Thanksgiving in Itavenna with relatives. Airs. Nels Ike, the wife of Boiler maker Ike, died at her home in Alli ance, 127 Yellowstone, Saturday niiiht, November 22. Three daugh ters from Lincoln and three sons from Casper, Sheridan and Lincoln respectively, were here to see their mother before the end. The remains were takep to Lincoln Monday. Bur ial will be in Wyuka cemetery. S. II. Cole, freight agent, expects to be out of quarantine the latter part. of this week, after a long siege of the smallpox. Conductor McKenzle laid off last Saturday, after several days harder work than usual, to get acquainted with bis family. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fleming, who have beei living with the former's parents Blnce the wedding in July, have been able to secure a home of their own and will commence house keeping for themselves. Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Stapleton had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. G3 A newspaper reporter, who was in clined to be lazy in his method of picking up news, met a brother re porter, who was as keen as the other was lazy. "Anything doing?" asked the lazy one. "I have a report that a man was choked to death in a res taurant, but I haven't learned his KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health is Worth Saving, and Some Alliance People Know How to Save It Many Alllr.nce people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the kidneys when 'they kiow these or gans need help. Weak kidneys are responsible for a vast amount of suf fering and ill health, but there is no need to Buffer nor to remain in dan ger. Use Doan's Kidney Pills a remedy that has helped thousands of kidney sufferers. The following statement leaves no ground for doubt. Mrs. S. O. Stapleton, Box 664, An tloch, Colo., aays: "I have been per manently cured of kidney trouble and Doan's Kidney Pills deserve sole credit for it. I certainly did suf fer severe pains in my back and felt run down in general. My head ached and affected my eyes. Doan's Kidney Pills proved to be the medicine I needed and I am pleaaed to Bay what they have done for me for the ben efit of any other kidney Bufferers." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get name yet," replied the other. "How did it happen?" asked the reporter, eagerly, scenting copy. "He was eat ing a piece of horse meat," was the reply, "and some one said 'Whoa!'" A few months ago the magazines carried large advertisements of sub stitutes for sole leather, and the substitutes were good, too. Now, all this advertising has been stopped. Wonder if the leather people have bought up these patents and taken the goods off the market. Buckshot. A Clock is a Fine Xmas Present You are fortunr.te in having Pitch a variety of fine clocks to choosefrom as the display at Thiele's. It coitaist3 of the lat est patterns in small nnd larj-'C timepieces an exceptionally complete stock at a time when there is acute shortage In far tory output. AMERICAN and I M POUTED CHIME CLOCKS Mantel Clocks.. $S.r,n to S?15.K. Trench Ivory Clecks, ".Oi to Abrrn Clec!;s, ftl.Vi to ... Chil'.e CI;"-'.?.-., t .'".-.. (hiistinps gifts uwfy o-i payment of a deposit. 1 i met J c el r y V,'n ( c 1 u I i i r, Urunsw Irl; l'lio-,)-;.',r po t Watch Inspectors C, 15. ii Q. AND I have several good propositions in Box Butte County Farms Prices range from 25 to 80 per acre Some of this land lias been sold as many as three times this season and each time has cleared as high as 10 per. acre for the owner. I have not sold a farm to a man this summer that has not made from ' 3,000 to 5,000. These opportunities will bear investigation. Your money cim juzi as vrcll cam these 1 returns. Let nie show you my list Real Estate A y ?, o vr "5J"" T"7T T "pts rT A X T Tr i ' ... i -.... ., i ' Will otitlnst several Me l tmhH tir Mveral tiHiks made from etli'-r fn;iti'fi:tt, nnd eo-t Ie. irioii.v. 'I lii'Sf tanks will keep lin- fitter cooler In Mmui'cr :;:id wimner In winter. , Send fur price li-t tol.iy. ' I 'l ill III," Atlas Tank Mfg. Co. -1 I .OtIS '. IIOISEN, Manager 1 KM V. O. W. Build ".n- Omah t, Nebraska m m -- i - m t- -l m i m m What you pay out your good money for is cigarette satisfactionand, my, how you do get it in every puff of Camels! EXPERTLY blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi nate bite and free them from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor. Camels win instant and permanent success with smokers because the blend brings out to the limit the refreshing flavor and delightful mel- R. X REYNOLDS TOBACCO low-mildness of the tobaccos yet re taining the desirable "body." Camels are simply a revelation I You may smoke them without tiring your taste! For your own satisfaction you must compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price. Then, you'll best realize their superior quality and the rare enjoyment they provide. COMPANY. Win.too-&kln, N. C