PAGE TWELVE THE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 27, 1919 ST.T ! NK1J11IKRH(MU NI7WH Mr. Spetman and family pent Sunday afternoon at the Auckermaa home. Mr. and Mrs. Lea Omel of Giltner were guests at th Frank Boas; home for a week. They left last Sunday. Mr. Rogers and family spent Sun day afternoo nat the Evans home. Mr. and Mrs. Brlttans were Sun day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Southwell. Mr. Bryant made a buslneaa trip to Lodee Tole last Thursday. Mr. De Shato started sowing lila trheat last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Behm Invited In a Tew of the neighbors Friday for din Her. The ladles tied comforts while Ihn men nlarcd frames. Mr. Kvnn3 finished threshing last Thtiradftv. The East Side rroRresalre club met at the home of Mrs. Rennet last Vednesday afternoon. The next meeting will be December 3rd at the home of Mrs. Frank Boag. i I DEATHS John Henry Render, for many Tears a resident of this county, died Monday evening at the home of his brother. Herman ' Render. The rnusn of death was catarrhal pneu monia, from which he has been a suf ferer for the rast ten years. Funeral services will be held from the home on Friday at 2 p. m. CARD OP THANKS I wish to express my appreciation to the friends who. through their many klndy acts, lightened the aor row of my recent bereavement. Es pecially do I wish to thank those who Bent Dowers. MRS. L. E. JOHNSON. -ran first iiaptist oiiuroii The First Baptist church la in this city for the benefit of everybody In terested In the uplift of its citizens In evefy relationship of life whatso ever. We believe that the church is In the world to make better cit izens, better neighbors, and better living conditions. We are interested In every activity that will make people happier and contribute toward their larger life program. It Is with these facts In mind that we Invite you to our various activities aa a church. You will find a "Home-like Church" when you enter our fellow ship, and will be invited to take an active part In every line of activity confronting us. Accordingly we In vite you to the following services next Sunday: Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Morning worslp at 11:00 o'clock. Young people's societies at 6:30 Evening worship at 7:30 o'clock. Good music for everybody, discus sion from the pulpit of the needs of the hour, and a hearty welcome to all. The "Home-like Church" on Seventh street and Laramie avenue. J. ORRIN COULD, Minister. EFFICIENCY SLIPS AWAY more easily thru faulty vision than any other way. When eyesight suffers, all other dependent senses must become impaired also. Bad vision tellB upon us both phys ically and mentally. KEEP EFFICIENT "Wo Make Our Own GIumos" II. a. IVAUMAX, O. D. Opera Block Alliance - Nebraska ATlock is a finh i It Has 'Always Been Our Aim To give to tho bereaved the most in service and equipment for their investment. Three licensed embalmers and full equipment await your call, day ' or night. Geo. D. Darling MOTOR AMBULANCE Day op Night. Phones Day, 139; Night 8, I 299, 933. W. R. HARPER. Prop. HARPER'S- W. R. ILVRPER, Prop. Why Help Pay the Expense of Bad Debts of Others? Buy for Cash Always SHOP EARLY STORE CLOSES AT 9:00 P. M. SATURDAY Wearing Apparel Headquarters Features Greatest Sale of Worn Suits Held in Recent Years Suits Worth to $59.50 at "T-JOW can you sell such suits at such 1 Aa price?" is the topic of the hour with every woman who has seen and compared the amazingly fine suits in this wonderful sale. In justice to yourself, don't miss the opportunity offered to secure another smart Fall and Winter Suit at less than the actual manufacturer's cost. Saturday's selling at $34.50, $45, $55 and $65 Surprising Range of Styles, Fabrics and colors; tailored, Long Jacket effects, Ripple Suits, Fur and Self Collars - and a host of other popular models. h ill V All Size, Regular and Stoat, up to 55. The Materials SILVERTONE TINSELTONE WOOL VELOUR FINE SERGE CHEVRON CLOTH BROADCLOTH TRICOTINE AND FANCY CHECKS The Colors NAVY BLACK OXFORD FOCH PEKIN DRAGON FLY TAN, BROWN TAUPE, CHECKS Women'a Wearing Apparel Entire Middle Section, South Side Extraordinary Demonstration Sale of Thanksgiving We feel that we have much to be thankful for and we take this occasion to thank our patrons for the generous patronage accorded us. We extend a cordial invitation to all to visit us and partake of the exceptional values to be had here. ' Wo Save $15 to $20 Saturday w $3450,o $49-50 Coats Save $15 to $20 Saturday A DEMONSTRATION that this store is not only coat style, but coat VALUE headquarter and it's an achievement to give values like these today, as comparison demonstrates. Will you save $15 to $20? that's the cold fact about attend ing this sale Saturday. Come. Save. High Grade Cloth Coats Silvertone, Tinseltone, Wool Velour,' Broadcloth and pile fabrics. Many with large Sealine, Nutria and Australian Opossum collars of self material. Full silk lined. A vast and CO A TA OMIXftl 4W.3U T0 .DU varied selection to choose from, at Silk and Wool DRESSES $34.50 to $98.50 Our dress expert has assembled a most alluring collection of mid season 6tyles in 6ilk and wool dresses. You must see them. For School Wear or Dress Children's Coats $9.85 to $24.50 Just the coats for school and dress wear are here heavy fabrics for warmth and lasting service. Half or full lined, 6elf and fur trimmed. Good seleotion of colors and fabric styles. $0.95 VALUES TO 914.85 A Wonderful Skirt Sale at Your opportunity to secure an extra 6kirt at a radical reduction from actual worth. Serge, Satins, Taffeta, Fancy Plaids, Tailored, Draped, Plaited, Embroidered. Colors Black, Navy, Brown, Taupe, mixtures. All sizes up to 24 to 38 waist band. VALUES TO 914.83 BATn ROBES FOR WOMEN (5.95, (6.95, $9.85 1 1 J L Big Store Cash Store vJJ FUR COATEES FUR SCARFS CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN " "