THE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLTAKCE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 20, 1919 rAGB FIVE Rough Dry, 8c per pound. Alli ance Steam Laundry. Call 160. Ilough Dry, 8c per lb. Alliance Steam Laundry. Carl Rockey spent the week end at the Trabert ranch. For Sale Small potatoes in bushel or half bushel lots, delivered In Alliance. Thone Birch 8133. 51 Trimmed and tailored Hat at cost at our place. lllghland-llollo-way Co. 51 Don't suffer with foot trouble. You can get Scholl's appliances at the Alliance Shoe Store. 51 J. W. Moss of the freight house force and his wife havo ben spend ing the past two weeks with relatives in Marshall, Mo. Experts In foot trot bios will serve you at the Alliance Shoe S'ore. Read the big national announcement today. 51 Alex M. Olds and Miss Grace Spealtnan, both of Hemingford, were issued a license to wed by Judge Tash on Tuesday of this week. Mission by Dominican Fathers Wynn and Thuente at the Church of the Holy Rosary, November 23 to 30 Inclusive. Hear these men. Every body welcome. The 164 Cleaners and Tailors carry the popular-priced Danforth Woolen Mills line of Men's Clothes. Suits made to order, $32 and up. You will be measured by an expert and your clothes will fit. Call and see line of samples. 51 D. E. Gantz, formerly salesman with the wholesale house In St. Louts, Mo., arrived In the city the first of the week and is now in the employ of the Golden Rule. Mr. Gantx had been acquainted with Mr. Barnett for some time. He plans to bring his wife to Alliance In the near future. The height of fashionable styles made into made-to-measure snappy serge and tweed suits; also over coats, at real moderate lving prices, $35.50 to $58.50. The Leeds Woolen Co., represented by-R, Bulger at the Eagle barber shop, 121 Box Butte avenue. 51 After a good many days of In activity, the police court got some action again Monday morning, when Police Judge Roberts assessed fines of $25 and costs against two colored men, Earl Johnson and Otis Jones, who had been taken in tow by Night Marshal Nova Taylor, who discovered them engaged In shooting crops. County Judge Tash has been kept busy the past few weeks issuing marriage licenses. As a rule, this nart of his duties does not take up a very large proportion of the Judge's time, but the past week or so tne li cense business has made a record Twenty licenses were issued during the last nineteen days, and in eleven of these, the Judge was called upon to perform the ceremony. E. L. Bishop and Secretary Jones, members of the Community club committee on the forming of a racing, circuit to take in nearby towns, expect to be able to report definite plans and arrangements at the coming meeting of the club's di rectors-. It has provea a aimcuu matter to arrange suitable railway schedules in this country of mag nificent distances between stations, but the committee, which has been working on the problem for some weeks, believe that a satisfactory so lution is near at hand. Hough Dry, 8c per pound. Alli ance Steam laundry. Call 16(. Hough Dry, 8c per lb. Alliance Steam Ijnundry. D. E. rurmton received some Chester White hogs Sunday which he purchased while In Ravenna. Treat yourself right. Save one third on your Coat at our place. Highland-Hollow ay Co. 51 Attorney J. E. Torter of Craw ford is attending the session of dis trict court this week. The 164 Cleaners are equipped to clean and press your clothes, alter them it necessary. Just call No. 164. The name Is the number. ' 51 In another column The Herald carries an announcement y Duncan & Son to the effect that they have purchased the Gaddis market in the same building and will hereafter conduct. Read their advertisement and profit by what it tells you. A smack at high cost of living! A Leeds Woolen or Uvally & Co., made-to-measure Suits and Overcoats at prices from $35.50 to $58.50. A trial will convince. A guaranteed fit. Call and inspect samples. R. Bulger, Eagle barber shop. 51 George Fennlng of Alliance Shoe Store has completed a course In practipedics, the science of giving foot comfort and correcting the cause of foot troubles. He will be able to give expert advice on fitting of Dr. Scholl's foot comfort appliances. The Alliance Shoe Store Invites you to call for free examination. 61 One of the largest and most im portant sales in the history of Ne braska was held at the Hamilton ranch last Monday. It was very well attended, considering the condition of the road. Thirty-five hundred acres of land were sold In one tract at $8.25 per acre. The farm imple ments and livestock brought a good price. Frank Mulloy, formerly an Alli ance ranchman, but now living in the south sandhills, visited friends In Alliance Wednesday and Thursday. B. A. Munson of Aurora Monday evening concluded a visit of several days' duration in Alliance, where he spent some days with his son, A. R. Munson, an employe of The Herald, and in Sterling, Colo., where he vis ited with two brothers. Mr. Munson conducts a good sized furniture es tablishment in Aurora, and while not a printer, managed to render con siderable valuable assistance in the closing hours of our work on the M. E. Conference minutes, published by The Herald's Job department. He recalls another time when he assisted printers In need, years ago, when the Watklns boys were in Blue Hill instead of Hastings, he and a brother manufactured their first printing press for them. He had a pleasant time during' the whole of his vaca tion, and the whole Herald force re gretted to see him leave. A son was born to County At torney ana Mrs. iee iiasye on Wednesday morning of this week, and Lee has been passing around a box of particularly fragrant cigars. The youngster has not been named as yet, so presumably suggestions are in order. J. H. Carroll of the freight house has been 111 for a few days the first of the week, but was back on the Job Wednesday morning. Rough Dry. 8c per pound. Alli ance Steam Laundry. I carry a full line of Hawlclgh Product. W. M. Cut to, at Fairmont Creamery Co. lct one of those Fur Trimmed Coatn at our place. Highland-Hollo-way Co. 51 There is no need of sending your clothes out of Alliance for cleaning and pressing. The 164 Cleaners are equipped with modern machinery which is operated by ex perts. The name Is the number. Call No. 164. ,- 51 Call at the Eagle barber Bhop and view those factory-to-customer samples of Suits and Overcoats pro duced by the Leeds Woolen Mills. Prices, $35.5,0 to $58.50. We guar antee to please. Represented by R. Bulger. 51 L. N. Hubliti was a pleasant caller at The Herald office Wednes day morning, leaving a renewal sub scription during his stay. His son, Harvey, will be home for good along about the first of March, and they are waiting the time as patiently as may be. Harvey spent over two years in the service of Uncle Sam, a year of it in this country and an other year In France, from which country he returned a few months ago. He is now engaged in the rev enue service in New York city, but plans to quit within a few months and return to Alliance. Call 160. Rough Dry, 8c per lb. Alliance Steam Laundry. Treat yourself light. Save one third on your Coat at our place. Ilighlaml-llolloway Co. 61 Don't suffer with foot troubles. You can get Scholl's appliances at the Alliance Shoe Store. 61 A new linoleum haB been or dered for the offices of the Com munity club. I. S. Johnson was In from his ranch Sunday and dropped in this office for a brief chat. He says that under the beneficent management of rat roads by the government, ship ments of livestock haB become a source oj diversion and recreation for brakemen. Some weeks ago, he was shipping cattle at the same time as Henry Hier was shipping. The cars were placed at 3 o'clock for loading, one of Henry's steers Jumped the boards and hit the high places over the hills. Cowmen took after the gentleman cow and the brakeman, desirous of trying his hand at cow punching, borrowed Mr. Johnson's horse and saddle and the train waited for the return of Henry's steer and the brakeman before getting started. As a result of this uelay, he was compelled to unload and feed at Lin conl, with the additional cost of $24, when the train proceeded on its Jour ney to omana, arriving mere Wednesday afternoon. He is not sure whether the government 1b op erating trains for recreation cf brakemen or for the purpose of sell ing hides and bones to the packing companies, the flesh having dwindled from the cattle while enjoying their three days' ride, but he does knew that under the present system, the source for taking complaints is to the Almighty, there being no human willing to acknowledge responsibil ity for receiving complaints. Mr. Johnson says he would be willing to acknowledge the advantage of this beautiful system of transportation, if the loss fell on the other fellow, but it seems quite outrageous to him. Antloch NewB. Hough Dry, 8c per pound. ance Steam laundry. Alii- GRANDMA NEVER LET . HER HAIR GET GRAY She Kept Her Locks Dark and Glossy, with Sage Tea and Sulphur. Wren you darken vour nalr wKlaSecre Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, be cause it's done so naturally, so evenly. rrepanng this mixture, though, at homo is muy and troublesome. For 60 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready io-use preparation, improved by the, addi tion of other ingredients, called Wyeth Sage and Sulphur Compound." You lust dampen a sponge or aoft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and. after an other application or two, your hair be comes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no disgrace, is a sign of old age, and as we all de sire a youthful and attractive appear ance, gel busy at once with Wyeth's Sags and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. This ready-to-use preparation is a delightful toilet requisite and not a medicine. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. It Is Not Too Early to begin thinking of your Holiday purchases. One gift very often overlooked by the busy buyer, but nevertheless greatly appreciated by the recipient is a beautifully designed and worded Chaistmas Card or Christinas Motto We have a large selection containing many artistically decorated cards and mottos which give genuine Christmas cheer. The mottos are framed and make possibly a more lasting remembrance. Mann Music and Art Co. Alliance National Bank Building. The telephone company has wages to pay and supplies to buy. Both these expenses are far above what they were a few years ago. Hence, rates must be higher now if satisfac tory telephone service is to be furnished. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY jfina out ims weeK How to Have Comfortable Feet Whatever Your Trouble it Can be Relieved If you are one of the millions of persons who are suffering from foot troubles, you'll be interested in the week of November 17-22! For months we have been making special preparations for this week! For months Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, the internationally known authority on foot troubles, has been co-operating with us in prepar ing for this one week! Together, we have been working to make it mark the beginning of a new standard of foot comfort service-a service for all who suffer from foot troubles, with the character of a specialist's help, yet available to the millions a service that should seek first to relieve, then to correct the cause of the wrong condi tion indeed, a new standard of foot comfort service. FOR TIRED, ACHING FEET Dr. Scholl's Foot Easer eases the feet, body, and nerves. A simple scientific appliance worn inside the shoe that distributes and equalizes the weight of the body. It gives a springy sup port to the arch; relieves tired, aching feet, cramped toes, and weak arches; and prevents "flat foot." Dr. Scholl's Foot Easers are made in sizes for men, women and children. There is a Dr. Scholl appliance or remedy for every form of foot trouble. . They Can Ho Worn in YOUR Shoe. You don't need to buy new ones. Two Graduate Practipedists To this ideal the experience of a specialist's life time has been given. Here you will find two graduate Practipedists foot experts trained in Dr. Scholl's methods who understand your foot trou bles. They will demonstrate to you the scientific way of giving them relief and correction. As always, this demonstration is free. Find out, this week, how you can have comfortable feet! Examination Means No More Embarrassment Than Fitting Shoes The Alliance Shoe St ore