The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 20, 1919, Page PAGE FIFTEEN, Image 15

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Fat Cattle Genera ly Steady
Common Stu f Lower
Liberal Run of Sheep and Lambi and
Trade S'-w With Value. Ranging
From About SterHy to Fully a Quar.
ter Lower Feeder Oradea Hold
Steady With Last WeeK.
Union Stock Yarns, South Omnha,
Neb., Not. 18, 1919. The w. fk nrns
with a liberal run of cattle, li,uoi)
Head, largely belated western ran iters
On both corn-feds and rangers suitable
lor beef the market lieid Meady and
the tame was true of the desirable
feeders. Medium and common srutf
was slow and unevenly lower.
quotations on cattle: Choice to
prime beeves, $19.50 IMx); kooI to
choice beeves, $13,500 ir.00; fair to
rood beeves, $12.00018.00; common to
fair beeves, $10.50 11.RO; choice to
prime yearlings, $16.00 17.50; fcood to
choice yearlings, $13.50015.00; fair to
good yearlings, $12.00013.00; common
to fair yearlings, $10.000 12.00; good
to choice heifers, $8.50010.50; choice
to prime cows, $8.000900; fair to
good cows, $6.5007.50; cutters, $5.50
6.25; canners, $5.0005.50; veal
calves, $7.00014.25; bologna bulls,
$5.2507.00; beef bulls, $0.5008.50;
choice to prime heavy feeders, $11.50
12.50; good to choice feeders, $10.00
11.00 ; medium to good feeders, $8 00
9.50; common to fair feeders, $7.00
8.00; good to choice stockers, $10.00
11.00; fair to good stockers, $8.00
0.50; common to fair stockers, $0.00
T.50; stock heifers, $6.0008.00; stock
cows, $5.5007.00; stock calves, $!tX)0
10.50; choice to prime grass beeves.
$13.00 15.00; good to choice grass
beeves, $11.00012.50; fair to good
grass beeves, $9.00010.50; common to
fair grass steers, $7X009 00; Mexl
cans, $7.0008.50.
Hoga 8teady to Weaker.
A very fair Monday's run of hogs
showed, about 6,400 head, and they
sold readily at prices that were very
little lower than Saturday. Tops
brought $14.79, and bulk of the trad'
lng was at $14.35014.60.
Lambs Sell 25o Lower.
The run of sheep and lambs was
rather liberal, 23,000 head, and general
trend of values was lower all along
the line. Fat stock ruled weak to 25c
lowerthan last week, while feeder
grades were generally unchanged.
Quotations on sheep and lamhs::
Lambs, good to choice, $14.25014.75;
lambs, fair to good, $14.00 14.23;
fleshy feeders, $13.50 13.00; good 10
choice feeders, $13.00 13.50; fair to
good feeders, $12.50 13.00; cull lambs,
$9.00011.00; yearlings, $10.25 11.60;
wethers. $9.00010.00; ewes, good to
choice, $7.7508.25; ewes, fair to pond,
17.2507.75; good feeding ewes. $0.23
6.75: ewes, culls and canners, $3.00
-5.00; breeding ewes, $7.50013.50.
Notice to the owners of property
within Paving District No. 3 of the
City of Alliance, in Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska, the said district includ
lng and embracing the following de
scribed property, to-wlt: Lots 1 to
C Inclusive, block 9, original town
of Alliance, Nebraska, and lots 13
to 18 inclusive, block 10, original
town of Alliance, Nebraska; lots 12
to 29 Inclusive In County Addition
to the City of Alliance, Nebraska;
lots 1 to inclusive In block 7 sec
ond addition to the City of Alliance,
Nebraska; lots 1 to C inclusive block
8, second addition to the City of Al
liance, Nebraska; lots 1 to 9 inclu
sire, block 3 second County Addition
to the City of Alliance, Nebraska;
lets 4 to IS inclusive, block L, Ne
braska Addition to the City of Alli
ance, Nebraska; lots 7 to 11 inclu
sive, in block 4, second County Addi
tion to the City of Alllanoe, Nebras
ka; lota 5 to 4 inclusive, block A,
Sheridan Addition to the City of Al
liance, Nebraska, and south half of
lot 8 and lots 4 'to 5 lncl naive, block
If, Nebraska Addition to the. City
of Alliance, Nebraska.
To are hereby notified that said
paving district No. $, which includes
and embraces the property above de
scribed, has been treated by pas
sage, approval, and publication of
Ordinance No. 167 of the ordinances
of the City of Alliance, Box Butte
County, Nebraska, aa provided by
Tou are farther notified that if the
owners of the record title represent
ing a majority of the abutting prop
erty owners In such district, shall
file with the City Clerk within twen
ty days from the first publication of
this notice, written objections to the
. P 1 1 & V DUIU UUBLl 1 V k, MUM . I. v. v. mm.
t snail not do done in aucn district
4Tb.J IM M I VT. Kilt
Laald ordinance No, 167 shall be re
pealed. If such objections be not
tied against such district in the time
and manner aforesaid, the mayor
and city council will forthwith pro
ceed to construct such paving.
In advertising for bids for such
paring, the mayor and council may
provide for bids on different ma
terials, and types of construction,
and shall in addition provide for ask-
lng bids on any material or materials
V which may be suggested by petition
of the owners of record title repre-
sentlng 2$ per eent of the abutting
property owners in such dlstrlet, if
such petition U filed with the City
' Clerk before advertlsment for bids J
Is ordered. On the opening of bids
for paving in each paving district
the mayor and council shall post
pone action thereon for a period of
not less than ten days. During said
period of postponement the owners
of record title representing a major
lty of the abutting property owners
In such district, may file with the
City Clerk a petition for the use of
a particular material for paving, in
which event a bid on that material
shall be accepted, and the work be
done with that material. In case
such owners fail to designate the ma
terial to be used in such paving in
the manner, and within the time
above provided, the mayor and coun
cil shall determine upon the material
to be used, provided the mayor and
council may In any event at its option
reject all bids and re-advertise, If in
Its Judgment the public interest re
The streets and avenues abutting
upon said property within such dis
trist to be paved, unless objections
are made in the manner and form
above stated, are as follows: All
that portion of Box Butte Avenue
In said city between the south line
of Fifth Street, and the north line
of Tenth Street: all that part of
Fifth Street situated between the
west line of lot 21 County Addition
to the City of Alliance, if extended
south to intersect said Fifth street,
and the east line of lot 22 County
Addition to the City of Alliance, if
extended south to intersect . Fifth
Street; all that part of Sixth Street
situated between the west line of
lot IS County Addition to the City
of Alliance, If extended south to In
tersect Bald Sixth Street, and the east
line of lot 24 in County Addition to
the City of Alliance, if extended
south to Intersect said Sixth Street;
all that part of Seventh Street sit
uated between the west line of lot
12 County Addition to the City of
Alliance, if extended north to inter
sect said Seventh Street, and the east
line of lot 27 County Addition to the
City of Alliance, if extended north
to intersect said Seventh Street; all
that part of Eighth Street situated
between the west line of lot 6 block
8, second addition to the City of Al
liance, if extended south to intersect
said Eighth Street, and the east line
of lot 29, County Addition to the
City of Alliance, if extended south
to interesect said Eighth Street; all
that part of Ninth Street situated
between the west line of lot 9, block
3 second County Addition to the City
of Alliance, if extended south to in
tersect said Ninth Street, and the
east line of lot 4 block L, Nebraska
Addition to the City of Alliance, if
extended south to intersect said
Ninth, Street, and all that part of
Tenth Street situated between the
west line of lot 4 block A, Sheridan
Addition to the City of Alliance, if
extended south to intersect said
Tenth Street, and the east line of lot
5, block M, Nebraska Addition to the
City of Alliance, If extended south
to intersect said Tenth Street
The date of the first publication
of this notice is October 30th. 1919
A meeting of the mayor and coun
cil of said City of Alliance will be
held In the council chamber of said
city on the 9th day of December,
1919, at 8 o'clock p. m. to consider
such objections as may be made and
filed as heretofore provided
Dated this 29th day of October,
Attest .
City Clerk
(SEAL) '
Notioe is hereby given that by vir
tue of a Judgment of partition and
order of sale made in the case where
in William James Price, Ada Prioe
Stewart, Dollie Price. Ellis and Nellie
Price are plaintiffs and Ida Price
Clawson, Ira Clawson, her husband,
Robert Price, Robert Charles Spray
a minor, and Myrtle Price Pursel
and Roy Pursel, her husband, and
Robert Warren Price and Eva Price,
his wife, and Daisy Price Porter and
Ray Porter, her husband, are defend
ants by the Honorable E. B. Perry,
Judge of the District Court of Fron
tier County, Nebraska, in which
Court said action is pending, said
order of sale being made on the 9th
day of October, 1919, during the Oc
tober A. D. 1919 term of said Court;
that the undersigned referee, II. D.
Kempton, for that purpose being
duly appointed by said Court on said
date will sell at public vendue to the
highest bidder for cash, at the front
door of the post office in the Tillage
of Alliance, Jox Butte County Ne
braska, in the afternoon of the 2nd
day of December, 1919, at the hour
of two o'clock, the following de
scribed real estate so directed by said
Judgment of partition and order of
sale to be sold:
The southwest Quarter of section
eleven, township fifty-six, range fifty
two, west of the 6th P. M., in Box
Butte County, State of Nebraska.
The terms of said sale to be cash,
one the date of sale. Said sale to
remain open for one hour.
Dated this 25th day of October,
II. D. KEMPTON, Referee.
Latham ft Schroeder, Attorneys. 52
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Offlee at Alliance, Nebraska,
October 1th, lilt.
NOTICX Is hereby glTen that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land office, under provi
sions of Acts of Congress approved
June 27, 1906 (14 Stats., 617), and
March 2, 1907 (14 Stats., 1224),
pursuant to the application of Albon
B. Hall, Serial No. 018621, we will
offer at publie sale, to the highest
bidder, but at not less than $4.00
per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the
15th day of December next, at this
office, the following tract of land:
SWU SWU of section 34, township
21,' north of range 49, west of the
Sixth principal meridian.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advised
to file their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated for
sale. '
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
J. C. MORROW, Receiver.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
October 8th, 1919.
NOTICE Is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provi
sions of Acts of Congress approved
June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517). and
March 2, 1907 (14 Stats., 1224),
pursuant to the application of Albon
B. Hall, Serial No. 018618, we will
offer at public sale, to the highest
bidder, but at not less than $4.00
per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the
15th day of December next, at this
office, the following tract of land:
SW SE of section 10; NW14
NEVi of section 15, township 22,
north of range 49, west of the Sixth
principal meridian.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advised
to file their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated for
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
J. C. MORROW, Receiver.
Taken up, ontthe premises of the
undersigned, located four miles east
of Alliance, known as the James W.
Breckner farm, on or about August
15, two spring calveB, red, spotted
face, without brand or other marks
of Identification. Owner may have
same by proving property, paying for
keep and expense of advertising.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, . Neb., Oct.
28, 1919.
Notice Is hereby given that, as di
rected by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provisions
of Acts of Congress approved June
27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), and March
2. 1907 (34 Stats., 1224), pursuant
to the application of Maurice S. Pet
erson, Serial No. 018697, we will of
fer at public Bale, to the highest bid
der, but at not less than $3.75 per
acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 24th
day of December next, at this office.
the following tract of land:
Lot 3, Section 18, Township 22
North, Range 45 West, NE4SE
Section 13, township 22 North,
Range 46 West of the Sixth Principal
Any persons clatming adversely
the above-described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.
55 T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
Louis A. Twllegar, single, to John
Wickman, lot 1, block 1, Hitchcock,
Hills and Sndeker'a addition to Al
liance, $1,200.00.
. Elizabeth Kroll, widow, to Ida
Wykoff, lot 10, block 7. original
town of Alliance, $1,300.00.
Edwin Mattsen, single, to Chester
A. Ross, SEVi 10-28-47, $2,333.33
Albert L. Mattsen, single, to Ches
ter A. Ross, 8W of 15-28-47, 12.-
Villum A. Mattsen, single, to Ches
ter A. Ross, NE14 of 15-28-47, 2.-
George F. Baker and wife to Julia
Forsstrom, lots 13 and 14, block 35,
town of Hemlngford, $1,500.00.
Samuel O. Hackenberg. and wife
to John Cava&augh, lot 10, block 1,
South Alliance, $290.00.
Earl S. Wright and wifo to W. S.
Acheson, lot 9, block 4, Fairriew ad
dition to Alliance. $100.00.
Martin Joseph Manion and wife to
George E. Schneider, SW of 12-27-
48, $9,800.00.
George W. Nation and wife to
Claudia B. Dole, lot F, subdivision of
lot 2, county addition to Alliance,
Ida M. Jaqua and husband to C.
F. Miller, E of lots 7 and 8, block
2, original town of Alliance, 12,
650.00. Frank Krejcl and wife to Louis
Kettleman, NEK of 14-27-47, 14.-
Thomas J. O'Keefe and wife to
Jay O. Walker, EH 12-25-48, 120,-
Susan Irene Hall and husband to
Jay O. Walker, NEVi of 2 (-2 5-4 9.
Lincoln Land company to Edmund
G. North, lot 1, block 25, Box Butte
addition to Alliance, $200.00.
Edmund G. North and wife to Wil
liam A. Coleman, lot 1, block 26,
Box Butte addition to Alliance,
Earl E. Baker and wife to J. A.
Gregory, Eft of SICK of 19-15-69,
Daniel Dunn, single, to Conrad
Borstron, third 50 feet WVi of block
15, second addition to Alliance, 1,
660.00. George W. Wlltsey and wife lo
Henry Rath, lot 3, block 4, Hemlng
ford, $4,000.00.
John J. Smith, slnple, to Charley
Macak, lot 24, block 11, Hem'ngford,
At a sale In Montreal of the stage
effects of the recently deceased actor,
Sir Herbert Tree, the royal crowns
of kings and queens brought four
pounds apiece, and a local poet was
Inspired to write the following
Oh, who would be a sceptered knig
And sit upon a throne,
In regal duds, to strut about,
What time one's humble subjects
Or (maybe) hiss or groan.
To be addressed as "Good ray liege,"
By all the common clay
Were rapture, so It seems to me:
Well, here's an opportunity,
For crowns are cheap today!
Why should not every profiteer
A Jeweled scepter wave?
For though 'tis not their cue to boast,
They boss the world and rule the
' The public is their slave.
Though czars and kaisers are deposed
For ever and a day,
We've still got knavish autocrats
In nobby'sult sand shiny hats:
These be our kings today!
Let's stick on profiteering heads
An eighty-shilling crown,
Mean knlvishness to advertise.
Commercial greediness and lies,
When they appear in town.
And let this legend be affixed
To every crown, I say,
"This bauble fits a loathsome thing
A scurvy knave who'd be a king
And rule the land, today!"
Japan didn't fight in the war like
some, but she was clever enough to
get part of the spoils. Record.
Real Estate, Loans and Insur
ance. .. E. REDDISH, KecKUM
Block. 15-tf-0727
Bended Abstracter
I hare the aly eet ! Akatraat
Books la Bex Batta Caaatr.
First National Rank Bldg.
Dr. King's New Discovery
soon starts you on the road
to recovery
ONCE tried, always used. That's
a trite expression, but one never
more applicable than it is to
Dr. King's New Discovery.
You will like the prompt, business
like way it loosens the phlegm-congested
chest, soothes the tortured throat,
relieves an old or a new cold, grippe,
cough, croup.
The kiddles can take It In perfect
safety, too. No bad after-effects.
Standard half a century. 60c. and
$L20 a bottle. At your druggist 1
Don't Continue Constipated
Don't let your bowels bulldoze your
system. Make them function regularly
keep the body cleansed of waste
matter with Dr. King's New Life rills.
Biliousness, sick headache, sour
stomach, indigestion, dlziiness, furred
tongue, bad breath think of the em
barrassments and discomforts trace
able to constipation. How easily
thev'r. rCt1fl1 r,v t h swrHiciftnal nmrnm
of Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Move
wie uuweis smoomjy out surety, xry
them tonight. All druggists 23c. as
Childhood days are happy days to the robust
child; they are intended to be days of growth.
mm m
brings to a child that is not thriving, power that sustains
strength substance that determines growth. Scott'
is concentrated tonic-nourishment which is readily assim
laiea ana transmuted into strength.
Give Scott's Emulsion to growing children often.
lliJinikrE?;' in N.orwV our mmm America
Laboratories. It Ui guarantee of purity ami paUUbilty unsurpassed.
Snot H vnvmfVM. I. J. "-t
First National Bank Bldg.
J. A. PIERCE, Dist. Mgr.
Ingaranee for the mole Family-L-Ages 12 to CI.
WANT TO ntlT something;? Hun
dred of popl weekly acan thtaa
want ad column looking for
what you or other hava to ofTcr.
Get quirk result by advartUIng
In Th Herald Wnt Ad depart
ment WANTED A maid; elderly lady pre
ferred; to take care of little girl,
three years old. and general house
work. Phone 200. tf
WANTED 6 bright, capable ladles
to travel, demonatrata and baIi
dealers. $25.00 to $50.00 per week.
Kail road fare ra1d. Writ at mm.
uinaua, Nebr. 40-tf-ll5
FOR SALE 400 acre improved
rancn, z miles from Antloch; 50
acres in crop; 91 acres of hay: bal
ance good range. An ideal dairy and
poultry rarm to supply city of An
tloch. Ready market fpr all pro
duce. Far partlcalars see or writs
Thomas-Bald Investment Co., Al-
nance. 4S-tf-824
TEAM, harness and wagon for sale,
mono C24. wm. Davidson. tf
modern house. 2 lots. Nettle M.
Campbell, Phono 712, SOI Cheyenne
Ave. 4t-tf-Slll
Kotlce to Hooters.
Keep off my raneh this fall and
save trouble for me and both trouble
and expense for yourself. J. R.
PIIELAN. 4t-12t-$181
WANTED To Rent Four or five
room, unfurnished house. Phone
13. tf
WANTED Barber $23 guarantee,
. must be steady man. Brown's,
Belle Fburche, S. D.
FOR SALE Good standard make
touring. In excellent shape. F. A.
BALD, phone 308 or 47$, Alliance, tf
FOR SALE First class vulcanising
outfit. Gas or Gasoline. Priced to
sell. Write for full narttculara.
WeBtern Vulcanising Co., Hastings,
Neb. go
WANTED 5 bright, capable ladles
to travel, demonstrate and sell
dealers; $25 to $50 per week; rail
road fare paid; write at once. Good
rich Drug Co., Dept. 786, Omaha,
Neb. 63p
FOR SALE Cured Sweet Potatoes,
fancy Quality, good keepers, bu.
hampers, $1.75; lots of ten. 81. C5:
Express Is $1.15. Shell Bark Hick
ory Nuts, per bu. $3.00; Pecans. 25c
per lb. All guaranteed good. Send
check. Wlckham Berry Farm. Salem.
Neb. Bio
Another J6ke From Washington
Another one of the funny things
that come out of Washington is the
advice for everybody to take an ax
and go out and chop a lot of hickory
and oak wood and bid defiance to
the coal man. The boss of this paper
was born and raised in the deep,
dark, tall timber hickory and oak
predominating. But, today there is
not hickory and oak enough left in
the county to make kindling wood.
Out here, on these vast prairies that
stretch from the Mississippi river to
the Rocky mountains, we have our
towns, called by the warm and shady
sounding names of Oak Hill, Hickory
Siding. Maple Valley, Walnut Ridge
and other tlmberlferous cognomen
but you can travel for miles in every
direction from any one of them and
not find wood enough to kindle a
campflre. No wonder a lot of us
are getting so we want to make the
Yuma desert look as though it was
frozen up whenever we get an In
voice of this advice from the college
boys, financial failures and investi
gation maniacs who get elections
and appointments to go down to
Washington and tell the country how
to run itself. Record.
Arthma and Hay Frver
Kye, fr, Nose onl Throat
Piioivn say ,
CaH aaawtreS fraaa OBlae Sar aa
Not Medicine Not Surgery
... Not Osteopathy
Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey
... Chiropractor
Graduate Palmer School
Trlrhn SOS Wilson lluildlng
Alliance . . . . Nebraska
Physician and Bargeea
218 1-2 Box Butt
AlUaava, Hcbrnaka
oai ses rmUmmi m
rkystclan and Borgeon
Office orer Tlolstea Stotw
Oflee rnooe 87 nesUeskse BU
Medicine and Surgery
Specialty t Eye, Bar, lose,
Throat and Langs
Glasses Carefully Fitted
Office in Mallery Block
Phones t
Office, 104 1 Residence, 198
Nitrous Conductlre
Oxide Anesthesia
Alliance Nebraska
"Lt Ma C17 far Ta" 1
Farm Sales a Specialty
Teraaa Rraaaaabl
PHONE 114 AlUaaca. Nakraaka
Harness Hand Made
Beat Material. Oatlaat lat
r.rr Mas. . cij til
Haraaaa Ra4ri.c , mJLJu
m4 UtratM M.k.r
At M. M. It. Blebala Sta4
We bare eaulpped our dray
ons and auto truck with tae latest
apprAsces for mortag faraitars
witnout soariina or scratch! w a.
lng damage. UpHo-date wagon. 4b
will be used by as on all sdotIbi
lobs. JOHN R. SNTDER. Phone la.
W. j. LEO
Dunt, CsV. $cfc Vati tVhp fc
it at the bottom o! most
digestive ills.
tor Indigestion afford pleas,
ing and prompt relief from
the distress of acid-dyspepsia,
sat MSjssBcae. vjeisMaes fmbbmbb Jmbmbs mbbbmsmi VbsMmm
1 - - -I, - -
F. VVrr . rHlTJK . a