THE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, koVKiirTTalF f DR. JAMES P. MAXFIELD DENTIST Special Attention Paid to Oral Hygiene and Diseases of the Mouth X-Ray Diagnosis Gas - and Anesthetics Administered Lady Assistant Clean Teeth Never Decay Opera House Block- Telephone 525 QLEN MILLER Undertaking PARLORS 128 West Third Street Telephone Day 311 Night 522 Red 520 MADE GOOD RECORD IN SAFETY FIRST DRIVE Burlington IUnks High in Nation wide Competition to Iteduce Railroad . Accidents The two-weeks accident preven tion drive, in which all the railroads In the United States entered Into a competition, ended October 31, and while complete figures are not avail able, indications are that the Burl ington system made an excellent rec ord. It is estimated that it will take several days before the final returns can be tabulated, but late reports during the closing days of the drive 'were most encouraging to the hopes of Burlington men and officials. The record made by the Burling ton system shows a reduction of '83 per cent in accidents over the same two-week period of the preceding year. Seven divisions reported no accidents during the two weeks. La Crosse, Burlington, Ottumwa, Cen tervllle, Wymore and Sterling. The Alliance division is one of five which reported one accident. The other four are the Aurora, Hannibal and Creston divisions and the Kansas City terminal. The Galesburg, Beardstown, St. Joe, Omaha, Sheridan and Casper dl Tislons reported two accidents. The McCook division sanks next with three, and the worst record was made by the Brookfleld division, which re ported one killed and three Injured. The totals for the two weeks of the drive were one killed and twenty- five injured. During the same period last year, there were two killed and 148 Injured. This means that there was a total reduction on the Burl ington system alone amounting to 83 per cent. This is a remarkable showing, and every man on the system can find cause for congratulation in the rec ord made. Following are the com plete figures for the drive: C. B. & Q. returns on the accident prevention drive: October 13 to 31, by Divisions LaCrosse division, 100 per cent prevention. Burlington division, 100 per cent prevention. Ottumwa division, 100 per cent prevention. Centerville division, 100 per cent prevention. Lincoln division, 100 per cent pre vention. Wymore division, 100 per cent prevention. St. Louis terminal, 100 per cent pre vention. Shops at Aurora, West Burlington, Havelock and Plattsmouth, 100 per cent prevention. ONE ACCIDENT Aurora division, brakeman, kicked by drawbar. Hannibal division, machinist, struck in ead by chisel. Creston division, brakeman, struck by assenger train. Alliance division, freight handler, struck by passenger train. Kansas City Terminal, brakeman, fell out of his bunk. TWO ACCIDENTS Chicago, truck laborer, pushed 1- x ' Bit Select the Memorial Best adapted to the surroundings of your cemetery lot.Write us for our plans. PAINE-FISHB URN GRANITE COMPANY Grand Island, Nebraska rubble on foot; freight handler, fell olr loading bridge. Galesburg, brakeman, fell off load ing bridge; pipe fitter, scalded by blow-off cock St. Joseph, engineer, fell off en gine running board; freight handler, struck by truck. Omaha, brldgeman, fell from bridge; brakeman, struck by truck too close to track. Sheridan, fireman, turned ankle getting down from engine; fireman, injured in collision. Casper, switchman, finger off coupling cars; bollermaker's helper, machine fell on him. THREE ACCIDENTS Beardstown, section laborer, Jack flew up and hit him; section laborer, rail fell on foot; conductor, let cast ing drop on foot." McCook, car carpenter, side of car fell on him; brakeman, two fingers off coupling cars; line man, strained back lifting pole. FOUR ACCIDENTS Brookfleld, hastier, killed, caught between coal shute apron and cab of engine while loading; passenger brakeman, stepped off moving train; fireman, fell against shaker bar while shaking grates; brakeman, got off engine and fell from viaduct. Total accidents to employes One killed, twenty-six in Jured. Same period last year: Two killed, 148 injured. Reduction: 83 per cent. E. W. SWITZER, Superintendent of Safety. llOWLES L1VTC STOCK RETORT The Bowles Live Stock Commis sion company of South Omaha, in their latest advices regarding the live stock situation, have this to say: "Cattle receipts this week at all markets are very liberal, consisting mostly of every kind except good to choice kinds. As i.sual during this range 'clean-up' week, the trade Is more or less choppy ana the range In prices wider and more unsatis factory. "Prices for the general run of stockers, feeders, butchers' stock and common to fair beef cattle show a decline of 25 to 50c, while the good to choice yearlings, feeders and fat stock are selling at strong prices. "We expect liberal runs for two or three weeks and not much change in prices, but we have confidence in a better market for stock cattle, In cluding good quality 'she' stock, next spring and believe it will pay to hold cattle over whenever you have plenty of feed and protection against storms. "Ship out anything that must come, whenever you can get cars, and we will do our part to give you the best service and results possible. "The hog market Is on the down grade again and prices will probably settle down around a $13.00 basis during the winter. "Sheep and lambs are selling well and should do better after the holi days. ' , "The world must be fed and we must do most of it for two or three years at least and with labor well employed and getting good pay, we don't look for very low prices for some time." The Bowles company will be glad to hear from any of our readers whenever they think they can help them in any way. .Hotel Castle "The House of Safety" 300 Rooms Absolutely Fire-Proof Sixteenth and Jones Streets OMAHA On Direct Car Line to Stock Yards. i Fred A. Gastle, Prop I Hotel Rome 16th and Jackson Streets, Omaha Reasonable Rates For the convenience of our patrons we have installed an exclusive Auto Bus service between this Hotel and the Union and Burlington stations. iGtDD 3 Fare 25 cents each way. Makes all trains at all houra. . When you arrive at Depot look for Hotel Rome Auto Bus, up stairs and across the street Modern Cafeteria in connection, open day. and night Prices reasonable. FIREPROOF SPRINKLER SYSTEM OP LOCAL INTEREST Some reople We Know, and We Will Profit by Hearing About Tliem This Is a purely local event. It took place In Alliance. Not in some faraway place. You are asked to Investigate it. Asked to believe a citizen's word; To confirm a cltlsen's statement. Any article that Is endorsed at home Is more worthy of confidence Than one you know nothing about, Endorsed by unknown eople. O. II. Williams, stationary fire man, 42J. Yellowstone St., sayB: "My back was lame and ached steadily and heavy work would about use me up. Doan's Kidney pills relieved me and I endorse them as a first-class kidney medicine." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Williams had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 51 Women's skirts In Paris are to b shorter and waists lower an effort to make both ends meet. Soon there will be enough French brides In this country to keep them from getting lonesome. NEBRASKA RANCHMEN, FARMERS, BUSINESS MEN It is to Your Interest to Insure Your Property IN A STRONG NEBRASKA COMPANY Keep Your Premium Money in Your Home State Where It Will Work for You Insurance business in Nebraska today is effectually safeguarded by the State. Each Insurance Company must conduct its business in certain ways set down in Nebraska law. The funds of Nebraska fire companies are invested as prescribed by the State Law for the safety of both stockholders and policy holders. The Liberty Fire Insurance Co. OMAHA OFFICE: 1817 Douglas Street of OMAHA LIN.COLN OFFICE Second Floo of the Little Hldg. Old Line Legal Reserve Stock Company $1,500,000 Authorized Capital and Surplus Liberty Bonds, the best security on earth, $100,000 worth deposited with the State of Nebraska for the protection of policy holders as well as stockholders of the Liberty Fire. Also Purchased $25,000.00 Victory Bonds in Addition to Above The Liberty Fire writes every known kind of Fire and Tornado Insurance on Town end Farm property, and Automobile loss by rire, 'melt, Liability, rroperty uamage, collision ana .accidental aeatn, aiso nan insurance on growing grain. are now averaging $1,000 per day, more than $60,000 in premiums written during the months ox April and May. Losses covering Premiums paid in cash as soon as proofs are received. P. F. ZIMMER President P. F. Zimmer has managed twenty-seven years of successful Insurance Business and bat invested $50,000 in the Capital of ths Liberty Fire. GEO. J. ADAMS, Vice-Pres. R. J. WACHTER, Secy. -sr - -