The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 13, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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uirrrKiuxd mi:
(Continued from page G)
meet tht situation."
Agencies that contribute to the
production of live-Mock are Impor
tant factors in this nation' develop
ment. Thousands of animals In good
condition are lost each year through
careless handling of the railroads oc
casioned on account of long bauls,
Insufficient feeding and watering and
other causes.
Points such as Sheridan, Wyom
ing, that could figure three days to
Omaha, now figure five and seven
days. Then, again, it Is Impossible
for shippers to arrive at the market
the first of the week because of the
unsatisfactory shipping, where In a
commercial yard at Alliance will of
fer a trading facility for this com
munity the value of which can not
be exprenaed In dollars and cents.
Through arrangement with four of
the largest refrigerator car builders
the Alliance Tacking company will
operate under Its control leased re
frigerator cars bearing their name
which will Insure to the consuming
public a ready Bupply of processed
meat, and Instead of having to wait
for packing house products to be
hauled three or four hundred miles
before distributing the distributing
will start at Alliance and cover a
radius of some two to three hundred
miles, In many cases solid cars be
ing sent to distributing points such
as Newcastle, Wyoming; Mullen, Ne
braska, and Chadron, Nebraska, be
fore "breaking bulk."
Statistics show that our produc
tion of live-stock does not keep pace
with our Increased population. This
can be best shown by comparison of
the number'of animals In the United
States during previous years and at
present, which indicates as follows:
L Cattle of
all kinds Swine Sheep
10,778.907 30.354.213 21,723,220
61,803,000 8,186,000 52,448.000
Est. Jan'y 1, 1919
67,866,000 75,587,000 49,863,000
Fortunately for this feneration we
have not reached the limit of live
stock production and we still have
available for our llve-Btock produc
tion millions of acres of land adapt
able to th la business.
l'lan to Improve Quality
The systematic Improvement of
live-stock through good, puro bred
etres Is not a new project, but rather
an old effort made more definite.
Beginning October 1 this year the
bureau of animal Industry is to give
official recognition to live-stock own
ers who use only good, pure bred
clres of good quality In all classes of
live-stock. This recognition is In the
form of a nCat certificate which the
owner may display if he chooses.
The scrub sire has long been out
lawed from the farms of progressive
breeders, but unfortunately there are
many hundreds of thousands of Bcrub
breeding males still In use in the
country.. By concentrating public
opinion on 'the scrub sire's demerits
and the damage he does the industry,
It is hoped to hasten his departure
and also the advent of good sires.
We strongly urge that only good pure
breds be used to head the herds and
flocks of the United States. Ia ad
dition to the educational work, rec
ords will be kept of the rate of prog
ress in different parts of the country.
Facts the Basis of All Constructive
The protection of public health
will always be of paramount interest,
but aside from that perhaps (he most
Important activity is the collection of
facts and figures relative to the live
stock industry. With the establish
ment of the Alliance Tacking com
pany not only comes federal meat in
spection for the community, bat
other government agencies which
will Interest themselves and the gov
ernment in the more important fac
tors of production of meat animals.
Federal meat inspection has resulted
In Important information leading to
Bring Back its Color and Lustn
with Grandma's Sage
i Tea Recipe.
Comrpon garden sage brewed Into a
heavy tea. with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray, streaked and
fa.led hair beautifully dark and luxuri
ant Mixing the Sare Tea and Sulphur
recipe at home, though, is troublesome.
An easier way is to pi t the rea,Iv-to use
preparation improved by the add'ition of
other inpretlieuU, costing about 60 cents
a large bottle, at drun uton-s, known as
"Wyeth's age and Sulphur Compound,"
thus avoiding a lot of mum.
While gray, faded hair is not sinful, we
all desire to retaiu our youthful appear
ance and attractiveness By darkening
your hair with Wyeth's Sage anJ Sulphur
Compound, no one can tell, btvause it
does it so naturally, bo evenly. You
iut dampen a sponpj or aoft brush with,
t and draw this through your hair,
taking ona small tit rand at a time; by
morning all gray Lairs have disappeared.
After another application or two your
hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy,
soft snd luxuriant and you appear years
younger. Wyeth's Sags and Sulphar
Compound U a delightful toilet requisite.
It is not intended for the cure, mitigation
or prevention of dieaase.
the control of animal diseases.
We know, for example, that tuber
culosis and hog. cholera eause more
than one-half of all condemnations
in federally inspected establish
ments. We need to know more about
the condition of animals slaughtered
under local inspection. We need to
know the definite relation between
the breeding of an animal and the
value of different cuts of meat the
carcass contains. We refer, of
course, to the need for figures on
large numbers of live-stock. We
need to know more about the factors
leading to rapid maturity, more
about shrinkage and more about the
location of meat production and sup
plies In this country at any given
It takes time and costs money to
get these facts, but such Information
and much more will be needed be
fore there can be any real stability
In live-stock production and methods
rof marketing.
Only upon a substantial founda
tion of accurate knowledge is It pos
sible to build enduring plants or pol
icies which will have the respect of
the public and become a real public
service. To this end the Alliance
Packing company has pledged Its un
tiring effort.
William Jennlncs Bryan Is opposed
to near beer. We haven't seen any
near enough to arouse his opposition.
for the acid-distressed stomach,
try two or three
after meals dissolved on the
tongue keep your stomach
sweet try Ki-moids the new
aid to digestion.
Retired Merchant Throw Away His
Cane hlnce Tanlac lluilt
Him Up
"Well, sir, It's a fact, that this
Tanlac has put me in shape to where
I have actually gained fourteen
pounds and this strikes me as being
remarkable, especially tor one of my
age, for I am now seventy-two," was
the statement made by P. W. Bemls
of 614 First avenue, Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, In an Interview, recently.
Mr. Befnis is a retired merrhant.
He was in the grain business In
South Dakota for twenty years and
numbers his friends by his acquaint
ance. "I had suffered from stomach
trouble and disordered kidneys for
three years, or more," he continued,
"and up to the time I got Tanlac I
had not been able to find anything
to help me. My stomach was in such
a bad condition that I was forced to
live on a very light diet all the time.
My kidneys bothered me constantly
and my back hurt me like 'blue
Kidney disease is no respecter of per
sona. A majority of the ills afflicting;
people today can be traced back to
kidney trouble.
Th kidneys are the most Important
organs of the body. They are the
fllterers, the purtnere, of your blood.
Kidney disease Is usually Indicated by
weariness, eleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, stomach trou
ble, pain in loins and lower abdomen,
call stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica
and lumbago.
All these derangements are nature's
signals to warn you that the klilneya
need help. You should use HOLD
MKDAL. Haarlem Oil Capsules Imme
' """T""""""'" -j tsl"
represents a V m ".' yxS
Delco -Xdght t
Tield. Hepiresexvf crfivJ
There Is a Delco -Light Man Near
No matter where you live, there
is a Delco-Light man within easy
reach of you.
This means much more to you
than mere convenience in the pur
chase of a Delco-Light plant.
These men are trained men they
KNOW electricity as applied to farm use.
They can advise you as to the size of
planfycu should have.
Delco-Light i$ a complete electric tight end pover
plant for farmt and country home$.
nil cranking air-cooled tall
bearing no belit only on
ptoce to oil Thick Plates.
long lived Storage Boiiery
vkv. 1
blazes.' I was In such a weakened
condition that I had to use a cane in
order to get around at all and, as I
had tried all tne different medicines
and had been under treatment sev
eral times without results I was be
ginning to think my age was against
me and that I would never feel like
myself again.
"Seeing Tanlac so highly recom
mended I finally bought a bottle as
a last resort, and could soon see good
results. Then I bought another
bottle, then another and so on and
just kept gradually improving, until
now I feel like I have taken a new
lease on life. I can eat Just any
thing I want without having the least
trouble with my stomach and am
feeling perfectly strong and healthy.
I have thrown my walking stick
away and am able to walk any place
I want to go. I am strong for Tanlac
because it has made a new man out
of me when I had reached the point
where I thought there was no help
for me. As I said, I have gained
fourteen pounds in weight and owe
my present good health to nothing
but the good work of Tanlac. I will
gladly confirm this statement to any
one who cares to consult me either
by letter or in person. In all the
years of my life I have never run
diately. The sooth I nr. healing oil stim
ulates the kldneyi, relieves Inflamma
tions and destroys the germs which
have caused It. Do not wit until to
morrow. Go to your druggist today and
Insist on GOLD MEOAX, Haarlem Oil
Capsules. In twenty-four hours yoi
should feel health and vigor returnlni
and will bless the day you first heari
of GOLD MKDAL. Haarlem Oil.
After you feel that you have cure
yourself, continue to take one or twi
capsules each day, so aa to keep ll
'first-class condition and ward off th
danger of other attacks.
Ask for the original imported OOU
MEDAL, brand. Three alses. Money re
funded If they do not help you.
Bainett Ranch Lighting & Appliance Company, Distributor
1545-16th Street Denver, Colorado
The Domestic Engineering Company, Dayton, Ohio
across a medicine that I consider in
a class with Tanlac."
Hundreds of such statements as
the above are reaching the Tanlac
offices daily from all parts of the
United States and Canada and, of
course, are very gratifying. Tanlac
contains wonderful reconstructive
properties and as a general tonic for
weak, run down systems has no
When people grow to the ripe old
age of Mr. Bemls their digestive or
gans lack vitality, act more slowly
and lesB effectively than In youth.
You'll never know how good pancakes
o&n bo until you have made them with
G cock's ff
Best ' fSuS
Makes delicious
Economical because it requires no milk or
eggs. Just add water and your batter is
ready to bake. jxgpt
They can see that your house and barn
are properly wired
They can superintend the installation of
the plant so that it will give you the most
efficient and economical service.
They can give you intelligent advice as to the pur
x chase and use of water system, washing machine,
churn, separator, milking machine and other appli
ances that you can operate with the electricity
furnished by Delco-Light.
And after the plant is installed they are always
near-by to advise with you and see that you get one
hundred per cent satisfaction out of its operation
PelcO'LWit h lightening labor, bettering living
conditions and actually paying for itself in time
and labor saved in more than 75,000 farm homes.
The circulation becomes poor, the
blood thins, the appetite falls and di
gestion weakens. Tanlac, the pow
erful reconstructive tonic, is the
ideal strengthener for elderly people,
because it creates a good healthy ap
petite, aids digestion, enriches the
blood, and in a natural way builds
up, strengthens and invigorates
feeble, run down, nerous and aged
Tanlac is sold in Alliance by F. H.
HolBten, in Hemlngford by Hemlng
ton Merc. Co., In Moffland by Mai
lery, Grocery Co.
II tgr-Ii
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cakes instantly-
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