PAGE TWELVE TIIE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 13, 1919 SOCIETY ' Mrs. J. S. Adams spent a few days last week with her husband at New castle, Wyo. Mlas Teresa Morrow returned Monday from a brief visit with Lin coln friends. Mrs. MarcuSxFrankle has returned from a visit with friends anl rela tives in Chicago. Mrs. Marcus Frankle hai returned from a visit with friends and rela tives In Chicago. ' Mr. and Mrs. Terey Cogswell are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nines of Itushvllle. The A. L. Johnson home on Mis sissippi avenue has been quarantined because of smallpox. Mrs. W. L. O'Keefe and daughter returned from a visit at Minatare the first of the week. Mrs. W. L. O'Keefe and daughter returned from a visit at Minatare the first of the week. II. A. O'Hara of Omaha spent a few days this week visiting with her cousin, Mrs. A. J. Tynan. The ladles' aid society of the Meth odist church met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. E. T. Kibble. . The ladles' auxiliary of the Pres byterian church met with Mrs. Harry Sims Wednesday afternoon. The woman's missionary society of the Baptist church met with Mrs. E. O. Laing Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Albert Gannon of Heuiing ford Is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. I. D. Lotapeich. Mrs. William Mitchell and Mrs. H. E. Oantz have Issued Invitations for a luncheon to be given this after noon. , Chief of Police Oscar Reld Is ill with a severe cold, and has been con fined to his home since the irat of the week. Miss Marguerite Carey la filling the vacancy In the United States land office caused by the resignation of Mrs. E. C. Greene. The Episcopal guild met at the parish house Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ray Hoag and Mrs. George Reed were hostesses. , The W. C. T. U. meets this after soon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. L. S. Dye, with Mrs. J. W. Reed in charge of the program. House aprons, gowns, camiHoIea and silk underskirts are among thi week's arrivals. Wghland-Ilolloway Co. r II. E. Reckard of Sheridan, Wyo., Is spending a fojv days with Ilev. J. Orrin Gould. Mr. Reckard was at one time president of the Sheridan Community club. Miss Eflie Hickerson of Lincoln visited her sister, Mrs. Trabert, sev eral days this week, coming to the city for the Homecoming day celebra tion. Word has been received by Dr.II. II. Dellwood of the death of a niBter, Mrs. John Cox, who died nt her home in Abblngton, 111., at the age of eighty-two. T. J. Deal left Sunday for York, where he met Mrs. Deal, who is on her way home from an eastern trip. They plan to spend several days in York before returning. " Mrs. Frank Bronkhorst of Oaies burg. 111., is visiting In Alliance at the home of her sister, Mrs. Vern Andres. Mrs. Bronkhorst enter tained the returned service men at the banquet and the dance at Elks' club Homecoming day. The Woman's club will meet at the parish house Friday afternoon where the. following program will be presented. "Modern Ficlion Writ ers." Mrs. Toohey; book review, se lected, Mrs. Dole. Mrs. Karl Myer and Mrs. Mable Feaglns will be hostesses. (VII 160. Hough dry 8c per lb. E. G. Lalng spent a few days in Grand Island the first of the wek. Rough Dry, 8c per pound. Alii ante Steam Laundry. Chester Hagan left for California Tuesday and will spend the winter there. 4nr line of fur-trimmed coats offers you best selection of the mar ket. IIIghland-Holloway Co. Mrs. William Mitchell will enter tain a number of her friends at a bridge luncheon foday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgle Kennedy of Crawford have been spending the week visiting at the Clarence Schafer home In Alliance. Mrs. Kennedy was formerly Miss Arlene Morrison of Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Burr of Aurora, parents of the two proprie tors of The Herald, Bpent Thursday and Friday of last week with us, on (heir way home from the special ses sion of the executive castle of th2e Royal Highlanders. We had a mighty pleasant visit with them, and managed to crowd a good bit of vis iting Into two pretty busy days. Dad got right Into the harness and helped punch the typewriter with good ef fect. Miss Edna Benedict and her sister, Mrs. Loom is left Friday night for Spokane and other western points. They expect to be gone about a month. Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Mars land entertained at a six-course dinner at the Alliance Hotel Monday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gregg. The guests were Miss Elizabeth Wil liams and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gregg of Marsland. , Rough Dry, 8c per pound. Alli ance Steam Laundry. Mrs. C. E; Hershman entertained at a 1:80 luncheon Saturday. The afternoon was spent playing bridge. The guests were the Mesdames J. A. Johansen, R. E. Knight, W. R. Mets, E. II. Boyd, H. E. Reddish, William Mitchell, II. E. Ganti and Mrs. Eric son of Lead, S. Dak. In That Sad Hour you have the consolation of knowing that you have at your command the services of thoso who can give to the departed the same kind at tention that you bestowed on them in life. Geo. D. Darling MOTOR AMBULANCE Day or Night Phones Day, 139; Night 8, 299, 033. mm m Select the Memorial Best adapted to the surroundings of your cemetery lot. Write us for our plans. PAINE-FISHB URN GRANITE COMPANY Grand Island, Nebraska Rough Dry, So per pound. Alli ance steam Laundry, Dr. II. A. Copsey Is enjoying a visit from his brother, Vertie, of Casper, Wyo. Mrs. C. H. Tully tr.i son Lloyd of Denver spent a few hours In Alliance on Friday. On November 6 at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Slsley,. the marriage of their daugh ter, Mary, to Roy Tlgnor, took, place. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Oriel Slsley, and Charles Sisley attended the groom. The home was beautifully decorated for the occa sion. The young couple received many beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Tlgnor will be at home to their many friends on a farm a short .dis tance from Alliance. imi't'H M innviXL is A POTATO GROWKR KMnblKlied New Record In Potato (rowing on IjumI Iorated Near the City of Alliance One hundred and fifty bushels per acre of high grade Triumph potatoes on seventy-one acres is the record of Bruce McDowell and Norman McCorkle of Alliance. And never a team was In the field the entire Ben son. The planting and cultivating was done by Mr. McDowell, whose doughty Fordson and Case tractors took the placo of horses. The 10,650 bushels of spuds were raised on land which is located two miles southwest of Alliance, Just south of Bronco lake, In the "potash district." Box Butte county raises many thousands of bushels of Triumph, which are the red variety, potatoes each season. They are practically all shipped to Texas during the win ter and early spring and used there for seed. It is understood that Messrs. McDowell and McCorkle have been offered $2.50 per bushel for spring delivery. Call 160. Rough dry 8c per lb. ance Steam Laundry. A. V. Gavin has as his guests his brother, J. C. Gavin of Kansas City. Judge Ford of Broken JJow spent Saturday In Alliance. There is not likely to be much feminine finery in Uncle Sam's de partment stores. ?GOOD PROSPIXTS FOR NEW m'SINESSES' Two lines of business which have not heretofore been represented on the membership list of the Alliance Comunity club bid fair to be lined up In the near future, vis.: A floral establishment and a bonded abstrac ter. At the present time there. Is no florist nor abstracter In the city be longing to the commercial organlta tion, but two different out-of-town florists and on abstracter are in cor respondence with the Community club. All of them are anxious to come to Alliance, and It appears prob able that it will not be long until the Community club will have both of these lines of business represented on its membership list. HARPER'S SHOP EARLY STORE CLOSES AT 9 :00 P. M. SATURDAY The Arrival Today of Hundreds Upon Hundreds of Addi tional Garments Will Make Saturday The Banner Day of Our Remarkable Purchase and Sale of GOATS and DRESSES " Masterstrokes" in buying are so few and far between these days that an event like this becomes extra-extraordinary, "our buying of the entire sample lines and season's surplus of two of the largest New York coat manufacturers and a great dress house produces a selling and buying opportunity not equaled in many months or to be equaled in months to come. ' ' Two Most Wonderful Groups of Women's Winter Coats Fur Collar and Self Collar Styles, at 883& $34.50 and $49.50 g?" Read a few of the many attractions in this coat sale Silvertone Coats Bolivia, Broadcloth, Silvertip, Pom Pom and Novelty Mixture Coats; in Black, Taupe, Reindeer, Brown, Navy, Beet, Gray, Copen, Oxford, Plum, Foch, Wistaria, also beautiful pile fabric Plush and other luxurious weaves in thesale at $34.50 and $49.50. Two Remarkable Groups of Women's Dresses For Street and Afternoon Wear Dresses Worth FJE? ,f fj S Dresses Worth to$54.50 w&J. J O andwy5 J O to$64.50 No wonder the interest in this sale is at high pitch with such opportunity to buy Satin, Georgette, Velvet, Tricotine, Serge Dresses and clever combinations at such entirely unexpectedly low prices. WE BUY FOR CASH AND WE SELL FOR CASH Read the many attractive 6tyles involved Embroidered, Beaded, Chenille, Fringed, Tucked, Sash, Cord, Angora and Button Trimmed; Draped effects, Russian Blouse, Panel, Tailored, Tunic, straight line and suit effects. Short or long flar ing or tailored sleeves. All wanted Autumn colors. Early shopping Saturday has a two-fold advantage Complete selections and better service combine to produce utmost satisfaction. PLEASE SHOP EARLY. . . Women 's Wearing Apparel South Floor WE BUY FOR CASH WE SELL FOR CASH ARJPER Big Store Cash Store WE BUY FOR CASH AND SELL FOR CASH