FAOK FOUR THE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 30, 1919 IP OCIETY -Colorado apple, fS.ftO bo $2.. 43 In bulk, Farmers t'nlon. Mr. Jack Barry of Sheridan, yrjo,. Is visiting. Alliance friends. - Miss Myrtle Davis,, teacher In the, Jloffland schools, spent Saturday in Alliance. Short : spicy sermons and good snnate every night at the Christian church. 4 9 Dr. C. E. Slagle and wife returned Wednesday from a ahort trip to Chicago. Calrln Walker of the A. II. Jonea company vent to Crawford today on tmalneas. Mrs. George rJletllne and Mrs. W. E. Smith of Antlocb spent Tuesday n Alliance. Xf yon want to save money, buy .our rait, coat, dress and hat from n lews one-fourth of our extremely low price. Wghland-IIolloway Co. Mrs. A. W. Clozier, who has spent the past two weeks visiting at the Jjome of her sister, Mrs. W. B. Bar Sett, returned Wednesday to her feome in Denver. Mrs. I. L. Atcheson entertained the members of the Methodist choir and orchestra at a Hallowe'en party . Tuesday evening. The house was Very artistically decorated with ap propriate decorations. Ghosts and Hallowe'en games were the features ot , the evening. Luncheon Was erred. ; ' ",T Mrs. F. E. Moisten entertained Thursday afternoon W honor of Mrs. Dorance of Lead, S. D. The after soon was spent Informally, after Vhlch a luncheon waa served. The meats were the Mesdamea B. C. An derson, Bernard Holsten, II. E. Red dish, J. J. Dlion. Kv V., Cox, William Mitchell. Marvin JDlckeospn,',' Errlc aon. and H. II Oanlt The Misses Helen Scholtand Edna' wvwuiia euvvtUMiicu m, miscellan eous shower Thursday evening In Jionor of Miss Marion Grebe, whose engagement to William Lunn has teen announced. The evening was pent informally. Dainty refresh ments were served. The guests were the Misses Marian Grebe, Ros in Merk, Myrtle Watts, Edna Bebe dict, Ethel Graham, Leona Shreve, L Rhea, Emerald, Gradner, Mary Wilson, Janet Grassman, Mabel 43raaaman, Edith Jacks, Wanda Adams, and Mesdamea W. L. O'Keefe, W. O. Bauman and E. C. Green. Hear the little giant every night at the Christian rhurrh. 49 Miss Mable Young spent the week end visiting her sister, Mrs. W. R. Mets. , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zurches of Celesta were Alliance shoppers on Tuesday, Tli price of our goods brings high grade garments with the reach of all. lilghland-Ilolloway Co. John T. Taylor of the Taylor Jenkins company of Omaha spent Wednesday In Alliance on business. There is more satisfy lim for less money in our goods than any others jou can buy. lUghlaiid-IIollo-way Co. Arthur Wing, who Is an employe of the Standard Potash company, of Lakeside, .spent the first of the week In Alliance. , Mrs. Lillian Hobbs returned to Al liance Friday after spending three months visiting with her children at Interior, S. D. The Misses Elnore and Leona Wheeler spent Saturday ahopping In Alliance. Miss Elnore teaches at Ashby and Miss Leona at Bingham. Misa Josephine Ganson has re turned from Saginaw, Mich., where she has been taking Instruction as execulv secretary of the home serv ice of the American Red Cross. ' .MiW Hasel Jting haa been teach Ing school' aV Marsland. Mr. Sullen berger' Is thtf'soifof Mrs.' J. Suleri b'erger,f Marsland. Mr. and Mrs. Sullenberger will' make their home on a homestead near Casper, Wyo. The T. F. A.'s entertained about thirty-five members and their ladles a. a' banquet at the Alliance hotel Saturday evening. Music, short speeches and dancing formed the en tertainment for the evening.' Mrs. H. F. TneileVnd Mrs. George Darling entertained at' bridge Mon day at vfhlch time Mrs. Jack Barry was the guest of honor. About twelve guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson left Saturday for Los Angeles, Calif., where they will spend the winter. They were accompanied as far as Sterling, Colo., by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson. Clark Hlckey and wife of Mars land spent Sunday visiting at the home of Jock Mettlln. Mr. and Mrs. Mettlin also enjoyed an over Sunday visit from their son-in-law, John Popp, of Miles City, Mont. Any Color You Want We arc specializing at this time on our Chryg anthemums. "We have them in "White, Pink and Yellow. All are large, beautifully colored and symmetrically shaped. They make an appropriate' birthday gift, or add the finishing touch to interior decorations. We can show them better than we can describe them. ALLIANCE FLORAL CO. ; 204 Box Butte Ave. GOODYEAR STANDARDS In all the years of tire building the manufacturers of Goodyear Tires have constantly kept before them the high ideal of Perfect Service to the Consumer. When you select your Tires take the first step toward Tire Comfort make them Goodyear. ffl We carry a complete stock of Goodyear Tires and can fill your wants when you want them. BUICK GARAGE 0. L. KEBR, Manager Colorado ple, f2.HO hot; 2.. 23 in bulk. Farmers Union. Mrs. Howard Reddish entertained at a bridge party Saturday afternoon In honor of her mother, Mrs. Errlc Bon, of Lead, S. D. The guests were Mesdamea Hershman, Mets, R. E. Knight, R. O. Reddish. F. E. Hol sten, H. E. Reddish, Bernard Hol sten, William Mitchell and H. ' E. Gantt. Mrs. Elva Hamilton spent the first of the week visiting at the home of Mrs. D. A. Garretson at Mullen. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Gar retson and Mrs. Vern Hamilton of Sterling, Colo. Mrs. W. B. Barnett entertained at a luncheon Tuesday in honor of her sister, Mrs. A. W. Clozier. of Denver. The guests were the Mesdames A. W. Colxer, W. R. Metz, W. L, O'Keefe, E. D. Mallery. R. O. Red dish, A. V. Hunt, Wm. Mitchell, Reu ben Knight, Ericson, H. E. Gantc and II. E. Reddish. PROGRAM AT CENTRAL SCHOOL The following program will be given free at 8 p. m., Central school; October 31: Piano duet Phillis Thompson and Mardell Drake. Reading Irene Epler. Piano solo Ruby Nation. Piano solo Gertrude Carpenter. Piano duet Margaret and Esther Vanderlas. Vocal solo Miriam Harris. Piano solo Phillis' Thompson. , Reading Dorothy Worley. Piano solo Miss Wilson. Piano duet Phillis Thompson and Mardell Drake. Other features begin tX t:30. There will be a ''ghost throw," 'ar pie dtve," "fish' pond," "wonderful horse," "Hilarity hall," "ghost scream" and mony other attractions. A good time for everyone at a very reasonable cost. Come and enjoy yourself. i For rent, modern room for one or two gentlemen. Mrs. Nettie Camp bell; 'phone" 71?.' v - ' tt FIRST IIA1TIST CHCRCH The church Is to be favored Thurs day by the coming of Dr. Chas. A. Cook, pastor of the First Baptist church of Butte, Mont. He will pre sent to the. membership of the church some of the "big things" of the denomination. Mr. Collins of Lincoln and Mr. Bancroft of' Omaha will also have part In the program at the church' Thursday' evening. There will be a regular service of the church Sunday and a hearty In vitation is extended to everyone to be present to as many of the services of the day as possible. Good music by a chorus choir, good speaking oh live topics, and good fellowship, are a few of the features of the church service. Bring a friend and enjoy the hospitality of a "home-loke" church. J. ORRIN GOULD, Minister. The Reason' A clergyman in the pulpit was a fearless expounder of fight and wrong, but in the domestic circle maintained, for prudential reasons, considerable reserve of speech' and action. ; On one occasion' when this divine visited a neighboring town the editor o fthe only paper there, which never failed to notice the presence of a stranger In town, offered the follow ing, so worded as to prove unwitting ly keen: . " "Doctor Carrol is once more among us for a brief stay. ' He says and dots exactly as he thinks' right, with out regard to the opinions or beliefs of others. His wife Is'riot with him." He Was Looking Too . An Ohio farmers wrote that he owner nine cows, and asked Repre sentative Nicholas' Longworth to send him a government exterminator of flies. He got this reply: . "Sorry, But I," too, am in quest of the same thing, - I have no cows, but r have &' bald" head."'" " . Program at the' MPERIA THEATRE for the Week-end Matinee 10c and 15c Night 15c and 25c With War Tax THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 ADOLPII ZUKOR Presents r Marguerite Clark in "LET'S ELOPE" This picture is 5,000 feet long and contains 5,000 screams. Marqucrite Clark appears with that distinctive winsome ness which holds her admirers. It is a comedy out of the ordinary. r ' . ' " - - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 METRO presents Bert Lytell "in "BLIND MAN'S EYE" This is a story wherein circumstantial evidence convicts a man, who is later saved by a woman's love. The Latest Current Events as shown in the Illustrated Weekly SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 WILLIAM FOX presents the world-wide known "Comedy Kids" Katherine Lee in "SMILES" A Special Added Attraction Charley Chaplin in "TRIPLE TROUBLE" . Also "MUTT AND JEFF IN SWITZERLAND" All These Attractions Are Shown Saturday Night at No Advance in Price SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 a Bid FIVE feature " RESCUING ANGEL" This picture has met with marked favor wherever it has been shown. You will be sure to lik eit. I' i L V M & ft The Most Efficient Service Iflus Unequalled Values in Fall Eobtwesal for Womeii DEMONSTRATE to your own' satisfaction the advantages of 'shoe buying in our Greater Shoe Section. Here you'll find not only the best shoe values obtainable, but sincere service that insures lasting satisfaction with wTiat you buy. THREE SEPARATE AND4 DISTINCT SHOE DEPARTMENTS IN ONE A STORE FOR WOMEN - A STORE FOR CHILDREN A STORE FOR MEN S E R V I C E 1 Mr! Paul Back, an Expert Shoe Fitter, in Charge. Call in and get acquainted with him. Have him se lect you a perfect fitting shoe. . Beauty Boots Win Hearty Approval Women's Black Kid Beauty Boots, hand turned, Louis heels just arrived. Priced $10.25. Special Black and Brown Calf Skin Ladies Shoe, Military Heel.' Brown at ;fS.60 Children's School Shoe Headquarters Extensive selections of children's dress and school shoes. Brown and black kid. Brown and Black Calf button and lace styles. Specially built for this store, famous for sturdy shoes $2.50 to $6.00 FERRIS SlfOES EXCLUSIVE HERB BOY SCOUT SHOES LARG EST AND BEST SHOWING Greater Shoe Department Entire Middle Section Hain Floor W. R. Harper Dept. Store Big Store . Alliance, Nebraska ( PATRONIZE THE MERCHANTS WHO ADVERTISE