The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 30, 1919, Image 1

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    The Alliance Jr
Five Auto Iioiuls of IVimmtinity Club
Members Make a Vlit to
Kci.uliltoring Tohm
A pood many members of the Al
liance Community club were distinct
ly out of luck last Tuesday, when
they failed to show up for the auto
mobile trip to Broadwater and Osh
kosh. A party composed of three
women and about twenty men made
the trip In five automobiles, led by
J. S. Rheln's new Franklin, and re
turned late In the evening filled with
the spirit of co-operation and one of
the best dinners that was ever
served, either in Broadwater or else
where. Cars for the occasion were fur
nished by J. S. Rheln, W. R. Har
per, W. C. Mounts, Calvin D. Walker,
and Robert Graham, and carried, in
addition to their owners, the follow
ing passengers: Miss Sward, -Mrs.
Calvin D. Walker, Mrs. E. C. Drake,
Dr. W. J. Mahaffy, George L. Burr,
Dr. Minor Morris, Harold S. Thomas,
J. W. Bicknell, Ira E. Tash, J. B.
Miller, ReT. J. Orrln Gould, Rev. A.
J. Kearns, Glen Miller, Rufus Jones
and D. W. Strong, the latter acting
act trouble man for the trip. .
The start was made at 8:30 a. m.
from the Community club corner.
The route to Broadwater was over
"J. W. Bicknell's route through the
sandhills, and the first lap of the
trip was made in record time. Mr.
Bicknell and his workmen have put
in several months on the road, and
the result of their efforts is appar
ent. Not only has the route been
shortened, but low places have been
1 filled, hills eliminated and Morrill
county has reason to be proud of the
result. Several in the party who had
made the trip previously were loud
In their praises of the condition ot
the road. The drive to Broadwater
'was made in record time.
At Broadwater the party was
Joined by the mayor of Oshkosh, who
drove down with an automobile load
of good roads, boosters and piloted
the Alliance cars into their city. The
road between Broadwater and Osh
kosh, while not In as -good condition
as the first stretch, was a mighty
good sandhill road. '
. Arriving at Oshkosh, the party
was served with a warm lunch, after
which they were conducted to the
city hall, where a considerable num
ber of Oshkosh citizens gathered
After two cordial addresses of wel
come, J. S.' Rheln' was called upon
and in a short address outlined the
purpose of the trip. He told of driv
ing through Oshkosh recently and
upon asking the best route to Alii
ance, was sent on a route through
the sandhills that taxed his patience
and vocabulary. He declared that
the Broadwater road was by far tne
tetter, and suggested that Oshkosh
citizens do tourists a faor and send
them over a route that would not be
such a strain on their vocabulary
The Oshkosh citizens then sent
Mr. Riley to bat. Mr. Riley seems
to be the original good roads booster
of his county, and he bad a fund of
Information concerning good roads
projects In all directions frpm his
city that was nothing short of mar
velous. He explained that the Osh
kosh citizens had found it necessary
to establish and mark a route that
had as its final objective Lakeside
although it had been marked only
for a distance of thirty-six miles
This road did not go through Broad
water, and did not go directly to Al
liance, but he believed it could be
made to serve both Alliance and
OshkoBh. He stated, further, that
the .road between Oshkosh and
Broadwater had already been ap
proved for federal and state aid, and
that work would be begun as soon as
the contract was let. He had talked
with the state engineer'and the lat
ter had spoken of an Oshkosh-AUl-ance
road, and seemed to think that
indications were favorable for state
aid for such a road. His idea had
been that a more direct route than
through Broadwater could be found,
and yet have the road near enough
to the latter city so that connections
could be made.
Dr. Minor Morris gave an enthu
siastic address on co-operation In
general and the importance of high
ways in particular, which struck the
keynote of the meeting. Among
other things, he deplored the estab
lishment of roads on section lines,
Baying that he could see no reason
why heavy loads should be hauled up
and down hill when better routes
might be available. He said that
there was a basis on which the towns
of thii western country could come
together, and that good roads were
as essential to one as to another
The Oshkosh meeting was cut
tJhort In order to keep up with the
schedule, and the Alliance boosters
-were unable to accept the invitation
from Oshkosh to look over their
. city. .
Returning to Broadwattr, the
party found a banquet awaiting
them. Take it all in all. the banquet
was the real feature of the excur
sion. Following this, a well attended
meeting was held in one of the
Broadwater halls, where short talks
were made by J. B. Miller, Rev. J.
Orrin Gould, President Cilen Miller
of the Community club and Secretary
Rufus Jonc3. Dr. W. J. MahaiTy wrb 1
called upon for a vocal aolo as the
rat number on the program and re
sponded gracefully and cheerfully
ut not with a solo. The mayor of
Broadwater and two or three other
ltizens contributed short talks, tell-
ng or tne progress tnetr town naa
made and expressing a desire to co-
perate with Alliance for their mut
ual benefit.
The growth and prosperous condi
tion of both Broadwater Alll-
nce was a revelation -e who
made the trip. The ' a . un
doubtedly resulted '" - . friend
ly feeling tows .v0 s in both
of theee cltier , .ne long run
will probaK V? a the Improve
ment of th awater route and
its more get. a use. A close co
operation between Alliance, Broad
water and Oshkosh can result in
nothing but good for all three.
Xiiine of the New" Corporation Formed
to Build House In
Untitled to Cost Itullo' for Const!
tutlonnl Convention lHlc
gat en.
Alliance has plenty of room on sur
rounding prairies to expand. She
has plenty of 'business pouring in
from all directions to call for expan
sion. The chief difficulty Is to find
rdoms in which to transact such
business and homes for the people
who desire to become a part of our
citizenship. ,
To meet this need a mass meet
Ing was called at the court house a
week ago, and a committee was
named to consider this satisfactory
yet unsatisfactory situation. As the
outgrowth of this meeting a corpora
tion with canltal of $100,000 has
been organised bearing the name of
the Alliance Home Builders' associa
tlon, the purpose of which is clearly
suggested thereby.
At a meeting of the committee on
Friday night. Superintendent G. L.
ftrleeH was made president. M. S,
Hargraves, secretary, and J. W,
Guthrie, treasurer. Directors and in
corporators are G. L. Griggs, H. A.
Copsey. M. S. Hargraves, J. W. Guth
rie. F. W. Harris, A. D. Kodgers
Glen Miller, F. A. Bald and B. J
Sallows, who serve until January
The method of financing has not
vet been definitely determined but
will be the issuance and sale of s toe it
or the floating of 6 per cent bonds,
or both. They have ample powers
and the plan is to buy land and build
houses to sell from 32,000 upward
The need for at least a hundred such
houses is felt to De Immediate, ana
it is planned to build modern serv
iceable buildings that will be a credit
to the city.
The par value of stock it is agreed
will be ten dollars that all who de-
Bire may have a part proportionate
with their means and local patriot
ism in the development of the city
Gangs of men for each kind of build
in work will be formed to go from
one to another, and perform the
work In the most efficient and eco
nomical manner possible. It is
great conception, Is In the hands of
capable men, accustomed to deann
with large affairs and the formation
of the Alliance Home Builders' asso
ciation Is one of the best things d6ne
in this goo 1 year, by the people of
the most eiiterpvislns city of western
According to a recent decision of
the Nebraska supreme court, women
re entitled to a vote for delegates to
he constitutional convention at the
pedal election to be held November
4. To date t!ils question has been
the only exciting feature of the elec
tion. Seldom has so important a
matter achieved so little publicity.
Even the candidates themselves have
not appeared to take any great Inter
est in the matter.
The supreme . court opinion. In
brief, holds that the office of dele
gate to the constitutional convention
is not a constitutional office, but one
created by the legislature. Under
he act of limited suffrage, women
are entitled to vote for all state and
county officers not specifically named
n the constitution. They were not,
however,, entitled to vote on amend
ments to the constitution or consti
tutional questions. It was this lat
ter inhibition which was at the root
of the discussion, and the holding of
he court effectually disposes of the
Women voters who present them
selves at the polls in Box Butte coun
ty will find none to oppose them In
easting their ballots on this impor
tant question. If they do not turn
out. It Is a question whether much of
vote will be cast, judging from
present Indications.
November It Will He Celebrated In
S()lo -Everything Free lo
Senhe Men
Whole Week tioes by With Only Two
Fines Bootleggers Seem to j
Be Oat of Business
rolice Judge Roberts has been
able to take It easy most of the week.
In fact, there hasn't been a single
offender against the peace and dig
nlty of the state up before him since
last Saturday, when he assessed ; a
fine of 35 and costs, a total of ten
siraoleons, against Ray Eastburn,
who nleaded aullty to a charge of
driving an automobile without lights
The day before that Eldon Coker
contributed a like amount, pleading
guilty to a charge of speeding.
The police court has been more
or less dull since July 1. National
prohibition put the klbosb on the
bootlegger, largely by making it
more difficult to obtain supplies.
There have been quite a few nicked
for gambling, and the majority of
the gamblers were crapshooters, al
Every service man or woman who
can bo present in Alliance on Novem
ber 11, Armistice day, wll find not
only the heartiest of welcomes, but
a big program arranged with the
single Idea of helping them enjoy
themselves for every minute, of the
homecoming celebration. Among the
many features planned to make the
day a big success are a big banquet,
free dance, free moving pictures and
Tho bureau of war risk insur-fiiV-e
wishes to emphasize tho Impor
tance to service men of one of the
provision of the war risk Insurance
act upon the fulfillment of which
mny depend the validity of their
claim to compensation under the act.
The war risk Insurance act provides
(.hat "No compensation shall be pay
able for death or disability which
does not occur prior to or within one
jxir aftjr discharge or resignation
from tho service, except that where,
r.fter a medical examination
Hui'lirgion rfnd to Date In MHafcty
First" Compel It Ion Among
the lUllromls
Some months ago an Accident
Prevention drive of limited scop
was conducted by the government.
made nd ,be rtsu,,s were B0 satisfactory
pursuant to regulations, at the time
of discharge or resignation from the
service, or within such reasonable
time thereafter, not exceeding one
year, as may be allowed by regula
tions, a certificate has been obtained.
from the director to the effect that
that the present campaign lasting
from midnight October 18 to October
31 has been arranged for' all the
railroads of the United States.
The competition Is very keen, and
great Interest Is being taken by the
Burlington as well as other leading
football game. Every man or woman ,he lnJured perBOn at the tme of h,8 lines of the country. Not only eacb
who served in any branch of the serv
le will be admitted free to every
thing that is going on. All soldiers
and sailors are requested to come
In uniform.
The celebration, as originally
planned by the Community club, was
Intended to Include the whole county,
and announcement has been made to
that effect a good many times. Last
week, however, It developed, that the
Hemingford citizens were planning
on a similar celebration for Armis
tice day, and a committee of club
members made a trip last week to
talk the matter over with them and
see whether the Hemingford men
would not be willing to defer their
celebration. Their efforts were un
successful, however, and the Alliance
men will go ahead with the program
as outlined previously. There Is not
the least bit if ill feeling in the world
on the part of the Alliance club, and
It Is altogether likely that there will
be room for two big celebrations In
the county on the same day.
The committee in charge of the
telebration are:
Banquet Roy Strong and Mrs. W.
S. Thompson. This committee has
announced.that merchants will be so
licited for donations, the canvass to
be made the first of the week.
j Moving pictures J. W. Guthrie.
! Dance A. V. Gavin. Mr.' Gavin
reports that the Elks club will
finance the dance and furnish the
music. ,
Band Glen Miller.
; Transportation of service men to
football grounds Judge Ira E. Tash
jnd H. D. Hacker.
m L. E. Pllklngton is another mem
ber of the committee to whom spe
cific 'duties have not yet been assigned.
discharge or resignation was suffer- railroad, but each regional director
Ing from injury likely to result in trying to make a showing and the
death or disability." Many dls- drive here Is In charge of O. U
charged men are not familiar with Griggs, division superintendent, and
or are Inclined to disregard this pro- hl able assistant, A. V. Arnold. They
vlslon of law and are allowing their have under their direction 581 miles
rights thereunder to lapse. Request track, and a large number of em-
for the certificate mentioned above ployes In various departments whose
should be made to the chief medical co-operation they are asking In the
advisor, bureau of war risk Insur
ance, Washington, D. C.
(Vminilttce Appointed Will Outline
Plans for Work of Organization
Needed by City of Alliance
At a. mass meeting held at the
court house Wednesday evening
planB were discussed for the future
of the city mission work, which la as
sociated with that of the police ma
tron and the charitable work of the
city. Much Interest was shown.
There were present at the meeting
Mayor Rodgers and other prominent
Alliance people who are Interested In
the success of the work. Lloyd C.
Thomas acted as chairman of the
meeting. i
After the discussion It was voted
to recommend the appointment of a
committee who will meet, go over
the plans and reports of the mission,
and who will recommend a perma
nent organization. The report of
effort to make a good showing.
Up to the 28th instant, the result
has been most satisfactory, a very
large reducion being, undoubtedly
tracable to the drive. A mesage re
ceived yesterday, signed by E. M.
Swltzler, says the accidents have
been reduced to one killed and seven
teen Injured; that Beveral other
railroads are crowding for first place
but we can still win first place if ev
ery employe will use the utmost care.
He says the race will be lost or woo
in the next few days, and urges that
not a single careless accident be per
mitted to hapen. This Is work In
the worthiest of causes, and anything
that will lessen such casualties is a
credit to railroading and a benefit to
mankind. We hope to have for next
week a complete record of progress
made and to be able to announce
that the Burlington as per usual Is
ahead of all others.
October 28th, W. LaFluer, a truck
er at the Alliance freight house.
while at the passenger depot to work
trains 43 and 44, became confused (
while watching the former pull in
and stepped In front of the latter,
getting his left foot so badly
crushed that ' umputation became
necessary. He was taken to the AI-
another mas. meeting which will be hospital and is in care of the
held at an early date,
The organization committee ap
pointed will consist of the follow
ing: Mrs. H. D. Hacker, chairman;
J. S. Corp, Mrs. J. W. Reed, Rev. J.
Gould, Mrs. A. R. Acheson, Rev. A.
J. Kearns, Mrs. J. A. Keegan, Mayor
A. D. Rodgers, Ben J. Sallows or tne
Alliance Times and George L. Burr.
Jr., of the Alliance Herald, Rev. S. J.
company surgeon. - He had been In
the service of the Burlington here
but twelve days when the accident
occurred. -
tnouen a wee or bo bku . uc rn,.. pf innoa of the Commun-
Mexicans contributed total fine, and Purchases Lowry Henry Oarage Epler Rufu Jones of J the Comnaun
costs amounting to $150, being nd Will Remodel It to
caught In the act of playing the great Snlt melr Needs
American game of draw poaer.
Tha mnnth or lrpnrtiarr or imai
vr w.. the record-breaker. That One of the notable news events of
month Judge Roberts assessed and the week, meaning much in the up-
collected total fines and costs building ana development oi aiu-
.I a. al. .ii. . 1 I anra i th a rnnrlnslon of a real estate
MI. OotS lenth Vy" tVai de whereby the Golden Rule store George Duncan and J
. a. m v . I has nil n a ton tho hnllritns- on Box I The WOrK OI me cu
monin, no less man iour oooueggers v - - I. nna in Aiiinr. The In
police court, and Derore " .rA .h. h, .romine,
itv club, Mrs. William Glass, Rev.
Mearl C. Smith. Mrs. F. M. Fhelps.
Rev. J. J. Dixon, Mrs. Bettle Sharp,
Mrs. F. E. Landers and Mrs. Moses
Wright. An advisory committee will
nantat this committee and will be
composed of C. C. Smith, city man
ager; F. W. Harris. R. M. Hampton,
M. Miller,
The work of the city mission is an
had Lowery & Henry garage, which they terest shown by prominent citizen. off tfae water ,n one of tne
appeared in
yn.e. ""1 '. i.; f the largest will undoubtedly result In a perma-
iaiaineir coninouuon on me n " --- -- , i,ir that will rarrv on I
of justice. One wife beater appeared and most complete aeparm em siore. ... "to Tto all
r-K.., th-i.t Aa n the of this section. They will have a the work In a way satisfactory to an.
iut rhrP with that offenae. Wife building 50x140 feet, six times their
beating Is not so popular a pastime present floor space, and are design-1 INSTALL RED LIGHT
Ing sometning moaern ana Deumuui
in the merry month of May. Since Mr. W. B. Barnett. me manager,
that time not a single Illegal traf- states that when in tneir new duuo
ficker in the drink that inebriates ing several new lines will be added,
has been captured. Every now and and the business will be carried on
Will Re'Installed In New Paving Dis
trict Inspecting and Re
- piping Q14 plugs
An even dozen of the latest type
Ludlow fire hydrant, have been
ordered by City Manager Smltb and
will be Installed In the downtown
business district when the new pav
ing goes In.. The chief advantage
of the Ludlow is that it la equipped
1th a secondard valve, which will
permit making repairs on any one
hydrant without making it necessary
Tell Central to "Red Light the Po
lice" Wheneer You Have Need
of Their Services.
At the last regular meeting of
the board of directors of the Com
munity club there was discussion of
the Inequality of taxation. Follow
ing this F. A. Bald waa selected to
Investigate and make report on this
most important matter.
"Oh Daddy," which made its ap-
a t -A.
nearance at tne imperial meaier
Monday night, made a most favor
able impression on the large audi
ence which was there to greet It. It
was by all oddB the best perform
ance of the kind that has made Alli
ance this season. With no preten
tions as to depth of plot, and lta
mission solely one of entertainment,
"Oh Daddy" proved a pleasing bit
of nonesense. Some of the Jokea
were a trifle older than they should
have been, perhaps, and the situa
tion, were not the newest in musical
comedy circles, but the chorus was
young, and not at all hard to look
at and danced acceptably, while the
costumes were new if not startling
Another feature was the presence of
a person or two" who possessed pleas
ing voices.
mains. In the past it has not oeen
an uncommon ining 10 na u
water shut off in a couple of dozen
business houses while repairs were
being made, and this is one of the
things that is unlikely to happen
when the new hydrants are inetalled.
fin the meantime, the city water
department is making a rigid inspec
tion of every fire hydrant In the city,
and a good many of theui have been
found to be In bad order. A. water
Hereafter, when you look down
then some brother is fined on an in- in the same manner, gooas being sold Box Butte avenue and see a red glare ,ervice man and utility electrician
i.. , th strictly for cash, and the same care- t the Third street intersection, don t . h added to the city's payroll.
lUAlVttllUU , UCfcl fee:, 1 US ao w - 1 . . Irt I " " "
cops have been able to discover, the ful consideration and courteous ehrlek "Fire" and turn in the alarm Rnd Qe na8 been kept on the go ever
booze waa all private stock. treatment win oe given customers witnout lnvesugawns. '""J since he waa empioyeu. u iuj"-
ln thA nast. corner. atOD ine t irsi uuui f tha hvdrants nave oeen iuuuu
. .a , a 1 a A I. . aAt . A a.8 I V ft Vl A I . a . . iL A k A A
SPECIAL POLICE D. E. Bowaen, ineir arcnueci,, building, is a ouw-wan iru i to De jeaky, ana several oi mem
for. HALLOWE'EN gave u. iome Idea of the new build- largest and brigniesi in me not drain properly. At one piace on
Ing. which will have steel celling, which Is to be usea a. a ponce iu. p. . venue there has been a smau
new floors, skylights and a double and will Illumine the whole corner. ,ake on the street due to a defective
plate glass front with tiled entrance This - Is the system: w nenever nyarant. Wherever possible repairs
and lnhhv. There will be a symmet- there is need of the night policeman, ,.,. hut it has been found
rlcal arrangement of counters and aimnly take down the receiver of the to remove some of them
... ... . . I ... J a Amtrll I . t I Jk
rionnrtmemta with rasMle'r OeSK in a I nearPKt teleDUOne BHU nay luvtww-.-i .,. . tham have Deen OlICU Buu
central position and ample provl- "Red light the police." Then central -d B0 tnat If necessary a connec
City Authorities Will Take Precau
tions to (.uard Against
At least eight special policemen
t.v - 1 nY!l 4holB A a
UU Kifru auiuuiuuiira m iucii l - l - . i0tlv I "UD"V ' . .
nosal will be on guar'. Hallowe'en slon for dressing and rest rooms for will close a switch, and lnstanuy tJon caQ be made to them without
I. ..... . . i wwti I . ti.Li ..III hntrln (A sin HA fill I . a
night to prevent the gangs that us- botn laaies ana genuemen. wueu that rea ugui. - --
ii. i a ,v Aw.niv mmniotori it win h. well-arran eed. I rtn Untie avenue. At the same time
uany wib. uiua vu i-v i T. . . , ..wa .i th. ltr
from doing too much mischief. An commodious store room pTacucauy another rea nguv -----
especial watch will be kept on city fire proof and with one of the very nation will be turned on. and tne
property, but there are plenty of men best locations In the city. Mr. Bar- two of them will continue to Durn
. a a. .... L a Sa a .rt at r-. SI
ii-v.i.. r. ttA nmttun tn ninett la Tiannine ror a aenarimeni i tint i tne niKai wan" ""i'"
'" J-vrii.... 1 " . ". .. I" . .. . ...1.... a
parts of the city the whole night. store In every particular ana tne Alliance aoeBn i vjn rown tuli d Bhaped drinking cup, so
Hallowe'en is usually the scene of present lines carried by the Golden police force on duty ai dibbv v manufactured that It will be Impos-
I ... . i ii ! ... t ,va nAt&r svalem Will I iuuuv.i . -
a good bit of rough work, and tne Kuie store win De increaaea as migni use. . Ulble for anyone to toucn tne meiai
unnecessary delay.
Another purchase for use In the
new paving district is four sanitary
drinking fountains of the most mod
ern type. They will have a beavy
porcelain base and a Heavy sliver-
boys and young men are warned not J a. many new departments added.
to let their sense of humor run away
with tneir juagmeni. i Tha trees In the city park are
being put in shape to last through
ne result o fthe A. B. W heeler I the winter. When the spring ar-
fire last Saturday was the purchase I rives city Manager Smith expects to
of additional equipment for the fire I have a well formulated plan for park
department. An order has been development, and by this time next
placed for four electric lanterns. The rear Alliance's city park should be
fire fighters have been using the old I greatly improved. Among recent lm
kerosene lanterns, which were al- provements Is a crushed stone walk
. .t . .nn.Mcriihlv more
maKe me uue mu ""-'-v '
efficient. Hereafter. Mr. layior cu
go out anywhere In the city and not
need to fret about a hurry call com-
ing in his absence, uuto
light is turned on it I. impossible to
miss seeing it. and within a short
time be can be where he is needed.
i i. ..M that dlvbrces have
dn.ihled in England since the war
ways going out when most needed, being built to grade along the south Probably the habit or ngnung
and which were difficult to light. side of the park. 'strong.
and drink at the same time. These
will be Installed immediately upon
their arrival. -
Mrs. W. R. Harper entertained
Saturday afternoon In honor of the
third birthday of her daughter.
Betty. The afternoon was Bpent with
games, after which refresh mente
were, served. Miss Betty received
many presents. About fifteen chil
dren enjoyed the afternoon.